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Ekonomika malé farmy / Small farm economyHartlová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis the evaluation of the economic situation of a rather small farm of the Bukovjanovi family in Pročevili, near the town of Březnice. The mentioned main aim is to be reached with the use of financial analysis, which ought to provide an adequate perspective of the economic well-being of the farm itself. The financial analysis is performed through the use of basic methods of financial analysis based on the information obtained from the farm's tax records. These methods include vertical and horizontal analysis, analysis of the relational indexes - profitability, liquidity activity and debt. The analysis regarding financial specialization takes into account ten fiscal periods, specifically from year 2005 until 2014. Furthermore, the analytical part includes specifications of backflow from a new barn intended for stabling cattle using selected methods of evaluating investments. In addition to the previously mentioned description, the analytical part also contains prognosis of the farm's economic development for the next three years - 2015, 2016 and 2017. All results of the analysis conducted with the aim of evaluating the financial situation of the company, both in a retrospective and prospective manner, are presented in the chapter summary of results. The last chapter is focused on concluding the entire thesis and also touches upon proposals intended to promote the expansion of the farm itself in the forseeable future, with regards to maintaining its stable position within the free market.
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Vývoj místní samosprávy v MČ Praha - Zličín / The Development of Local Government in the Municipality Praha - ZličínHrdá, Barbara January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns the local Government and municipal politics in district Praha, Zličín. The thesis is focused on the development of local Government in the period after 1989. The subject of the thesis is analysis of municipal political system and the participation of citizens in public life in the district. The thesis is depart into theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts related to local governments e.g. Delimitation of municipalities, municipal politics and electoral systems in the country.
The practical part contains the characteristics of Praha, Zličín. It also focuses on local authorities and their representatives and municipal management in the years 2010 - 2014. The practical part includes an analysis of municipal elections in 1994 - 2014.
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Analýza produkčního potenciálu lesních porostů založených na bývalých zemědělských půdách v oblasti Doupovských hor (VLS ČR, s.p., Divize Karlovy Vary) / Analysis of production potential of forest stands on former agricultural land in Doupovske hory Mts. (VLS ČR, s.e., Division Karlovy Vary)Sedláček, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis evaluates the structure and development of forest stands on former agricultural land in the conditions of Doupovské hory, VLS ČR, s.p. The main objective of this research was to compare production and growth characteristics of following tree species: Picea abies (L.) KARST., Larix decidua MILL., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Populus nigra L. Stand structural characteristics were measured on 5 circular plots (500 m2) for each tree species. Beside basis dendrometric characteristics, health status of individual trees was evaluated and increment cores were taken for the description of growth dynamics (n > 10 for each tree species). Software Statistica 12 was used for the comparison of production parameters. Comparing all types of damage, the difference between alder (0.084) and maple (0.091) was not statistically significant, while larch (0.356) and poplar (0.513) both were significantly different from the first two mentioned tree species. The highest damage was confirmed in the case of spruce (0,736), which differed from all other species. On the other hand, spruce had the highest standing volume (416.8 m3.ha-1, 29.7 SD), followed by poplar (350.0 m3.ha-1, 91.7 SD). The lowest standing volume was stated in the case of maple (182.9 m3.ha-1, 73.3 SD), followed by larch (238.3 m3.ha-1, 57.7 SD). For all tree species we saw during the observation period decrease of diameter increment. The steepest decline is obvious for larch and alder, on the contrary relatively stable growth pattern was stated for maple and to a certain extent also poplar. Based on the research results, management guidelines for the selection of appropriate trees species and regeneration of studied stands are proposed.
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Studium diverzity plevelových společenstev v porostech vybraných širokořádkových plodin v Podkrkonoší / Study of diversity of weed communities in wide row crops in Podkrkonoší RegionKocour, David January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of the master's thesis was an assessment of weed communities in Podkrkonosi Region (the area underneath the Giant Mountains) (Pokrkonosi). The effect of the crop (maize, potatoes) and altitude with a particular focus on thermophilic weed specieshas been investigated.
The theoretical part outlines weed species referring to their significance, classification, harmfulness as well as benefits. The effect of climate changes, invasive plants, biodiversity and effect of temperature are discussed. Last part of the literary review is a brief description of model crops.
In the practical part of the thesis, soil and climate conditions of the locality are described. Furthermore, a term phytocoenology is introduced and the methodology of recording relevés and the data conversion are explained. Totally, 99 weed species out of 25 families were found (69 in maize, 85 in potatoes).
Chenopodium album agg., Echinochloa crus-galli and Fallopia convolvulus were the most frequent species in maize. The species with the highest cover were Fallopia convolvulus, Chenopodium album agg. and Echinochloa crus-galli.
Chenopodium album agg., Echinochloa crus-galli and Viola arvensis were the most frequent in potatoes. Chenopodium album agg., Fallopia convolvulus, Echinochloa crus-galli and Galinsoga quadriradiata can be classified as the weeds with the highest cover.
Euphorbia helioscopia and Sonchus arvensis were positively correlated with increasing altitude, while Amaranthus retroflexus, Solanum nigrum and Galinsoga quadriradiata were negatively correlated. Thlaspi arvense and Echinochloa crus-galli were characteristic species in maize, and Veronica persica, Galinsoga quadriradiata and Sonchus arvensis in potatoes.
It can be concluded that potatoes fields showed higher species richness than maize, especially in higher altitudes. Maize was characterized by narrow weed spectrum with few predominating species. The tested hypothesis was confirmed and a statistically significant effect of altitude on the occurrence of thermophilic weed species has been found.
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Studium diverzity plevelových společenstev ve vybraném zemědělském podniku v oblasti středního Polabí / Study of diversity of weed communities on the selected farm in Central Elbe RegionProcházková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis examines the species diversity of weed communities in selected farm in the middle Elbe. Evaluation of the site is ranked in the sugar beet growing region. Specifically, it was evaluated weed plots Agromaso Ltd. in the immediate vicinity of the town Brandys nad Labem-Stara Boleslav at an altitude of 169 m n. m. Rated the weed in conventional crop farming in winter wheat and oilseed rape.
Data collection was conducted in early March this year, before the spring herbicide treatment. Application of herbicides in cultures were performed in the fall. On each plot were evaluated with 5 random plots with an area of 1 m2 per headlands and 5 plots of the same area in the center stands.
The values obtained were sorted into tables and graphs. Multivariate analyzes were investigated differences in species composition in the center stand and on headlands. Furthermore, differences in species composition of weed communities of cereals and oilseeds. These analyzes confirmed the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1: weed species diversity at the edges and inside the land varies.
This hypothesis was confirmed by multivariate analyzes. Diversity on the edges of the land was higher than in the centers stands. On the edges of the land occurred more weeds than in centers of growth. The center crop of winter wheat were the only two species of weeds, while the edge 8 kinds of weeds. On land with oilseed rape situation was similar, margins land accounted for nine weed species and hunting center, only 7 weeds. This fact is confirmed by the Shannon - Wiener index of diversity.
Hypothesis 2: There are differences in species composition of weed communities of cereals and oilseeds (due to diversion from the original methodology was modified hypothesis).
The research confirmed the hypothesis 2, multivariate analysis demonstrated that the species composition of grain and oilseeds differ. Effect of composition on the crop species spectrum was found to be statistically significant. Types Elytrigia repens, Apera spica venti, Stellaria media were found only in the growth of winter wheat. The crop of winter oilseed rape occurred entirely different kinds of weeds, for example. Sinapis arvensis, Galium aparine, Euphorbia helioscopia, Erodium cicutarium.
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Posouzení úrovně hospodaření vybraných měst a obcí / Analysis of economy selected towns or villagesVodolánová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Analysis of economy selected towns or villages", deals with the analysis of incomes and expenses in municipalities of Řimovice and Trhový Štěpánov in the years 2009 - 2014. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical part.
Theoretical part of the thesis is based on the study of technical literature and concentrates on the explanation of basic terms related to municipality management and operation and on the brief characteristic of selected municipalities.
The practical part deals with the analysis of municipal management, which is based on the gained underlying data. For the evaluation of municipality management, financial ratios, time series and the self-sufficiency rate is used. Also, the practical part includes a questionnaire survey carried out in municipality of Řimovice, which serves to find out the satisfaction with the municipality management among inhabitants.
The results of analyses, selected indicators and the questionnaire survey in the municipality of Řimovice show following conclusions: Both municipalities faced with the deficit budget in the monitored period, caused mainly by investment activities. Deficits were settled mostly through the approved loans. The municipality of Trhový Štěpánov uses more the available grants for its funding than the municipality of Řimovice, which was also one of the things that the inhabitants of Řimovice were not satisfied with in the questionnaire survey. However, the management of both municipalities can be considered stable.
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Zhodnocení vlivu dotačních projektů na hodpodaření a rozvoj obcí Litovel a Příkazy / Evaluation of the Influence of the Grant Programs aimed at the Management and Development of Villages Litovel and PříkazyKlinecká, Olga January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, called Assessment of the impact of grant projects on the economy and development of the municipalities Litovel and Prikazy, compares the selected municipalities on the basis of the impacts of the provision of public subsidies on their economy, development and the quality of life of their inhabitants. The aim of the thesis is to analyze what factors influence the way how the municipalities exploit the potential of subsidies for their development. Therefore, the analysis compares two municipalities with very similar starting conditions (they are located in close proximity and in the same region) and the main difference between them is their size. In the theoretical parts the key concepts are defined such as municipality, its competence, bodies and economy. Building upon that, the practical part analyses the economy of the specified municipalities and impact of grant projects on the economy. Furthermore, the most relevant projects are presented. In order to achieve comparability of selected municipalities, a survey among their inhabitants has been realized. Concluding, the thesis compares the impacts of realized grant projects in both municipalities on their economy as well as their development and the quality of life of local inhabitants.
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Hospodaření v kontextu zadluženosti krajů České republiky / The analysis of the economy regions in The Czech Republic and their indebtednessNetolická, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concentrated on the analysis of the economy of regions in The Czech Republic and their indebtedness. It deals with the general characteristics of the budgets of regional authorities in The Czech Republic, their income and expenditure. It describes the overall economy of regions and related to their indebtedness.
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Vliv hospodaření se srážkovou vodou na zmírnění extrémních hydrologických jevů / Impact of rainwater management on mitigation of hydrological extremesPešková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the impact of rainwater harvesting on mitigation of hydrological extremes. Due to the fact that it is a very broad topic that cannot be completely elaborated, the work targets selected aspects of this issue. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is divided into the following five chapters: The water in the landscape, Water regime, Hydrological extremes, Water regime adjustment and Legislation. These chapters summarize available worldwide knowledge about rainwater harvesting both in the landscape and in urbanized areas with a focus on mitigation of extreme hydrological phenomena (floods - drought), including legislative security of water management on national and EU level.
The second part of the thesis is compiled in the form of an annotated set of four scientific studies, whose results were presented in articles published in scientific journals. The first study targets the efficiency of torrent control (hydro-technical point of view and migration of water fauna). The second study focuses on the territory of the Morava River floodplains, where negative impacts of floods and droughts appear repetitively. The study solves the hydrological balance of the area using the WBCM-7 model. The third study focuses on computation method of the retention drainage capacity in the agricultural area drained by subsurface pipe drainage system. The last paper describes a new application of the Fourier series for detailed simulation of the runoff on a catchment in the dry periods. Within the thesis, these studies have been interconnected by explanatory comments.
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Zhodnocení vlivu dotačních projektů na hospodaření a rozvoj obce či města / Evaluation of the grants influence on economy and development of municipality or cityScholzová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on to the impact assessment of the grants on overall economy and development of the town Police nad Metuji and village Suchy Dul. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part includes general theory of management models for municipalities, using professional sources of information. The second part includes analysis of the budget revenue and expenses of Police nad Metuji and Suchy Dul during the period 2010 - 2015. The conclusion of the second part is the evaluation of two major projects being realized by the town Police nad Metuji and municipality Suchy Dul during the period 2010 - 2014.
The theoretical part includes a literature search, in which terms like a city, a village, a farming, municipal authorities, subsidies are described and characterized.
The practical part consists of detailed analysis of the grants management. There is the detailed description of selected entities and their revenue & expenses analysis. The main focus is on economical and socio-cultural impacts of the selected grants. Finally, the survey research is used to determine the inhabitants´ satisfaction / dissatisfaction with management and development of the analysed town/ municipality.
The final conclusion contains summary of findings and results of comparison between the impact of realized projects and its actual inhabitant perception.
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