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Aggregatenbildung der Rußteilchen in Kohlenwasserstoff / Luftflammen in einem Druckbereich von ein bis fünf Bar / Formation of Soot Aggregates in Hydrocarbon / Air Flames at pressures from 1 bar up to 5 barStahlberg, Wilhelm 28 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Capillary stamping for bioanalytics and spatial manipulation of protein-protein interactions in live cellsPhilippi, Michael 27 September 2021 (has links)
Capillary stamping is a versatile patterning platform to create micron/sub-micron features on surfaces. When used in combination with mesoporous silica stamps, dot arrays with length scale characteristics matching those of various biomolecular organizations on living cells can be printed. Therefore, different types of ink with functional molecules were printed onto a glass surface and assessed toward their capability to enable an analysis of cellular interactions. Among the evaluated patterned surfaces were dot arrays generated with heterocyclic silanes, which react in a ring-opening reaction upon contact with hydroxyl-terminated surfaces and allow post-modifications of the stamped dot array. Similarly, functionalized proteins were stamped from an aqueous solution, analyzed in regards to specific geometric descriptors and overall contrast between dot and background. After the establishment of a robust patterning system, the stamped substrates were used to spatially manipulate protein-protein interactions in live cells. With the introduction of optogenetics, namely the photoactivatable iLID-system into HeLa cells, protein recruitment from the cytosol to the membrane-bound domains upon irradiation with light was investigated. The technique was also utilized to explore the determinants of Wnt signalosome formation. Wnt co-receptor Lrp6 expressed at the surface of living cells was successfully assembled into nanodot arrays. Strikingly, the co-receptor Fzd8 and the cytosolic scaffold proteins Axin1 and Disheveled2 were spontaneously recruited into the nanodot array to form spatially defined signalosomes in the absence of ligand pointing toward Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation driven signalosome assembly. Immunofluorescence staining confirmed ligand-independent Wnt/β-catenin signaling activated the nanodot arrays.
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Capillary nanostamping with spongy mesoporous silica stampsSchmidt, Mercedes 03 June 2019 (has links)
Many lithographic methods to pattern surfaces both by a mechanical manipulation of the surface or by printing functionalities in the form of particles or molecules have been developed and used in research. Examples for contact-lithographic methods are soft lithography and polymer-pen lithography. One of the main drawbacks of the these methods is the lateral dimension of the obtained pattern. Due to limitations of stamps, materials and the methods themselves, feature sizes of arrays consisting of discrete spots in the sub-micrometer range remain challenging. Another factor in the state-of-the-art contact-lithographic methods is the ex situ adsorption of ink prior to the stamping procedure and thus, an uninterrupted flow of ink cannot be guaranteed. As the variety of imaginable inks is wide and the appropriate solvent often appears to be of organic nature, state-of-the-art contact-lithographic methods are unable to print these inks. The elastomeric polymer stamps used within contact-lithographic methods swell or dissolve in contact with organic solvents. Often, contact-lithographic methods require expensive equipment or defined conditions, e.g. high vacuum or a solvent-enriched humidity, and cannot be carried out in a simple and efficient way under ambient conditions.
In this work, a new approach to generate patterned structures with feature sizes in the sub-micrometer range and spot-to-spot distances in the one-micron range is presented. Stamps with an integrated, continuous pore system generate the patterns while the ink is supplied through the capillaries of the stamp. The method of capillary nanostamping provides a simple and low-cost stamping procedure by the synthesis of spongy mesoporous silica stamps. Due to a continuous pore system within the stamp, the ink can be supplied continuously and even without a refilling system, the stamp itself serves as ink reservoir. This provides a continuous or intermittently ink supply for a stamping process with several stamping cycles without the need to refill the stamp. A new stamp or re-inking after one stamping cycle is not necessary. The stamping process is carried out manually by hand under ambient conditions. Due to the silica network, the stamps can be infiltrated with organic solvents.
The development of spongy mesoporous silica stamps for capillary nanostamping is presented in this work by demonstrating the progress from pure silica stamps in a typical well-known sol-gel synthesis to spongy and flexible silica stamps with a reduced network bonding and hydrophobic internal residues. For the proof of concept of capillary nanostamping with spongy mesoporous silica stamps, several different inks are stamped. All inks are chosen with respect to a potential application and consist of a volatile organic solvent to proof the stability of the stamps against these solvents, and a non-volatile component, which remains on the substrate surface after precipitation and drying of the solvent. As ink, a dispersion of C60 fullerenes in toluene is stamped onto perfluorinated glass slides. A solution of 1-dodecanethiol in ethanol is stamped onto a gold-coated glass with the outcome of a heterogeneous surface. As a model for nanoparticles, nanodiamonds dispersed in isopropanol are stamped and subsequently functionalized with a fluorescent dye in a click-reaction. A polymer and two different block copolymers dissolved in toluene/chloroform are stamped onto differently functionalized substrate surfaces to analyze the dependency of the nature of the substrate on the stamping results. In a final experiment, a solution of 17α-ethinylestradiol in acetonitrile is stamped as a model for an active pharmaceutical ingredient and subsequently detached from the substrate surface to obtain a defined nanodispersion.
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Verarbeitung und Optimierung der Rezeptur von Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)Radovanovic, Itana 12 April 2007 (has links)
Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) bilden eine inzwischen beträchtlich wachsende Produktgruppe der Naturfaserverbundwerkstoffe. Diese kombinieren vorteilhafte anwendungstechnische Eigenschaften mit vergleichsweise kostengünstiger Verfügbarkeit. Derzeit sucht die europäische WPC-Industrie intensiv nach neuen Anwendungsbereichen, die für diese Werkstoffgruppe geeignet sind. Anwendungen von Spritzgießteilen aus WPC, z.B. in der Automobil- oder Möbelindustrie, könnten die jährliche Produktion enorm erhöhen. Hierfür müssten jedoch auch die Eigenschaften die hohen Erwartungskriterien erfüllen.Eine Vielzahl vorgängiger Arbeiten zeigt starke Abhängigkeit der Eigenschaften der WPC von der Art und der Morphologie der Holzfaser, der Kunststoffmatrix, dem Zuschlag von Additiven und der Folge daraus von den Verarbeitungsparameter. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt in der Suche nach Zusammenhängen zwischen der systematischen Rezepturvariation, den Eigenschaften des Verbundes und der Verarbeitungsgüte beim Compoundieren und Spritzgießen von WPC. Die Fließeigenschaften werden in Abhängigkeit definierter Rezepturparameter quantitativ erfasst. Systematische Rezepturvariationen zur Wasseraufnahme und zum Einfluss von Additiv-Wachsen werden ebenfalls im Rahmen dieser Arbeit analysiert. Nicht zuletzt werde untersucht, wie verschiedene Verarbeitungstechnologien (Direktextrusion, Extrusion aus fertigen Compounds und Spritzgießen) die Eigenschaften von WPC mit vergleichbarer Zusammensetzung beeinflussen.
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Anwendung der Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie zur Untersuchung dynamischer Prozesse in lebenden Zellen / Application of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to investigate dynamic processes in living cellsJordan, Randolf 31 October 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchung der synaptischen Neurotransmitterfreisetzung mit kombiniert elektrophysiologischen und bildgebenden Verfahren / Investigation of the synaptic neurotransmitter release with combined electrophysiological and imaging techniquesSigler, Albrecht 27 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Probing vesicle dynamics within small synapses / Untersuchung der Vesikelbewegung in kleinen SynapsenLemke, Edward A. 27 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Der Einfluß von chemischer Konstitution, Symmetrie und molekularer Umgebung auf die intramolekulare Schwingungsrelaxation aromatischer Moleküle / The influence of chemical constitution, symmetry, and molecular environment on the intramolecular vibrational relaxation of aromatic moleculesvon Benten, Rebekka 18 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Structure, Dynamics and Phase Behaviors of Cationic Micellar Solutions: / Raman and Neutron Scattering Study of Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromides / Struktur, Dynamik und Phasenverhalten von Kationischen Mizellaren Lösungen / Raman-und Neutronenstreustudies von AlkyltrimethylammoniumbromidenRajashekara Haramagatti, Chandrashekara 01 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy near liquid water interfaces: The solvated electronSiefermann, Katrin Rita 09 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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