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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Probing Electron Correlations with First-principles Calculations of the High Harmonic Spectrum in Solids

Alam, Didarul 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
High harmonic generation (HHG) is an extreme non-linear phenomenon where strong laser fields interact with a medium to produce coherent and high-frequency harmonics of the incident light. It has emerged as a rapidly growing research area in bulk materials since its first observation in ZnO crystals in 2011. Over the past decade, pioneering studies have already been made in understanding the details of the microscopic mechanism behind this phenomenon, like the role of intra- and inter-band transitions, the contribution of the modulus and the phase of the dipole moment to even and odd harmonic peaks, the role of the oscillating dipoles, effects of broken symmetry, etc. However, the role of electron-electron correlations in the HHG from strongly correlated materials is much less understood. In these materials the interactions between electrons play a significant role, leading to complex and intriguing physical behaviors. In this dissertation, on the example of ZnO, perovskites BaTiO3 and BiFeO3, and transition-metal oxide VO2 I will study the role of electron-electron interaction effects in the HH spectra by using the time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) approach with the exchange-correlation kernel obtained with dynamical mean- field theory (DMFT). In DMFT, one takes into account time-resolved on-site electron-electron interactions (neglected in most of other approaches) that are crucial for a larger part of strongly correlated materials. As I demonstrate, correlation effects significantly modify the HH spectrum, e.g., through the ultrafast modification of the spectrum of the system, as it was found for ZnO. As the next step, I explored the effects of electron-electron correlations in the HH spectrum of BaTiO3 perturbed by intense, few-cycle mid-infrared laser excitations. The correlation effects in this system lead to the emergence of "super-harmonics" - periodic enhancements and suppressions of specific harmonic orders that depend on the correlation strength. I extended my analysis to the case of BiFeO3, where in addition to correlation effects the effects of memory in HHG were analyzed. I have found that both correlation effects and memory lead to an extension of the harmonic cutoff. In my final part, I explored the effect of electron correlations on the HH spectrum of VO2 and compared my findings with the experiment. The obtained results may shed light on the often important role of electron correlations in the HH spectra of solids, providing valuable insights into ultrafast dynamics in complex materials, and contributing to advancements in nonlinear optics and strong-field physics, with the potential for novel photonic devices and imaging techniques in the attosecond and femtosecond regimes.

Geração de harmônicos de pulsos laser de femtossegundo pela técnica de conversão de frequência em capilares preenchidos com gases nobres / Harmonics generation of femtosecond laser pulses by the technique of frequency conversion in noble gas filled capillaries

Siqueira, Jonathas de Paula 26 June 2012 (has links)
O propósito principal desta tese foi a implementação e estudo da geração de pulsos laser de femtossegundos em comprimentos de onda curtos (ultravioleta profundo, ultravioleta de vácuo e ultravioleta extremo) pela técnica de conversão de frequência em capilar preenchido com gás nobre. Esta técnica de conversão de frequência tem feito diversas contribuições nas últimas décadas para o avanço da geração de pulsos laser ultracurtos nesta região espectral. O desenvolvimento de tais fontes de luz coerente possui importantes implicações nos estudos de espectroscopia resolvida no tempo em átomos, moléculas e materiais. Através da implementação da técnica de conversão de frequência com casamento de fase em capilar preenchido com gás argônio, foi possível a obtenção de pulsos de femtossegundos centrados em 260 nm e 195 nm utilizando um sistema laser amplificado Ti: safira (780 nm, 1.5 mJ, 43 fs, 1 KHz). Estes comprimentos de onda correspondem, respectivamente, aos terceiro e quarto harmônicos da frequência fundamental do laser utilizado. Pulsos centrados em 260 nm com excelente perfil espacial, energias da ordem de microjoules e durações temporais tão curtas quanto 18 fs, possibilitadas pela recompressão por um par de prismas, foram obtidos, os quais possuem grande aplicabilidade em estudos de espectroscopia não linear e resolvida no tempo. Pulsos ultracurtos centrados em 195 nm também foram obtidos. Uma investigação da influência da modulação da fase espectral do pulso laser em 780 nm sobre a geração de harmônicos através do processo do mistura de quatro ondas, também foi realizada. Desta forma, foi implementado um sistema de controle de formato de pulso laser de femtossegundo na configuração 4f baseado em um modulador espacial de luz de cristal líquido com o objetivo de modular a fase espectral dos pulsos laser em 780 nm. Este sistema de controle de formato de pulso foi então integrado ao sistema de geração de pulsos ultracurtos no ultravioleta profundo através do processo de mistura de ondas já implementado. Este estudo teve como objetivo, a obtenção da modulação indireta da fase espectral de pulsos em 260 nm através da transferência de fase espectral modulada de pulsos em 780 nm. Resultados iniciais interessantes foram obtidos utilizando uma fase espectral do tipo degrau com amplitude radianos, indicando a correta implementação do sistema. A obtenção de pulsos laser de femtossegundos no ultravioleta profundo com fase espectral modulada é de grande interesse para realização de experimentos de controle coerente nesta região espectral e também para estudos básicos de como a transferência de fase espectral ocorre para diferentes processos ópticos não lineares. Experimentos de geração de altos harmônicos pela técnica de conversão de frequência com casamento de fase em capilar preenchido com gás nobre, utilizando pulsos laser de femtossegundos em 400nm e 800nm, foram realizados durante estágio na Universidade do Colorado, EUA. Neste estudo, utilizando pulsos em 400nm, foi obtido um aumento maior que uma ordem de grandeza na região espectral em torno de 60eV em comparação com o fluxo de harmônicos gerados, nesta mesma região de energia, com pulsos centrados em 800nm. Por fim, através da experiência adquirida durante este estágio, foi desenvolvido e implementado em nosso laboratório um sistema de geração de altos harmônicos na região do ultravioleta extremo, baseado na técnica de conversão em capilar preenchido com gás argônio. Harmônicos de alta ordem na região de energia de 40ev (31nm) foram obtidos, tendo sido demonstrada a conversão sob condição de casamento de fase. Utilizando pulsos de femtossegundos em 780nm, a ordem máxima do harmônico observada foi igual a 27 (28.9nm, 42.9eV), devido a limitação da faixa espectral do monocromador utilizado em nossos experimentos. A implementação deste sistema torna disponível no Grupo de Fotônica, uma fonte de luz coerente no ultravioleta extremo, cujas propriedades únicas já tem sido amplamente exploradas em uma variedade de estudos de ciência básica e aplicada. / The main purpose of this thesis was the implementation and study of femtosecond laser pulses generation at short wavelengths (deep ultraviolet, vacuum ultraviolet end extreme ultraviolet) by the technique of frequency conversion in a hollow fiber filled with a noble gas. This frequency conversion technique has made several contributions in the last decades to improve the generation of ultrashort laser pulses in this spectral region. The development of such coherent light sources has important implications on ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopic study of atoms, molecules and materials. Through the implementation of the technique of phase matched frequency conversion in a gas filled hollow fiber using argon, it was possible to obtain femtosecond pulses centered at 260 nm and 195 nm using a Ti: sapphire amplified laser (780 nm, 1.5 mJ, 43 fs, 1 KHz). These wavelengths corresponds, respectively, to the third and fourth harmonics of the laser fundamental frequency. Pulses centered at 260 nm with excellent spatial profile, energies on the order of microjoules and temporal durations down to 18 fs, trough the compression by a prism pair, were obtained, which have wide applicability in nonlinear and time resolved optical spectroscopic studies. Ultrashort pulses at 195 nm where also obtained. An investigation of the influence of the spectral phase modulation of the laser pulses at 780 nm on the four-wave mixing nonlinear process for harmonic generation was also performed. In this way, a femtosecond pulse shaper based on a liquid crystal spatial light modulator in the 4f configuration was implemented in order to modulate the spectral phase of femtosecond pulses at 780 nm. This pulse shaper was then integrated to the system for generation of ultrashort pulses in the deep ultraviolet through the wave mixing process already implemented. This study aimed to obtain the indirect modulation of the 260 nm pulses spectral phase through the transfer of modulated spectral phase from pulses at 780 nm. Interesting initial results were obtained using a -step spectral phase, indicating the correct implementation of the system. The achievement of femtosecond pulses with modulated spectral phase in the deep ultraviolet is of great interest to perform coherent control studies in this spectral range and also for basic studies of how the spectral phase transfer occurs with different nonlinear optical laser processes. High-harmonic generation experiments based in the phase-matched frequency conversion in noble gas filled hollow fiber technique, using femtosecond pulses at 400 nm and 800 nm, were carried out during a internship at University of Colorado, USA. In this study, using pulses at 400 nm, an increase higher than one order of magnitude was obtained in the spectral region of 60 eV compared to harmonics generated, in this same region, with pulses at 800 nm. Finally, through the experience obtained during this internship, were carried out in our laboratory the development and implementation of a high harmonic generation system, based on the frequency conversion in a hollow fiber filled with argon gas. High harmonics with energies around 40eV (31nm) were obtained, and the conversion under phase-matched condition was demonstrated. Using pulses centered at 780nm, the highest harmonic order measured was 27 (28.9nm, 42.9eV), due to the spectral range limitation of monochromator used in our experiments. With the implementation of this system, becomes available at the Photonics Group a coherent light source at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths, which the unique properties have been already widely explored on a diversity of fundamental studies in basic and applied science.

Etudes structurelles et dynamiques de systèmes atomiques ou moléculaires par génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé

Higuet, Julien 15 October 2010 (has links)
La génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé en milieu gazeux est un phénomène décrit par un modèle à trois étapes: sous l'effet d'un champ laser intense, un atome (ou une molécule) est ionisé par effet tunnel. L'électron éjecté est par la suite accéléré dans le champ laser, avant de se recombiner sur son ion parent en émettant un photon XUV. D'abord utilisée dans le but de développer des sources de rayonnement secondaire dans le domaine XUV, la génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé est également un bon candidat pour sonder la structure électronique des atomes ou des molécules, avec une résolution potentielle de l'ordre de l'attoseconde dans le domaine temporel (1 as=10-18 s) et sub-nanométrique dans le domaine spatial.Au cours des travaux réalisés pendant cette thèse, nous avons étudié la sensibilité des caractéristiques du rayonnement harmonique (amplitude, état de polarisation, phase) à la structure électronique du milieu de génération. Ces études ont été menées tout d'abord dans un milieu atomique couramment utilisé en génération d'harmonique, l'argon, puis dans des milieux moléculaires (N2, CO2, O2). La confrontation de ces mesures avec différentes simulations numériques montre la nécessité de modéliser de façon détaillée le processus de génération, dépassant certaines hypothèses généralement admises.Nous avons également montré la possibilité d'utiliser la spectroscopie d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé afin de mesurer des dynamiques moléculaires de systèmes complexes (notamment le dioxyde d'azote NO2), pour lesquelles les mesures harmoniques peuvent obtenir des résultats complémentaires aux autres techniques couramment utilisées. Dans le cas d'excitations moléculaires peu efficaces, nous avons pu adapter des techniques de spectroscopie optique conventionnelle au domaine spectral des harmoniques d'ordre élevé, améliorant de manière significative le rapport signal/bruit. / High harmonic generation is a well known phenomenon explained by a “three step” model: because of the high intensity field generated by an ultrashort laser pulse, an atom or a molecule can be tunnel ionized. The ejected electron is then accelerated by the intense electric field, and eventually can recombine on its parent ion, leading to the emission of a XUV photon. Because of the generating process in itself, this light source is a promising candidate to probe the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, with an attosecond/sub-nanometer potential resolution (1 as=10-18 s).In this work, we have studied the sensitivity of the emitted light (in terms of amplitude, but also phase and polarization) towards the electronic structure of the generating medium. We have first worked on atomic medium, then on molecules (N2, CO2, O2). Comparing the experimental results with numerical simulations shows the necessity to model finely the generation process and to go beyond commonly used approximations.We have also shown the possibility to perform high harmonic spectroscopy in order to measure dynamics of complex molecules, such as Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). This technic has obtained complementary results compared to classical spectroscopy and has revealed dynamics of the electronic wavepacket along a conical intersection. In this experiment, we have adapted conventionnal optical spectroscopy technics to the XUV spectral area, which significantly improved the signal over noise ratio.

High harmonic generation with high energy femtosecond pulses / Génération d’harmoniques d’ordres élevés avec des impulsions femtosecondes de haute énergie

Hort, Ondřej 30 April 2014 (has links)
Nous présentons nos travaux sur la génération d’harmoniques élevée (HHG) avec des impulsions térawatt femtosecondes. Nous avons effectué l’HHG avec les impulsions fondamentales de haute énergie et caractérisé l’émission de XUV spatialement et spectralement de manière monocoup et nous avons observé plusieurs structures dans le champ lointain. Ces structures sont très robustes et reproductibles et ont été observés dans de nombreux types de gaz et des géométries de génération. Sans caractérisation monocoup spatiale et spectrale les structures ne sont pas visibles. Nous avons développé des simulations simples pour identifier ces structures et nous avons pu observer des structures similaires. Nous les avons identifiés comme étant liées à la cohérence spatiale de la source XUV et la diffraction dans le champ lointain. Dans le champ proche, la phase et l’amplitude harmonique évoluent spatialement et temporellement et leurs profils sont fortement modulés. Ces profils modulés diffractent et créent des spectres structurés dans le champ lointain. Nous avons observé que la propagation dans un milieu générateur fin a peu d’influence sur les structures. Nous démontrons une mise en forme spatiale de l’impulsion fondamentale via l’optique adaptative et leur avantage pour HHG. Une optique adaptative nous permet d’avoir un faisceau à profil de phase régulier. Un tel faisceau est utilisé pour HHG avec un faisceau de grand diamètre et contrôle du faisceau XUV est démontrée. Nous avons développé une technique de post-compression de haute énergie, et nous avons obtenu des impulsionsde 10 fs et 10 mJ dans un profil quasi gaussien. La technique repose sur l’automodulation de phase induite par l’ionisation et est compatible avec des impulsions niveau TW de haute énergie. Nous avons effectué des HHG avec ces impulsions et obtenu des spectres XUV quasi continu avec des structures spatiales et spectrales. Nous avons effectué des simulations simples etdes simulations de SFA et nous avons observé des structures similaires même sans prendre en compte la propagation dans le milieu. / We present our work on high harmonic generation with TW femtosecond pulses. We performed HHG with high energy femtosecond pulses and characterize the generated XUV emission spatially and spectrally at the single-shot basis and we observed many structures in spatially resolved XUV spectra in the far field. Those structures are very robust and reproducible and have been observed in many different gases and generation geometries. Without spatial and spectral characterization on the single-shot basis the structures are not visible. We developed simple simulations to identify those structures and we observed similar structures as experimentally. We identified them as a result of spatial coherence of the XUV source and the diffraction to the far field. In the near field, the harmonic amplitude and phase are spatially and temporally dependent and their profiles are strongly modulated. Such modulated profiles diffract to structured spatially resolved spectra in the far field. We observed that propagation of the XUV in the generating medium has little influence on the structures. We demonstrate spatial shaping of the driving pulses via adaptive optics and their advantage for HHG. An adaptive optics allows us to have the driving beam of regular spatial profile and phase even out of focus. Such a beam is used for HHG with a large diameter driving beam and control of the XUV beam is demonstrated. We developed a high energy TW post-compression technique and we obtained pulses of 10 fs and 10 mJ in a quasi-Gaussian spatial profile. The technique is based on ionization-inducedself-phase-modulation and is compatible with high energy TW level pulses. We performed HHG with such TW pulses and obtained XUV quasi-continuum spectra with spectral and spatial structures. We performed simple simulations and SFAsimulations and we observed similar structures even without considering the XUV propagation in the medium.

Ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy near liquid water interfaces: The solvated electron

Siefermann, Katrin Rita 09 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Electron Dynamics in Finite Quantum Systems

McDonald, Christopher 12 September 2013 (has links)
The multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) and multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) methods are employed to investigate nonperturbative multielectron dynamics in finite quantum systems. MCTDHF is a powerful tool that allows for the investigation of multielectron dynamics in strongly perturbed quantum systems. We have developed an MCTDHF code that is capable of treating problems involving three dimensional (3D) atoms and molecules exposed to strong laser fields. This code will allow for the theoretical treatment of multielectron phenomena in attosecond science that were previously inaccessible. These problems include complex ionization processes in pump-probe experiments on noble gas atoms, the nonlinear effects that have been observed in Ne atoms in the presence of an x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) and the molecular rearrangement of cations after ionization. An implementation of MCTDH that is optimized for two electrons, each moving in two dimensions (2D), is also presented. This implementation of MCTDH allows for the efficient treatment of 2D spin-free systems involving two electrons; however, it does not scale well to 3D or to systems containing more that two electrons. Both MCTDHF and MCTDH were used to treat 2D problems in nanophysics and attosecond science. MCTDHF is used to investigate plasmon dynamics and the quantum breathing mode for several electrons in finite lateral quantum dots. MCTDHF is also used to study the effects of manipulating the potential of a double lateral quantum dot containing two electrons; applications to quantum computing are discussed. MCTDH is used to examine a diatomic model molecular system exposed to a strong laser field; nonsequential double ionization and high harmonic generation are studied and new processes identified and explained. An implementation of MCTDHF is developed for nonuniform tensor product grids; this will allow for the full 3D implementation of MCTDHF and will provide a means to investigate a wide variety of problems that cannot be currently treated by any other method. Finally, the time it takes for an electron to tunnel from a bound state is investigated; a definition of the tunnel time is established and the Keldysh time is connected to the wavefunction dynamics.

Geração de harmônicos de pulsos laser de femtossegundo pela técnica de conversão de frequência em capilares preenchidos com gases nobres / Harmonics generation of femtosecond laser pulses by the technique of frequency conversion in noble gas filled capillaries

Jonathas de Paula Siqueira 26 June 2012 (has links)
O propósito principal desta tese foi a implementação e estudo da geração de pulsos laser de femtossegundos em comprimentos de onda curtos (ultravioleta profundo, ultravioleta de vácuo e ultravioleta extremo) pela técnica de conversão de frequência em capilar preenchido com gás nobre. Esta técnica de conversão de frequência tem feito diversas contribuições nas últimas décadas para o avanço da geração de pulsos laser ultracurtos nesta região espectral. O desenvolvimento de tais fontes de luz coerente possui importantes implicações nos estudos de espectroscopia resolvida no tempo em átomos, moléculas e materiais. Através da implementação da técnica de conversão de frequência com casamento de fase em capilar preenchido com gás argônio, foi possível a obtenção de pulsos de femtossegundos centrados em 260 nm e 195 nm utilizando um sistema laser amplificado Ti: safira (780 nm, 1.5 mJ, 43 fs, 1 KHz). Estes comprimentos de onda correspondem, respectivamente, aos terceiro e quarto harmônicos da frequência fundamental do laser utilizado. Pulsos centrados em 260 nm com excelente perfil espacial, energias da ordem de microjoules e durações temporais tão curtas quanto 18 fs, possibilitadas pela recompressão por um par de prismas, foram obtidos, os quais possuem grande aplicabilidade em estudos de espectroscopia não linear e resolvida no tempo. Pulsos ultracurtos centrados em 195 nm também foram obtidos. Uma investigação da influência da modulação da fase espectral do pulso laser em 780 nm sobre a geração de harmônicos através do processo do mistura de quatro ondas, também foi realizada. Desta forma, foi implementado um sistema de controle de formato de pulso laser de femtossegundo na configuração 4f baseado em um modulador espacial de luz de cristal líquido com o objetivo de modular a fase espectral dos pulsos laser em 780 nm. Este sistema de controle de formato de pulso foi então integrado ao sistema de geração de pulsos ultracurtos no ultravioleta profundo através do processo de mistura de ondas já implementado. Este estudo teve como objetivo, a obtenção da modulação indireta da fase espectral de pulsos em 260 nm através da transferência de fase espectral modulada de pulsos em 780 nm. Resultados iniciais interessantes foram obtidos utilizando uma fase espectral do tipo degrau com amplitude radianos, indicando a correta implementação do sistema. A obtenção de pulsos laser de femtossegundos no ultravioleta profundo com fase espectral modulada é de grande interesse para realização de experimentos de controle coerente nesta região espectral e também para estudos básicos de como a transferência de fase espectral ocorre para diferentes processos ópticos não lineares. Experimentos de geração de altos harmônicos pela técnica de conversão de frequência com casamento de fase em capilar preenchido com gás nobre, utilizando pulsos laser de femtossegundos em 400nm e 800nm, foram realizados durante estágio na Universidade do Colorado, EUA. Neste estudo, utilizando pulsos em 400nm, foi obtido um aumento maior que uma ordem de grandeza na região espectral em torno de 60eV em comparação com o fluxo de harmônicos gerados, nesta mesma região de energia, com pulsos centrados em 800nm. Por fim, através da experiência adquirida durante este estágio, foi desenvolvido e implementado em nosso laboratório um sistema de geração de altos harmônicos na região do ultravioleta extremo, baseado na técnica de conversão em capilar preenchido com gás argônio. Harmônicos de alta ordem na região de energia de 40ev (31nm) foram obtidos, tendo sido demonstrada a conversão sob condição de casamento de fase. Utilizando pulsos de femtossegundos em 780nm, a ordem máxima do harmônico observada foi igual a 27 (28.9nm, 42.9eV), devido a limitação da faixa espectral do monocromador utilizado em nossos experimentos. A implementação deste sistema torna disponível no Grupo de Fotônica, uma fonte de luz coerente no ultravioleta extremo, cujas propriedades únicas já tem sido amplamente exploradas em uma variedade de estudos de ciência básica e aplicada. / The main purpose of this thesis was the implementation and study of femtosecond laser pulses generation at short wavelengths (deep ultraviolet, vacuum ultraviolet end extreme ultraviolet) by the technique of frequency conversion in a hollow fiber filled with a noble gas. This frequency conversion technique has made several contributions in the last decades to improve the generation of ultrashort laser pulses in this spectral region. The development of such coherent light sources has important implications on ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopic study of atoms, molecules and materials. Through the implementation of the technique of phase matched frequency conversion in a gas filled hollow fiber using argon, it was possible to obtain femtosecond pulses centered at 260 nm and 195 nm using a Ti: sapphire amplified laser (780 nm, 1.5 mJ, 43 fs, 1 KHz). These wavelengths corresponds, respectively, to the third and fourth harmonics of the laser fundamental frequency. Pulses centered at 260 nm with excellent spatial profile, energies on the order of microjoules and temporal durations down to 18 fs, trough the compression by a prism pair, were obtained, which have wide applicability in nonlinear and time resolved optical spectroscopic studies. Ultrashort pulses at 195 nm where also obtained. An investigation of the influence of the spectral phase modulation of the laser pulses at 780 nm on the four-wave mixing nonlinear process for harmonic generation was also performed. In this way, a femtosecond pulse shaper based on a liquid crystal spatial light modulator in the 4f configuration was implemented in order to modulate the spectral phase of femtosecond pulses at 780 nm. This pulse shaper was then integrated to the system for generation of ultrashort pulses in the deep ultraviolet through the wave mixing process already implemented. This study aimed to obtain the indirect modulation of the 260 nm pulses spectral phase through the transfer of modulated spectral phase from pulses at 780 nm. Interesting initial results were obtained using a -step spectral phase, indicating the correct implementation of the system. The achievement of femtosecond pulses with modulated spectral phase in the deep ultraviolet is of great interest to perform coherent control studies in this spectral range and also for basic studies of how the spectral phase transfer occurs with different nonlinear optical laser processes. High-harmonic generation experiments based in the phase-matched frequency conversion in noble gas filled hollow fiber technique, using femtosecond pulses at 400 nm and 800 nm, were carried out during a internship at University of Colorado, USA. In this study, using pulses at 400 nm, an increase higher than one order of magnitude was obtained in the spectral region of 60 eV compared to harmonics generated, in this same region, with pulses at 800 nm. Finally, through the experience obtained during this internship, were carried out in our laboratory the development and implementation of a high harmonic generation system, based on the frequency conversion in a hollow fiber filled with argon gas. High harmonics with energies around 40eV (31nm) were obtained, and the conversion under phase-matched condition was demonstrated. Using pulses centered at 780nm, the highest harmonic order measured was 27 (28.9nm, 42.9eV), due to the spectral range limitation of monochromator used in our experiments. With the implementation of this system, becomes available at the Photonics Group a coherent light source at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths, which the unique properties have been already widely explored on a diversity of fundamental studies in basic and applied science.

Ultrafast spin dynamics in ferromagnetic thin films / Dynamique ultra-rapide de spin dans des films ferromagnétiques

Hurst, Jerome 17 May 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s’intéresse à l'étude théorique et à la simulation numérique de la dynamique de charges et de spins dans des nano-structures métalliques. Ces dernières années la physique des nano-structures métalliques à connu un intérêt croissant, aussi bien d'un point de vue de la physique fondamental que d'un point de vue des applications technologiques. Il est donc essentiel d'avoir des modèles théoriques nous permettant de décrire correctement ce type d'objets. Cette thèse comporte deux études distinctes. Dans un premier temps on utilise un modèle semi-classique dans l'espace des phases afin d'étudier la dynamique de charges et de spins dans des films ferromagnétiques(Nickel). On décrit dans le même modèle le magnétisme itinérant et le magnétisme localisé. On montre qu'il est possible, en excitant le système avec un laser pulsé femtoseconde dans le domaine du visible, de créer un courant de spin oscillant dans la direction normal du film sur des temps ultrarapides(femtoseconde). Dans un second temps on s’intéresse à la dynamique de charge d'électrons confinés dans des nano-particules d'Or ou bien encore par des potentiels anisotropes. On montre que de telles systèmes sont des candidats intéressant pour faire de la génération d'harmoniques. / In this thesis we focus on the theoritical description and on the numerical simulation of the charge and spin dynamics in metallic nano-structures. The physics of metallic nano-structures has stimulated a huge amount of scientific interest in the last two decades, both for fundamental research and for potential technological applications. The thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part we use a semiclassical phase-space model to study the ultrafast charge and spin dynamics in thin ferromagnetic films (Nickel). Both itinerant and localized magnetism are taken into account. It is shown that an oscillating spin current can be generated in the film via the application of a femtosecond laser pulse in the visible range. In the second part we focus on the charge dynamics of electrons confined in metallic nano-particles (Gold) or anisotropic wells. We show that such systems can be used for high harmonic generation.

Electron Dynamics in Finite Quantum Systems

McDonald, Christopher January 2013 (has links)
The multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) and multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) methods are employed to investigate nonperturbative multielectron dynamics in finite quantum systems. MCTDHF is a powerful tool that allows for the investigation of multielectron dynamics in strongly perturbed quantum systems. We have developed an MCTDHF code that is capable of treating problems involving three dimensional (3D) atoms and molecules exposed to strong laser fields. This code will allow for the theoretical treatment of multielectron phenomena in attosecond science that were previously inaccessible. These problems include complex ionization processes in pump-probe experiments on noble gas atoms, the nonlinear effects that have been observed in Ne atoms in the presence of an x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) and the molecular rearrangement of cations after ionization. An implementation of MCTDH that is optimized for two electrons, each moving in two dimensions (2D), is also presented. This implementation of MCTDH allows for the efficient treatment of 2D spin-free systems involving two electrons; however, it does not scale well to 3D or to systems containing more that two electrons. Both MCTDHF and MCTDH were used to treat 2D problems in nanophysics and attosecond science. MCTDHF is used to investigate plasmon dynamics and the quantum breathing mode for several electrons in finite lateral quantum dots. MCTDHF is also used to study the effects of manipulating the potential of a double lateral quantum dot containing two electrons; applications to quantum computing are discussed. MCTDH is used to examine a diatomic model molecular system exposed to a strong laser field; nonsequential double ionization and high harmonic generation are studied and new processes identified and explained. An implementation of MCTDHF is developed for nonuniform tensor product grids; this will allow for the full 3D implementation of MCTDHF and will provide a means to investigate a wide variety of problems that cannot be currently treated by any other method. Finally, the time it takes for an electron to tunnel from a bound state is investigated; a definition of the tunnel time is established and the Keldysh time is connected to the wavefunction dynamics.

Génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé à deux faisceaux portant du moment angulaire / Generation of high-order harmonics from two beams carrying angular momentum

Chappuis, Céline 25 January 2019 (has links)
La génération d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé est un processus d’interaction lumière-matière hautement non-linéaire permettant la synthèse d’impulsions sub-femtosecondes, dites attosecondes (1 as = 10⁻¹⁸ s). Mes travaux de thèse portent sur l’étude du transfert de moment angulaire lors de ce processus, afin de contrôler les caractéristiques spatiales et de polarisation du rayonnement émis dans l’extrême ultraviolet. Comme pour la matière, le moment angulaire de la lumière peut être séparé en une composante de spin, associée à l’état de polarisation du faisceau, et une composante orbitale, reliée à la forme du front d’onde. La maitrise complète du moment angulaire des harmoniques nécessite de recourir à des schémas de génération à deux faisceaux non-colinéaires, créant un réseau de diffraction dans le milieu générateur. Nous avons montré que, bien que les règles de transfert obéissent à des lois de conservation du moment angulaire, la description fine du phénomène requiert une analyse précise du champ laser dans le milieu de génération. Ces travaux ouvrent des perspectives de mise en forme avancée des impulsions attosecondes. / High-order harmonic generation is a highly nonlinear laser-matter interaction process which allows the synthesis of sub-femtosecond pulses, also called attosecond (1 as = 10⁻¹⁸ s) pulses. My PhD is centered around the study of angular momentum transfer during this process, in order to control spatial and polarization features of the radiation which is emitted in the extreme ultraviolet. As for matter, the angular momentum of light can be divided into a spin component, associated with the beam’s polarization, and an orbital component, related to the shape of the wavefront. The control of high harmonics’ angular momentum requires generating schemes involving two crossing beams, thus creating a diffraction grating in the generating medium.We have shown that, although the transfer rules obey conservation laws of the angular momentum, the fine description of the phenomenon requires an accurate analysis of the laser field in the generation medium. This work opens the road for advanced shaping of attosecond pulses.

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