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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A hydrologic model of Upper Roberts Creek and exploration of the potential impacts of conservation practices

Brauer, Karl Hoover 01 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the potential impacts of the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) in Upper Roberts Creek (URC) watershed in northeast Iowa as part of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center (INRC). The INRC was formed in response to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirement that the states along the Mississippi River develop and implement strategies for reducing the nutrient load leaving their states and entering the Gulf of Mexico. The impacts of BMP implementation in URC were evaluated through the use of HydroGeoSphere which was used to develop a three dimensional, coupled surface/subsurface model of the watershed. The URC model was used to evaluate the hypothetical impacts of the widespread implementation of cover crops on agricultural land within the watershed, the construction of eight Iowa Conservation Enhancement Reserve Program (CREP) style wetlands, and the combination of these two BMPs. Through the comparison of these simplified, hypothetical scenarios to a baseline condition, potential nitrate load reduction estimates were made for each practice or combination of practices. These estimates indicate that neither of the individual practices would be likely to achieve the nitrogen reductions targeted by the EPA and in order to achieve these goals a combination of practices would likely be required.

Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Reserves

Goderniaux, Pascal 24 February 2010 (has links)
Estimating the impacts of climate change on groundwater represents one of the most difficult challenges faced by water resources specialists. One difficulty is that simplifying the representation of the hydrological system, or using too simple climate change scenarios often leads to discrepancies in projections. Additionally, these projections are affected by uncertainties from various sources, and these uncertainties are not evaluated in previous studies. In this context, the objective of this study is to provide an improved methodology for the estimation of climate change impact on groundwater reserves, including the evaluation of uncertainties. This methodology is applied to the case of the Geer basin catchment (480 km²) in Belgium. A physically-based surface-subsurface flow model has been developed for the Geer basin with the finite element model HydroGeoSphere. The simultaneous solution of surface and subsurface flow equations in HydroGeoSphere, as well as the internal calculation of the actual evapotranspiration as a function of the soil moisture at each node of the defined evaporative zone, improve the representation and calibration of interdependent processes like recharge, which is crucial in the context of climate change. Fully-integrated surface-subsurface flow models have recently gained attention, but have not been used in the context of climate change impact studies. This surface-subsurface flow model is combined with advanced climate change scenarios for the Geer basin. Climate change simulations were obtained from six regional climate model (RCM) scenarios assuming the SRES A2 greenhouse gases emission (medium-high) scenario. These RCM scenarios were statistically downscaled using two different methods: the 'Quantile Mapping Biased Correction' technique and a 'Weather Generator' technique. Both of them are part of the most advanced downscaling techniques. They are able to apply corrections not only to the mean of climatic variables, but also across the statistical distributions of these variables. This is important as these distributions are expected to change in the future, with more violent rainfall events, separated by longer dry periods. The 'quantile mapping bias-correction' technique generate climate change time series representative of a stationary climate for the periods 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The 'CRU' weather generator is used to generate a large number of equiprobable scenarios simulating full transient climate change between 2010 and 2085. All these scenarios are applied as input of the Geer basin model. The uncertainty is evaluated from different possible sources. Using a multi-model ensemble of RCMs and GCMs enables to evaluate the uncertainty linked to climatic models. The application of a large number of equiprobable climate change scenarios, generated with the 'weather generator', as input of the hydrological model allows assessing the uncertainty linked to the natural variability of the weather. Finally, the uncertainty linked to the calibration of the hydrological model is evaluated using the computer code 'UCODE_2005'. The climate change scenarios for the Geer basin model predict hotter and drier summers and warmer and wetter winters. Considering the results of this study, it is very likely that groundwater levels and surface flow rates in the Geer basin will decrease. This is of concern because it also means that groundwater quantities available for abstraction will also decrease. However, this study also shows that the uncertainty surrounding these projections is relatively large and that it remains difficult to state on the intensity of the decrease.

The Analysis of Seasonally Varying Flow in a Crystalline Rock Watershed Using an Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Model

Randall, Jefferey January 2005 (has links)
Researchers, explorers, and philosophers have dedicated many lifetimes attempting to discover, document, and quantify the vast physical processes and interactions occurring in nature. Our understanding of physical processes has often been reflected in the form of numerical models that assist academics in unraveling the many complexities that exist in our physical environment. To that end, integrated surface water-groundwater models attempt to simulate the complex processes and relationships occurring throughout the hydrologic cycle, accounting for evapotranspiration and surface water, variably saturated groundwater, and channel flows. <br /><br /> The Bass Lake watershed is located in the Muskoka district of Ontario, within a crystalline rock environment consistent with typical Canadian Shield settings. Numerous data collection programs and methods were used to compile environmental and field-scale datasets. The integrated surface water-groundwater model, HydroGeoSphere (Therrien et al. , 2005), was used for all Bass Lake watershed simulation models. <br /><br /> Simulation results were compared to expected trends and observed field data. The groundwater heads and flow vector fields show groundwater movement in expected directions with reasonable flow velocities. The subsurface saturation levels behave as expected, confirming the evapotranspiration component is withdrawing groundwater during plant transpiration. The surface water depths and locations of water accumulation are consistent with known and collected field data. The surface waters flow in expected directions at reasonable flow speeds. Simulated Bass Lake surface elevations were compared to observed surface water elevations. Low overland friction values produced the most accurate Bass Lake elevations, with high overland friction values slightly overestimating the Bass Lake water level throughout the simulation period. Fluid exchange between surface water and groundwater domains was consistent with expected flux rates. The integrated surface water-groundwater model HydroGeoSphere ultimately produced acceptable simulations of the Bass Lake model domain.

The Analysis of Seasonally Varying Flow in a Crystalline Rock Watershed Using an Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Model

Randall, Jefferey January 2005 (has links)
Researchers, explorers, and philosophers have dedicated many lifetimes attempting to discover, document, and quantify the vast physical processes and interactions occurring in nature. Our understanding of physical processes has often been reflected in the form of numerical models that assist academics in unraveling the many complexities that exist in our physical environment. To that end, integrated surface water-groundwater models attempt to simulate the complex processes and relationships occurring throughout the hydrologic cycle, accounting for evapotranspiration and surface water, variably saturated groundwater, and channel flows. <br /><br /> The Bass Lake watershed is located in the Muskoka district of Ontario, within a crystalline rock environment consistent with typical Canadian Shield settings. Numerous data collection programs and methods were used to compile environmental and field-scale datasets. The integrated surface water-groundwater model, HydroGeoSphere (Therrien et al. , 2005), was used for all Bass Lake watershed simulation models. <br /><br /> Simulation results were compared to expected trends and observed field data. The groundwater heads and flow vector fields show groundwater movement in expected directions with reasonable flow velocities. The subsurface saturation levels behave as expected, confirming the evapotranspiration component is withdrawing groundwater during plant transpiration. The surface water depths and locations of water accumulation are consistent with known and collected field data. The surface waters flow in expected directions at reasonable flow speeds. Simulated Bass Lake surface elevations were compared to observed surface water elevations. Low overland friction values produced the most accurate Bass Lake elevations, with high overland friction values slightly overestimating the Bass Lake water level throughout the simulation period. Fluid exchange between surface water and groundwater domains was consistent with expected flux rates. The integrated surface water-groundwater model HydroGeoSphere ultimately produced acceptable simulations of the Bass Lake model domain.

An aquifer-well coupled model: a refined implementation of wellbore boundary conditions in three-dimensional, heterogeneous formations

Cyr, Matthew D. 15 January 2008 (has links)
This paper presents modifications to two widely used numerical groundwater flow models in an effort to improve upon the interaction between a well of finite length and conductivity with the surrounding formation. The first objective is to discard the common assumptions about flux- or head-based boundary conditions along the well screen by coupling pipe flow hydraulics and groundwater flow. The second objective is to avoid restricting the wellbore hydraulics to a single flow regime. Five flow regimes (laminar through rough-turbulent), based on Reynolds number and pipe roughness, are considered. The modifications are integrated into the highly versatile, well-documented and well-tested models HydroGeoSphere (finite-element/finite-difference) and USGS MODFLOW (finite-difference). Verification of the algorithm and code and is performed by comparing results to: 1) the idealized, analytical Theis solution; 2) the original, unmodified code; and 3) the results of a third party numerical solution that also accounts for variable frictional wellbore losses. Results highlight the inadequacy of either a uniform flux or a uniform head assumption along the wellbore. The solution also tends to produce much steeper hydraulic gradients in those portions of the aquifer nearest the pump intake than have previously been predicted. Systems most affected by in-well hydraulic losses include those for which well screen is long, pumping rate is large, pipe diameter is small, pipe roughness is large (either through design or aging) and aquifer conductivity is high. Improved modeling of the non-linear hydraulic conditions within the well screen can particularly influence the interpretation of wellbore flowmeter and tracer tests, leading to more precise knowledge of the variation of local aquifer hydraulic conductivity along well screens. Aquifer drawdown curves, solute transport and inflow velocities will also be influenced, which can impact capture zones and remediation costs. Given that the solution is incorporated within the HydroGeoSphere and MODFLOW models, it presents the additional advantage over existing approaches of offering a wide range of modeling capabilities, such as three-dimensional flow, arbitrary well inclination and surface-subsurface flow integration. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2008-01-04 17:27:50.629

Using Fracture Flow Modeling to Understand the Effectiveness of Pump and Treat Remediation in Dual Permeability Media

Rodack, Haley Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
Pump and treat remediation is the most commonly used method to remediate contaminated aquifers, but the effectiveness decreases when heterogeneities are introduced. Fractures within the matrix cause large differences in hydraulic conductivity. The low hydraulic conductivity of the matrix acts as an area of storage for contaminant, allowing for attenuation of the plume. The attenuation of the plume causes the effectiveness of the system to decrease and cost of remediation to increase. In order to understand what parameters enhance contaminant storage in the matrix, rapid transport in fractures, and both of their influences on the efficiency of the pumping system, a hypothetical model was developed to simulate the release and remediation of a plume using pumping. The code used was HydroGeoSphere, which allowed for the interpretation of parameters influencing contaminant storage during the withdrawal phase of the pump and treat remediation by allowing transport of contaminant within both the matrix and the fractures. Matrix parameters of porosity and hydraulic conductivity influenced the effectiveness of the withdrawal system most. For instance, the difference in percent mass extracted between porosity values of 0.01 and 0.4 was 23.75%, while the difference between fracture lengths of 200 and 400 m was 5.59%. Fracture pattern influenced where the stored contaminant was located within the matrix. Downgradient of the source, six different fracture patterns resulted in a difference in relative concentration of 0.4 at the start of the withdrawal phase. Evaluation of remediation included both percent extraction of contaminant and finer scale remediation of the contaminant specifically within the matrix. Multiple length-scale observations helped determine how fracture and matrix parameters influence remediation in dual permeability media. / Geology

Hydrological modelling of a catchment supported by the discharge of treated wastewater - A comparison of two model concepts

Rudnick, Sebastian 26 October 2018 (has links)
Die Untersuchung von Klimaszenarien ergab, dass die Grundwasserneubildung in Nordostdeutschland abnehmen könnte. Um Süßgewässer zu erhalten müssen neue Strategien entwickelt werden. Im Gebiet des Lietzengrabens wird Klarwasser eingeleitet, um Feuchtgebiete und Seen zu erhalten. Diese Strategie wurde durch eine Szenarioanalyse erarbeitet, die sich auf das hydrologische iterative Modell ArcEGMO-ASM stützte. In dieser Arbeit wurde das voll integrierte Modell HydroGeoSphere genutzt, um den Fluss von Wasser an der Oberfläche und im Untergrund zu simulieren. Basierend auf dieser Simulation wurden Fließpfade und Aufenthaltszeiten abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse beider Modelle wurden analysiert und verglichen. Mit beiden Modellen war es möglich, die Abfluss- und Grundwasserdynamiken im Einzugsgebiet zu reproduzieren. Bei der Anwendung von HydroGeoSphere fehlten Möglichkeiten zur Berücksichtigung von z.B. Schneefall und Wehren, welche in ArcEGMO-ASM vorhanden sind. Die Kalibrierung des Modells lieferte Parameterwerte, die eine Reproduktion der Dynamiken erlaubten. Allerdings könnte HydroGeoSphere nur eingeschränkt nutzbar sein, da die Werte teils unrealistisch waren. HydroGeoSphere ermöglichte aber die Abschätzung von unterirdischen Fließpfaden und Aufenthaltszeiten. Weiter wurde der Austritt von Grundwasser in einen Bachabschnitt durch Messungen bestimmt und mit Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Keines der Modelle war geeignet, die räumlichen Muster auf dieser Skala zu reproduzieren. Die simulierten Exfiltrationsraten wichen von den beobachteten ab. Der Vergleich von ArcEGMO-ASM und HydroGeoSphere zeigte die Vorteile und Grenzen der Modelle auf. Der Einsatz von HydroGeoSphere bei Untersuchungen von Bewirtschaftungsstrategien macht sich noch nicht bezahlt, vergleicht man den Aufwand mit den Vorteilen. Da HydroGeoSphere weiterentwickelt wird und die Rechenkapazitäten zunehmen, könnte das Modell in der nahen Zukunft in der Praxis nutzbar sein. / Analysis of climatic scenarios for North-East Germany showed that groundwater recharge could decline. In order to sustain freshwaters, new strategies must be developed. At the Lietzengraben catchment treated wastewater is discharged to sustain wetlands and lakes in the catchment. This management strategy was developed previously by scenario analysis, performed by the hydrological iterative model ArcEGMO-ASM. In this work, the fully integrated model HydroGeoSphere was used to simulate the surface and subsurface water flow in the catchment. Based on the simulation results, flow paths and residence times were estimated. The results of the simulations by both models were investigated and compared. It was possible to reproduce the catchment dynamics regarding discharge and groundwater heads reasonably well with both models. The application of HydroGeoSphere was limited due to the inability of the model to represent features like snowfall and weirs, which are represented in ArcEGMO-ASM. The calibrated parameter values enabled the model to reproduce the catchment dynamics reasonably well. HydroGeoSphere may be limited in its use since the obtained values are partially unrealistic. HydroGeoSphere allowed the approximation of subsurface flow paths and residence times. The exfiltration of groundwater to a stream reach was estimated by measurements and compared to simulation results. Both models were not able to reproduce the spatial patterns on a sub-reach scale and the calculated exfiltration rates did not match the observed rates. The comparison of ArcEGMO-ASM and HydroGeoSphere showed the advantages and limitations of both models. Comparing the overall additional effort to the benefits, however, the application of HydroGeoSphere to investigations regarding management strategies or scenario analyses may not pay off. Since HydroGeoSphere is under steady development and computational resources improve, the use of HydroGeoSphere may be applicable in the near future.

Integrating Field and Modeling Studies to Assess the Response of a Lake-Groundwater System to Mining Activities

Tauscher, Tyler Lee 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

An integrated field and modeling study of the transport of cyanotoxin from Lake Erie to coastal aquifers

Cobbinah, Emmanuel 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling and Understanding Complexities Associated With Variable-Density Flow in Experimental Groundwater Systems

Goeller, Devon Raymond 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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