Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hybrids"" "subject:"hybridsation""
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Gerald Thomas e a (des)encena??o do mundo : as paisagens visuais como grafia de intertextualidades, cita??es e hipertextosAra?jo, Rummenigge Medeiros 29 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work is the result of a personal uneasy about the form and development taken by
contemporaneous theater concerning its relationship with other media to create new
hybrid organisms and organizing itself through new possibilities, connections, as well as
with different levels of arrangements in the construction of the scene. The purpose of
this research is to study the connections between the scene and the media within the
context of the formation of hybrid organism wich is the key element. That stands for an
aesthetic characteristic of the post-dramatic condition of contemporary theatre in Brazil.
Thus, this work will investigate the concept of visual landscapes within the context of
Gerald Thomas Sievers work in Brazil in the period of the first decade of twenty-first
century having the play Rainha Mentira (2007) (Queen Liar, 2007) as the main
empirical object of analysis, discussion and application of the framework developed in
the text / Esta disserta??o de mestrado ? fruto de uma inquieta??o pessoal sobre os rumos e a
forma do teatro na contemporaneidade e a sua rela??o com as m?dias na forma??o de
organismos h?bridos em termos gerais, e mais especificamente sobre como se
organizam e se apresentam as poss?veis liga??es, e os diferentes n?veis de contato
existentes entre elas na constru??o da cena. O objetivo da pesquisa ? estudar as liga??es
entre cena e m?dia (proje??o de imagens) na forma??o de organismos h?bridos como
sendo uma das caracter?sticas est?ticas da condi??o p?s-dram?tica do teatro
contempor?neo no Brasil. Como estudo de caso, prop?e-se investigar o conceito de
paisagens visuais no contexto da obra do encenador brasileiro Gerald Thomas Sievers,
mais especificamente suas encena??es realizadas no Brasil no per?odo que compreende
a primeira d?cada do s?culo XXI, sendo Rainha Mentira (2007) o objeto emp?rico de
an?lise, aplica??o e discuss?o dos conceitos desenvolvidos no corpo do texto
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