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Vizualizace hydraulické smyčky pro testování ohřívačů užitkové vody / Hydraulic circuit visualization for air conditioning service water heatersSileská, Silvia January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the creation of visualization for control, display and record data from the hydraulic circuit, which is used for testing water heaters. Visualization is created in the program Control Web from Moravian Instruments. Hydraulic circuit is located in the Strojírenský zkušebný ústav, s.p.. Visualization contribute to automating experiments. Technological unit is controlled by the programmable controller, which communicates via the OPC server with the user interface on PC.
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Adaptive control of variable displacement pumpsWang, Longke 01 April 2011 (has links)
Fluid power technology has been widely used in industrial practice; however, its energy efficiency became a big concern in the recent years. Much progress has been made to improve fluid power energy efficiency from many aspects. Among these approaches, using a valve-less system to replace a traditional valve-controlled system showed eminent energy reduction. This thesis studies the valve-less solution-pump displacement controlled actuators- from the view of controls background.
Singular perturbations have been applied to the fluid power to account for fluid stiffness; and a novel hydraulic circuit for single rod cylinder has been presented to increase the hydraulic circuit stabilities. Recursive Least Squares has been applied to account for measurement noise thus the parameters have fast convergence rate, square root algorithm has further applied to increase the controller's numerical stability and efficiency. It was showed that this technique is consistent with other techniques to increase controller's robustness. The developed algorithm is further extended to a hybrid adaptive control scheme to achieve desired trajectory tracking for general cases.
A hardware test-bed using the invented hydraulic circuit was built up. The experimental results are presents and validated the proposed algorithms and the circuit itself. The end goal of this project is to develop control algorithms and hydraulic circuit suitable for industrial practice.
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Využití kavitace v technické praxi / Cavitation in engineering prakticeKianička, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis contains three parts. The first part is a background research which deals with notions such as cavitation and cyanobacteria. It also contains current phase in the use of cavitation. The second part deals with design, composition and constructional solution of hydraulic circuit on the riverboat. The third part deals with experimental certification of the cavitation effect on the cyanobacteria in the water. Design of the riverboat with the hydraulic circuit including the circuit itself and the cavitation tube was created in SolidWorks program, calculations, it’s processing and graphs were created in Microsoft Excel.
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Alternativy řešení plošinového zvedáku / Solution alternatives of lifting platformHájek, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of mechanical design platform lifts. Proposal lifting platform with mechanical and hydraulic drive with a capacity of 3500 kg and lift 600 mm. The work is mainly focused on design and strength calculation mechanism and structure. Proposal hydraulic circuits and the development drawings for both types of drive.
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Design and experimental evaluations of a pump-controlled hydraulic circuitJalayeri, Ehsan 02 March 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a novel, low cost, high precision , and efficient design for an electro-hydrostatic circuit for single rod hydraulic cylinders. The design is the main contribution of candidate to fulfill the regiments of PhD degree. The challenge of existing deigns of electro-hydrostatic circuits for single-rod cylinders is using one pump to control the cylinder under switching (resistive-assistive) loads. The proposed circuit utilizes off-the-shelf industrial elements. It uses two counterbalance valves to manage switching loads and one on/off solenoid valve to redirect the differential flow of the single rod cylinder to tank. A set of simulation studies is conducted using Simhydraulic tools of Matlab in order to study performances of the proposed circuit and compare it with existing designs. Pump-controlled hydraulic circuit for double rod cylinders was developed and is widely used by industry. It is used as the benchmark for simulation studies. As well, the proposed circuit and two major existing pump-controlled circuits for single rod cylinders are compared to the benchmark circuit. Evaluations are conducted by comparing chamber pressure responses as well as pressure vs position of the cylinder end-effector for each individual circuit. Results indicate that the proposed circuit performed as well as the benchmark circuit by controlling pressures to both sides of the cylinder at the same time. Moreover, the load in the proposed circuit is more controllable compared to the benchmark circuit. Experimental results, obtained from the developed test rig, validate accuracy of the simulation model. Maximum steady state position error of 0.06 mm applications is experimentally observed when the test rig is tested under different loading conditions with various amplitudes and frequencies. The circuit consumes up to 20% of the energy that is required by a valve controlled circuit given the same sinusoidal tracking signal. The relative efficiency of the proposed circuit over a valve
controlled circuit depends on the pattern and frequency of the tracking signal. In all the experiments, a simple proportional controller, which uses readings of a linear position transducer, is employed. The use of the proportional controller makes the proposed circuit easy to implement and shows it is good candidate for industrial applications. The accuracy of the position response of the proposed circuit indicates, it is a good candidate for robotic applications too. / May 2016
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Návrh pracovní části hydraulického obvodu pro hydraulický lis / Design of working part of the hydraulic circuit for hydraulic pressPospíšil, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the proposal of working part of the hydraulic circuit for the hydraulic press with a press force 400 kN. The thesis contains justifiable structural design of the linear hydraulic motor, which includes material choices, necessary calculations and simulations of material strength characteristics and the choice of the individual components. The thesis also includes a proposal of “heel valve” including the choice of individual components and basic function calculation of the hydraulic circuit of the hydraulic press.
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Pohonný a brzdový systém motorového vozu železnice pro muzeum průmyslových železnic / The propulsion and braking system of a motor vehicle for a railroad museum of industrial railwaysGerec, Matúš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of the propulsion and braking system for narrow gauge railcar. It contains the design of hydrostatic drive system with closed-loop hydraulic circuit. Then thesis describes the concept of propulsion system placement in the frame of the railcar and design of the braking system.
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Nová koncepce hydraulického pohonu CPB / New conception of hydraulic drive CPBBártek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this master's thesis is to design the new conception of hydraulic drive of the baling press CPB 100 with application of modern tendencies in the field of hydraulic engineering. This thesis contains design and calculations of new hydraulic drive, hydraulic circuit diagram and the list of hydraulic elements that are used. Moreover this thesis includes the design of an electrical control and the design of hydraulic block and manifold.
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Análise de Coastdown utilizando dados nominais de bombas de refrigeração de reatores PWRSilva, Caroline Rodrigues da January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Pedro Carajilescov / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, 2016. / Os estudos sobre transitórios em bombas de refrigeração de um reator são importantes para a análise de segurança de uma central nuclear. Uma análise precisa do decaimento da vazão de refrigerante no circuito primário durante uma eventual falha das bombas principais de refrigeração, evento conhecido como coastdown, é requerida tanto para pelos critérios de segurança estabelecidos como para a especificação e fabricação das bombas. Neste trabalho, o estudo é realizado utilizando um modelo matemático para simular transiente de vazão durante o período de coastdown em reatores nuclear do tipo PWR, no qual a equação de conservação da quantidade de movimento linear é utilizada de uma forma adimensional. Informações detalhadas sobre as características da bomba centrífuga não são necessárias. Como resultado, o decaimento da vazão é determinado a partir da razão entre dois parâmetros: a energia cinética do fluido refrigerante no circuito e a energia cinética armazenada nas partes rotativas da bomba. Em estudos anteriores, essa razão, denominada razão de energia efetiva, é mantida constante durante todo o evento de coastdown. Neste trabalho, foram propostas três correções para a melhoria dos resultados, a saber: a consideração de uma razão de energia efetiva variável durante o transitório, das variações na eficiência da bomba durante o transitório e das perdas mecânicas internas devido ao atrito e viscosidade no interior da bomba para baixas rotações. Para implementação do modelo proposto foi desenvolvido um programa, denominado de COREP-flow, cujos resultados foram comparados com dados experimentais obtidos na literatura. As comparações mostraram uma melhoria na reprodução desses resultados em relação aos modelos de referência. No Modelo 5 desenvolvido neste trabalho, os resultados obtidos apresentaram menor discrepância quando comparados com os dados experimentais. Para vazões superiores a 20 % da vazão inicial, a vazão de refrigerante calculada pelo Modelo 5 apresentou uma discrepância relativa média de 1,8 %, enquanto que o modelo proposto por Gao et al. (2011) apresentou uma discrepância relativa média de 4 %. Para vazões de refrigerantes inferiores a 20 % da vazão inicial, a discrepância relativa média para a vazão de refrigerante do Modelo 5 foi de 10,3 %, enquanto que a de Gao et al. (2011) foi de 50,6 %. / The transient studies in reactor cooling pumps (RCPs) are important for the nuclear power plant security analysis. An accurate analysis of flow coastdown in the primary cooling loop system during an eventual failure of the RCPs is required both for the established security criteria, and for the pumps specification and manufacturing. In this work, the study is performed using a mathematical model to simulate the flow rate transient in PWR reactor type during flow coastdown period, in which the conservation of linear momentum equation is non-dimensional. The detailed information of the centrifugal pump characteristics are not required. As result, the coastdown is determined from the ratio between two parameters: the kinetic energy of the coolant in the circuit and the kinetic energy stored in the rotating parts of the pump. In previous studies, the ratio, known as energy ratio, is kept constant during the whole coastdown period. In this work, it was proposed three corrections aiming the improvement of the results, to know: the consideration of an energy ratio variable during the transient, of the efficiency variations of the pumps during the transient and of the internal mechanical losses due to friction and viscosity inside the pump for low rotations. For the model implementation, a program was developed, the COREP-flow, whose results were compared to the experimental data obtained in the literature. The comparison showed an improvement in the reproduction of the results in relation to the reference models. In Model 5, developed in this work, the obtained results presented less discrepancy when compared to the experimental data. For flow rates higher than 20% of the initial flow, the coolant flow calculated by Model 5 presented a mean relative discrepancy of 1.8%, while the model proposed by Gao et al. (2011) presented a mean relative discrepancy of 4%. For coolant flow rates less than 20% of the initial flow, the mean relative discrepancy for the coolant flow of Model 5 was of 10.3%, while the one from Gao et al. (2011) presented a mean relative discrepancy of 50.6%.
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Štípací stroj na dřevo / Wood-splitting machineDůrek, Milan January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis done within the master study programme Transport vehicles and handing machinery presents a design of a wood splitting machine. The first part of the thesis is a literary review focused on current state in the field of wood splitting machines and on the overview of the most common wood species including their technical parameters. In the second part of the thesis, suitable machine components were chosen for the conceptual design of the wood splitter, taking into account predefined parameters. Then a machine frame was designed and its strength was verified by analytical and FEM method. Finally, drawing documentation for the machine, machine frame and splitting tool was created.
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