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Foot placement for running robotsBhatti, Jawaad January 2016 (has links)
Rubble-strewn corridors, stairs and steep natural terrain all present a challenge for wheels and tracks. Legs are a solution in these cases because foot placement allows the traversal of discontinuous terrain. Legged robots, however, currently lack the performance needed for practical applications. This work seeks to address an aspect of the problem, foot placement while running. A novel hopping height controller for a spring-loaded legged robot is presented. It is simple and performs well enough to allow control of the ballistic trajectory of hops and therefore foot placement. Additionally, it can adapt to different ground properties using the result from previous hops to update control gains. A control strategy of extending the leg at a fixed rate during the stance phase and modulating the rate of extension on each hop was used to control the hopping height. The extension rate was then determined by a feed-forward + proportional control loop. This performed sufficiently well allowing the ballistic trajectory of hops to be controlled. In simulation, the spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model was extended to include actuation and losses due to friction. The control strategy was developed using this model then, in a planar simulation, the controller was run to perform foot placement while running over a series of platforms which vary in their horizontal and vertical spacing. To experimentally validate and further develop the control strategy, a one-legged hopping robot, constrained to move vertically, was used. The leg had 2 links, hydraulically actuated hip and knee joints and a spring-loaded foot. Results showed that the controller developed could be used to perform hops of randomly varying size on grounds with different properties and while running on a treadmill at different speeds. As an aside, the dynamics of hydraulic actuators presented a problem for foot repositioning during flight using a simple PID controller. This was solved through the novel implementation, in hydraulics, of a `zero-vibration' (ZV) filter in a closed-loop. Simulation and experimental results demonstrating this are presented.
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Investigation of Acceleration Dependent Nonlinear Lubricated Friction in Hydraulic Actuation Systems2016 January 1900 (has links)
Lubricated friction issues are central to all hydraulic actuation systems undergoing motion and any in-depth understanding of the nature of lubricated friction will advance future component design. The classic friction models of hydraulic actuation systems under steady state conditions and their dependency on velocity and temperature have been studied extensively over the past years. A model which is commonly employed to represent the characteristics of friction is that of Stribeck in which the dependency of the friction force is based on velocity alone. However, experimentally, it has been found that lubricated friction is dependent on acceleration. Thus, the Stribeck model can be considered as a subset of a dynamic friction model in which acceleration is zero. Thus, it can be concluded that the Stribeck model is best applied to cases when the change rate of the velocities is very small.
This thesis considers the dependency of lubricated friction on acceleration when pressure and temperature changes are relatively constant. As such, the basic hypothesis for this study was proposed as follows: “Lubricated friction in hydraulic actuation systems is not only a function of velocity, but is also a function of both velocity and acceleration”.
In this thesis several terms are defined which facilitate the description under which friction models are developed. For example, the term non-steady state friction is used to account for the effect of acceleration on lubricated friction force while in motion. Further, the lubricated friction models are divided into two groups: steady state friction models and non-steady state friction models.
Nonlinear friction modeling and measuring methods are reviewed in this dissertation. This review also includes nonlinear lubricated friction modeling in hydraulic actuation systems. A conclusion from this review was that limited research has been done in documenting and explicitly demonstrating the role of acceleration on lubricated friction.
The research first introduced a methodology to experimentally measure friction as a function of acceleration and to demonstrate this dependency in the form of a three dimensional graph. A novel technique to experimentally obtain data for the lubricated friction model was introduced. This allowed the lubricated friction forces to be measured as a function of velocity in a continuous manner, but with acceleration being held constant as a family parameter. Two different valve controlled hydraulic actuation systems (VCHAS) were studied under a wide variety of accelerations at constant temperature and pressure. To enable repeatable data collection for the different friction conditions and to accommodate for the effect of hysteresis, a periodic parabolic displacement waveform was chosen which enabled the acceleration to be a family parameter.
The second phase of the research introduced a method of representing the data (lubricated friction model) in a lookup table form. The relationship of lubricated friction (in this work, pressure differential, ΔP across the actuator) as a function of velocity and acceleration was presented in a unique semi-empirical 2D lookup table (2D LUT). Limitations of this experimental approach were identified, but the dependency on acceleration was clearly established.
The last phase of the study implemented this 2D LUT model into a practical software model of an actuator and demonstrated its accuracy when compared to its experimental counterpart. The semi-empirical model (2D LUT) was experimentally verified by implementing the semi-empirical and Stribeck models into a real time simulation of an actuator and by comparing the experimental outputs against simulated outputs for a common sinusoidal input. A sinusoidal actuator displacement input was chosen to test the simulations as it was not used in the collection of the original data. The output of the simulation was compared to the experimental results and it was evident that for the range in which data could be collected in developing the model, the proposed 2D LUT model predicted an output that was superior to a model which used a standard Stribeck model. It was concluded that the semi-empirical model could be integrated into a simulation environment and predict outputs in a superior fashion when compared to the Stribeck friction model.
Thus it was concluded that the stated hypothesis is consistent with the experimental evidence shown by all hydraulic actuators considered. Further, it was also observed that the traditional Stribeck form (steady state dynamic friction) does change with increasing acceleration to the point that the standard breakaway friction almost disappears.
It is evident that the 2D LUT is a viable tool for modeling the non-steady state friction of hydraulic actuation systems. The semi-empirical 2D LUT model so developed is a more global representation of hydraulic actuator lubricated friction. In this research, only linear hydraulic actuators were considered; however, the novel nonlinear semi-empirical 2D LUT lubricated friction model can be applied to any actuator (linear and rotary) and provides a new way in which the dynamic friction can be viewed and modeled.
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Holistic-Lightweight Approach for actuation systems of the next generation aircraftSeung, Taehun 19 September 2019 (has links)
Currently the system development of aircraft engineering concentrates its focus on the reduction of energy consumption more than ever before. As a consequence, the efficiency of subsystems inside the aircraft is highlighted. According to previous investigations the simplification/unification of conventional multifaceted board energy systems by means of electric power management is the most promising way concerning aircraft global efficiency improvement.
The main aim of the present work was to optimize a multi-device, heavy duty EHA-System by introducing of a comprehensive perspective. In order to achieve the final, non-plus-ultra improvement level, the attributes of architecture, hardware and operation method were combined in an interactive manner, whereas particular attention has been paid to the mutual enhancing influences.
The maximum reduction of losses, the minimizing of consumption and weight optimization can be achieved concurrently when the physical coherences between the involved subsystems are understood and their hidden potentials are exploited.
This can only be achieved in one way and the detail follows: The most effective way to reduce both manufacturing effort and weight is to introduce a multiple-allocation philosophy. The highest reliability possible can be achieved by novel cascade-nested system architecture and strict restraining of the control logic. By employing an ultra-low-loss hardware concept, the energy efficiency can be maximized at a necessary minimum own weight. Last but not least, possibly the most important cognition is that an intelligent operation method will improve the actual system and influence the entire system positively and with a lower effort.
The final conclusion is that the only and reasonable way to achieve an ultimate optimized solution of an actuation system is an all-encompassing consideration. Eventually it was to recognize that the final result is nothing but ultimate lightweight architecture, i.e. a non-plus-ultra solution. / Gegenwärtig konzentriert sich die Technologieentwicklung für Flugzeuge auf die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs mehr denn je zuvor. Hierfür ist die Effizienz der an Bord befindlichen, nicht propulsiven Subsysteme neben der Wirkungsgradverbesserung der Triebwerke von zentraler Bedeutung.
Laut vorangegangenen Untersuchungen und Studien ist die Vereinfachung bzw. Vereinheitlichung der Vielfalt der konventionellen Bordenergiesysteme durch ein adäquates Energiemanagement unter Verwendung von Elektrizität der aussichtsreichte Weg zur Effizienzverbesserung auf der Gesamtflugzeugebene.
Durch die Elektrifizierung wurden die einzelnen Geräte zwar zuverlässiger und energieeffizienter als je zuvor aber gleichzeitig erheblich schwerer, sodaß ein signifikanter Verlust an Nutzlasten auf Gesamtflugzeugebene hervorgerufen wird.
Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Schwerlast-EHA-System mit mehrfachen Betätigungseinheiten durch Einführung von umfassenden Perspektiven zu optimieren. Durch Einführung der sog. ganzheitlichen Leichtbauweise demonstriert die Arbeit, wie das Subsystem mit mehreren Endgeräten ultimativ optimiert werden kann, ohne Abstriche an Gewichtsbilanz u/o Kompromiß mit der Energieeffizienz zu machen.
Um eine wahrhaftige Optimierung, d.h. die Erreichung des ultimativen, Nonplusultra-Verbesserungslevels zu erreichen, wurden die Systemarchitektur, die Hardware und die Operationsmethode interaktiv kombiniert, wobei die besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die interaktiven, zur Verbesserung führenden Einflüsse gelegt wurde.
Die Minimierung des Energieverbrauchs und die ultimative Gewichtsoptimierung gleichzeitig können erreicht werden, wenn die physikalischen Zusammenhänge zwischen den involvierten Subsystemen verstanden und ihre verborgenen Potentiale ausgenutzt werden. Der einzige und vernünftige Weg zur Erreichung der ultimativen Optimierung eines Betätigungssystems ist eine allumfassende Betrachtung, also eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungs- bzw. Vorgehensweise.
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