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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainability of marketing systems: systeming interpretation of hybrid car manufacturer and consumer communications

Kadirov, Djavlonbek January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative macromarketing investigation is to explore the issue of the sustainability of marketing systems. Drawing on complex systems thinking, an alternative logic of marketing systems and a methodological basis for interpreting communicated meanings are developed. The alternative logic of marketing systems recognises the unity of a difference between a marketing system and its environment. This insight has become a cornerstone for synthesising the systeming methodology. Systeming comprises the philosophy, the model, and the method of interpreting communication-as-self-observation of marketing system agents. Data, communication by hybrid car manufacturers and consumers, were collected from netnographic sources such as corporate websites, reports posted online, weblogs, and consumer forums. The interpretation of these data was accomplished using systeming procedures, e.g. communication analysis, distinction identification, re-entry description, and logical level tracking. The systeming analysis of the hybrid car marketer and consumer communications illustrates that meaning-creation in the system is underpinned by purposeful human behaviour in reducing complexity of marketplace experience into a meaningful pattern, sustainability. Both manufacturers and consumers claim to become sustainable in reference to being unsustainable by creating self-referential differences, operating in different interaction contexts, and expanding meaning paradoxes. The interpretation shows that interactive meaning-creation in the system is inherently contradictory. Manufacturers expand (give a logical form to) contradictions through introducing hierarchical meaning structures, temporality, new functions, and communicative transvection. Consumers deal with the contradictions through enriching co-creation experiences and learning the proper continuation of specific hybrid car driving practices. The significant insight gained from this investigation is that the hybrid car marketing system is not a passive entity; it is the locus of purposefully expanding meanings. Two modes of sustainability with regard to the hybrid car marketing system can be distinguished: the content of communication that denotes enacted meanings of sustainability and the form of communication that indicates how sustainable these sustainability enactments are. The content/form distinction implies that the sustainability of the hybrid car marketing system is a matter of interactive meaning-creation between system agents. The sustainable development process, in at least a mobility domain, is driven by purposeful social interaction rather than static product attributes. This investigation is innovative because it a) offers a conceptualisation of a marketing system as a meaning flow; b) synthesises and compiles a methodology and method for interpreting communication in a marketing system; c) reveals systemic insights into the hybrid car marketing system; d) characterises the sustainability dimension of the hybrid car marketing system; e) explains a conceptual ground for reconciling the marketing system and society; f) provides a general macromarketing perspective to scrutinise recent conceptual developments in the marketing discipline; g) unifies marketing systems thinking with recent advancements in the marketing discipline, such as the service-dominant logic, and consumer culture theory; and, also, h) provides recommendations for a number of micro-managerial situations from a holistic perspective.

El- och hybridbilar: allmänhetens medvetenhet och inställning

Viktoriya, Vennberg January 2018 (has links)
With the increasing rate of pollution from transports with fossil fuel, greater active action is required in the form of many measures from the global community to reduce the use of diesel and gasoline driven vehicles. The purpose of the study was to examine the public awareness and attitudes towards electric driven vehicles, as well as the factors important to the public when purchasing such vehicles. At the same time, a survey was carried out to identify possible differences in attitude between individuals who had electric driven vehicles and those who had gasoline or diesel driven cars. Finally, the government subsidies were examined in order to evaluate whether they affect the public willingness to buy electric driven vehicles. The survey was conducted in Sweden and was based partially on a poll and partially on interviews. The result of this study showed that there is a great interest for the general public towards electric driven vehicles, and the majority who took part in the survey was aware of the positive effects of electric driven vehicles. The comparison between the two groups showed that there is a significant difference between the attitudes to the electric vehicles. Among other things, there are differences regarding the electric vehicles' future in Sweden and also differences in the attitude to the price of the electric vehicle. However, there is no difference between the attitudes of the two groups regarding environmental friendliness and the importance of the state subsidy.

Atributos que influyen en la decisión de compra de autos híbridos de la marca Toyota y Hyundai en comparación a adquirir autos convencionales en la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana

Obregon Corbella, Andres, Condor Sotil, Trilce 03 September 2019 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como propósito identificar cuáles son los factores más determinantes para un posible comprador de un auto híbrido en comparación a un auto convencional en Lima Metropolitana, es por esto que se han utilizado herramientas cualitativas y cuantitativas para obtener un resultado; esto permitirá a las marcas de autos saber que factor es más importante para el consumidor y potenciarlo a través de estrategias de marketing directo e indirecto. En el análisis cualitativo desarrollado a través de un focus group se encontraron diferentes afirmaciones y negaciones que son respaldadas a través del análisis cuantitativo con el modelo estadístico logístico binario; en este caso se demostró que todas las variables son importantes para un posible comprador de un auto híbrido; pero unas tienen mayor importancia que otras y esto determinaría que se deben llevar a cabo estrategias que estén relacionadas al precio y diseño del auto; ya que son las variables que obtuvieron mayor importancia en el análisis. / This investigation has as purpose identify which are the factors more important for a possible buyer of a hybrid car in comparison of a conventional car in Lima Metropolitana, that is why qualitative and quantitative tools have been used to get a result; this will allow car brands to know which factor is more important for the consumer and to empower it through direct and indirect marketing strategies. In the qualitative analysis developed through a focus group, different affirmations and negations were found that are supported through quantitative analysis with the statistical binary logistic model; in this case it was shown that all the variables are important for a possible buyer of a hybrid car; but some are more important than others and this would determine that price and design should be the ones that have to have the focus of the strategies because they are the variables that obtained more importance in the statistical analysis. / Tesis

Stockholm som elbilsstad 2030 / Stockholm 2030 - A  City of Electric Cars

Bernhardsson, Fredrik, Grill, Peter January 2011 (has links)
I Sverige används det idag cirka 5,4% förnybara drivmedel inom transportsektorn, att jämföra med under 0,5% år 2000. Av de ickefossila drivmedlen är el något som ofta benämns som en permanent och realistisk framtida lösning. Visionen ”Stockholm – Elbilsstad 2030” drivs av Stockholms Stad i samarbete med Fortum AB i syfte att ersätta den fossilbränsleslukande fordonsflottan. I den här studien undersöks de tekniska förutsättningarna och de eventuella vinsterna av ett storskaligt införande av elbilar. Studien har gjorts genom en modellering där parametrar som elbilens prestanda, elpris, bilens inköpspris och totala utsläpp använts. Resultatet skall presentera ett mikro- och ett makroresultat. Vinsterna beräknas dels för den enskilde individen, men också för samhället i stort. Vinsterna beräknas med en känslighetsanalys baserad på reella framtida scenarier. Resultaten visar tydligt att för den genomsnittlige Stockholmaren är elbilen det mest ekonomiskt lönsamma valet på sikt. På tio års sikt beräknas bensinbilen kosta individen 65,93% mer än elbilen om bensinpriset fortsätter med samma utveckling. En känslighetsanalys visar att även om bensinpriset skulle sjunka med 5% årligen in i framtiden skulle bensinbilen ändå vara 31,3% dyrare på tio års sikt. Resultaten visar också att samhällets kostnader för bilflottans utsläpp förväntas sjunka med 98% eller 92% beroende på om den svenska elproduktionen är tillräcklig eller om man måste importera el från övriga Norden. Samtidigt som kostnaderna för utsläppen sjunker för samhället, sjunker även skatteintäkterna till följd av minskad bensinanvändning. Om elpriset på sikt skulle stiga till följd av en ökad användning skulle detta dock kunna leda till att förlusten reduceras. Klart är att storskaligt införande av elbilar kräver ett engagemang från staten där den ekonomiska förlusten får ses som en investering i miljön och framtiden. / In Sweden there are currently about 5.4% renewable fuel vehicles within the transport sector, compared to less than 0.5% in 2000. Amongst the non-fossil fuel alternatives electricity is something which has often been referred to as a permanent and realistic future solution. The vision “Stockholm – A City of Electric Cars in 2030" is run by the City of Stockholm in cooperation with Fortum AB in order to replace the fossil-fuel-guzzling fleet. This report examines the technical conditions and possible gains of a large scale introduction of electric cars. The study was conducted through a modelling in which parameters such as electric car performance, tariff and total emissions are used. The conclusion will reveal a micro- and macro result. Economic gains are calculated both for the individual, but also for society at large. The profits are calculated by a sensitivity analysis based on realistic future scenarios. The results clearly show that for the average Stockholm resident, the electric car is the most economical choice. In ten years time the gasoline car is expected to cost the individual 65.93% more than the electrical car based on that the price of gasoline continues its current growth. A sensitivity analysis shows that even if gasoline prices were to drop by 5% annually into the future, gasoline car would still be 31.3% more expensive than the electric car in ten years time. The results also show that the societal costs of the car fleet’s emissions are expected to fall by 98% or 92% depending on whether the Swedish electricity production is sufficient, or whether imported electricity from other Nordic countries is necessary. While the cost of emissions decreases for the society, so are tax revenues due to reduced gasoline use. However, if the electricity price in the long run would rise due to increased use, this could however lead to a reduction of the loss. It is clear that for a large-scale introduction of electric cars to be successful it requires a committed government which will have to see the economic loss as a means to investment in the future and the environment.

Risks and drivers of hybrid car adoption: A cross-cultural segmentation analysis

McLeay, F., Yoganathan, Vignesh, Osburg, V-S., Pandit, A. 04 April 2018 (has links)
Yes / Throughout the developed world, consumers are increasingly being encouraged to adopt cleaner, more eco-friendly behaviours. However, hybrid car adoption remains low, which impedes the move towards a lower carbon economy. In this paper, we examine the risks and drivers of hybrid car purchases, drawing on consumer behaviour and cultural dimensions theory to account for the heterogeneous, segmented nature of the market. As risk perceptions differ across cultures, and in order to address the lack of cross cultural research on eco-friendly cars, we focus on Australian, South Korean, and Japanese consumers. Based on a survey of 817 respondents we examine how five types of risk (social, psychological, time, financial, and network externalities) and three factors that drive purchasing behaviour (product advantages, product attractiveness, and product superiority) influence consumers perceptions of hybrid cars. Four segments of consumers are identified (pessimists, realists, optimists, and casualists) that also vary according to their environmental self-image, and underlying cultural values. Our results extend theory by incorporating self-image and cultural dimension theories into a multi-country analysis of the risks and drivers of hybrid car adoption. Our findings have practical implications in terms of marketing strategies and potential policy interventions aimed at mitigating risk perceptions and promoting the factors that drive hybrid car adoption.

Contribution à l'étude et à l'optimisation d'une machine synchrone à double excitation pour véhicules hybrides / Contribution to the Study and Optimization of a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine for Hybrid Vehicles

Daanoune, Abdeljalil 21 December 2012 (has links)
Dans un contexte ou la question de la préservation de l'environnement est devenue un sujet sociétal majeur, la recherche de nouvelles technologies pour remplacer la voiture à essence constitue un véritable enjeu industriel. Les véhicules hybrides et électriques sont une alternative prometteuse aux véhicules conventionnels. Ce travail de thèse porte sur la conception et l'optimisation des machines électriques pour la motorisation de ces voitures.Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthodologie de dimensionnement et d'optimisation des machines synchrones à double excitation. L'intérêt de cette méthode est son bon compromis entre la précision et le temps de calcul et sa capacité d'adaptation à plusieurs types de machines. Le second volet de la thèse est consacré à la proposition d'une nouvelle structure de machine synchrone à rotor bobiné. Une technique originale de compensation de la réaction magnétique d'induit est mise en place, elle consiste en l'insertion d'aimants secondaires permettant de créer un flux dans l'axe q de la machine. Ce dernier a pour rôle d'affaiblir le flux de la réaction magnétique d'induit. / In a context where the question of the environmental protection has become a major social problem, research new technologies to replace the gasoline car is a real industrial challenge. The hybrid and electric vehicles are a promising alternative to conventional vehicles. This thesis focuses on the design and optimization of electrical machines for electric and hybrid cars.In this work, we developed a new methodology for design and optimization of hybrid excitation synchronous machines. The advantage of this method is its good compromise between accuracy and computation time and its ability to be adapted to a wide range of machines. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the development of a new structure of a wound rotor synchronous machine. A novel technique for compensating the armature reaction of this machine is introduced, it involves the insertion of secondary magnets to produce a quadratic axis flux (q-axis), this latter has the function of weakening the armature reaction flux.

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