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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Horn Antennas Loaded with Metamaterial for UWB Applications

Lashab, Mohamed, Hraga, Hmeda I., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Zebiri, Chemseddine, Benabdelaziz, F., Jones, Steven M.R. 2011 March 1922 (has links)
Yes / In this paper, a conical horn antenna has been designed for Ultra-Wideband ap-plications by loading its section with a metamaterial. The work aims first to compare results obtained by the wavelet-moment method to a simulation performed using HFSS. Secondly the conical horn is loaded with a very thin layer of metamaterial to enhance the radiation pattern and the bandwidth performance of the conical horn antenna and reduce the size of the antenna. The operating bandwidth of the proposed antenna is in the range of 10{13 GHz. The results obtained from HFSS and moment method are in good agreement. / Electronics and Telecommunications

A Modified Radiometric Method for Measuring Antenna Radiation Efficiency

McEwan, Neil J., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Abidin, M.N.Z. 28 May 2009 (has links)
No / Radiation efficiency of antennas is shown to be measurable by a modified radiometric technique where the antenna's physical temperature is varied, rather than the noise temperature of its surroundings. The method is accurate, flexible and much more convenient for routine use. A means of avoiding errors caused by temperature-dependent antenna impedance is described. The accuracy of the method is verified by measuring the radiation efficiency of a horn antenna with a 3 dB attenuator to simulate a 50% efficient antenna, and by using microstrip patch antennas, whose measured efficiencies compared well with values computed from a transmission-line model.

A design environment for the automated optimisation of low cross-polarisation horn antennas

Van der Walt, Madele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aggressive space mapping algorithm is used in this project for the optimisation of electromagnetic structures. This technique combines the use of fast, less accurate models with more time-consuming, high precision models in the optimisation of a design. MATLAB’s technical computing environment possesses powerful tools for optimisation as well as the graphical representation and mathematical post-processing of data. A software interface, which uses Visual Basic for Applications, is created between MATLAB and the electromagnetic solvers, CST Microwave Studio and μWave Wizard, that are used for the fine and coarse model calculations. The interface enables the direct interchange of data, which allows MATLAB to control the optimisation for the automation of the design process. The optimisation of a microwave coaxial resonator with input coupling is used to demonstrate the design environment. An accurate equivalent circuit model is available to describe the problem. The space mapping optimisation of this structure works well, with a significant improvement in the efficiency of the optimisation when compared to standard optimisation techniques. Multimode horn antennas are of interest for use as feeds in radio-astronomy telescope systems. The design of a stepped circular horn antenna in the space mapping design environment is presented. The horn’s radiation pattern is optimised for low cross-polarisation. This structure is much more complex to model than the resonator example. The generalised scattering matrix representation is used in the coarse model description. The far-fields are calculated from the aperture fields by means of the Fast Fourier Transform. Various tests confirm that the optimisation is steered in the right direction as long as the coarse model response follows the trend of the fine model response over the optimisation space. The presented design environment is a powerful tool for the automation of the design of electromagnetic structures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aggressiewe ruimte-afbeelding algoritme word in hierdie projek gebruik vir die optimering van elektromagnetiese strukture. Hierdie tegniek kombineer die gebruik van vinnige, minder akkurate modelle tesame met tydrowende hoë presisie modelle tydens die optimering van ’n ontwerp. MATLAB se tegniese verwerkingsomgewing beskik oor kragtige gereedskap vir optimering sowel as die grafiese voorstelling en wiskundige verwerking van data. ’n Sagteware koppelvlak, wat Visual Basic for Applications benut, word geskep tussen MATLAB en die elektromagnetiese oplossers, CST Microwave Studio en μWave Wizard, wat vir die fyn en growwe model berekeninge gebruik word. Hierdie koppelvlak maak die direkte uitruiling van data moontlik, wat MATLAB in staat stel om die optimering te beheer ten einde die ontwerpsproses te outomatiseer. Die optimering van ’n mikrogolf koaksiale resoneerder met intree koppeling word gebruik om die ontwerpsomgewing te demonstreer. ’n Akkurate ekwivalente stroombaanmodel is beskikbaar om die probleem mee te beskryf. Die ruimte-afbeelding optimering van hierdie struktuur werk goed en toon ’n aansienlike verbetering in die doeltreffendheid van die optimering wanneer dit met standaard optimeringstegnieke vergelyk word. Multimodus horingantennes is van belang in radio-astronomie, waar dit as voere vir teleskope gebruik word. Die ontwerp van ’n trapvormige, sirkelvormige horingantenne in die ruimte-afbeelding ontwerpsomgewing word aangebied. Die stralingspatroon van die horing word optimeer vir lae kruispolarisasie. Hierdie struktuur is heelwat meer ingewikkeld om te modelleer as die resoneerder voorbeeld. Die veralgemeende strooimatriks voorstelling word gebruik in die growwe model beskrywing. Die ver-velde word bereken vanaf die velde in die bek van die antenne, deur gebruik te maak van die Vinnige Fourier Transform. Verskeie toetse bevestig dat die optimering in die regte rigting gestuur word, solank as wat die growwe model se gedrag dié van die fyn model oor die optimeringsgebied navolg. Die ontwerpsomgewing wat hier aangebied word, is ’n kragtige stuk gereedskap vir die outomatisering van die ontwerp van elektromagnetiese strukture.

Modal-based design techniques for circular quadruple-ridged flared horn antennas

Beukman, Theunis Steyn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents modal-based techniques for the effective systematic design of quadruple-ridged flared horns (QRFHs) as reflector feeds for radio astronomy applications. A new excitation technique is proposed, consisting of a quadraxial line that terminates in the quad-ridges through the back lid of the QRFH, which allows for the integration with differential low-noise amplifiers. An equivalent circuit of this quadraxial feed is presented that allows fast synthesis of optimal feeding designs for QRFHs. In addition, the quadraxial feeding network suppresses higher-order modes significantly. The effect of eliminating these unwanted modes are investigated and the quadraxial feed is shown to outperform the coaxial feed in the known detrimental aspects of the QRFH – beamwidth narrowing for increased frequency, beamwidth variation over the upper bandwidth, high cross-polarisation levels, high co-polar sidelobes and variable phase centre – for the specific QRFH designs. Ridge-loaded modes are analysed and a large number of cut-off frequencies presented which are unavailable in literature. The pure-mode excitation of the quadraxial feed allows more effective control over the modal content in the QRFH. This is exploited in a proposed design technique where the cut-off frequencies throughout the horn are used to synthesise the ridge taper profile, in order to achieve the desired modal distribution in the aperture. The proposed feeding solution is compact and therefore is also attractive for use with cryocoolers, typically employed with front-end electronics in telescopes for radio astronomy. A prototype was successfully manufactured and the mechanical implementation of the quadraxial feed proved to be much more simple than that of the conventional feed – consisting of a coaxial line realised within the thin ridges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif stel modus gebasseerde tegnieke voor vir die effektiewe sistematiese ontwerp van viervoud gerifte oopgesperde horings (VGOHs) as weerkaatser voere vir radio astronomie toepassings. ’n Nuwe voertegniek word voorgestel, wat bestaan uit ’n kwadraksiale lyn wat termineer in die vier riwwe deur die agterkant van die VGOH, wat die integrasie met differensiële laeruis versterkers toelaat. ’n Ekwivalente stroombaan van hierdie kwadraksiale voer word aangebied vir die vinnige sintese van optimale voer ontwerpe vir VGOHs. Boonop onderdruk die kwadraksiale voer netwerk ook beduidend hoër orde modusse. Die effek van die uitskakeling van hierdie ongewensde modusse word ondersoek en die kwadraksiale voer oortref die gedrag van die koaksiale voer in die bekende nadelige aspekte van die VGOH – bundelwydte vernouing met toenemende frekwensie, bundelwydte variasie oor die boonste bandwydte, hoë kruispolarisasie vlakke, hoë kopolarisasie sybande en wisselvallige fase senter – vir die spesifieke VGOH ontwerpe. Rifgelaaide modusse word geanaliseer en ‘n groot aantal afsnyfrekwensies word aangebied wat nie beskikbaar is in literatuur nie. Die suiwermodus opwekking van die kwadraksiale voer bied meer effektiewe beheer oor die modusinhoud in die VGOH. Hierdie aspek word benut in ‘n voorgestelde tegniek waar die afsnyfrekwensies deur die horing gebruik word om die rif tapsheid profiel te sintetiseer, sodat die gewensde modale distribusie in die stralingsvlak behaal word. Die voorgestelde voer oplossing is kompak en daarom ook aantreklik vir die gebruik met krioverkoelers, wat tipies gebruik word met die voorkant elektronika in teleskope vir radio astronomie. ‘n Prototipe was suksesvol vervaardig en die meganiese implimentasie van die kwadraksiale voer toon dat dit eenvoudiger is as met die gebruiklike koaksiale voer – wat bestaan uit ‘n koaksiale lyn bewerkstellig binne die dun riwwe.

Radiation Pattern Reconfigurable Horn Antenna Based on Parasitic Layer Concept

Tanagardi, Mehmet 01 August 2019 (has links)
In recent years, multi-functional reconfigurable antennas (MRA) has attracted much attention in wireless communication. The reconfigurable antenna can adapt itself with changing system conditions, and it can provide different multi-functionalities which can give better system performances. Instead of using multiple antennas, a single reconfigurable antenna can provide the same performance and occupy less space. By using the parasitic layer technique, an antenna can be turned into a reconfigurable antenna. The main objective of this thesis is to study radiation pattern reconfiguration of the horn antenna by using the parasitic layer concept. The MRA consists of a single horn, dielectric loaded truncated pyramid (DLTP), and the parasitic layer. The antenna that is chosen in this thesis is the horn antenna because it provides high directivity. DLTP is used for magnification purpose. The results show that three modes of operations that provide better performances compared to the single horn antenna are achieved.

Waveguide antenna feed for the Square Kilometre Array

Schoeman, Karla 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MscEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the suitability of TEM (Transverse Electromagnetic) horn antennas for use as feed structures for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope, in particular with regard to the roundness of the radiation pattern. A literature study shows that existing TEM horn designs do not yield a round radiation pattern over a wide bandwidth and that an alternative is required. The Method of Moments (MoM) is a computational electromagnetic (CEM) technique typically used in the analysis of TEM horn antennas. An in-house MoM solver is successfully developed to analyse such antennas and is able to calculate the current density on the surface of a conductor, as well as the farfield patterns of an antenna. A modification to an exponential TEM horn antenna is proposed and simulations show the modification is successful in yielding a round radiation pattern over a wide bandwidth. The modified exponential TEM horn has a convex triangular arc at the end of each antenna plate and is constructed for measurement. Due to limited construction capabilities, the measurements deviate slightly from the simulated results but still indicate the potential of the structure to yield a round radiation pattern over a wide bandwidth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die geskiktheid van transverse elektromagnetiese (TEM) horing antennas te ondersoek vir die gebruik as voerstrukture vir die Square Kilometre Array (SKA)- radioteleskoop, veral met betrekking tot die rondheid van die stralingspatroon. ’n Literatuurstudie toon dat bestaande TEM horing ontwerpe nie ’n ronde stralingspatroon oor ’n wye bandwydte lewer nie, en dat ’n alternatief nodig is. Die metode van momente is ’n rekenbare elektromagnetiese tegniek wat tipies gebruik word in die ontleding van TEM horing antennas. ’n In-huis metode van momente ontleder is suksesvol ontwikkel om sulke antennas te analiseer en is in staat om die stroomdigtheid op die oppervlak van ’n geleier, sowel as die vêrveld patrone van die antenna te bereken. ’n Wysiging van ’n eksponensiële TEM horing antenna word voorgestel en simulasies toon dat die veranderings suksesvol is om ’n ronde stralingspatroon oor ’n wye bandwydte te skep. Die verander eksponensiële TEM horing het ’n konvekse driehoekige boog aan die einde van elke antenna plaat en is gebou vir meting. Weens beperkte konstruksie vermoëns, toon die metings ’n afwyking van die gesimuleerde resultate, maar dui nogsteeds die potensiaal aan van die struktuur om ’n ronde stralingspatroon te lewer oor ’n wye bandwydte.

Diverse Polarization Extension to MUSIC Applied to a Circular Array of H-Plane Horns

Whelan, Jedidiah J. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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