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[pt] A construção de Barragens de Enrocamento no Brasil tem se
desenvolvido nas últimas décadas, por ser uma solução
adequada para regiões onde há falta de solos finos e grande
volume de escavações obrigatórias em rocha. Este
desenvolvimento está relacionado tanto à quantidade de
barragens construídas quanto ao incremento da altura das
mesmas. A construção de protótipos de instrumentos para
medição de deslocamentos neste tipo de barragem é de
fundamental importância. Com a simulação das leituras em
laboratório, torna-se possível implementar modificações no
projeto, na construção, na instalação e na operação destes
instrumentos, disponibilizando-se leituras mais acuradas e
precisas, obtendo-se maior confiabilidade nos dados e,
assim, informações mais consistentes sobre o comportamento
das barragens. Além da elaboração de uma abrangente revisão
bibliográfica sobre instrumentação geotécnica, foram
estudados dois protótipos de instrumentos de medidas de
deslocamento, Medidor Hidrostático de Recalques e
Extensômetro Horizontal de Hastes Múltiplas. Ambos
desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Furnas,
em Aparecida de Goiânia, estado de Goiás. Os resultados
obtidos permitirão modificações na construção e instalação
destes instrumentos. / [en] The number and height of rockfill dams in Brazil has been
steadily growing, because rockfills constitute an adequate
solution when the project requires a large volume of rock
excavation and there is a lack of fine grained soils in the
region. The development of new equipment for measuring
displacements in these dams is of fundamental importance.
Testing prototypes in the laboratory, under simulated field
conditions, allows the researcher to implement
modifications in the design characteristics and
installation procedures for the instrument. As a result,
measurements with higher accuracy and reliability are
obtained and, consequently, higher safety for the dams. A
comprehensive review of the literature on geotechnical
instrumentation is presented. Two prototypes of
displacement measuring devices have been studied and
tested: a hydrostatic displacement cell and a multiple rods
horizontal extensometer. Both were constructed and tested
in the Civil Engineering Laboratory of Furnas, in Goiás,
Brazil. The results and conclusions obtained will result in
important modifications in the design and installation
details of these instruments.
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Star formation in LITTLE THINGS dwarf galaxiesFicut-Vicas, Dana January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we test and expand our current knowledge of Star Formation Laws (SF laws) in the extreme environment of dwarf irregular galaxies. We focus on the SF characteristics of our 18 galaxies sample, extending current investigations of the Schmidt-Kennicutt law to the low luminosity, low metallicity regime. The Hi data used in this project have been observed, calibrated and imaged according to the LITTLE THINGS Survey prescription to which I brought my own contribution as a member of the team. Apart from high resolution, VLA data in B, C and D array configurations, this project makes use of an extensive set of multi- wavelength data (H , FUV, 24 m, 3.6 m, V-band and K-band). Molecular gas in dwarfs is very difficult to observe, mainly because due to the low metallicity environment, we lose our only molecular tracer, the CO which becomes under luminous. Therefore the gas distribution is represented by Hi gas only. We create our Star Formation Rate (SFR) maps mainly based on FUV maps because our analysis shows that FUV is the SF tracer that allows us the most extensive sampling of the SFR surface density (SFRD) and Hi surface density relation. The main results of our study are: Whereas in spiral galaxies Bigiel et al. (2008) have found a one to one relation between star formation rate and molecular gas and no relation between the SFR and the neutral gas, in a small sample of dwarfs as well as in the outskirts of spiral galaxies Bigiel et al. (2010b) has found that SFRD does correlate with Hi surface density. We confirm the existence of the SFRD vs. Hi surface density relation in dwarf irregular galaxies and a linear fitting through all our data (all 18 galaxies combined) yields a power law relation ΣSFR ∝ Σ1.87±0.3/HI . We find that the interiors of Hi shells, at 400 pc scales, become resolved and show up in SFRD versus Hi surface density plots although within the shell interior we have SFRD values but no Hi surface density related to them. Thus, the points originating from those regions contribute significantly to the increase of the scatter in the plot. We show that by excluding those points the correlation between SFRD and Hi surface density improves between 10% and 20%. Eight of the 18 galaxies in our sample have Hi maxima higher than the 10M pc-2 value found by Bigiel et al. (2008) for spiral galaxies. Krumholz et al. (2011) predicted that the 10M pc-2 threshold is metallicity dependent in galaxies with sub-solar metallicity, however the theoretically predicted values for our galaxies only match the observed Hi maxima in one case (DDO168). We find that metallicity cannot be the only factor setting the Hi to H2 transition. In fact, we find evidence that the higher the interstellar radiation field (ISRF), the higher the Hi maximum is, hence we suggest that the ISRF should also be taken into consideration in predicting the Hi to H2 transition threshold. We find that even tighter than the SFRD vs. Hi surface density relation is the SFRD vs. V-band surface density relation. Unlike the SFRD vs. Hi surface density relation the SFRD vs. V-band surface density relation follows a power law and can be written as follows: ΣSFR ∝ (10^μv)^-0.43±0.03. The SFRD vs. V-band surface density relation suggests that the existing stars also play a role in the formation of the next generation of stars. Within our sample of dwarf galaxies the average pressure per resolution element and the SFRD are in a 1:1 linear relation: ΣSFR ∝ P_h^1.02±0.05. A similar relation has been found by Blitz & Rosolowsky (2006) for the low-pressure regimes of spiral galaxies. In conclusion we find that in the extreme environments of dwarf galaxies the metal deficiency and the lack of the classic SF stimulators (spiral arms, shear motions) do not impede the star forming process. In these galaxies, dust-shielding becomes predominantly self-shielding and there is plenty of Hi available to achieve this additional task. Existing stars assume the role of pressure enhancers, which in turn will stimulate SF without the need of spiral arms or shear motion.
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Mechanical analysis of 2D composite granular materials : thermomechanical experiments and numerical simulations / Analyse mécanique de matériaux granulaires 2D composites : expériences thermomécaniques et simulations numériquesJongchansitto, Pawarut 28 August 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est d'analyser le comportement mécanique de matériaux granulaires composites bidimensionels en terme de textures granulaires en utilisant deux approches : étude expérimentale par "thermoelastic stress analysis" et étude numérique par dynamique moléculaire. Les systèmes granulaires composites sont préparés à l'aide de cylindres en polyoxyméthylène (POM) et polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD), présentant un rapport de rigidité de 4 entre eux. Différents rapports de diamètres et de nombres de particules sont considérés. Les résultats expérimentaux et numériques sont en bon accord à l'échelle macroscopique. En particulier, le réseau fort (qui est ici caractérisé par des contraintes hydrostatiques supérieures à la valeur moyenne) contient moins de 50% des particules, et présente une distribution décroissance exponentielle quel que soit le type de particules considéré pour l'analyse (particules souples, particules rigides, toutes les particules). De plus, la distribution des contacts entre particules rigides (contacts POM-POM) est anisotrope et tend à s'organiser dans le sens de la direction du chargement extérieur appliqué, tandis que les autres types de contact agissent principalement pour maintenir le système en équilibre. / The main objective of our dissertation is to analyze the mechanical behavior of two-dimensional composite granular materials through the granular textures. Thermoelatic stress analysis experiments and molecular dynamics simulations are used for this purpose. The composite granular systems are prepared from polyoxymethylene (POM) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cylinders with a stiffness ratio of about 4 between them. Different configurations in terms of ratios of diameter size and ratio of particle numbers are systematically investigated. Experimental and numerical results are good correlated at the macroscopic scale. In particular the strong network, which is here characterized by hydrostatic stresses higher than the mean value, consists of less than 50% of all particles, and exhibits an exponential decay whatever the type of particles considered for the analysis (soft, stiff, or both types). In addition, the contact distributions between stiff particles (POM-POM contacts) is anisotropic with an effort to arrange parallel to the direction of the external applied load, whereas the other types of contacts just act to sustain the granular system in equilibrium.
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La bioluminescence : un proxy d'activité biologique en milieu profond ? Etude au laboratoire et in situ de la bioluminescence en relation avec les variables environnementales / Bioluminescence : a proxy of biological activity in the deep sea? Study in the laboratory and in situ of bioluminescence linked to the environmental variables.Martini, Severine 06 December 2013 (has links)
La bioluminescence est l’émission de lumière par des organismes vivants. En milieu bathypélagique, où l’absence de lumière est une caractéristique majeure, ce phénomène semble avoir un rôle écologique primordial dans les interactions biologiques ainsi que dans le cycle du carbone. Ce travail cherche à déterminer si la bioluminescence peut être définie comme un proxy de l’activité biologique en milieu profond. Cette étude multidisciplinaire développe à la fois une approche in situ et en laboratoire. Le télescope ANTARES, immergé en Méditerranée, à 2475 m de profondeur, a joué le rôle d’un observatoire océanographique enregistrant la bioluminescence ainsi que les variables environnementales à haute fréquence. L’analyse de ces séries temporelles, non-linéaires et non-stationnaires a permis de mettre en évidence deux périodes de forte activité de bioluminescence en 2009 et 2010. Ces évènements ont été expliqués par des phénomènes de convection dans le Golfe du Lion, impactant indirectement la bioluminescence enre- gistrée sur ANTARES. En laboratoire, la bioluminescence bactérienne a été décrite sur une souche modèle piezophile, isolée au cours d’un évènement de forte bioluminescence. La pression hydrostatique liée à la profondeur in situ (22 MPa) induit une plus forte bioluminescence qu’à pression atmosphérique (0.1 MPa). Enfin, le suivi des communautés procaryotiques profondes a été réalisé, sur le site ANTARES, au cours de l’année 2011. Ce suivi a montré la présence de 0.1 à 1% de bactéries bioluminescentes dans une période enregistrant une faible activité de bioluminescence. Ces cellules ont été définies comme majoritairement actives. / Bioluminescence is the emission of light by living organisms. In the bathypelagic waters, where darkness is one of the main characteristic, this phenomenon seems to play a major role for biological interactions and in the carbon cycle. This work aims to determine if bioluminescence can be considered as a proxy of biological activity in the deep sea. This multidisciplinary study develops both in situ and laboratory approaches. The ANTARES telescope immersed in the Mediterranean Sea at 2,475 m depth has been used as an oceanographic observatory recording bioluminescence as well as environmen- tal variables at high frequency. This time series analysis, defined as non linear and non stationary, highlighted two periods of high bioluminescence intensity in 2009 and 2010. These events have been explained by convection phenomena in the Gulf of Lion, indi- rectly impacting the bioluminescence sampled at this station. In the laboratory, bacterial bioluminescence has been described using a piezophilic bacterial model isolated during a high-bioluminescence-intensity event. Hydrostatic pressure linked to the in situ depth (22 MPa) induces a higher bioluminescence activity than under atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). Then, the survey of the deep prokaryotic communities has been done at the AN- TARES station, over the year 2011. This survey shows the presence of about 0.1 to 1% of bioluminescent bacteria even during a low-bioluminescence-activity period. These cells were mainly actives.
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Analyse de quelques schémas numériques pour des problèmes de shallow water / Analysis of several numerical scheme designed for shallow water problemsLhebrard, Xavier 27 April 2015 (has links)
Nous élaborons et analysons mathématiquement des approximations numériques par des méthodes de type volumes finis de solutions faibles de systèmes hyperboliques pour des écoulements géophysiques. Dans une première partie nous approchons les solutions du système de la magnétohydrodynamique en faible épaisseur avec un fond plat. Nous développons un schéma de type Godunov utilisant un solveur de Riemann approché défini via une méthode de relaxation. Des expressions explicites sont établies pour les vitesses de relaxation, qui permettent d'obtenir un schéma satisfaisant un ensemble de bonnes propriétés de consistance et de stabilité. Il conserve la masse, préserve la positivité de la hauteur de fluide, vérifie une inégalité d'entropie discrète, résout les discontinuités de contact même résonantes, donne des vitesses de propagations contrôlées par les données initiales. Des tests numériques sont effectués, validant les résultats théoriques énoncés. Dans une seconde partie nous approchons les solutions du système de la magnétohydrodynamique en faible épaisseur avec fond variable. Nous développons un schéma équilibre pour certains états stationnaires au repos. Nous utilisons la méthode de reconstruction hydrostatique, avec des états reconstruits pour la hauteur d'eau et les composantes du champ magnétique. Nous trouvons des termes correctifs pour les flux numériques par rapport au cadre habituel, et nous prouvons que le schéma obtenu préserve la positivité de la hauteur d'eau, vérifie une inégalité d'entropie semi-discrète et est consistant. Des tests numériques sont effectués, validant les résultats théoriques. Dans une troisième partie nous établissons la convergence d'un schéma cinétique avec reconstruction hydrostatique pour le système de Saint-Venant avec topographie. De nouvelles estimations sur le gradient des solutions approchées sont obtenues par l'analyse de la dissipation d'énergie. La convergence est obtenue par la méthode de compacité par compensation, sous des hypothèses sur les données initiales et la régularité du fond / We build and analyze mathematically numerical approximations by finite volume methods of weak solutions to hyperbolic systems for geophysical flows. In a first part we approximate the solutions of the shallow water magneto hydrodynamics system with flat bottom. We develop a Godunov scheme using an approximate Riemann solver defined via a relaxation method. Explicit formulas are established for the relaxation speeds, that lead to a scheme satisfying good properties of consistency and stability. It preserves mass, positivity of the fluid height, satisfies a discrete entropy inequality, resolves contact discontinuities, and involves propagation speeds controlled by the initial data. Several numerical tests are performed, endorsing the theoretical results. In a second part we approximate the solutions of the shallow water magneto hydrodynamics system with non-flat bottom. We develop a well-balanced scheme for several steady states at rest. We use the hydrostatic reconstruction method, with reconstructed states for the fluid height and the magnetic field. We get some new corrective terms for the numerical fluxes with respect to the classical framework, and we prove that the obtained scheme preserves the positivity of height, satisfies a semi-discrete entropy inequality, and is consistent. Several numerical tests are presented, endorsing the theoretical results. In a third part we prove the convergence of a kinetic scheme with hydrostatic reconstruction for the Saint-Venant system with topography. Some new estimates on the gradient of approximate solutions are established, by the analysis of energy dissipation. The convergence is obtained by the compensated compactness method, under some hypotheses concerning the initial data and the regularity of the topography
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Motorbyte BV206 : Utredning och rekommendationEriksson, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Scandinavian Terrain Vehicles AB (STV) konstruerar och bygger bandvagnar för civilt bruk. I utbudet ingår även vad STV kallar Mid Life Improvement (MLI) vilket syftar i att renovera Hägglunds BV206. En del av MLI-programmet är byte av motor och växellåda där de gamla komponenterna från sent 80-tal till tidigt 90-tal byts ut mot ny motor och växellåda. Den nya kombinationen av motor och växellåda möter militär standard och blir därför en onödigt kostsam del då många av STV:s kunder skulle vara nöjda även med ett enklare alternativ. För att minska kostnaden för MLI-programmet och därmed potentiellt utöka kundkretsen undersöktes möjligheterna till att hitta nya leverantörer av motor och växellåda. Som alternativ undersöktes möjligheterna till drift genom diesel- eller Ottomotor samt transmission av typerna automatisk växellåda, hydrostatisk och elektrisk transmission. Sökning av komponenter utgick från att undersöka vilka komponenttillverkare som används av liknande applikationer. Genom en kriterieviktsmetod blev det rekommenderade lösningsalternativet motorn Cummins ISF 2.8 120 kW och växellådan Allison 1000SP. Kombinationen levererar som mest 1384 Nm och vid 5200 rpm 185 Nm till fördelningsväxeln. Resultatet styrks av att motorn enligt tillverkaren är lämpad för fordon såsom mindre lastbilar och terrängfordon samt att växellådor av samma tillverkare används till bland annat BAE Systems Hägglunds bandvagn BvS10. / Scandinavian Terrain Vehicles AB (STV) is a company that designs and builds tracked vehicles for civilian usage. One of their services is what they call Mid Life Improvement (MLI) which serves to recondition Hägglunds BV206’s. A significant part of the MLI-program is the exchange of engine and transmission where components from the late 80’s to early 90’s are replaced with new parts. The new parts consist of a combination of engine and gearbox that meets military standards and is therefore an expensive part especially since many of STV’s customers would settle with a more elementary alternative. To reduce costs within the MLI-program and potentially expand clientele STV sought to find new suppliers for engine and gearbox. Considered alternatives for replacement were Otto- and Diesel engines in coupled with a transmission in the form of either an automatic gearbox, a hydrostatic or an electric transmission. By examining which suppliers were being used by similar applications and selection through a weighted criteria method, the engine Cummins ISF 2.8 120 kW and transmission Allison 1000SP were found to be the best suited alternative. The combination delivers to the distribution gearbox a maximum torque of 1384 Nm and 185 Nm at 5200 rpm. The result is attested by the fact that the engine is according to the manufacturer suitable for applications like trucks and utility vehicles together with that the same brand of transmission is used by BAE Systems Hägglunds in their BvS10.
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Estudo do comportamento mecânico de cilindros de compósito epóxi/fibra de basalto em ensaios hidrostáticos / Study of mechanical behavior of epoxy/basalt fiber composite cylinders under hydrostatic testsLapena, Mauro Henrique 26 January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento mecânico de cilindros de compósito polimérico reforçado com fibras. Para isso, foram produzidos cilindros com extremidades abertas reforçados com fibra de basalto e fibra de vidro, utilizando a técnica de enrolamento filamentar (filament winding). Estes cilindros foram submetidos a ensaio hidrostático com carregamento circunferencial, ensaio de ruptura de anel (split disk test) e ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento interlaminar (ILSS). Uma placa do compósito de fibra de basalto foi produzida por enrolamento filamentar, para caracterização por ensaio de resistência à tração. Todos cilindros submetidos ao ensaio hidrostático apresentaram fratura localizada em uma faixa de altura do cilindro, com extensas delaminações das camadas circunferenciais. Os compósitos epóxi/fibra de basalto superaram ou igualaram os de compósito epóxi/fibra de vidro nas comparações entre resultados dos valores das propriedades mecânicas avaliadas, nas porcentagens: resistência à tração aparente de ruptura de anel em 45% e 43% em resistência específica; ILSS, em 11%; resistência/tensão de membrana de ruptura no ensaio hidrostático, em 55%. / The aim of this work was to study the mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced polymer composite cylinders. For this purpose, cylinders reinforced with basalt and glass fibers were produced, with open-ended geometry, using filament winding technique. These cylinders were submitted to hydrostatic test under circunferential loading, split disk (ring segment) test and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS). A basalt fiber composite plate was produced by filament winding for characterization by tensile strength test. All cylinders submitted to hydrostatic test presented fracture located in the height range of the cylinder, with extensive delamination of the circumferential layers. The epoxy/basalt fiber composites overcame or equated the epoxy/glass fiber composites in comparisons between results of the mechanical properties, tensile strength in split disk, in 45% and 43% in specific strength; ILSS in 11%; membrane tensile strength in the hydrostatic test, in 55%.
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Elektrisch-hydrostatische Kompaktantriebe mit Differentialzylinder für die industrielle AnwendungMichel, Sebastian 13 October 2021 (has links)
Elektrisch-hydrostatische Kompaktantriebe (EKA) stellen ein innovatives, neuar-tiges Antriebskonzept dar, welches – ausgeführt als funktionsfertige Baugruppe – die Anwenderfreundlichkeit bei der Maschinenintegration, Inbetriebnahme und Wartung signifikant steigert. Elektrisch-hydrostatische Kompaktantriebe verbinden die inhärenten Vorteile hydraulischer Antriebstechnik wie beispiels-weise Robustheit, hohe Leistungsdichte und Überlastschutz mit Energieeffizi-enz, Ressourceneffizienz, Anwenderfreundlichkeit und geringem Bauraum. Auf-grund seines kompakten und kostengünstigen Aufbaus ist der Differentialzylin-der der mit Abstand am häufigsten eingesetzte Aktor bei hydraulischen Anwen-dungen. Die Herausforderung beim Einsatz eines Differentialzylinders im hyd-rostatischen Getriebe ist die Steuerung der asymmetrischen Volumenströme, die durch die einseitige Kolbenstange hervorgerufen werden.
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der systematischen Entwicklung und Unter-suchung von Schaltungskonzepten, die sich für elektrisch-hydrostatische Kom-paktantriebe mit Differentialzylinder für die industrielle Anwendung eignen. Vor dem Hintergrund eines ressourcenschonenden und wirtschaftlichen Einsatzes der Antriebe werden Vorzugsvarianten ermittelt, die sowohl energie- als auch kosteneffizient sind. Das statische und dynamische Übertragungsverhalten so-wie die Energieeffizienz der ausgewählten Schaltungen werden auf der Grund-lage von praxisnahen Demonstratoren bestimmt. Die analytische und experi-mentelle Untersuchung der Vorzugsvarianten zeigt das Potential und die Gren-zen der Schaltungskonzepte für den industriellen Einsatz auf. Darüber hinaus wird der Vergleich mit elektromechanischen Kompaktantrieben im gleichen Leistungsbereich geführt, um die erzielten Ergebnisse in der Gegenüberstellung einordnen zu können.
Um die Notwendigkeit einer aktiven Kühlung für potentielle Einsatzgebiete ohne aufwendige Experimente abschätzen zu können, werden zudem die Methoden der thermo-energetischen Netzwerksimulation auf elektrisch-hydrostatische Kompaktantriebe angewendet. Anhand eines Beispielantriebs wird ermittelt, mit welcher Genauigkeit das thermo-energetische Verhalten und die sich einstel-lende Beharrungstemperatur berechnet werden können.:1 Einleitung 1
2 Zielstellung der Arbeit 6
3 Stand der Forschung 8
3.1 Grundlagen 8
3.2 Hydrostatische Getriebe mit Gleichgangzylinder 10
3.2.1 Elektrisch-hydrostatische Aktuatoren (EHA) 11
3.3 Hydrostatische Getriebe mit Differentialzylinder 13
3.4 Thermo-energetische Analyse und Modellierung 24
4 Systematisierung der Schaltungsmöglichkeiten 27
4.1 Analyse typischer Anwendungen für EKA 27
4.2 Systematisierung der Lastfälle 27
4.3 Schaltungssystematik 29
4.4 Auswahl von Vorzugsvarianten 35
5 Einpumpenkonzept mit Ausgleichsventil 40
5.1 Aufbau und Funktionsweise 40
5.2 Demonstrator 43
5.3 Statisches Betriebsverhalten 46
5.4 Dynamisches Übertragungsverhalten 47
5.4.1 Dynamische Streckenkennwerte 47
5.4.2 Lastfallspezifisches dynamisches Verhalten 57
5.4.3 Dynamisches Verhalten bei dominanten Massekräften 60
5.5 Energieeffizienz 89
5.5.1 Elektrischer Antrieb 91
5.5.2 Hydrostatisches Getriebe 93
5.5.3 Gesamtantrieb 96
5.6 Fazit und Einsatzempfehlungen 97
6 Tandempumpenkonzept im offenen Kreis 99
6.1 Aufbau und Funktionsweise 99
6.2 Demonstrator 101
6.3 Statisches Übertragungsverhalten 102
6.4 Dynamisches Übertragungsverhalten 103
6.4.1 Dynamische Streckenkennwerte 103
6.4.2 Lastfallspezifisches dynamisches Verhalten 106
6.5 Energieeffizienz 109
6.5.1 Hydrostatisches Getriebe 109
6.5.2 Gesamtantrieb 111
6.6 Fazit und Einsatzempfehlungen 112
7 Untersuchung eines elektromechanischen Referenzantriebs 114
7.1 Bauarten, Eigenschaften und Einsatzgebiete elektromechanischer Linearantriebe 114
7.1.1 Übersetzung 117
7.1.2 Maximale Hubgeschwindigkeit 117
7.1.3 Maximale Hubkraft 117
7.1.4 Lebensdauer und Verschleiß 118
7.1.5 Wirkungsgrad 120
7.1.6 Steifigkeit 120
7.1.7 Fail-safe 121
7.2 Referenzantrieb 121
7.3 Statisches Übertragungsverhalten 122
7.4 Dynamisches Übertragungsverhalten 122
7.5 Energieeffizienz 123
7.5.1 Kugelgewindetrieb 123
7.5.2 Gesamtantrieb 124
8 Vergleich und Bewertung der Antriebssysteme 126
8.1 Statisches Übertragungsverhalten 126
8.2 Dynamisches Übertragungsverhalten 127
8.3 Energieeffizienz 128
8.4 Weiterführender Vergleich und Bewertung 129
9 Thermo-hydraulische Netzwerksimulation 134
9.1 Methodik 134
9.2 Grundlagen der Thermodynamik und Wärmeübertragung 135
9.2.1 Wärmeleitung 136
9.2.2 Konvektion 136
9.2.3 Wärmestrahlung 138
9.2.4 Wärmeübergang an Fugen zwischen Bauteilen 139
9.3 Analyse der Verlustleistungen 142
9.4 Analyse der Wärmeströme und thermischen Widerstände 145
9.4.1 Erzwungene Konvektion zwischen Öl und Innenfläche 146
9.4.2 Wärmeleitung in Festkörpern (Gehäuse) 147
9.4.3 Wärmeübergang an Fugen zwischen Bauteilen 147
9.4.4 Freie Konvektion an den Außenflächen 148
9.4.5 Wärmestrahlung an den Außenflächen 150
9.4.6 Zusammenfassung 151
9.5 Zulässige Öltemperatur des Antriebs 152
9.6 Thermo-hydraulisches Simulationsmodell des Demonstrators 152
9.7 Validierung 155
9.7.1 Vorbetrachtungen an einer Modellgeometrie 155
9.7.2 Prüfstandsaufbau und Versuchsparameter 157
9.7.3 Gegenüberstellung von Simulation und Messung 159
9.8 Sensitivitätsanalyse 162
9.8.1 Variation der Verlustleistung 163
9.8.2 Variation der Umgebungstemperatur 164
9.8.3 Variation des Korrekturfaktors für Umgebungsströmungen 165
9.9 Simulationsstudie zur Verbesserung des Wärmeabgabevermögens 166
9.10 Zusammenfassung 166
10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 168
11 Literaturverzeichnis 172
12 Anhang 194
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Posouzení ovladatelnosti sektoru jezového pole VD Roudnice nad Labem při extrémních povodňových stavech / Controllability assessment of the Roudnice nad Labem sector weir box at extreme floodsRůžek, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the determination of the load torque during flood conditions on the hydrostatic sectoral weir in Roudnice nad Labem. Problems are solved due to a glitch in the lowering sector. The aim of this study is to determine the resulting torque, of three selected states, which occurred at the water works. The issue was solved as a plane 2D problem using AutoCAD, in which were read the relevant data. It was also used ANSYS software, which modeled the flow of water over the weir to detect pressures acting on overflow face. All calculations are then counted in Microsoft Excel. Force balance is performed on the one-meter design.
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Modelování a simulace pohonu mobilního pracovního stroje / Modeling and Simulation of Mobile working machine PowertrainZavadinka, Peter January 2009 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá vytvorením dynamického modelu mobilného pracovného stroja. Ciežom práce je vytvorenie blokového modelu pohonu štvorkolesového mobilného pracovného stroja. Model hydrostatického prevodu bol dodaný firmou Sauer-Danfoss. Model mobilného pracovného stroja bol vytvorený v programe MATLAB-Simulink. Dalšou časťou práce je výber typu riadenia hydrostatického prevodu a návrh riadiaceho algoritmu hydrostatického prevodu. Výstupom práce je blokový matematicko-fyzikálny model pohonu štvorkolesového mobilného pracovného stroja spolu s riadiacim algoritmom hydrostatického prevodu v prostredí MATLAB-Simulink.
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