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Hnutí YoSoy132 v Mexiku: proměny od prezidentských voleb 2012 po současnost / YoSoy132 movement in Mexico: transformation from presidential elections in 2012 to the presentUngerová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
#YoSoy132 movement was founded in May 2012 during the election campaign, after a small incident with one of the presidential candidates, Enrique Peňa Nieto, at IberoAmerican University in Mexico City. The movement gained relatively quickly a large number of supporters from many Mexican universities and also among ordinary citizens. The topic of this thesis is the transformation and evolution of the movement from presidential elections till present days. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the movement and answer the question on how #YoSoy132 movement has been developing over its fifteen months of existence, whether it has institutionalized and stabilized and how it can be defined and characterized.
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The Student Movement in Chile: Origins, trajectory and impact / Studentské hnutí v Chile: Původ, vývoj a vlivBeranová, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Latin America cannot be conceived without acknowledging the social movements, which are often the engines of political and social changes on the continent. Until recently, Chile appeared to be the country where the social order was perceived as the most accomplished in relation to its politically unstable neighbouring countries, as well as in relation to its proper history. The 2011 student movement, which is the most significant social movement within the last twenty years of the Chilean history, can be completely understood only from a broader perspective of the 20th century. In order to understand the recent changes, the thesis deals with the phenomenon of the Chilean student movement studying its origins, historical trajectory and impact. The aim of the thesis is to explore the continuities and changes of the student movement and question why the 2011 protests are treated as a separate collective action in relation to the cycles of contention experienced in the 20th century.
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Repertoár jednání českých ženských organizací / The Action Repertoire of Czech Women's OrganizationsZvelebilová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Concern of this master thesis are action repertoires of czech feminist organizations. The main goal of this paper is to find out whether there are some types of activism in terms of following characteristics in the Czech Republic: organizational age, political opportunity structure, human and financial resources, and action repertoir to be found. The thesis is devided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. The author introduces evolution of the social movement theory in the theoretical part. Greater attention is given to an advocacy function of civil society organizations and to action repertoire, which social movement organizations use to reach their goals. Subsequently is shown how the literature talks about particular forms of action and its selection. There are characteristics mentioned above used in Hierarchical Cluster Analysis on sample of twenty-nine czech feminist organization in the empirical part. Finally, findings of this paper are being discussed. Keywords: Action repertoires, social movements, social movements organization, non-governmental organizations, feminist organizations, Czech activism.
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"Každý ví, časy se mění": Vliv kontrakultury šedesátých let na americkou společnost / "The Times They Are A-Changin'": The Impact of the 1960s Counterculture on American SocietyŠčípová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The 1960s counterculture had a huge impact on American society and questioned many of the American values in order to replace them with their own ideas. Even thought the first trace of youth's revolt against the older generation appeared in the 1950s, it was in the 1960s when the young generation fully rose up and started to fight for their goals. The 1960s counterculture can be divided into two parts, the New Left and the hippies, which both comprised of many different groups and organizations, among them for example the Black Panthers, the Weatherman, Students for a Democratic Society or Vietnam Veterans Against the War. These organizations engaged in many different issues like a civil rights movement or an antiwar movement. The tool for spreading countercultural values was an art - until nowadays countercultural impact is still visible especially in music. Even thought the countercultural movement gradually became radical and in the end of the 1960s split up, its impact on American society is undeniable in some issues such as drug use, perception of sexuality or questioning authorities.
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Dělnické hnutí jako prostředek boje za rovnoprávnost černochů v Minnesotě: Aktivismus Nellie Stone Johnson / Labor Movement in Minnesota as a Means of Struggle for Equality of African Americans in Minnesota: Activism of Nellie Stone JohnsonNavrátilová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Labor Movement as a Means of Struggle for Equality of African Americans in Minnesota: Activism of Nellie Stone Johnson analyzes the role of the Labor Movement in a struggle for equality of African Americans in a state that belongs on the periphery of academic research of African American population of the United States of America. In the first two chapters, the study uses the probe method, which analyzes the manifestations of the Labor Movement and the Civil Rights Movement of the African Americans in Minnesota within a historical context. In case of both movements, key influences and actors are primarily identified. The second chapter then analyzes in more detail the impact of racism and discrimination on the Labor Movement's development, and vice versa, the struggle of the Labor Movement to overcome racial segregation. In the third chapter, the case study relies on the biographical method and the oral history method. Using these methods, this chapter constructs a specific story of activist Nellie Stone Johnson, whose life demonstrates the importance of combining quality education with economic self-sufficiency for the success of the African American struggle for racial equality in Minnesota. Nellie Stone Johnson came from a farming background that was traditional for Minnesota...
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Feministická a literární publicistika Pavly Moudré / Feminism and Literary Criticism in Pavla Moudrá's JournalismSłowik, Olga January 2014 (has links)
The thesis concentrates on the literary and feminist articles of Pavla Moudrá, which she published in the journals Ženská revue, Ženské listy, Ženský obzor and Ženský svět. An important part of the diploma is a complete bibliography of her texts issued in these periodicals. The analysis concentrates then mainly on articles connected to literature and "the woman question". It describes the author's opinions in their relationship with the peace movement, animal welfare, the anti-alcoholic movement and spiritualism. In all of these areas, she was involved as a promoter of spiritual values, leading to the spiritual revival of mankind, and for this purpose she also subordinated her journalism. She tried to thematise particular social problems, indicative of the decline of human morality, as well as writing more general texts, more metaphorical and strongly inspired by the theosophical movement. It influenced the way she perceived literature: she valued mainly the author's intention, which should be able to offer a positive example for the reader. She considered a poet, meaning a writer and an artist in general, to be a creature standing close to God and having the ability to see more than the average person. Also, a woman was, according to Moudrá, close to God: this relationship was given by the...
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Vysílací práva k olympijským hrám / Olympic Broadcast RightsŽižka, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Title: Olympic Broadcast Rights Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the revenue derived from the sale of the broadcasting rights to the Olympics by Olympic Movement. In the thesis are analysed the total sum of revenue, selected territory and compared the proportion that belongs to the International Olympic Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games. The secondary objective is to adapt and calculation of the conversion mechanism for the transfer of amounts reported in different currencies in different periods. Methods: Data collection is performed a secondary analysis of documents. The basic aggregate consist of the Summer Olympic Game held 1960 - 2012. The observed variables are: total revenue from broadcasting rights, revenue from broadcasting rights from Europe, the revenue from broadcasting rights from the U.S., revenue from broadcasting rights in Canada, revenue from broadcasting rights from Australia, revenue from broadcasting rights from Japan, the revenue from broadcasting rights in others countries, the number of hours produced from OH, the percentage distribution of revenues from broadcasting rights in the Olympic Movement. The transfer to the same currency using the conversion mechanism which is based on the consumer price index , purchasing power...
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Geografické faktory volební podpory hnutí ANO ve volbách do Poslanecké sněmovny v roce 2013 / Geographics Factors behind Voter Support for the ANO Political Movement in the 2013 Parliamentary ElectionsŠicnerová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents a spatial analysis of electoral results of the ANO (Alliance of Dissatisfied Citizens) political platform in the 2013 parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic. The study aims to identify spatial patterns of their electoral support and to uncover underlying factors which steered voters towards supporting this party. Furthermore, the thesis attempts to determine whether ANO is a new right-wing party poised to displace previously established right-wing parties (especially ODS); whether its support reached highest levels of support in areas where traditional right-wing parties lost the most votes, and whether significant regional differences exist in voter support for ANO.As explanatory variables, the study uses socio- demographic and economic characteristics reflecting the population structure and the nature of local contexts. Furthermore, the thesis further intends to analyse possible ways through which the pattern of ANO voter support may have been influenced by the activities of the Agrofertagricultural company owned by the platform's leader Andrej Babis. Methodically, the study is grounded in an analysis of aggregate data on electoral results in municipalities, as well as an analysis of sociological surveys of individual voter behaviour. The thesis processed the data via...
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Právní postavení hnutí odporu a analýza jeho činů v Izraelsko-Palestinském konfliktu / The Legal Status of a Resistance Movement and the Analysis of its Acts Within the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictPohořská, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict brings up many questions considering and reaching into several different spheres, including the spheres of law. This thesis focuses on the question of the organized resistance movement against occupation and on its legal status. It is known that the inhabitants of every occupied territory are allowed to protect themselves and their territory from the occupier, thus they are allowed to resist the occupation and to claim a recognition of their resistance movement and of its acts as legal acts. Although the resistance movement is a well known term, there is no official definition of this movement and its legal framework is quite narrow; it only establishes the characteristics needed in order for its members to gain a status and a legal protection similar to the regular combatants. It is limited from its name that the resistance movement against occupation may only exists in the territory where an actual occupation takes place. In order to characterize the organized resistance movement against occupation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is necessary for this thesis to first answer several supporting questions concerning the actual status of the specific conflict and look closer whether or not is the concerned territory actually occupied. After reaching a...
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Židovská komunita v Plzni po svém obnovení roku 1853 do roku 1918 / Jewish Community in Pilsen after its Renewal in 1853-1918Faloutová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with a history of Jewish community in the town of Pilsen from 1853 till 1918. I am concerned with political, social and mainly economic and national changes in this period. I try to describe the relationship between Czechs and Jews in the town. My information had been obtained from the available literature, archival sources and period local press.
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