Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hillside.""
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A Comparison of Soil Moisture and Hillslope-Stream Connectivity Between Aspen and Conifer-Dominated Hillslopes of a First Order Catchment in Northern UtahBurke, Amy R. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Mountain headwater catchments in the semi-arid Intermountain West are important sources of surface water because these high elevations receive more precipitation than neighboring lowlands. The hydrology of these mountain catchments is especially important as the region faces water shortages and conflicts. Conifer encroachment on aspen stands has been observed across the western US and can result in a decline in water yield. The overall objective of this study was to further our understanding of hillslope-stream connectivity in a headwater catchment of Northern Utah and any observable differences in this connection between aspen and conifer hillslopes. Hillslopes are the fundamental unit of a watershed. Therefore understanding processes at the hillslope scale is pertinent to managing valuable water resources. However, hillslope hydrology is understudied in the snow-driven, semi-arid west, leaving a gap in our knowledge of how watersheds function. This thesis focuses on how and when hillslope water contributes to stream water: hillslope-stream connectivity. Its specific objectives are (1) to compare peak snow accumulation under aspen and conifer stands, (2) to determine if shallow soil moisture shows organized patterns, indicating hillslope-connectivity and compare these patterns between vegetation types, (3) to examine hillslope-stream connectivity within deep layers of the soil profile and compare times of connectivity between vegetation types and (4) to find any thresholds past which hillslope-stream connectivity begins.
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Groundwater Controls on Physical and Chemical Processes in Streamside Wetlands and Headwater Streams in the Kenai Peninsula, AlaskaCallahan, Michael Kroh 24 October 2014 (has links)
For this dissertation I studied groundwater and surface water interactions in the Kenai Lowlands, Alaska. In particular, I examine two important aspects of groundwater and surface water interactions: 1) Groundwater's influence on surface-water temperature; and 2) Groundwater's role in forming hydrologic flow paths that can connect uplands to streamside wetlands and streams. Chapter 2 investigates the controls on stream temperature in salmon-bearing headwater streams in two common hydrogeologic settings: 1) drainage-ways, which are low-gradient streams that flow through broad valleys; and 2) discharge-slopes, which are high gradient streams that flow through narrow valleys. The results from chapter 2 showed significant differences in stream temperatures between the two hydrogeologic settings. Observed stream temperatures were higher in drainage-way sites than in discharge-slope sites, and showed strong correlations as a continuous function with the calculated topographic metric flow-weighted slope. Additionally, modeling results indicated that the potential for groundwater discharge to moderate stream temperature is not equal between the two hydrogeologic settings, with groundwater having a greater moderating effect on stream temperature at the low gradient drainage-way sites. Chapter 3 examines the influence of groundwater on juvenile coho salmon winter habitat along the Anchor River. Two backwater habitats were selected from the larger set of 25 coho overwintering sites from a previous study for an in-depth hydrologic analysis. The results from chapter 3 showed that the type of groundwater discharge (i.e., focused versus diffuse groundwater discharge) can play an important role in determining habitat suitability in these backwater sites. During winter, focused discharge from a local groundwater seep maintained higher surface-water temperatures and higher concentrations of dissolved oxygen compared to the site with more diffuse groundwater discharge. Chapter 4 investigates the linkages along hydrologic flow paths among alder (Alnus spp.) stands, streamside wetlands, and headwater streams. Chapter 4 tested four related hypotheses: 1) groundwater nitrate concentrations are greater along flow paths with alder compared to flow paths without alder; 2) on hillslopes with alder, groundwater nitrate concentrations are highest when alder stands are located near the streamside wetlands at the base of the hillslope; 3) primary production of streamside wetland vegetation is N limited and wetlands are less N limited when alder stands are located nearby along flow paths; and 4) stream reaches at the base of flow paths with alder have higher nitrate concentrations than reaches at the base of flow paths without alder. The results from chapter 4 showed that groundwater nitrate concentrations were highest along flow paths with alder, however no difference was observed between flow paths with alder located near versus alder located further from streamside wetlands. Vegetation had a greater response to N fertilization in streamside wetlands that were connected to flow paths without alder and less when alder stands were near. Finally, higher nitrate concentrations were measured in streams at the base of flow paths with alder. The combined results of this dissertation showed that, in the Kenai Lowlands, groundwater and surface water interactions have a direct influence on the local ecology and that a fundamental understanding of the hydrology can aid in the successful management and protection of this unique and important ecosystem.
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Evaluation of the energy-based runoff concept for a subalpine tundra hillslopeChe, Qian January 2012 (has links)
A major challenge to cold regions hydrology and northern water resources management lies in predicting runoff dynamically in the context of warming-induced changes to the rates and patterns of ground thaw and drainage. Meeting this challenge requires new knowledge of the mechanisms and rates of ground thaw and their implications to water drainage and storage patterns and processes.
The study carries out to evaluate the concept of energy-based runoff in the perspective of ground heat flux, soil thaw and liquid moisture content, tortuosity of snow-free area, preferential flow and discharge of the hillslope.
Based on field measurements, coupled energy and water flow is simulated in the Area of Interest (AOI) with a half-hour time interval by the distributed hydrological model, GEOtop. In the field, the saturated hydraulic conductivity varies exponentially between the superficial organic layer and the underlying mineral layer. In the simulation, the parameters of the soil physical properties are input by fourteen uneven layers below the ground surface. Starting from the initially frozen state, the process of soil thaw is simulated with dynamic variables such as soil liquid moisture and ice content, hydraulic conductivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity. The simulated frost table depths are validated by 44-point measurements and the simulation of point soil temperature is also compared to data measured in an excavated soil pit.
As a result, the frost table topography is dominated by both the snow-free pattern and the energy fluxes on the ground surface. The rate and magnitude of runoff derived from snow drift and the ice content of frozen soil is greatly influenced by the frost table topography. According to the simulation, the frost table depth is closely regressed with the ground surface temperature by a power function. As soil thawing progresses, ground heat flux reduces gradually and the rate of soil thaw becomes small when the frost table descends. Along with the snow-free area expanding, the average soil moisture of the AOI increases prior to that time when the average frost table is less than 25 cm deep.
The snow-free patches expand heterogeneously in the AOI, which causes the spatial and temporal variation of hydraulic conductivity due to the non-uniform frost table depth. According to the simulation, the transit time of the flow through the AOI decreases to the shortest span on May 13 with the average frost table of 10 cm. Before this date, the time lag between snowmelt percolation and slope runoff is about 8-10 hours; while after this date, the time lag is no more than 5 hours. The pattern of the preferential flow in the AOI highly depends on the frost table topography. When the snow-free patches are widely scattered and the average frost table is between 0 and 10 cm, the preferential flow paths are inhibited. With soil thaw progresses, the preferential flow paths are prominent with the largest single contributing area occurring when the average frost table is between 10 cm to 15 cm. When the average frost table reaches 25 cm, the importance of preferential flow is not apparent, and matrix flow prevails.
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Hydrologic and Ecological Effects of Watershed Urbanization: Implication for Watershed Management in Hillslope RegionsSung, Chan Yong 2010 May 1900 (has links)
In this study, I examined the effect of watershed urbanization on the invasion of alien
woody species in riparian forests. This study was conducted in three major steps: 1)
estimating the degree of watershed urbanization using impervious surface maps
extracted from remote sensing images; 2) examining the effect of urbanization on
hydrologic regime; and 3) investigating a relationship between watershed urbanization
and ecosystem invasibility of a riparian forest.
I studied twelve riparian forests along urban-rural gradients in Austin, Texas.
Hydrologic regimes were quantified by transfer function (TF) models using four-year
daily rainfall-streamflow data in two study periods (10/1988-09/1992 and 10/2004-09/2008) between which Austin had experienced rapid urbanization. For each study
period, an impervious surface map was generated from Landsat TM image by a support
vector machine (SVM) with pairwise coupling. SVM more accurately estimated impervious surface than other subpixel mapping methods. Ecosystem invasibilities were
assessed by relative alien cover (RAC) of riparian woody species communities.
The results showed that the effects of urbanization differ by hydrogeologic
conditions. Of the study watersheds, seven located in a hillslope region experienced the
diminishing peakflows between the two study periods, which are contrary to current
urban hydrologic model. I attributed the decreased peakflows to land grading that
transformed a hillslope into a stair-stepped landscape. In the rest of the watersheds,
peakflow diminished between the two study periods perhaps due to the decrease in
stormwater infiltration and groundwater pumpage that lowered groundwater level. In
both types of watersheds, streamflow rising during a storm event more quickly receded
as watershed became more urbanized.
This study found a positive relationship between RAC and watershed impervious
surface percentage. RAC was also significantly related to flow recession and canopy gap
percentages, both of which are indicators of hydrologic disturbance. These results
suggest that urbanization facilitated the invasion of alien species in riparian forests by
intensifying hydrologic disturbance.
The effects of urbanization on ecosystems are complex and vary by local
hydrologeologic conditions. These results imply that protection of urban ecosystems
should be based on a comprehensive and large-scale management plan.
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Hillslope Dynamics in the Paonia-McClure Pass Area, Colorado, USARegmi, Netra Raj 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Mass movement can be activated by earthquakes, rapid snowmelt, or intense rainstorms in conjunction with gravity. Whereas mass movement plays a major role in the evolution of a hillslope by modifying slope morphology and transporting material from the slope to the valley, it is also a potential natural hazard. Determining the morphology of the mountain slopes and the relationships of frequency and magnitude of landslides are fundamental to understanding the role of landslides in the study of landscape evolution, and hazard assessment.
Characteristics of the geomorphic zones in a periglacial landscape were evaluated by plotting local slopes and the drainage areas in Paonia-McClure Pass area of western Colorado. The study suggested that the steepness and concavity of mountain slopes and stream channels in the study area are related by an exponential equation. Seven hundred and thirty five shallow landslides (<160,000 m2) from the same study area were mapped to determine the frequency-magnitude relationships of shallow landslides and to develop an optimum model of mapping susceptibility to landslides. This study suggests that the frequency-magnitude of the landslides in Paonia-McClure Pass area are related by a double pareto equation with values α= 1.1, and β = 1.9 for the exponents. The total area of landslides is 4.8x10⁶ m² and the total volume of the landslides is 1.4x10⁷ m³. The areas (A) and the volumes (V) of landslides are related by V = 0.0254xA^1.45. The frequency-magnitude analysis shows that landslides with areas ranging in size from 1,600 m2 - 20,000 m2 are the most hazardous landslides in the study area. These landslides are the most frequent and also do a significant amount of geomorphic work.
Three quantitative approaches: weight of evidence; fuzzy logic; and logistic regression; were employed to develop models of mapping landslides in western Colorado. The weight of evidence approach predicted 78 percent of the observed landslides, the fuzzy-logic approach also predicted 78 percent of the observed landslides, and the logistic regression approach predicted 86 percent of the observed landslides.
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Subsurface solutional pathways make limestone terrains sensitive to changes in soil properties that regulate flows to the epikarst. This study examines biogeomorphic factors responsible for changed water movements and erosion in fluviokarst slopes deforested 200 years ago along the Kentucky River, Kentucky. In this project, infiltration and water content data from forest and fescue grass soil profiles were analyzed within a detailed overview of system factors regulating hillslope hydrology. Results show that grass has growth and rooting characteristics that tend to create a larger volume of lateral water movement in upper soil layers than occurs under forests. This sets up the current emergent pattern of erosion in which water perches at grass slope bases and overwhelms pre-existing epikarst drainage. Tree roots are able to cause solution at multiple discrete points of entry into fractures and bedding planes, increasing storage capacity and releasing sediment over time. Grass roots do not enter bedrock, and their rooting depth limits diffuse vertical preferential flow in root channels to above one meter. In the areas dense clay soils, flow under grass is conducted sideways either through the regolith or at the bedrock surface. Rapid flow along rock faces in hillslope benches likely moves fines via subsurface routes from the hillslope shoulders, causing the exposure of flat outcrops under grass. Lower growing season evapotranspiration also promotes higher grass summer flow volumes. Gullying occurs at sensitive points where cutters pass from the uphill grassed area into the forest, or where flow across the bedrock surface crosses grass/forest boundaries oriented vertical to the slope. At these locations, loss of the protective grass root mat, coupled with instigation of tree root preferential flow in saturated soils, causes soil pipes to develop. Fluviokarst land management decisions should be based on site-specific slope, soil depth, and epkarst drainage conditions, since zones sensitive to erosion are formed by spatial and temporal conjunctions of a large number of lithologic, karst, soil, climate, and vegetation factors. This study shows that it is the composite of differing influences created by forest and grass that make forests critical for soil retention in high-energy limestone terrains.
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Evaluation of the energy-based runoff concept for a subalpine tundra hillslopeChe, Qian January 2012 (has links)
A major challenge to cold regions hydrology and northern water resources management lies in predicting runoff dynamically in the context of warming-induced changes to the rates and patterns of ground thaw and drainage. Meeting this challenge requires new knowledge of the mechanisms and rates of ground thaw and their implications to water drainage and storage patterns and processes.
The study carries out to evaluate the concept of energy-based runoff in the perspective of ground heat flux, soil thaw and liquid moisture content, tortuosity of snow-free area, preferential flow and discharge of the hillslope.
Based on field measurements, coupled energy and water flow is simulated in the Area of Interest (AOI) with a half-hour time interval by the distributed hydrological model, GEOtop. In the field, the saturated hydraulic conductivity varies exponentially between the superficial organic layer and the underlying mineral layer. In the simulation, the parameters of the soil physical properties are input by fourteen uneven layers below the ground surface. Starting from the initially frozen state, the process of soil thaw is simulated with dynamic variables such as soil liquid moisture and ice content, hydraulic conductivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity. The simulated frost table depths are validated by 44-point measurements and the simulation of point soil temperature is also compared to data measured in an excavated soil pit.
As a result, the frost table topography is dominated by both the snow-free pattern and the energy fluxes on the ground surface. The rate and magnitude of runoff derived from snow drift and the ice content of frozen soil is greatly influenced by the frost table topography. According to the simulation, the frost table depth is closely regressed with the ground surface temperature by a power function. As soil thawing progresses, ground heat flux reduces gradually and the rate of soil thaw becomes small when the frost table descends. Along with the snow-free area expanding, the average soil moisture of the AOI increases prior to that time when the average frost table is less than 25 cm deep.
The snow-free patches expand heterogeneously in the AOI, which causes the spatial and temporal variation of hydraulic conductivity due to the non-uniform frost table depth. According to the simulation, the transit time of the flow through the AOI decreases to the shortest span on May 13 with the average frost table of 10 cm. Before this date, the time lag between snowmelt percolation and slope runoff is about 8-10 hours; while after this date, the time lag is no more than 5 hours. The pattern of the preferential flow in the AOI highly depends on the frost table topography. When the snow-free patches are widely scattered and the average frost table is between 0 and 10 cm, the preferential flow paths are inhibited. With soil thaw progresses, the preferential flow paths are prominent with the largest single contributing area occurring when the average frost table is between 10 cm to 15 cm. When the average frost table reaches 25 cm, the importance of preferential flow is not apparent, and matrix flow prevails.
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Hydrological Controls on Mercury Mobility and Transport from a Forested Hillslope during Spring SnowmeltHaynes, Kristine 20 November 2012 (has links)
Upland environments are important sources of mercury (Hg) to downstream wetlands and water bodies. Hydrology is instrumental in facilitating Hg transport within, and export from watersheds. Two complementary studies were conducted to assess the role hydrological processes play in controlling Hg mobility and transport in forested uplands. A field study compared runoff and Hg fluxes from three, replicate hillslope plots during two contrasting spring snowmelt periods, in terms of snowpack depth and timing. Hillslope Hg fluxes were predominately flow-driven. The melting of soil frost significantly delayed a large portion of the Hg flux later into the spring following a winter with minimal snow accumulation. A microcosm laboratory study using a stable Hg isotope tracer applied to intact soil cores investigated the relative controls of soil moisture and precipitation on Hg mobility. Both hydrologic factors control the mobility of contemporary Hg; with greatest Hg flushing from dry soils under high-flow conditions.
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Tectonic Geomorphology of the San Gabriel Mountains, CAJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The San Gabriel Mountains (SGM) of southern California provide the opportunity to study the topographic controls on erosion rate in a mountain range where climate and lithology are relatively constant. I use a combination of digital elevation model data, detailed channel survey data, decadal climate records, and catchment-averaged erosion rates quantified from 10Be concentrations in stream sands to investigate the style and rates of hillslope and channel processes across the transition from soil-mantled to rocky landscapes in the SGM. Specifically, I investigate (1) the interrelations among different topographic metrics and their variation with erosion rate, (2) how hillslopes respond to tectonic forcing in "threshold" landscapes, (3) the role of discharge variability and erosion thresholds in controlling the relationship between relief and erosion rate, and (4) the style and pace of transient adjustment in the western SGM to a recent increase in uplift rate. Millennial erosion rates in the SGM range from 0.03-1.1 mm/a, generally increasing from west to east. For low erosion rates (< 0.3 mm/a), hillslopes tend to be soil-mantled, and catchment-averaged erosion rates are positively correlated with catchment-averaged slope, channel steepness, and local relief. For erosion rates greater than 0.3 mm/a, hillslopes become increasingly rocky, catchment-mean hillslope angle becomes much less sensitive to erosion rate, and channels continue to steepen. I find that a non-linear relationship observed between channel steepness and erosion rate can be explained by a simple bedrock incision model that combines a threshold for erosion with a probability distribution of discharge events where large floods follow an inverse power-law. I also find that the timing of a two-staged increase in uplift rate in the western SGM based on stream profile analysis agrees with independent estimates. Field observations in the same region suggest that the relict topography that allows for this calculation has persisted for more than 7 Ma due to the stalling of migrating knickpoints by locally stronger bedrock and a lack of coarse sediment cover. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Geological Sciences 2011
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Controlling Factors for Hillslope Denudation by Soil Formation and Shallow Landsliding in Low-relief Landscapes under Contrasting Lithological Conditions / 土層形成と表層崩壊による斜面削剥を制御する要因:対照的な地質条件をもつ小起伏山地での比較研究Watakabe, Takuma 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22264号 / 理博第4578号 / 新制||理||1657(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)准教授 松四 雄騎, 教授 千木良 雅弘, 教授 岩田 知孝 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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