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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle du facteur de croissance transformant (TGF-β2) dans la virulence des macrophages infectés par Theileria annulata / Role of transforming growth factor (TGF-β2) in regulating virulence of Theileria annulata-infected macrophages

Haidar, Malak 30 October 2015 (has links)
Les parasites Theileria (Theileria. annulata and T. parva) sont des protozoaires intracellulaires qui font partie du phylum des Apicomplexa. Theileria infecte les leucocytes bovins et les transforment en cellules cancéreuses, induisant un genre de leucémie chez le bovin et conduisant à la mort de l’animal. Les cellules infectées par Theileria démontrent certaines caractéristiques de cellules cancéreuses telles qu’une importante capacité d’invasion et de migration cellulaire. Cependant, le traitement de cellules infectées avec une drogue Theiléricide spécifique (buparvaquone) permet l'élimination du parasite et la réversion du phénotype transformé. De plus, la virulence peut être atténuée par passages répétés sur culture cellulaire. La similitude entre les cellules transformées par Theileria et la leucémie humaine fait de Theileria un modèle très important permettant l’étude des mécanismes cellulaires induits par le parasite au cours de la transformation de la cellule hôte. Mon laboratoire d’accueil a publié une augmentation significative de TGF-β2 dans les cellules virulentes et a constaté que parmi les 1158 cibles de TGF-β, 68 gènes ont été reconnus d'avoir modifié leurs niveaux de transcription concomitante avec l'atténuation. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les voies de signalisations impliquées dans la régulation de l’adhésion et l’invasion des cellules infectées par Theileria. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l’étude de la voie de signalisation TGF-β2 et ses effecteurs. Nos résultats montrent que l’activation de la voie de signalisation de TGF-β2 par Theileria entraîne une augmentation de l’invasion et de l’adhérence des cellules transformées par deux mécanismes différents, soit en activant la voie de signalisation PGE2/EP4/cAMP/PKA/EPAC/CREB, soit en stimulant la voie GRB2/PI3-K/AP-1. Les macrophages atténués infectés par Theileria sont plus stressés oxydativement ce qui diminue leur adhérence et leur invasion cellulaire. Ceci nous a amené à étudier en collaboration avec un autre doctorant (Mehdi Metheni) le rôle de TGF-β2 dans la régulation du stress oxydatif dans les macrophages infectés par Theileria. Nos données montrent que les niveaux élevés de TGF-β2 stimule l’expression de la catalase, une enzyme anti-oxydante qui convertit le H2O2 en H2O et la baisse de H2O2 favorise la virulence en augmentant l’invasion et l’adhésion des cellules infectées par Theileria (résultats supplémentaires). De plus, nous avons examiné le statut de stress oxydatif et le type de glycolyse utilisé par les cellules infectées par Theileria. Les cellules transformées par Theileria agissent comme des cellules cancéreuses, elles consomment énormément de glucose. La protéine BAD joue un rôle important dans l’apoptose ainsi que dans la voie de glycolyse. Son activité est régulée par phosphorylation en réponse à des facteurs de croissance et de survie. BAD peut être phosphorylée par la PKA sur le résidu sérine 155. Durant ma thèse, nous avons examiné le rôle de la phosphorylation de BAD par la PKA dans la régulation du métabolisme cellulaire des macrophages infectés par Theileria. Nos résultats montrent que l’abolition de la phosphorylation de BAD par la PKA dissocie le complexe mitochondrial formé entre BAD et HK2, ce qui induit l’ubiquitynation et la dégradation de HK2 par le protéasome. La baisse de HK2 stimule la voie de phosphorylation oxydative en faveur de l’effet Warburg dans les cellules infectées par Theileria. / Theileria parasites (Theileria. annulata and T. parva) are intracellular protozoa and members of the phylum Apicomplexa. Theileria parasites are the only eukaryotes that possess the property of being able to transform another eukaryote, their leukocyte host cells. Transformed leukocytes show many characteristics of tumour cells such as heightened invasive capacity; however the tumour-like phenotype can be totally reversed upon drug induced parasite death and attenuated by multiple in vitro passages. Such multiple-passaged attenuated lines are used as live vaccines against tropical theileriosis. The similarities in tumour hyper-invasiveness between Theileria-transformed leukcocytes and human lymphomas imply that observations on Theileria-induced leukocyte transformation have the potential to give generally applicable insights into the mechanisms underpinning tumour virulence. My host laboratory described higher TGF-β2 levels in virulent infected macrophages and following microarray analysis of virulent compared to attenuated macrophages found that among the 1158 TGF-β-targets, 68 genes had altered transcript levels concomitant with attenuation. In this study, we investigate the signalling pathways involved in the regulation of cellular adhesion and invasiveness of Theileria-infected cells. We were especially interested in the study of TGF-β2 signalling in Theileria-transformed virulent versus attenuated macrophages. My results indicate that following Theileria infection of macrophages, the TGF-β2 signalling pathway is activated and induces an increase in adhesion of virulent transformed macrophages through two different mechanisms: either by activating a PGE2 / EP4 / cAMP / PKA / EPAC / CREB signaling pathway, or by stimulating a GRB2 / PI3-K / AP-1 pathway. As attenuated macrophages display heightened oxidative stress, which underpins their loss of adhesion and invasiveness, in collaboration with another PhD student (Mehdi Metheni) we investigated the role of TGF-β2 in the regulation of the oxidative stress status of Theileria-infected macrophages. Our data show that high levels of TGF-β2 increase the expression of catalase, an anti-oxidant enzyme that converts H2O2 into H2O and the drop in H2O2 output results in regain of the virulence trait heightened adhesion of Theileria-transformed macrophages to fibronectin. Theileria-transformed macrophages display many features of cancer cells such as their consumption of larger quantities of glucose. The BCL-2 family protein BAD has an alternative function in glucose metabolism separate from its role in apoptosis. The activity of BAD is regulated by phosphorylation in response to growth/survival factors. BAD can be phosphorylated on Ser155 by PKA. So during my thesis studies I examined the role of PKA mediated phosphorylation of BAD in the regulation of the cellular metabolism of Theileria-transformed macrophages. My results showed that ablation of BAD S155 phosphorylation dissociates the mitochondrial complex of BAD and HK2 and cytosolic HK2 becomes ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. Loss of HK2 switches the metabolism of Theileria-transformed leukocytes from Warburg-like to OXPHOS-like glycolysis.

Rôle du facteur de croissance transformant (TGF-β2) dans la virulence des macrophages infectés par Theileria annulata / Role of transforming growth factor (TGF-β2) in regulating virulence of Theileria annulata-infected macrophages

Haidar, Malak 30 October 2015 (has links)
Les parasites Theileria (Theileria. annulata and T. parva) sont des protozoaires intracellulaires qui font partie du phylum des Apicomplexa. Theileria infecte les leucocytes bovins et les transforment en cellules cancéreuses, induisant un genre de leucémie chez le bovin et conduisant à la mort de l’animal. Les cellules infectées par Theileria démontrent certaines caractéristiques de cellules cancéreuses telles qu’une importante capacité d’invasion et de migration cellulaire. Cependant, le traitement de cellules infectées avec une drogue Theiléricide spécifique (buparvaquone) permet l'élimination du parasite et la réversion du phénotype transformé. De plus, la virulence peut être atténuée par passages répétés sur culture cellulaire. La similitude entre les cellules transformées par Theileria et la leucémie humaine fait de Theileria un modèle très important permettant l’étude des mécanismes cellulaires induits par le parasite au cours de la transformation de la cellule hôte. Mon laboratoire d’accueil a publié une augmentation significative de TGF-β2 dans les cellules virulentes et a constaté que parmi les 1158 cibles de TGF-β, 68 gènes ont été reconnus d'avoir modifié leurs niveaux de transcription concomitante avec l'atténuation. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les voies de signalisations impliquées dans la régulation de l’adhésion et l’invasion des cellules infectées par Theileria. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l’étude de la voie de signalisation TGF-β2 et ses effecteurs. Nos résultats montrent que l’activation de la voie de signalisation de TGF-β2 par Theileria entraîne une augmentation de l’invasion et de l’adhérence des cellules transformées par deux mécanismes différents, soit en activant la voie de signalisation PGE2/EP4/cAMP/PKA/EPAC/CREB, soit en stimulant la voie GRB2/PI3-K/AP-1. Les macrophages atténués infectés par Theileria sont plus stressés oxydativement ce qui diminue leur adhérence et leur invasion cellulaire. Ceci nous a amené à étudier en collaboration avec un autre doctorant (Mehdi Metheni) le rôle de TGF-β2 dans la régulation du stress oxydatif dans les macrophages infectés par Theileria. Nos données montrent que les niveaux élevés de TGF-β2 stimule l’expression de la catalase, une enzyme anti-oxydante qui convertit le H2O2 en H2O et la baisse de H2O2 favorise la virulence en augmentant l’invasion et l’adhésion des cellules infectées par Theileria (résultats supplémentaires). De plus, nous avons examiné le statut de stress oxydatif et le type de glycolyse utilisé par les cellules infectées par Theileria. Les cellules transformées par Theileria agissent comme des cellules cancéreuses, elles consomment énormément de glucose. La protéine BAD joue un rôle important dans l’apoptose ainsi que dans la voie de glycolyse. Son activité est régulée par phosphorylation en réponse à des facteurs de croissance et de survie. BAD peut être phosphorylée par la PKA sur le résidu sérine 155. Durant ma thèse, nous avons examiné le rôle de la phosphorylation de BAD par la PKA dans la régulation du métabolisme cellulaire des macrophages infectés par Theileria. Nos résultats montrent que l’abolition de la phosphorylation de BAD par la PKA dissocie le complexe mitochondrial formé entre BAD et HK2, ce qui induit l’ubiquitynation et la dégradation de HK2 par le protéasome. La baisse de HK2 stimule la voie de phosphorylation oxydative en faveur de l’effet Warburg dans les cellules infectées par Theileria. / Theileria parasites (Theileria. annulata and T. parva) are intracellular protozoa and members of the phylum Apicomplexa. Theileria parasites are the only eukaryotes that possess the property of being able to transform another eukaryote, their leukocyte host cells. Transformed leukocytes show many characteristics of tumour cells such as heightened invasive capacity; however the tumour-like phenotype can be totally reversed upon drug induced parasite death and attenuated by multiple in vitro passages. Such multiple-passaged attenuated lines are used as live vaccines against tropical theileriosis. The similarities in tumour hyper-invasiveness between Theileria-transformed leukcocytes and human lymphomas imply that observations on Theileria-induced leukocyte transformation have the potential to give generally applicable insights into the mechanisms underpinning tumour virulence. My host laboratory described higher TGF-β2 levels in virulent infected macrophages and following microarray analysis of virulent compared to attenuated macrophages found that among the 1158 TGF-β-targets, 68 genes had altered transcript levels concomitant with attenuation. In this study, we investigate the signalling pathways involved in the regulation of cellular adhesion and invasiveness of Theileria-infected cells. We were especially interested in the study of TGF-β2 signalling in Theileria-transformed virulent versus attenuated macrophages. My results indicate that following Theileria infection of macrophages, the TGF-β2 signalling pathway is activated and induces an increase in adhesion of virulent transformed macrophages through two different mechanisms: either by activating a PGE2 / EP4 / cAMP / PKA / EPAC / CREB signaling pathway, or by stimulating a GRB2 / PI3-K / AP-1 pathway. As attenuated macrophages display heightened oxidative stress, which underpins their loss of adhesion and invasiveness, in collaboration with another PhD student (Mehdi Metheni) we investigated the role of TGF-β2 in the regulation of the oxidative stress status of Theileria-infected macrophages. Our data show that high levels of TGF-β2 increase the expression of catalase, an anti-oxidant enzyme that converts H2O2 into H2O and the drop in H2O2 output results in regain of the virulence trait heightened adhesion of Theileria-transformed macrophages to fibronectin. Theileria-transformed macrophages display many features of cancer cells such as their consumption of larger quantities of glucose. The BCL-2 family protein BAD has an alternative function in glucose metabolism separate from its role in apoptosis. The activity of BAD is regulated by phosphorylation in response to growth/survival factors. BAD can be phosphorylated on Ser155 by PKA. So during my thesis studies I examined the role of PKA mediated phosphorylation of BAD in the regulation of the cellular metabolism of Theileria-transformed macrophages. My results showed that ablation of BAD S155 phosphorylation dissociates the mitochondrial complex of BAD and HK2 and cytosolic HK2 becomes ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. Loss of HK2 switches the metabolism of Theileria-transformed leukocytes from Warburg-like to OXPHOS-like glycolysis.

Rôle du facteur de croissance transformant (TGF-β2) dans la virulence des macrophages infectés par Theileria annulata / Role of transforming growth factor (TGF-β2) in regulating virulence of Theileria annulata-infected macrophages

Haidar, Malak 30 October 2015 (has links)
Les parasites Theileria (Theileria. annulata and T. parva) sont des protozoaires intracellulaires qui font partie du phylum des Apicomplexa. Theileria infecte les leucocytes bovins et les transforment en cellules cancéreuses, induisant un genre de leucémie chez le bovin et conduisant à la mort de l’animal. Les cellules infectées par Theileria démontrent certaines caractéristiques de cellules cancéreuses telles qu’une importante capacité d’invasion et de migration cellulaire. Cependant, le traitement de cellules infectées avec une drogue Theiléricide spécifique (buparvaquone) permet l'élimination du parasite et la réversion du phénotype transformé. De plus, la virulence peut être atténuée par passages répétés sur culture cellulaire. La similitude entre les cellules transformées par Theileria et la leucémie humaine fait de Theileria un modèle très important permettant l’étude des mécanismes cellulaires induits par le parasite au cours de la transformation de la cellule hôte. Mon laboratoire d’accueil a publié une augmentation significative de TGF-β2 dans les cellules virulentes et a constaté que parmi les 1158 cibles de TGF-β, 68 gènes ont été reconnus d'avoir modifié leurs niveaux de transcription concomitante avec l'atténuation. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les voies de signalisations impliquées dans la régulation de l’adhésion et l’invasion des cellules infectées par Theileria. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l’étude de la voie de signalisation TGF-β2 et ses effecteurs. Nos résultats montrent que l’activation de la voie de signalisation de TGF-β2 par Theileria entraîne une augmentation de l’invasion et de l’adhérence des cellules transformées par deux mécanismes différents, soit en activant la voie de signalisation PGE2/EP4/cAMP/PKA/EPAC/CREB, soit en stimulant la voie GRB2/PI3-K/AP-1. Les macrophages atténués infectés par Theileria sont plus stressés oxydativement ce qui diminue leur adhérence et leur invasion cellulaire. Ceci nous a amené à étudier en collaboration avec un autre doctorant (Mehdi Metheni) le rôle de TGF-β2 dans la régulation du stress oxydatif dans les macrophages infectés par Theileria. Nos données montrent que les niveaux élevés de TGF-β2 stimule l’expression de la catalase, une enzyme anti-oxydante qui convertit le H2O2 en H2O et la baisse de H2O2 favorise la virulence en augmentant l’invasion et l’adhésion des cellules infectées par Theileria (résultats supplémentaires). De plus, nous avons examiné le statut de stress oxydatif et le type de glycolyse utilisé par les cellules infectées par Theileria. Les cellules transformées par Theileria agissent comme des cellules cancéreuses, elles consomment énormément de glucose. La protéine BAD joue un rôle important dans l’apoptose ainsi que dans la voie de glycolyse. Son activité est régulée par phosphorylation en réponse à des facteurs de croissance et de survie. BAD peut être phosphorylée par la PKA sur le résidu sérine 155. Durant ma thèse, nous avons examiné le rôle de la phosphorylation de BAD par la PKA dans la régulation du métabolisme cellulaire des macrophages infectés par Theileria. Nos résultats montrent que l’abolition de la phosphorylation de BAD par la PKA dissocie le complexe mitochondrial formé entre BAD et HK2, ce qui induit l’ubiquitynation et la dégradation de HK2 par le protéasome. La baisse de HK2 stimule la voie de phosphorylation oxydative en faveur de l’effet Warburg dans les cellules infectées par Theileria. / Theileria parasites (Theileria. annulata and T. parva) are intracellular protozoa and members of the phylum Apicomplexa. Theileria parasites are the only eukaryotes that possess the property of being able to transform another eukaryote, their leukocyte host cells. Transformed leukocytes show many characteristics of tumour cells such as heightened invasive capacity; however the tumour-like phenotype can be totally reversed upon drug induced parasite death and attenuated by multiple in vitro passages. Such multiple-passaged attenuated lines are used as live vaccines against tropical theileriosis. The similarities in tumour hyper-invasiveness between Theileria-transformed leukcocytes and human lymphomas imply that observations on Theileria-induced leukocyte transformation have the potential to give generally applicable insights into the mechanisms underpinning tumour virulence. My host laboratory described higher TGF-β2 levels in virulent infected macrophages and following microarray analysis of virulent compared to attenuated macrophages found that among the 1158 TGF-β-targets, 68 genes had altered transcript levels concomitant with attenuation. In this study, we investigate the signalling pathways involved in the regulation of cellular adhesion and invasiveness of Theileria-infected cells. We were especially interested in the study of TGF-β2 signalling in Theileria-transformed virulent versus attenuated macrophages. My results indicate that following Theileria infection of macrophages, the TGF-β2 signalling pathway is activated and induces an increase in adhesion of virulent transformed macrophages through two different mechanisms: either by activating a PGE2 / EP4 / cAMP / PKA / EPAC / CREB signaling pathway, or by stimulating a GRB2 / PI3-K / AP-1 pathway. As attenuated macrophages display heightened oxidative stress, which underpins their loss of adhesion and invasiveness, in collaboration with another PhD student (Mehdi Metheni) we investigated the role of TGF-β2 in the regulation of the oxidative stress status of Theileria-infected macrophages. Our data show that high levels of TGF-β2 increase the expression of catalase, an anti-oxidant enzyme that converts H2O2 into H2O and the drop in H2O2 output results in regain of the virulence trait heightened adhesion of Theileria-transformed macrophages to fibronectin. Theileria-transformed macrophages display many features of cancer cells such as their consumption of larger quantities of glucose. The BCL-2 family protein BAD has an alternative function in glucose metabolism separate from its role in apoptosis. The activity of BAD is regulated by phosphorylation in response to growth/survival factors. BAD can be phosphorylated on Ser155 by PKA. So during my thesis studies I examined the role of PKA mediated phosphorylation of BAD in the regulation of the cellular metabolism of Theileria-transformed macrophages. My results showed that ablation of BAD S155 phosphorylation dissociates the mitochondrial complex of BAD and HK2 and cytosolic HK2 becomes ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. Loss of HK2 switches the metabolism of Theileria-transformed leukocytes from Warburg-like to OXPHOS-like glycolysis.

microRNAs 29b, 29c, 199a e 532-3p são potenciais repressores da expressão de GLUT4 e HK2 em músculo esquelético de ratos diabéticos. / microRNAs 29b, 29c, 199a e 532-3p are potentials repressors of GLUT4 and HK2 expression in skeletal muscle of diabetic rats.

Esteves, João Victor Del Conti 13 December 2016 (has links)
Diabetes é uma doença metabólica caracterizada por hiperglicemia associada a prejuízos na captação e utilização de glicose, em que reduções na expressão da proteína GLUT4 (codificada pelo gene SLC2A4), bem como das enzimas Hexokinase-2 e Glycogen synthase (codificadas pelos genes HK2 e GYS1), desempenham papel importante. Recentemente, um novo elemento vem sendo relacionado à etiopatogenia e à fisiopatologia do diabetes, os microRNAs (miRNAs), que são pequenos RNAs envolvidos na regulação da expressão gênica, geralmente afetando a degradação de mRNAs. Entretanto, a participação de miRNAs envolvidos na redução da expressão de mRNAs relacionados a proteínas envolvidas na captação e utilização de glicose, sobretudo em músculo esquelético, permanece desconhecida. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a expressão de miRNAs potencialmente reguladores da expressão de Slc2a4/GLUT4, Hk2/HK2 e Gys1/GYS1 em músculo esquelético de ratos diabéticos. Utilizamos ratos Wistar machos que foram tornados diabéticos pela administração de estreptozotocina. Após 13 dias, 3 grupos foram formados: não-diabético (ND) e diabético tratado com placebo (DP) ou insulina (DI). O tratamento foi conduzido por 7 dias, totalizando 21 dias de diabetes. Variáveis metabólicas foram avaliadas e os músculos sóleos foram removidos para avaliar a expressão de mRNAs, miRNAs e proteínas. Uma abrangente análise in silico foi conduzida para determinar miRNAs candidatos a regularem a expressão de Slc2a4, Hk2 e Gys1. Os animais diabéticos apresentaram perda de peso, poliúria, glicosúria, hiperglicemia e aumento de frutosamina plasmática; a insulinoterapia melhorou estas variáveis. O diabetes reduziu a expressão dos mRNAs Slc2a4 (~55%), Hk2 (~47%) e Gys1 (~45%), e das proteínas GLUT4 (~77%), HK2(~52%) e GYS1 (~49%); a insulinoterapia restaurou essas variáveis. A expressão de 20 miRNAs foi avaliada neste estudo; 8 foram modulados pelo diabetes, sendo três supra-regulados, miR-1 (~28%), miR-29b (~118%) e miR-29c (~51%); e cinco infra-regulados, miR-93 (~39%), miR-199a (~30%), miR-345-3p (~23%), miR-532-3p (~26%) e miR-150 (~32%). Exceto pelo miR-1 e miR-150, a insulinoterapia reverteu as demais alterações. Além disso, miR-29b e miR-29c correlacionaram-se negativamente com GLUT4 e HK2, e positivamente com glicemia, glicosúria e frutosamina, sugerindo uma possível relação causal; enquanto que miR-199a e miR-532-3p correlacionaram-se positivamente com GLUT4 e HK2, e também com as variáveis metabólicas, sugerindo uma regulação indireta sobre os mRNAs dessas proteínas. No último caso, demonstrou-se que o miR-199a tem como alvo o NFKB1, um repressor do gene Slc2a4, o qual diminuiu no diabetes, explicando, pelo menos parcialmente, o efeito indireto sobre o GLUT4. Em suma, o diabetes aumenta a expressão de miR-29b e miR-29c, e reduz a expressão de miR-199a e miR-532-3p; o primeiro efeito, potencialmente age diretamente na tradução do mRNA Slc2a4 e Hk2, e o segundo, potencialmente age indiretamente, via NFKB, na transcrição dos genes. Como consequência, as proteínas GLUT4 e HK2 diminuem, o que reduziria a utilização de glicose pelo músculo, contribuindo para a hiperglicemia do diabetes. / Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia associated with impaired glucose metabolism and uptake, in which reductions of GLUT4, hexokinase 2 (HK2) and glycogen synthase 1 (GYS1) proteins, encoded respectively by SLC2A4, HK2 and GYS1 genes, play an important role. Recently, a new element have been related to etiopathogeny and pathophysiology of diabetes, the microRNAs (miRNAs), which are small RNAs involved in the regulation of gene expression, usually by affecting the degradation of mRNAs. However, the participation of miRNAs diabetes-induced reduction of expression of genes related to glucose uptake and metabolism in skeletal muscle remains unknown. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the expression of miRNAs potentially regulators of the Slc2a4/GLUT4, Hk2/HK2 and Gys1/GYS1 in skeletal muscle of diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were rendered diabetic by receiving streptozotocin. After 13 days, 3 groups were formed: non-diabetic (ND), and diabetic treated with placebo (DP) or insulin (DI) (NPH insulin, 6U/day). Treatment was conducted for 7 days, totalizing 21 days of diabetes. At the end of the experimental period, metabolic variables were evaluated and the soleus muscle was removed for evaluation of mRNA, miRNA and protein expression. A broad in silico analysis was performed to determine candidate miRNAs as potential regulators of Slc2a4, Hk2 and Gys1. Diabetic rats shown weight loss, polyuria, glycosuria, hyperglycemia and increased plasma fructosamine; insulin treatment improved these variables. Diabetes reduced Slc2a4 (~55%), Hk2 (~47%) and Gys1 (~45%) mRNAs, as well as GLUT4 (77%), HK2 (52%) and GYS1 (49%) proteins; insulin treatment restored these variables. Twenty miRNAs were assessed in this study. Eight miRNAs were modulated by diabetes in skeletal muscle; three were upregulated: miR-1 (28%), miR-29b (118%) and miR-29c (51%), whereas five were downregulated: miR-93 (39%), miR-150 (32%), miR-199a (30%), miR-345-3p (23%) and miR-532-3p (26%). Except for miR-1 and miR-150, all regulations were reverted by insulin treatment. Besides, miR-29b and miR-29c were negatively correlated with GLUT4 and HK2 proteins, and positively with glucose, glycosuria and plasma fructosamine suggesting a direct causal relationship; while miR-199a and miR-532-3p were positively correlated with GLUT4 and HK2 proteins, and also with the metabolic variables, suggesting an indirect causal relationship. In the last case, it was demonstrated that miR-199a has the Slc2a4 repressor Nfkb1 as target, which was reduced in muscle from diabetic rats, explaining, at least partially, the indirect effect upon GLUT4. In conclusion, diabetes increase the expression of miR-29b and miR-29c, and reduce the expression of miR-199a e miR-532-3p; the first effect, potentially acts directly in the translation of Slc2a4 and Hk2 mRNAs, and the second one, potentially acts indirectly, via NFKB, in the transcription of these genes. As a result, the expression of GLUT4 and HK2 decreases, which would reduce the muscle glucose uptake and metabolization, contributing to the hyperglycemia of the diabetes.

The multifactorial regulation of the immune checkpoint PD-L1 in the course of H. pylori infection / - Acts of Give and Take -

Sigulla, Janine 18 March 2021 (has links)
Eines der prävalentesten humanen Pathogene ist das Magenbakterium Helicobacter pylori, welches ca. die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung infiziert. Die Persistenz geht mit einer chronischen Gastritis einher, welche bis zu Magenkrebs fortschreiten kann. H.pylori bedient sich diverser Mechanismen um sich der Erkennung des Immunsystems zu entziehen und somit eine chronische Infektion zu ermöglichen. Erhöhte Expression des Immunzellinhibitors PD-L1 wurde in Magenepithelzellen gefunden, welche mit diesem Gram-negativen Erreger infiziert wurden. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Regulation auf in vitro Ebene untersucht, wobei zwei unterschiedliche Mechanismen identifiziert wurden. Ursächlich für die frühe PD-L1-Induktion ist die ADP-heptose/ALPK1 Signalkaskade. Der bakterielle Metabolit ADP-heptose, welcher für die Bildung von LPS benötigt wird, wurde als PAMP identifiziert, welcher durch das Sekretionssystems cagT4SS in die infizierte transportiert und anschließend von der Host Kinase ALPK1 erkannt wird. Gegensätzlich hierzu, wurde festgestellt, dass die zweite PD-L1-Hochregulation auf der metabolischen Reprogrammierung des Wirts beruht. Ein Merkmal von H. pylori ist dessen Bedarf an Cholesterin, welches es aus dem Medium oder aus membranösen Lipidregionen des Wirts extrahiert wird. Es konnte bewiesen werden, dass dieser Sterol-Abbauprozess zu einer erhöhten Stoffwechselaktivität führt, die spezifisch mit einer Zunahme der Glykolyse verbunden ist und mit einer Expressionsverschiebung des ersten Glykolyseenzyms Hexokinase von der Isoform 1 zu 2 einhergeht. Knockdown und Knockout- Experimente wiesen auf einen Zusammenhang mit der Regulation des Immunzellinhibitoren PD-L1 hin. / One of the most prevalent bacteria is the gastric bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which infects half of the world’s population. Persistence is accompanied with chronic gastritis which can progress towards gastric cancer. Several strategies are used by H.pylori to evade the immune system, enabling chronic infection. Heightened expression of the immune cell inhibitor PD-L1 was found in gastric epithelial cells, infected with this Gram-negative pathogen. Within this thesis, upregulation was studied in in vitro models, revealing two distinct mechanism. Causative for early PD-L1 induction is the ADP heptose/ALPK1 signaling axis. The bacterial metabolite ADP heptose, which is needed for LPS synthesis, was identified as PAMP, which is transported through the secretion system cagT4SS into the infected cell and is recognized by the host kinase ALPK1. In contrast, late upregulation of PD-L1 was found to be linked to metabolic reprogramming upon infection. Characteristic to H.pylori is its need of cholesterol, which it has to extract from the surrounding medium or lipid-rich regions within the host membrane. It could be shown that this sterol extraction process is accompanied with an increased metabolic activity which is linked with enhanced glycolysis and an expression shift of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase isoform 1 to 2. Knockdown and knockout experiments showed a link between HK2 and regulation of the immune checkpoint PD-L1.

Localisation of kallikreins in the prostate and association with prostate cancer progression

Bui, Loan Thuy January 2006 (has links)
At present, prostate cancer is a significant public health issue throughout the world and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in older men. The prostate specific antigen or PSA (which is encoded by the kallikrein 3/KLK3 gene) test is the current most valuable tool for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. However, it is insufficiently sensitive and specific for early diagnosis, for staging of prostate cancer or for discriminating between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Recent research has revealed another potential tumour marker, glandular kallikrein 2 (KLK2 gene/hK2 protein), which may be used alone or in conjunction with PSA to overcome some of the limitations of the PSA test. Twelve new kallikrein gene family members have been recently identified and, like hK2 and PSA, many of these genes have been suggested to be involved in carcinogenesis. In this study, the cellular localisation and level of expression of several of these newer kallikreins (KLK4, KLK5, KLK7, KLK8 and KLK11) was examined in prostate tissue, to provide an understanding of the association of their expression with prostatic diseases and their potential as additional biomarkers. Like PSA and hK2, the present observation indicated that each of these proteins, hK4, hK5, hK7, hK8 and hK11, was detected within the cytoplasm of the secretory cells of the prostate glands. For the first time, all of these newly-identified proteins were shown to be expressed in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) lesions, in comparison to normal glands and cancer lesions. In addition to cytoplasmic secretory cell expression, the localisation of hK4 to the basal cells and nuclei in prostatic lesions was intriguing. The intensity of hK4 staining in prostate tissue was strongest in comparison to the other newly-identified kallikrein proteins (hK5, hK7, hK8 and hK11). Therefore, KLK4/hK4 expression was characterised further to define this cellular localisation and examined in non-prostatic tissue and also in a larger number of prostate tissues in an attempt to determine its potential value as a biomarker for prostate disease. Three hK4 antipeptide polyclonal antibodies, derived against N-terminal, mid-region and C-terminal hK4 amino acid sequences, were used. The hK4 N-terminal antipeptide antibody was used to demonstrate the cellular localisation of hK4 in kidney, salivary glands, liver, testis, colon carcinoma, heart, endometrium and ovarian cancer, for the first time. The presence of hK4 in these non-prostate tissues was consistent with the previous reports using RT-PCR. The dual cytoplasmic and nuclear localisation of hK4 observed in the prostate above was also seen in these tissues. Although hK4 was found widely expressed in many human tissue types, indicating that it is not prostate specific in its expression, the highest expression level of hK4 was seen in the prostate. Therefore, detailed expression patterns and levels of KLK4 mRNA and hK4 protein in the normal prostate and prostatic diseases and histopathological lesions were investigated and reported for the first time in this study. Twelve benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 19 adenocarcinoma (Gleason grade 2-5) and 34 bone metastases from prostate cancer were analysed. Using in situ hybridisation, the expression of KLK4 mRNA was detected in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells of both normal and diseased prostate tissue. KLK4 mRNA was also noted in both secretory and basal cells of PIN lesions, but the basal cells of normal glands were negative. Using the hK4 N-terminal and mid-region antipeptide antibodies, hK4 was predominantly localised in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells. The intensity of hK4 staining appeared lowest in normal and BPH, and increased in PIN lesions, high Gleason grade prostate cancer and bone metastases indicating the potential of hK4 as a histopathological marker for prostatic neoplasias. Further studies are required with a larger cohort to determine its utility as a clinical biomarker. Small foci of atypical cells, which were found within normal glands, were also intensely stained. Surprisingly, hK4 protein was found in the nucleus of the secretory cells (but not the basal cells) of high grade PIN and Gleason grade 3 prostate cancer. The detection of KLK4 mRNA and hK4 protein in PIN lesions and small foci of atypical cells suggests that up-regulation of KLK4 expression occurs early in the pathology of prostate carcinogenesis. The finding of basal cell expression is not typical for the kallikreins and it is not clear what role hK4 would play in this cell type. With the use of the hK4 C-terminal antipeptide antibody, the staining was mainly localised in the nuclei of the secretory cells of the prostate glands. Although the nuclear localisation was readily noted in more than 90% of epithelial cells of the prostate gland with the C-terminal antibody, no difference in staining intensity was observed among the histopathological lesions of the prostate. The prominent nuclear localisation with the C-terminal antipeptide antibody was also shown to be distributed throughout the nucleus by using confocal microscopy. Further, by using gold-labelled particles for electron microscopy, the intracellular localisation of these hK4 antipeptide antibodies was reported here for the first time. Similar to the immunohistochemical results, the cytoplasm was the major site of localisation with the N-terminal and mid-region antipeptide antibodies. To further characterise the involvement of KLK4/hK4 in human prostate cancer progression, the transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model was used in this study. In this study, mouse KLK4 (also known as enamel matrix serine protease -1, EMSP-1) was shown to be expressed in the TRAMP prostate for the first time. Previous studies had only shown the developing tooth as a site of expression for EMSP-1. The level of EMSP-1 mRNA expression was increased in PIN and prostate cancer lesions of the TRAMP model, while negative or low levels of EMSP-1 mRNA were seen in normal glands or in control mouse prostate tissue. The normal mouse prostate did not stain with any the three hK4 antipeptide antibodies. hK4 N-terminal and mid-region antipeptide antibodies showed positive staining in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells of PIN and cancer lesions of the mouse prostate. The C-terminal antipeptide antibody showed distinctively nuclear staining and was predominantly localised in the nuclei of the glandular cells of PIN and cancer lesions of the mouse prostate. The expression patterns of both the mRNA and protein level for mouse KLK4 strongly supported the observations of KLK4/hK4 expression in the human prostate and further support the utility of the TRAMP model. Overall, the findings in this thesis indicate a clear association of KLK4/hK4 expression with prostate cancer progression. In addition, several intriguing findings were made in terms of cellular localisation (basal as well as secretory cells; nuclear and cytoplasmic) and high expression in atypical glandular cells and PIN, perhaps indicating an early involvement in prostate disease progression and, additionally, utility as basal cell and PIN histological markers. These findings provide the basis for future studies to confirm the utility of hK4 as a biomarker for prostate cancer progression and identify functional roles in the different cellular compartments.

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