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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts of a specialist diet on aardwolf ecology

De Vries, J.L. 07 1900 (has links)
The diet of an animal plays a fundamental role in its ecology, and the consequence of a specific diet may be more pronounced in mammals with a specialised diet that are more reliant on a specific food type. This can have a dramatic effect on its activity patterns, home range size and the interaction with heterospecifics. Investigating the diet of specialist mammals and the subsequent effects it will have on their ecology is thus vital to the management and subsequent conservation of the species, and crucial to our understanding of how the animal can survive and reproduce. In this thesis I investigate the effect that the diet of the aardwolf, a highly specialised myrmecophage, has on its ecology. Aardwolves feed predominantly on one genus of termite, Trinervoides spp., and are thus extremely dependent on the abundance and distribution of this arthropod. I firstly investigated the effect of temperature and rainfall on arthropod abundance and diversity, and further investigated the variation of arthropod abundance and diversity across the four habitat types at study site. This is one of a few studies that have been conducted on arthropod abundance and diversity in an arid environment and the findings show that in an arid environment arthropods are mainly influenced by temperature rather than rainfall. This is in contrast to studies in temperate and forest habitats where rainfall is the most important abiotic factor determining the abundance and diversity of arthropod assemblages. Habitat type still plays a major role in the abundance and diversity of arthropods, and habitat types that are more complex and diverse have both a higher diversity, and abundance of arthropods than other habitats. Due to the absence of prey items during the colder months of the year I investigated the diet of aardwolves to see if they display a switch in diet. This included an investigation into the seasonal variation of diet from a detailed scat analysis, using a newly developed method to assess scat content. The analysis of scats revealed that, contrary to previous studies, aardwolves showed no switch in diet and continued to feed on Trinervitermes. Using the data from the scat analyses and the information from the abundance and diversity of arthropods at the study site I expanded the study to investigate the functional responses of the aardwolf to change in prey abundance at the locality. Aardwolves demonstrate a Type I functional response to changes in prey abundance, a response that is normally found in plankton feeders. The expected functional response for specialist animals would be Type II response, and I propose that the Type I response seen in aardwolves is probably as a result of a limited handling time which reduces time spent foraging. The abundance of termites thus had a clear effect on the diet of aardwolves, showing that they feed on fewer when they are unavailable, and as such I investigated the effect of termite densities on home range sizes. The number of termite mounds in a home range influenced the size of the home range, and aardwolves with larger home ranges had a lower density of termite mounds. In contrast to previous studies, large overlaps between neighbouring individuals were recorded and indeed three male aardwolves shared a common den. I propose that the reason behind the overlap of home ranges is that a higher prey abundance during my study period occurred and as a consequence aardwolves did not need to defend an area to protect this resource. T. trinervoides has thus played a keystone role in driving the biology of the aardwolf and shaping many aspects of its ecology. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2021. / South African Research Chair Initiative chair of Mammal Behavioural Ecology and Physiology / Zoology and Entomology / PhD / Unrestricted

Factors influencing productivity in sympatric populations of Mountain reedbuck and Grey rhebok in the Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve, South Africa

Taylor, William Andrew 15 February 2005 (has links)
Productivity of grey rhebok and mountain reedbuck was studied at Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve (eastern Free State) between September 1999 and May 2002. Within a study area of 550 ha, all herds of grey rhebok and all territorial male mountain reedbuck were identified, and general population dynamics were monitored. Lambs of both species were born seasonally between September and February, while most deaths occurred between June and November. Population levels appeared to be controlled in both species mainly by the eviction of young males, but the effects of extreme weather conditions were significant, being demonstrated by the deaths of 27 % and 51 % of the grey rhebok and mountain reedbuck populations respectively during heavy snow in September 2001. Disease and predation played no role in population control. Grey rhebok formed stable harem herds with home ranges varying between 23 ha and 104 ha (95 % MCP), with an average of 57.9 ha. Home ranges in areas with extensive steep slopes tended to be smaller than those in flatter areas. The ecological density was 1/15.7 ha. Territorial male mountain reedbuck were often solitary, and only accompanied by females when these moved into their territories. Home ranges of males varied between 7 ha and 21 ha (95 % MCP), with an average of 14.8 ha, and all had areas of steep slopes within. Females showed strong preference for steep slopes and used much greater areas than males. The ecological density was 1/8.7 ha. Grey rhebok rested less than mountain reedbuck, but did not feed for longer. Grey rhebok were active intermittently all day and night, but tended to be more active in the early morning and late afternoon than in the middle of the day. During the day, mountain reedbuck were most active in the late afternoon, rested for longer periods in the middle of the day, but were also very active at night. Body condition was investigated seasonally in mountain reedbuck at Sterkfontein and also Tussen die Riviere Nature Reserve. Kidney fat indices and leg fat percentages were lowest at the end of winter before the rains started and when the nutritive value of the veld was at its lowest. Endoparasites were investigated in both antelope species, but primarily in mountain reedbuck. Seventeen species of helminths, including fifteen nematodes, one trematode, and one cestode were recovered from mountain reedbuck at Sterkfontein and TdR. The most prevalent and abundant species were Cooperia yoshidai, Longistrongylus schrenki and Haemonchus contortus. Five nematode species were recovered from four grey rhebok at Sterkfontein. / Thesis (PhD (Veterinary Wildlife))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Veterinary Tropical Diseases / unrestricted

Migration ecology of American White Pelicans: circannual movement, geographic range, and annual survival

Ogawa, Ryo 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Responses of migratory birds to seasonal climate and long-term environmental changes have been a central theme of avian migration ecology. Atmospheric conditions (e.g., winds and thermals), climate, and land cover and land use (LCLU) are major factors influencing the flights of soaring birds. Soaring American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) (hereafter, AWPEs) migrate between the subtropical Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and the temperate Northern Great Plains. American White Pelicans are also economically important piscivorous birds, causing enormous damages to the commercial Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) aquaculture in the Southeastern US. My studies aimed to evaluate the effects of climate, wind, and LCLU on the geographic range distributions, seasonal movements, and annual survival of AWPEs. I used Bayesian integrated species distribution models to estimate the occupancy probability and space-use intensity of AWPEs at the breeding and non-breeding grounds in 2005, 2010, and 2015, respectively, with data from eBird, Breeding Bird Survey, and Christmas Bird Count. Decreases in wind speeds and surface net thermal radiation and increases in waterbodies, wetlands, and non-woody covers enhanced AWPE occupancy at both the breeding and non-breeding grounds. I used 72 GPS-tracked AWPE data to study circannual hourly movement speeds and seasonal home ranges of AWPEs from 2002 to 2012. American White Pelicans had shorter hourly movement distances and smaller seasonal home ranges in the Southern than Northern GOM during winters; however, the difference did not carry over to the shared breeding grounds during summers. Last, I built Bayesian integrated population models to estimate annual survival and population dynamics of AWPEs with mark-resight-recovery data and annual nest counts at Chase Lake, North Dakota, the US from 1960 to 2014. Increases in upward wind velocity during autumn migration enhanced hatch-year AWPE survival. Increased winter precipitation on the non-breeding grounds improved annual survival of yearling and adults. On the other hand, increased precipitation at the breeding grounds reduced annual survival of hatch-year AWPEs. My findings can help develop management plans for mitigating the economic damages of AWPEs by predicting what areas AWPEs may occupy with high abundances in the future changes in climate and LCLU.

Hydrological factors influencing the ecology of riverbed breeding birds on the plains' reaches of Canterbury's braided rivers

Hughey, Kenneth F. D. January 1985 (has links)
The wide, unstable, braided riverbeds of the eastern South Island, New Zealand, have been inhabited by a diverse avifauna. Several species including the wrybill breed only on these rivers. Use is restricted mainly to the breeding season from September to December, so this was the critical study period. Previous, behaviourally oriented studies have occurred mainly in the high country catchments where habitat modification is slight. However, substantial bird numbers also occur on lowland riverbeds. These areas are subject to existing or planned water developments which may have negative impacts on the conservation of these habitats and bird species. The principal goal of this study was to add to the information necessary to conserve lowland riverbed habitat within multiple use planning strategies. Specific objectives associated with assessing breeding and feeding requirements were therefore hydrologically oriented. Study areas were chosen on the lower Rakaia and lower Ashley rivers. Both are braided but have markedly different flow regimes. The Rakaia is snowfed and has peak flows occurring during the breeding season. The Ashley is primarily rainfed and has a declining breeding season flow regime. Wrybills, black-fronted terns, banded dotterels, South Island pied oystercatchers, and pied stilts breed in these areas. The first two of these were selected as indicator species. It was assumed that because of their restricted habitat needs, flow requirements recommended to meet their needs would also meet those of most other species. Banded dotterels were also studied because of their close taxonomic relationship and overlapping distribution with wrybills. South Island pied oystercatchers and pied stilts were chosen to check the validity of the approach. Breeding, nest site requirements, microhabitat preferences for foraging, diets, home ranges and food supply were studied. Wrybill time-budgets were examined, and the incremental approach to impact assessment was applied to wrybill foraging needs. Breeding success for all species was dependent on the flow regime. In 1982 wrybill fledging success was moderate on the Rakaia, whereas in 1983 it was very low. Conversely, in both years fledging success was very high on the Ashley. This variability resulted from serious flooding on the Rakaia in 1983 which effected all species. Wrybills have nest site characteristics most closely approximating a habitat specialist, while the other species should be considered habitat generalists. Nests are generally close to water, near minor braids, and on non-vegetated shingle substrates. On average there is a higher chance of nests being flooded on the Rakaia than on the Ashley where predation is more likely to reduce nesting success. Vegetation encroachment threatens nest site provision and floods are presently the only natural regular of exotic plants such as lupin. Banded dotterel home ranges were significantly smaller than wrybills, and on an intra-specific basis were smaller on the Ashley. A correlation existed between home range size and habitat quality, so that small wrybill home ranges were dominated by the occurrence of productive minor braids, and larger ones by less productive major channels. Time-budgets provided further insights into the influence of hydrological factors on wrybill ecology. Wrybill time-budgets appear to be inflexible because a high proportion of time is devoted to foraging, with relatively little time available for other activities. Resource depression on the Rakaia in 1983 lessened the chances for wrybills to breed successfully because sufficient food could not be gathered to provide for breeding energy needs. This did not occur on the Ashley River where flows were generally more stable. From a management viewpoint, development strategies which lead to greater flow fluctuations will have a detrimental impact on wrybills. The foraging patterns for all species except black-fronted terns were examined. There was a general preference for aquatic habitats, particularly those associated with minor braids and disconnected pools. Depth and substrate use were studied in detail for wrybills and banded dotterels. Wrybills displayed consistent use patterns between rivers, which reflected specialisation in habitat use. Banded dotterel habitat use varied considerably. Diet was studied by faecal analysis. Both wrybills and banded dotterels fed on invertebrates of aquatic and terrestrial origin. For wrybills it was noticeable that Ephemeroptera larvae did not dominate the diet as had previously been reported for high country catchments. Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Ephemeroptera were important on the Rakaia with Trichoptera replacing Ephemeroptera larvae on the Ashley. Banded dotterels were more reliant on Coleoptera and Hemiptera on both rivers. Pitfall trapping results showed that terrestrial invertebrate availability was dependent on the proximity of water. Fewer floods on the Ashley led to a more consistent food supply on that river. This helps explain the greater bird density on this river. Severe flooding in 1983 appeared to seriously depress aquatic invertebrate densities on the Rakaia. The incremental approach to impact assessment was applied to wrybill foraging requirements. Depth, substrate, and water velocity preferences were included within a weighted usable area model already developed for fisheries use on the Rakaia River. Over the range of median to low flows studied, weighted usable area increased with declining discharge. A simplified usable width approach was applied to a highly braided section of the Ashley River. Here, usable width declined with falling discharges. This inter-basin difference could be explained with reference to the braiding pattern of each river. The main study objectives were achieved, but the indicator species management approach was of limited value in areas other than nest site requirements. Pied stilts and South Island pied oystercatchers fed at greater depths than wrybills, and often used different microhabitats. However, for foraging, wrybills need appeared adequate indicators of banded dotterel requirements.

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