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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Kennedy, Lauren, 0000-0002-3699-2377 January 2022 (has links)
This public history project seeks to create a walking tour that connects with children through use of history of childhood as well as engaging children by using methods that inspire interest in historical content. This is project engages the use of a website and digital map to create a virtual and physical walking tour related to the history of childhood in Philadelphia. This paper begins by examining why the history of childhood matters and the ways in which the public historical community has underrepresented children in the historical record. I was inspired to craft this project after researching children in indentured servitude at the American Philosophical Society. After some time exploring the landscape of the history of childhood in Philadelphia I decided to create this project to help fill the gap of underrepresented children in history. I propose a digital walking tour as a solution to discussing the history of childhood with children outside of a museum and classroom setting, and discuss why a digital approach is most efficient. Next, the tour itself is broken down via representative screenshots of the website, and I discuss why each location was chosen, and why some were not. The used locations in this project are: Elfreth’s Alley, the Port of Philadelphia, the Mother Jones historical marker, the Institute for Colored Youth, Smith Playground, the Girl Scout Cookies historical marker, and the previous location of Gimbel’s department store. I conclude by reflecting upon what other approaches might work better, and how this project can be expanded in the future. Website link: https://aminortour.myportfolio.com/a-minor-tour / History

Early life histories : a study of past childhood diet and health using stable isotopes and enamel hypoplasia

Henderson, Rowena Claire January 2015 (has links)
The &delta;&delta;<sup>13</sup>C and &delta;<sup>15</sup>N composition of incremental segments of tooth dentine was used to infer infant and childhood diet in a post-medieval London population, and a hunting and gathering Mesolithic/Neolithic group from Latvia. Health was analysed using defects on the tooth enamel caused by stress, termed enamel hypoplasia. The populations, which differ markedly in their economy, diet and health, were selected because of the difference in childhood experiences between the two groups. The results were used to consider questions about childhood, including how early diet may have been influenced by social factors such as class or status, the effect this could have on population dynamics and how childhood diet and health are related. The results show that the London individuals were rarely breastfed beyond 6 months and in some instances not at all. A small isotopic difference between males and females was observed which could be caused by dietary or physiological differences. The peak incidence of hypoplasia may be related to developmental patterns, rather than stress caused by weaning. The Zvejnieki individuals had a slightly longer breastfeeding duration. Those buried with pendants consumed a different diet in childhood to those without pendants, suggesting a complex social system, possibly indicating that diet was related to the role a person had within the community. There is a suggestion diet may have shifted between the Middle Mesolithic and Late Neolithic, although not dramatically. Neither population have elevated &delta;<sup>13</sup>C often associated with breastfeeding. The early life histories of the groups are not compared directly, but general observations concerning the children’s lives are considered. It is concluded that economy is not a reliable predictor of infant feeding strategies, as hunter-gatherers provide children with solid foods at a similar time to industrial groups. Intra-population variability was found to be a feature of all socio-economic groups.

Growing up in the Third Reich : representations of childhood under Nazism in post-1990 German culture

Lloyd, Alexandra Louise January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines post-1990 representations of growing up in the Third Reich within German culture. It has two primary aims: to demonstrate how childhood is recalled, represented, and imagined by those with, and without first-hand experience of Nazism; and to situate these narratives as a central part of the post-Unification discourse about identity in the Berlin Republic. The material is organised into five chapters: it begins with an analysis of recent museum displays and exhibitions, followed by German cinema (Hitlerjunge Salomon, NaPolA: Elite für den Führer); autobiographical works, by former members of the Hitler Youth (Günter de Bruyn, Martin Walser, Günter Grass) and by Jewish children (Ruth Klüger, Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt, Günter Kunert); and finally, imagined accounts of growing up in the Third Reich (W.G. Sebald, Binjamin Wilkomirski, Gudrun Pausewang). Through close readings of primary sources, and analysis of their reception, including the public debates which they sparked, this study shows how these narratives interact with historical and contemporary notions of childhood. They are informed by the concern, embedded within post-Unification discourse, that the wealth of documentary and technical accounts of Nazism obscures the individual’s understanding of those events and what it was like to experience them. I argue that because of the close conceptual association between childhood and origins, these narratives contribute to a discourse about how the Third Reich is to be remembered, performing a 'search for a usable childhood'. This is situated within the context of Harald Welzer's notion of 'gefühlte Geschichte'; that is a mode of historical discourse focused on experience, rather than 'factual knowledge', and which appeals to emotions. In assessing narratives of growing up – which take a developmental view of childhood – this study seeks to open up previously rigid categorisations of childhood as found in literary studies which focus on the function of the child’s perspective as a literary device. Thus within a crowded research area the present study offers a differentiated treatment of these works.

Mors immatura : portraits of children on Roman funerary monuments in the west

Mander, Jason January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines funerary iconography for evidence of Roman attitudes towards children, childhood and the family. Based on 690 portrait monuments drawn from select areas of the Western Empire, its central hypothesis is that the commemorations are best read as highly artificial constructs which reveal more about the social preoccupations of the commissioners than the lives of the children whom they represent. The first of the seven chapters defines the parameters of the accompanying catalogue and discusses the benefits of studying a diverse range of monuments (rather than isolated "show-pieces"). The methodological section which follows assesses the cultural limitations and identification problems inherent to funerary material and considers how the terms "child" and "portrait" are best defined in this medium. The four subsequent chapters analyse the following key areas: the ages, genders and attributes of children; the presentation and composition of the family; the iconography of surrogate and extended relationships; and the archaeological context of funerary display. In each case any emotional interpretations which surround the material are discussed and then countered with alternative, and better supported, social readings. It is argued that previous research has been based on samples which are too limited in terms of size, genre and geographical scope and influenced too heavily by a desire to prove parental benevolence and the existence of "love" and "affection" within the Roman household. By exposing demographic biases and iconographic problems, it is shown that commissioners were actually using the image of the child for overtly social purposes, with some of the results being subject to substantial, and hitherto unacknowledged, regional variation. The conclusion then reassesses a well-known example to show that while Roman parents did attach importance to their children, funerary evidence can only prove it to be of a social, rather than an emotional, nature.

'Things that matter' : missionaries, government, and patients in the shaping of Uganda's leprosy settlements, 1927-1951

Vongsathorn, Kathleen January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of missionaries, the colonial government, and leprosy patients in the formation of leprosy settlements in Uganda, from the first inception of the settlements in 1927, until 1951 when the nature of leprosy control in Uganda changed, with the government appointment of a Protectorate leprologist and the creation of more treatment centres. It focuses on four leprosy settlements opened between 1930 and 1934 by the Anglican Church Missionary Society (CMS) and the British and Irish Catholic Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa (FMSA) and Mill Hill Mission (MHM). Firstly, this thesis explores the ways in which the differing goals, ideologies, and resources of the Protestant CMS and the Catholic FMSA and MHM shaped the formation of and social environment within leprosy settlements in a highly Christianised and denominationally divided Uganda. Secondly, it examines the relationship between the CMS and Franciscan leprosy missions and the government, exploring the cooperation and conflict that their spiritual and medical priorities had upon the social lives of patients within Uganda’s leprosy settlements. Thirdly, this thesis assesses the extent to which missionaries consciously endeavoured to engineer a social environment for leprosy patients within settlements that conformed to their ideal of Christianised, modern African communities, as well the roles that healthy and leprous Ugandans chose to play in response to these attempts at social engineering. Missionaries and Ugandan leprosy patients had different priorities, but far from being passive receptacles of the ‘civilising’ mission, most leprosy patients were active agents in pursuing their own medical, social, and economic priorities through life in the settlements.

Assistência à infância como tema de trabalhos apresentados nos Congressos Brasileiros de História da Educação (2000-2015) / Child care as a theme of papers presented at the Brazilian Congresses on the History of Education (2000-2015)

Santos, Neiva Caetano dos 06 December 2017 (has links)
A pesquisa que ora se apresenta buscou analisar os trabalhos publicados nos anais das sucessivas edições do Congresso Brasileiro de História da Educação, a fim de delimitar aqueles cujo objeto de estudo é a assistência à infância. Para alcançar esse objetivo, efetuou-se como recorte temporal a análise das edições do referido evento de 2000 a 2015, com ênfase nos trabalhos que apresentam como temática central de discussão a assistência destinada à infância. Quanto ao método, trata-se de uma pesquisa de levantamento bibliográfico. Considera-se nessa análise que os estudos acerca da assistência à infância estão inseridos no campo da História e na dimensão História da Educação, conforme indicaram os Balanços Bibliográficos Temáticos já realizados por Carla Silvana Daniel Sartor, Irma Rizzini e Maria Teresa da Fonseca, Maria Helena Rolim Capelato e, ainda, o levantamento realizado no GT02 da ANPEd, bem como foram capazes de comprovar que ao surgir a Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação e os CBHEs, a assistência à infância, as instituições de assistência, a história da infância pobre e desvalida, a filantropia e a caridade, eram temas de pesquisa que já estavam consolidados. Analisando o perfil dos trabalhos apresentados e publicados, dentre o total identificado (4.163), apenas 77 produções (1,8%) correspondem ao tema ora investigado, indicando que é regular, pois esteve presente em todas as edições do evento, mas é possível inferir que se trata de uma perspectiva de estudo ainda periférica. O levantamento demonstra que os aspectos mais enfatizados, como os temas Instituição de Assistência à Infância/Assistência e a Socialização, foram aqueles que tiveram a maior recorrência nos trabalhos analisados. Constata-se que é comum, entre tais pesquisadores, apontar que a educação tinha por objetivo moralizar a infância pobre, posto que a educação ficava circunscrita aos conhecimentos elementares, pois a missão da escola era socializadora. No que tange à educação das meninas, limitava-se à preparação dessas garotas para o exercício do papel de mãe de família, para executar com perfeição as tarefas domésticas em detrimento dos aspectos pedagógicos. Quanto aos Ofícios, os textos apresentam pontos em comum, o trabalho era pensado como a alternativa para resolver os problemas oriundos da infância pobre, abandonada e órfã, pois ao submetê-la à aprendizagem de um ofício, acreditava-se que seria possível regenerar a criança e, ainda, qualificar mão de obra para o mercado de trabalho / The present research sought to analyze the works published in the annals of the successive editions of the Brazilian Congress of History of Education, in order to delimit those whose object of study is child care. In order to reach this objective, the analysis of the editions of this event from 2000 to 2015 was carried out as a temporal cut, with emphasis on the works that present as a central topic of discussion the assistance for children. As for the method, this is a bibliographical survey research. It is considered in this analysis that the studies about child care are inserted in the field of History and in the History of Education dimension, as indicated by the Thematic Bibliographic Balances already carried out by Carla Silvana Daniel Sartor, Irma Rizzini and Maria Teresa da Fonseca, Maria Helena Rolim Capelato, and also the survey carried out in GT02 of ANPEd, as well as were able to prove that when the Brazilian Society of Education History and the CBHEs emerged, child care, care institutions, the history of poor childhood and philanthropy and charity, were themes of research that were already consolidated. Analyzing the profile of the works presented and published, of the total identified (4.163), only 77 productions (1.8%) correspond to the subject investigated, indicating that it is regular, since it was present in all editions of the event, but it is possible to infer that this is still a perspective of a peripheral study. The survey demonstrates the aspects more emphasized, that the themes Institution of Assistance to Childhood / Assistance and Socialization, were those that had the greatest recurrence in the works analyzed. It is common knowledge among these researchers to point out that education aimed at moralizing poor childhood, since education was limited to elementary knowledge, since the mission of the school was socializing. As far as girls\' education was concerned, it was limited to the preparation of these girls for the role of mother of a family, to perform household tasks perfectly to the detriment of pedagogical aspects. As for the Offices, the texts present points in common, the work was thought as the alternative to solve the problems of poor, abandoned and orphaned children, because when subjecting it to the learning of a craft, it was believed that it would be possible to regenerate and to qualify labour for the labour market

Proměny pojetí dítěte a dětství / Changes in the concept of the child and childhood

Dluhošová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the changes in perception of the child and the childhood from the Early Modern Age until today. Primarily, the thesis investigates the quality of life of infants and education advice concerning the first year of age. The historic part of the thesis addresses the changes in infant treatment depending on the social status of the mother. Further, the thesis discusses the possible origin of these changes in folk traditions and examines the role of authorities by reference to historical education guide books. Moreover, the thesis points out the influence of science and rationality on the infant treatment. Given the fact that there is no summarizing research available about the infant treatment in the 20th century, the thesis analyses different infant approaches using education guide books from this time period. Using data from a survey among contemporary mothers, which investigates their beliefs about infant education including the origin of these beliefs, the thesis aims to analyse the most popular guide books among the mothers. The findings from the research are used to outline problematic aspects of the present-day motherhood. Based on the comprehension of the historical connections, the thesis discusses the profound context of different contemporary education approaches....

Assistência à infância como tema de trabalhos apresentados nos Congressos Brasileiros de História da Educação (2000-2015) / Child care as a theme of papers presented at the Brazilian Congresses on the History of Education (2000-2015)

Neiva Caetano dos Santos 06 December 2017 (has links)
A pesquisa que ora se apresenta buscou analisar os trabalhos publicados nos anais das sucessivas edições do Congresso Brasileiro de História da Educação, a fim de delimitar aqueles cujo objeto de estudo é a assistência à infância. Para alcançar esse objetivo, efetuou-se como recorte temporal a análise das edições do referido evento de 2000 a 2015, com ênfase nos trabalhos que apresentam como temática central de discussão a assistência destinada à infância. Quanto ao método, trata-se de uma pesquisa de levantamento bibliográfico. Considera-se nessa análise que os estudos acerca da assistência à infância estão inseridos no campo da História e na dimensão História da Educação, conforme indicaram os Balanços Bibliográficos Temáticos já realizados por Carla Silvana Daniel Sartor, Irma Rizzini e Maria Teresa da Fonseca, Maria Helena Rolim Capelato e, ainda, o levantamento realizado no GT02 da ANPEd, bem como foram capazes de comprovar que ao surgir a Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação e os CBHEs, a assistência à infância, as instituições de assistência, a história da infância pobre e desvalida, a filantropia e a caridade, eram temas de pesquisa que já estavam consolidados. Analisando o perfil dos trabalhos apresentados e publicados, dentre o total identificado (4.163), apenas 77 produções (1,8%) correspondem ao tema ora investigado, indicando que é regular, pois esteve presente em todas as edições do evento, mas é possível inferir que se trata de uma perspectiva de estudo ainda periférica. O levantamento demonstra que os aspectos mais enfatizados, como os temas Instituição de Assistência à Infância/Assistência e a Socialização, foram aqueles que tiveram a maior recorrência nos trabalhos analisados. Constata-se que é comum, entre tais pesquisadores, apontar que a educação tinha por objetivo moralizar a infância pobre, posto que a educação ficava circunscrita aos conhecimentos elementares, pois a missão da escola era socializadora. No que tange à educação das meninas, limitava-se à preparação dessas garotas para o exercício do papel de mãe de família, para executar com perfeição as tarefas domésticas em detrimento dos aspectos pedagógicos. Quanto aos Ofícios, os textos apresentam pontos em comum, o trabalho era pensado como a alternativa para resolver os problemas oriundos da infância pobre, abandonada e órfã, pois ao submetê-la à aprendizagem de um ofício, acreditava-se que seria possível regenerar a criança e, ainda, qualificar mão de obra para o mercado de trabalho / The present research sought to analyze the works published in the annals of the successive editions of the Brazilian Congress of History of Education, in order to delimit those whose object of study is child care. In order to reach this objective, the analysis of the editions of this event from 2000 to 2015 was carried out as a temporal cut, with emphasis on the works that present as a central topic of discussion the assistance for children. As for the method, this is a bibliographical survey research. It is considered in this analysis that the studies about child care are inserted in the field of History and in the History of Education dimension, as indicated by the Thematic Bibliographic Balances already carried out by Carla Silvana Daniel Sartor, Irma Rizzini and Maria Teresa da Fonseca, Maria Helena Rolim Capelato, and also the survey carried out in GT02 of ANPEd, as well as were able to prove that when the Brazilian Society of Education History and the CBHEs emerged, child care, care institutions, the history of poor childhood and philanthropy and charity, were themes of research that were already consolidated. Analyzing the profile of the works presented and published, of the total identified (4.163), only 77 productions (1.8%) correspond to the subject investigated, indicating that it is regular, since it was present in all editions of the event, but it is possible to infer that this is still a perspective of a peripheral study. The survey demonstrates the aspects more emphasized, that the themes Institution of Assistance to Childhood / Assistance and Socialization, were those that had the greatest recurrence in the works analyzed. It is common knowledge among these researchers to point out that education aimed at moralizing poor childhood, since education was limited to elementary knowledge, since the mission of the school was socializing. As far as girls\' education was concerned, it was limited to the preparation of these girls for the role of mother of a family, to perform household tasks perfectly to the detriment of pedagogical aspects. As for the Offices, the texts present points in common, the work was thought as the alternative to solve the problems of poor, abandoned and orphaned children, because when subjecting it to the learning of a craft, it was believed that it would be possible to regenerate and to qualify labour for the labour market

Nybyggarbarn : Barnuppfostran bland nybyggare i Frostvikens, Vilhelmina och Tärna socknar 1850-1920 / The Children of the Settlers : Childrearing among settlers in the parishes of Frostviken, Vilhelmina and Tärna 1850-1920

Liliequist, Marianne January 1991 (has links)
<p>The investigation concerns childrearing among settlers in the northern part of Sweden between 1850-1920. What were the attitudes of the adults towards children and what ideals were there for children's behaviour? By investigating childrearing I also intended to find which general values and norms there were in the settlers' society. When answering these questions it has turned out that the relationship between discourse, ideal norm and practice is of central importance. The source material has been taken mainly from ethnological archives. The specific elements in the settlers' way of bringing up children will be clear from a comparison with other methods from different times and different social systems. I have found it productive to refer to the discussion regarding various theories on the history of civilisation. The problems of historical translation constitute a central methodological issue in the comparison between different ways of bringing up children. I have tried to dissociate myself from the analysis of childrearing in different times which can be found in the thoughts of Philippe Aries and Norbert Elias. Michel Foucault represents a more unprejudiced history of civilisation and his thoughts about an older and a younger form of steering mechanism have turned out to be applicable in the case of historical change in the discourse and practise of childrearing. The childhood of the settlers' children can be divided into two separate periods; the liberal period of the child's first two or three years, and the time when discipline began. During the first period the child was entitled to have all its needs fulfilled. At the age of four or five a more rigorous discipline began. Flogging and fright were used and the purpose was to make the child obedient, humble and willing to work. Adults could openly express tenderness and kiss and fondle the infants. It is more difficult to interpret the language of tenderness where the older children are concerned, since adults did not express their feelings for them in words or gestures. The way the adults related to the children reveals, however, an attitude which deviates from the ideas of the Old Testament. This attitude, which existed on the level of practise, meant loving playfulness and respect. Discipline was used to teach the children proper behaviour in all areas of life, e.g. the social life with all its strict rules of etiquette. The difficulty in discovering the discipline which existed in the settlers' society, is linked to the fact that their idea of proper behaviour did not always correspond with the ideas of the middle class. The settlers taught their children to control their spontaneous feelings of distaste for dirt and uncleanliness. To openly demonstrate warm feelings for other people was also discouraged. By expressing feelings of shame, the children were taught to discipline their sexuality. Training in humbleness was also a training for life. Children who were in service had to learn the manners and the landless people were outside the reciprocity in the' settlers' society.</p>

Nybyggarbarn : Barnuppfostran bland nybyggare i Frostvikens, Vilhelmina och Tärna socknar 1850-1920 / The Children of the Settlers : Childrearing among settlers in the parishes of Frostviken, Vilhelmina and Tärna 1850-1920

Liliequist, Marianne January 1991 (has links)
The investigation concerns childrearing among settlers in the northern part of Sweden between 1850-1920. What were the attitudes of the adults towards children and what ideals were there for children's behaviour? By investigating childrearing I also intended to find which general values and norms there were in the settlers' society. When answering these questions it has turned out that the relationship between discourse, ideal norm and practice is of central importance. The source material has been taken mainly from ethnological archives. The specific elements in the settlers' way of bringing up children will be clear from a comparison with other methods from different times and different social systems. I have found it productive to refer to the discussion regarding various theories on the history of civilisation. The problems of historical translation constitute a central methodological issue in the comparison between different ways of bringing up children. I have tried to dissociate myself from the analysis of childrearing in different times which can be found in the thoughts of Philippe Aries and Norbert Elias. Michel Foucault represents a more unprejudiced history of civilisation and his thoughts about an older and a younger form of steering mechanism have turned out to be applicable in the case of historical change in the discourse and practise of childrearing. The childhood of the settlers' children can be divided into two separate periods; the liberal period of the child's first two or three years, and the time when discipline began. During the first period the child was entitled to have all its needs fulfilled. At the age of four or five a more rigorous discipline began. Flogging and fright were used and the purpose was to make the child obedient, humble and willing to work. Adults could openly express tenderness and kiss and fondle the infants. It is more difficult to interpret the language of tenderness where the older children are concerned, since adults did not express their feelings for them in words or gestures. The way the adults related to the children reveals, however, an attitude which deviates from the ideas of the Old Testament. This attitude, which existed on the level of practise, meant loving playfulness and respect. Discipline was used to teach the children proper behaviour in all areas of life, e.g. the social life with all its strict rules of etiquette. The difficulty in discovering the discipline which existed in the settlers' society, is linked to the fact that their idea of proper behaviour did not always correspond with the ideas of the middle class. The settlers taught their children to control their spontaneous feelings of distaste for dirt and uncleanliness. To openly demonstrate warm feelings for other people was also discouraged. By expressing feelings of shame, the children were taught to discipline their sexuality. Training in humbleness was also a training for life. Children who were in service had to learn the manners and the landless people were outside the reciprocity in the' settlers' society.

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