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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Probabilistic Classification Algorithm With Soft Classification Output

Phillips, Rhonda D. 23 April 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents a shared memory parallel version of the hybrid classification algorithm IGSCR (iterative guided spectral class rejection), a novel data reduction technique that can be used in conjunction with PIGSCR (parallel IGSCR), a noise removal method based on the maximum noise fraction (MNF), and a continuous version of IGSCR (CIGSCR) that outputs soft classifications. All of the above are either classification algorithms or preprocessing algorithms necessary prior to the classification of high dimensional, noisy images. PIGSCR was developed to produce fast and portable code using Fortran 95, OpenMP, and the Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) and accompanying data access library. The feature reduction method introduced in this thesis is based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). This feature reduction technique demonstrated that SVD-based feature reduction can lead to more accurate IGSCR classifications than PCA-based feature reduction. This thesis describes a new algorithm used to adaptively filter a remote sensing dataset based on signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) once the maximum noise fraction (MNF) has been applied. The adaptive filtering scheme improves image quality as shown by estimated SNRs and classification accuracy improvements greater than 10%. The continuous iterative guided spectral class rejection (CIGSCR) classification method is based on the iterative guided spectral class rejection (IGSCR) classification method for remotely sensed data. Both CIGSCR and IGSCR use semisupervised clustering to locate clusters that are associated with classes in a classification scheme. This type of semisupervised classification method is particularly useful in remote sensing where datasets are large, training data are difficult to acquire, and clustering makes the identification of subclasses adequate for training purposes less difficult. Experimental results indicate that the soft classification output by CIGSCR is reasonably accurate (when compared to IGSCR), and the fundamental algorithmic changes in CIGSCR (from IGSCR) result in CIGSCR being less sensitive to input parameters that influence iterations. / Ph. D.

Theories and Techniques for Efficient High-End Computing

Ge, Rong 02 November 2007 (has links)
Today, power consumption costs supercomputer centers millions of dollars annually and the heat produced can reduce system reliability and availability. Achieving high performance while reducing power consumption is challenging since power and performance are inextricably interwoven; reducing power often results in degradation in performance. This thesis aims to address these challenges by providing theories, techniques, and tools to 1) accurately predict performance and improve it in systems with advanced hierarchical memories, 2) understand and evaluate power and its impacts on performance, 3) control power and performance for maximum efficiency. Our theories, techniques, and tools have been applied to high-end computing systems. Our theroetical models can improve algorithm performance by up to 59% and accurately predict the impacts of power on performance. Our techniques can evaluate power consumption of high-end computing systems and their applications with fine granularity and save up to 36% energy with little performance degradation. / Ph. D.

Advanced Sampling Methods for Solving Large-Scale Inverse Problems

Attia, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed 19 September 2016 (has links)
Ensemble and variational techniques have gained wide popularity as the two main approaches for solving data assimilation and inverse problems. The majority of the methods in these two approaches are derived (at least implicitly) under the assumption that the underlying probability distributions are Gaussian. It is well accepted, however, that the Gaussianity assumption is too restrictive when applied to large nonlinear models, nonlinear observation operators, and large levels of uncertainty. This work develops a family of fully non-Gaussian data assimilation algorithms that work by directly sampling the posterior distribution. The sampling strategy is based on a Hybrid/Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) approach that can handle non-normal probability distributions. The first algorithm proposed in this work is the "HMC sampling filter", an ensemble-based data assimilation algorithm for solving the sequential filtering problem. Unlike traditional ensemble-based filters, such as the ensemble Kalman filter and the maximum likelihood ensemble filter, the proposed sampling filter naturally accommodates non-Gaussian errors and nonlinear model dynamics, as well as nonlinear observations. To test the capabilities of the HMC sampling filter numerical experiments are carried out using the Lorenz-96 model and observation operators with different levels of nonlinearity and differentiability. The filter is also tested with shallow water model on the sphere with linear observation operator. Numerical results show that the sampling filter performs well even in highly nonlinear situations where the traditional filters diverge. Next, the HMC sampling approach is extended to the four-dimensional case, where several observations are assimilated simultaneously, resulting in the second member of the proposed family of algorithms. The new algorithm, named "HMC sampling smoother", is an ensemble-based smoother for four-dimensional data assimilation that works by sampling from the posterior probability density of the solution at the initial time. The sampling smoother naturally accommodates non-Gaussian errors and nonlinear model dynamics and observation operators, and provides a full description of the posterior distribution. Numerical experiments for this algorithm are carried out using a shallow water model on the sphere with observation operators of different levels of nonlinearity. The numerical results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method compared to the traditional variational and ensemble-based smoothing methods. The HMC sampling smoother, in its original formulation, is computationally expensive due to the innate requirement of running the forward and adjoint models repeatedly. The proposed family of algorithms proceeds by developing computationally efficient versions of the HMC sampling smoother based on reduced-order approximations of the underlying model dynamics. The reduced-order HMC sampling smoothers, developed as extensions to the original HMC smoother, are tested numerically using the shallow-water equations model in Cartesian coordinates. The results reveal that the reduced-order versions of the smoother are capable of accurately capturing the posterior probability density, while being significantly faster than the original full order formulation. In the presence of nonlinear model dynamics, nonlinear observation operator, or non-Gaussian errors, the prior distribution in the sequential data assimilation framework is not analytically tractable. In the original formulation of the HMC sampling filter, the prior distribution is approximated by a Gaussian distribution whose parameters are inferred from the ensemble of forecasts. The Gaussian prior assumption in the original HMC filter is relaxed. Specifically, a clustering step is introduced after the forecast phase of the filter, and the prior density function is estimated by fitting a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to the prior ensemble. The base filter developed following this strategy is named cluster HMC sampling filter (ClHMC ). A multi-chain version of the ClHMC filter, namely MC-ClHMC , is also proposed to guarantee that samples are taken from the vicinities of all probability modes of the formulated posterior. These methodologies are tested using a quasi-geostrophic (QG) model with double-gyre wind forcing and bi-harmonic friction. Numerical results demonstrate the usefulness of using GMMs to relax the Gaussian prior assumption in the HMC filtering paradigm. To provide a unified platform for data assimilation research, a flexible and a highly-extensible testing suite, named DATeS , is developed and described in this work. The core of DATeS is implemented in Python to enable for Object-Oriented capabilities. The main components, such as the models, the data assimilation algorithms, the linear algebra solvers, and the time discretization routines are independent of each other, such as to offer maximum flexibility to configure data assimilation studies. / Ph. D.

Exploring the Landscape of Big Data Analytics Through Domain-Aware Algorithm Design

Dash, Sajal 20 August 2020 (has links)
Experimental and observational data emerging from various scientific domains necessitate fast, accurate, and low-cost analysis of the data. While exploring the landscape of big data analytics, multiple challenges arise from three characteristics of big data: the volume, the variety, and the velocity. High volume and velocity of the data warrant a large amount of storage, memory, and compute power while a large variety of data demands cognition across domains. Addressing domain-intrinsic properties of data can help us analyze the data efficiently through the frugal use of high-performance computing (HPC) resources. In this thesis, we present our exploration of the data analytics landscape with domain-aware approximate and incremental algorithm design. We propose three guidelines targeting three properties of big data for domain-aware big data analytics: (1) explore geometric and domain-specific properties of high dimensional data for succinct representation, which addresses the volume property, (2) design domain-aware algorithms through mapping of domain problems to computational problems, which addresses the variety property, and (3) leverage incremental arrival of data through incremental analysis and invention of problem-specific merging methodologies, which addresses the velocity property. We demonstrate these three guidelines through the solution approaches of three representative domain problems. We present Claret, a fast and portable parallel weighted multi-dimensional scaling (WMDS) tool, to demonstrate the application of the first guideline. It combines algorithmic concepts extended from the stochastic force-based multi-dimensional scaling (SF-MDS) and Glimmer. Claret computes approximate weighted Euclidean distances by combining a novel data mapping called stretching and Johnson Lindestrauss' lemma to reduce the complexity of WMDS from O(f(n)d) to O(f(n) log d). In demonstrating the second guideline, we map the problem of identifying multi-hit combinations of genetic mutations responsible for cancers to weighted set cover (WSC) problem by leveraging the semantics of cancer genomic data obtained from cancer biology. Solving the mapped WSC with an approximate algorithm, we identified a set of multi-hit combinations that differentiate between tumor and normal tissue samples. To identify three- and four-hits, which require orders of magnitude larger computational power, we have scaled out the WSC algorithm on a hundred nodes of Summit supercomputer. In demonstrating the third guideline, we developed a tool iBLAST to perform an incremental sequence similarity search. Developing new statistics to combine search results over time makes incremental analysis feasible. iBLAST performs (1+δ)/δ times faster than NCBI BLAST, where δ represents the fraction of database growth. We also explored various approaches to mitigate catastrophic forgetting in incremental training of deep learning models. / Doctor of Philosophy / Experimental and observational data emerging from various scientific domains necessitate fast, accurate, and low-cost analysis of the data. While exploring the landscape of big data analytics, multiple challenges arise from three characteristics of big data: the volume, the variety, and the velocity. Here volume represents the data's size, variety represents various sources and formats of the data, and velocity represents the data arrival rate. High volume and velocity of the data warrant a large amount of storage, memory, and computational power. In contrast, a large variety of data demands cognition across domains. Addressing domain-intrinsic properties of data can help us analyze the data efficiently through the frugal use of high-performance computing (HPC) resources. This thesis presents our exploration of the data analytics landscape with domain-aware approximate and incremental algorithm design. We propose three guidelines targeting three properties of big data for domain-aware big data analytics: (1) explore geometric (pair-wise distance and distribution-related) and domain-specific properties of high dimensional data for succinct representation, which addresses the volume property, (2) design domain-aware algorithms through mapping of domain problems to computational problems, which addresses the variety property, and (3) leverage incremental data arrival through incremental analysis and invention of problem-specific merging methodologies, which addresses the velocity property. We demonstrate these three guidelines through the solution approaches of three representative domain problems. We demonstrate the application of the first guideline through the design and development of Claret. Claret is a fast and portable parallel weighted multi-dimensional scaling (WMDS) tool that can reduce the dimension of high-dimensional data points. In demonstrating the second guideline, we identify combinations of cancer-causing gene mutations by mapping the problem to a well known computational problem known as the weighted set cover (WSC) problem. We have scaled out the WSC algorithm on a hundred nodes of Summit supercomputer to solve the problem in less than two hours instead of an estimated hundred years. In demonstrating the third guideline, we developed a tool iBLAST to perform an incremental sequence similarity search. This analysis was made possible by developing new statistics to combine search results over time. We also explored various approaches to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting of deep learning models, where a model forgets to perform machine learning tasks efficiently on older data in a streaming setting.

Directive-Based Data Partitioning and Pipelining and Auto-Tuning for High-Performance GPU Computing

Cui, Xuewen 15 December 2020 (has links)
The computer science community needs simpler mechanisms to achieve the performance potential of accelerators, such as graphics processing units (GPUs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and co-processors (e.g., Intel Xeon Phi), due to their increasing use in state-of-the-art supercomputers. Over the past 10 years, we have seen a significant improvement in both computing power and memory connection bandwidth for accelerators. However, we also observe that the computation power has grown significantly faster than the interconnection bandwidth between the central processing unit (CPU) and the accelerator. Given that accelerators generally have their own discrete memory space, data needs to be copied from the CPU host memory to the accelerator (device) memory before computation starts on the accelerator. Moreover, programming models like CUDA, OpenMP, OpenACC, and OpenCL can efficiently offload compute-intensive workloads to these accelerators. However, achieving the overlapping of data transfers with computation in a kernel with these models is neither simple nor straightforward. Instead, codes copy data to or from the device without overlapping or requiring explicit user design and refactoring. Achieving performance can require extensive refactoring and hand-tuning to apply data transfer optimizations, and users must manually partition their dataset whenever its size is larger than device memory, which can be highly difficult when the device memory size is not exposed to the user. As the systems are becoming more and more complex in terms of heterogeneity, CPUs are responsible for handling many tasks related to other accelerators, computation and data movement tasks, task dependency checking, and task callbacks. Leaving all logic controls to the CPU not only costs extra communication delay over the PCI-e bus but also consumes the CPU resources, which may affect the performance of other CPU tasks. This thesis work aims to provide efficient directive-based data pipelining approaches for GPUs that tackle these issues and improve performance, programmability, and memory management. / Doctor of Philosophy / Over the past decade, parallel accelerators have become increasingly prominent in this emerging era of "big data, big compute, and artificial intelligence.'' In more recent supercomputers and datacenter clusters, we find multi-core central processing units (CPUs), many-core graphics processing units (GPUs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and co-processors (e.g., Intel Xeon Phi) being used to accelerate many kinds of computation tasks. While many new programming models have been proposed to support these accelerators, scientists or developers without domain knowledge usually find existing programming models not efficient enough to port their code to accelerators. Due to the limited accelerator on-chip memory size, the data array size is often too large to fit in the on-chip memory, especially while dealing with deep learning tasks. The data need to be partitioned and managed properly, which requires more hand-tuning effort. Moreover, performance tuning is difficult for developers to achieve high performance for specific applications due to a lack of domain knowledge. To handle these problems, this dissertation aims to propose a general approach to provide better programmability, performance, and data management for the accelerators. Accelerator users often prefer to keep their existing verified C, C++, or Fortran code rather than grapple with the unfamiliar code. Since 2013, OpenMP has provided a straightforward way to adapt existing programs to accelerated systems. We propose multiple associated clauses to help developers easily partition and pipeline the accelerated code. Specifically, the proposed extension can overlap kernel computation and data transfer between host and device efficiently. The extension supports memory over-subscription, meaning the memory size required by the tasks could be larger than the GPU size. The internal scheduler guarantees that the data is swapped out correctly and efficiently. Machine learning methods are also leveraged to help with auto-tuning accelerator performance.

Scalable and Energy Efficient Execution Methods for Multicore Systems

Li, Dong 16 February 2011 (has links)
Multicore architectures impose great pressure on resource management. The exploration spaces available for resource management increase explosively, especially for large-scale high end computing systems. The availability of abundant parallelism causes scalability concerns at all levels. Multicore architectures also impose pressure on power management. Growth in the number of cores causes continuous growth in power. In this dissertation, we introduce methods and techniques to enable scalable and energy efficient execution of parallel applications on multicore architectures. We study strategies and methodologies that combine DCT and DVFS for the hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming model. Our algorithms yield substantial energy saving (8.74% on average and up to 13.8%) with either negligible performance loss or performance gain (up to 7.5%). To save additional energy for high-end computing systems, we propose a power-aware MPI task aggregation framework. The framework predicts the performance effect of task aggregation in both computation and communication phases and its impact in terms of execution time and energy of MPI programs. Our framework provides accurate predictions that lead to substantial energy saving through aggregation (64.87% on average and up to 70.03%) with tolerable performance loss (under 5%). As we aggregate multiple MPI tasks within the same node, we have the scalability concern of memory registration for high performance networking. We propose a new memory registration/deregistration strategy to reduce registered memory on multicore architectures with helper threads. We investigate design polices and performance implications of the helper thread approach. Our method efficiently reduces registered memory (23.62% on average and up to 49.39%) and avoids memory registration/deregistration costs for reused communication memory. Our system enables the execution of application input sets that could not run to the completion with the memory registration limitation. / Ph. D.

Improving the Efficiency of Parallel Applications on Multithreaded and Multicore Systems

Curtis-Maury, Matthew 15 April 2008 (has links)
The scalability of parallel applications executing on multithreaded and multicore multiprocessors is often quite limited due to large degrees of contention over shared resources on these systems. In fact, negative scalability frequently occurs such that a non-negligable performance loss is observed through the use of more processors and cores. In this dissertation, we present a prediction model for identifying efficient operating points of concurrency in multithreaded scientific applications in terms of both performance as a primary objective and power secondarily. We also present a runtime system that uses live analysis of hardware event rates through the prediction model to optimize applications dynamically. We discuss a dynamic, phase-aware performance prediction model (DPAPP), which combines statistical learning techniques, including multivariate linear regression and artificial neural networks, with runtime analysis of data collected from hardware event counters to locate optimal operating points of concurrency. We find that the scalability model achieves accuracy approaching 95%, sufficiently accurate to identify improved concurrency levels and thread placements from within real parallel scientific applications. Using DPAPP, we develop a prediction-driven runtime optimization scheme, called ACTOR, which throttles concurrency so that power consumption can be reduced and performance can be set at the knee of the scalability curve of each parallel execution phase in an application. ACTOR successfully identifies and exploits program phases where limited scalability results in a performance loss through the use of more processing elements, providing simultaneous reductions in execution time by 5%-18% and power consumption by 0%-11% across a variety of parallel applications and architectures. Further, we extend DPAPP and ACTOR to include support for runtime adaptation of DVFS, allowing for the synergistic exploitation of concurrency throttling and DVFS from within a single, autonomically-acting library, providing improved energy-efficiency compared to either approach in isolation. / Ph. D.

Scheduling on Asymmetric Architectures

Blagojevic, Filip 22 July 2008 (has links)
We explore runtime mechanisms and policies for scheduling dynamic multi-grain parallelism on heterogeneous multi-core processors. Heterogeneous multi-core processors integrate conventional cores that run legacy codes with specialized cores that serve as computational accelerators. The term multi-grain parallelism refers to the exposure of multiple dimensions of parallelism from within the runtime system, so as to best exploit a parallel architecture with heterogeneous computational capabilities between its cores and execution units. To maximize performance on heterogeneous multi-core processors, programs need to expose multiple dimensions of parallelism simultaneously. Unfortunately, programming with multiple dimensions of parallelism is to date an ad hoc process, relying heavily on the intuition and skill of programmers. Formal techniques are needed to optimize multi-dimensional parallel program designs. We investigate user- and kernel-level schedulers that dynamically "rightsize" the dimensions and degrees of parallelism on the asymmetric parallel platforms. The schedulers address the problem of mapping application-specific concurrency to an architecture with multiple hardware layers of parallelism, without requiring programmer intervention or sophisticated compiler support. Our runtime environment outperforms the native Linux and MPI scheduling environment by up to a factor of 2.7. We also present a model of multi-dimensional parallel computation for steering the parallelization process on heterogeneous multi-core processors. The model predicts with high accuracy the execution time and scalability of a program using conventional processors and accelerators simultaneously. More specifically, the model reveals optimal degrees of multi-dimensional, task-level and data-level concurrency, to maximize performance across cores. We evaluate our runtime policies as well as the performance model we developed, on an IBM Cell BladeCenter, as well as on a cluster composed of Playstation3 nodes, using two realistic bioinformatics applications. / Ph. D.

An Adaptive Framework for Managing Heterogeneous Many-Core Clusters

Rafique, Muhammad Mustafa 21 October 2011 (has links)
The computing needs and the input and result datasets of modern scientific and enterprise applications are growing exponentially. To support such applications, High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems need to employ thousands of cores and innovative data management. At the same time, an emerging trend in designing HPC systems is to leverage specialized asymmetric multicores, such as IBM Cell and AMD Fusion APUs, and commodity computational accelerators, such as programmable GPUs, which exhibit excellent price to performance ratio as well as the much needed high energy efficiency. While such accelerators have been studied in detail as stand-alone computational engines, integrating the accelerators into large-scale distributed systems with heterogeneous computing resources for data-intensive computing presents unique challenges and trade-offs. Traditional programming and resource management techniques cannot be directly applied to many-core accelerators in heterogeneous distributed settings, given the complex and custom instruction sets architectures, memory hierarchies and I/O characteristics of different accelerators. In this dissertation, we explore the design space of using commodity accelerators, specifically IBM Cell and programmable GPUs, in distributed settings for data-intensive computing and propose an adaptive framework for programming and managing heterogeneous clusters. The proposed framework provides a MapReduce-based extended programming model for heterogeneous clusters, which distributes tasks between asymmetric compute nodes by considering workload characteristics and capabilities of individual compute nodes. The framework provides efficient data prefetching techniques that leverage general-purpose cores to stage the input data in the private memories of the specialized cores. We also explore the use of an advanced layered-architecture based software engineering approach and provide mixin-layers based reusable software components to enable easy and quick deployment of heterogeneous clusters. The framework also provides multiple resource management and scheduling policies under different constraints, e.g., energy-aware and QoS-aware, to support executing concurrent applications on multi-tenant heterogeneous clusters. When applied to representative applications and benchmarks, our framework yields significantly improved performance in terms of programming efficiency and optimal resource management as compared to conventional, hand-tuned, approaches to program and manage accelerator-based heterogeneous clusters. / Ph. D.

Prediction Models for Multi-dimensional Power-Performance Optimization on Many Cores

Shah, Ankur Savailal 28 May 2008 (has links)
Power has become a primary concern for HPC systems. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and dynamic concurrency throttling (DCT) are two software tools (or knobs) for reducing the dynamic power consumption of HPC systems. To date, few works have considered the synergistic integration of DVFS and DCT in performance-constrained systems, and, to the best of our knowledge, no prior research has developed application-aware simultaneous DVFS and DCT controllers in real systems and parallel programming frameworks. We present a multi-dimensional, online performance prediction framework, which we deploy to address the problem of simultaneous runtime optimization of DVFS, DCT, and thread placement on multi-core systems. We present results from an implementation of the prediction framework in a runtime system linked to the Intel OpenMP runtime environment and running on a real dual-processor quad-core system as well as a dual-processor dual-core system. We show that the prediction framework derives near-optimal settings of the three power-aware program adaptation knobs that we consider. Our overall runtime optimization framework achieves significant reductions in energy (12.27% mean) and ED² (29.6% mean), through simultaneous power savings (3.9% mean) and performance improvements (10.3% mean). Our prediction and adaptation framework outperforms earlier solutions that adapt only DVFS or DCT, as well as one that sequentially applies DCT then DVFS. Further, our results indicate that prediction-based schemes for runtime adaptation compare favorably and typically improve upon heuristic search-based approaches in both performance and energy savings. / Master of Science

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