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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Serpentinisation et carbonatation de la croûte Martienne / Serpentinization and carbonation of the Martian crust

Bultel, Benjamin 05 January 2016 (has links)
Depuis ces 3 derniers milliards d'années l'eau liquide est extrêmement peu présente sur Mars. Cependant les multiples données disponibles sur la planète montrent des preuves d'une présence importante d'eau liquide depuis l'accrétion de la planète jusqu'à environ 3,7 milliards d'années. L'hypothèse dominante aujourd'hui est que Mars possédait une atmosphère plus dense (possiblement riche en CO2) au début de son histoire. Une grande partie de cette atmosphère et de l'eau auraient été perdu dans l'espace. Une autre hypothèse pour la diminution de la quantité d'eau liquide disponible et pour la diminution de l'atmosphère est le stockage d'eau et de CO2 dans la croûte. La croûte martienne est étudiée via les données de spectro-imagerie CRISM pour caractériser l'altération hydrothermale primitive de la planète. Des détections de serpentine et de carbonates confirment que le stockage d'une partie de l'eau et de l'atmosphère martienne a eu lieu. Des contraintes supplémentaires sont apportées par de la modélisation géochimique de la serpentinisation et de la carbonatation de la croûte martienne via les programme EQ3/6. L'importance de la serpentinisation et de la carbonatation de la croûte martienne est ainsi réévaluée. Les résultats permettent d'ouvrir la réflexion sur le rôle de la serpentinisation et de la carbonatation sur l'évolution de la quantité d'eau liquide disponible et sur l'évolution de l'atmosphère. En outre, les conditions thermodynamiques permettent d'apporter des contraintes sur le potentiel exobiologique de la croûte martienne / Over the last 3 billion years liquid water has an extremely limited presence on Mars. However, the multiple data available on the planet show evidences of a significant presence of liquid water from the accretion of the planet until about 3.7 billion years. The prevailing hypothesis today is that Mars had a denser atmosphere (possibly rich in CO2) early in its history. Much of this atmosphere and water were lost in space. Another possibility for reducing the amount of liquid water available and the reduction of the atmosphere is the water storage of water and CO2 in the crust. The Martian crust is studied via CRISM spectro-imaging data to characterize the early hydrothermal alteration of the planet. Serpentine and carbonates of detections confirm that the storage of a portion of the water and the atmosphere of Mars occurred. Additional constraints are provided by the geochemical modeling of serpentinization and carbonation of the Martian crust through EQ3/6 programs. The importance of serpentinization and carbonation of the Martian crust is thus reassessed. The results allow to open the debate on the role of serpentinization and carbonation on the evolution of the liquid water available and the evolution of the atmosphere. In addition, the thermodynamic conditions help provide constraints on the exobiology potential of the Martian crust

Réservoirs hydro-géothermaux haute enthalpie : apport des propriétés pétrophysiques des basaltes / High enthalpy hydro-geothermal reservoirs : insights from basalt petrophysical properties

Violay, Marie 03 December 2010 (has links)
La géothermie est considérée comme une source d'énergie propre et inépuisable à échelle humaine. Actuellement, le rendement des centrales géothermiques est limité à l'exploitation de fluides de températures inférieures à 300°C. L'association de l'activité tectonique et volcanique aux dorsales océaniques fait de l'Islande un lieu où l'extraction de fluides supercritiques (T°>400°C) peut être envisagée. Cette exploitation pourrait multiplier par dix la puissance électrique délivrée par les puits géothermiques. Ces fluides peuvent-ils circuler dans la croûte océanique ? Ce travail propose de contraindre les observations géophysiques et de prédire le fonctionnement des réservoirs hydro-géothermaux de très haute température par l'étude des propriétés physiques des basaltes. La première approche est focalisée sur l'étude de roches ayant accueilli une circulation hydrothermale par le passé. L'étude de ces roches au site ODP 1256, montre que leur porosité est associée à la présence de minéraux d'altération hydrothermale du faciès amphibolite (T°>500°C ). La seconde approche a consisté à recréer en laboratoire les conditions des systèmes hydrothermaux à très haute température afin de prédire les propriétés mécaniques et électriques des basaltes dans ces conditions. Les résultats mécaniques indiquent que la transition fragile/ductile, souvent associée à une forte décroissance de perméabilité, intervient à une température d'environ 550°C. La mise en place d'une cellule de mesure de la conductivité électrique de haute températures a fournit les premiers résultats utiles à l'analyse des données géophysiques. Appliqués aux conditions de la croûte basaltique Islandaise, ces résultats indiquent que des fluides hydrothermaux pourraient circuler au moins transitoirement à l'état supercritique jusqu'à ~ 5 km de profondeur. / Geothermal energy is considered as a green and infinite energy source at human scale. Currently, the yield of geothermal power plants is limited to temperatures of the operating fluid which 300 °C. From tectonic and volcanic activity at mid-ocean ridges, Iceland is a locuswhere supercritical fluid extraction (T > 400° C) can considered for the near future. Exploiting such fluids could theoretically multiply by a factor of ten the electrical power delivered by geothermal wells. Can such fluids circulate at the base of brittle oceanic crust? This work investigates the petrophysical properties of basalts in order to constrain geophysical observations in Iceland and predict the behavior of very high temperature hydro-geothermal reservoirs. The first approach consisted in studying the physical properties of rocks that have hosted deep hydrothermal circulations at oceanic ridges. The study of these rocks at ODP Site 1256 shows that the porosity mea sured both in the field and in the lab is associated with amphibolite facies alteration minerals (T > 500° C). The second approach was to recreate in the laboratory the conditions of pressure, temperature and pore fluid pressure of high temperature to supercritical hydrothermal systems to predict the mechanical and electrical properties of basalts under these conditions. The mechanical results indicate that the brittle/ductile transition occurs at a temperature of about 550° C, where a strong permeability decrease is expected. The implementation and calibration of a new cell for measuring electrical conductivity at high temperature provide the first results for the interpretation of geophysical data. When applied to basaltic crustal conditions in Iceland, these results indicate that hydrothermal fluids could circulate, at least temporarily, in a supercritical state up to 5 km depth.

Boundary layer models of hydrothermal circulation on Earth and Mars

Craft, Kathleen L. 25 August 2008 (has links)
Continental and submarine hydrothermal systems are commonly found around the world. Similar systems that sustain water or other fluids are also likely to exist in planetary bodies throughout the solar system. Also, terrestrial submarine systems have been suggested as the locations of the first life on Earth and may, therefore, provide indications of where to find life on other planetary bodies. The study of these systems is vital to the understanding of planetary heat transfer, chemical cycling, and biological processes; hence hydrothermal processes play a fundamental role in planetary evolution. In this thesis, three particular types of hydrothermal systems are investigated through the development of mathematical models: (1) terrestrial low-temperature diffuse flows at mid-oceanic ridges (MORs), (2) submarine near-axis convection on Earth, and (3) convection driven by magmatic intrusives on Mars. Model set-ups for all systems include a two-dimensional space with a vertical, hot wall, maintained at constant temperature, located adjacent to a water-saturated porous medium at a lower temperature. By assuming that convection occurs vigorously and within a thin layer next to the hot wall, boundary layer theory is applicable. The models provide steady-state, single-phase estimates of the total heat and mass transfer rates in each scenario over permeability ranges of 10<sup>-14</sup> m<sup>2</sup> to 10<sup>-10</sup> m<sup>2</sup> for the submarine systems and 10<sup>-14</sup> m<sup>2</sup> to 10<sup>-8</sup> m<sup>2</sup> for the Martian systems. Heat output results derived from the boundary layer model suggest that diffuse flow on MORs contributes 50% or less of heat output to the ridge system, which falls at the low end of observations. For the near-axis model, results found that heat transfer in the hydrothermal boundary layer was greater than the input from steady state generation of the oceanic crust by seafloor spreading. This suggests that the size of the mushy zone evolves with time. Heat output and fluid flux calculations for Martian systems show that fluid outflow adjacent to a single intrusion is too small to generate observed Martian surface features in a reasonable length of time.

Distribution de l'or de type orogénique le long de grands couloirs de déformation archéens : modélisation numérique sur l'exemple de la ceinture de l'Abitibi / Orogenic type gold distribution along major archean fault zones : numerical modelling in the Abitibi Belt

Rabeau, Olivier 09 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à mieux définir les méthodes de ciblage et apporter des éléments de réponse sur la genèse des gisements d’or de type orogénique en périphérie des grands couloirs de déformation archéens. Cette thèse est présentée sous forme de trois articles. Le premier article traite de la distribution mathématique des gisements aurifères de type orogénique le long des grands couloirs de déformation. Une approche permettant de d’établir que la localisation des gisements se situant le long de structure de premier ordre n’est pas indépendante de la localisation de ses voisins a été développée. Cette approche permet de donner des éléments de réponse sur la formation de ces gisements et de générer des probabilités de découvertes à l’échelle régionale. La deuxième partie de cette présente une méthode l’évaluation du potentiel minéral sous couverture sédimentaire en 3D. Les teneurs aurifères compilées dans le secteur ont permis d’évaluer et de quantifier les relations spatiales existantes entre certaines entités géologiques et les emplacements minéralisés afin de cibler les endroits à haut potentiel. Enfin, les travaux présentés dans le dernier chapitre visent à délimiter les zones possédant une perméabilité structurale accrue lors de l’épisode de déformation contemporain à la mise en place de gisements aurifères de type orogénique. Une modélisation géomécanique 3D qui tient compte des propriétés physiques des roches a été effectuée sur un segment de faille choisi en utilisant un code d’élément fini. La déformation s’effectue en attribuant sur chaque discontinuité structurale des vecteurs ou des champs de déplacement en fonction des observations de terrain / This thesis had the objective to define targeting methods adapted to orogenic gold deposits hosted in greenstone belts and to better understand the formation mechanism of these deposits. The work accomplished is presented in three distinct articles. The first article aimed to determine if a mathematical relation can characterize the spatial distribution of orogenic gold deposits along a crustal scale fault zone within or if the localization of a deposit is independent of the position of each other. A uniform law was fitted between the frequency and the curvilinear inter-distance between successive orogenic gold occurrences along the CLLF for distances ranging from 315 to 5600 m. This approach gave insights on the formation mechanism and allowed the generation of a probability map for undiscovered deposits at a regional scale. The second chapter of this thesis focuses on a sector of the Cadillac Larder Lake Fault that was considered as having a high potential for discovery using the methodology presented in the last chapter. Compiled assays allowed the evaluation of the spatial association of certain geological features with orogenic gold mineralizations to allow targeting high potential areas. Finally, the work presented in the last chapter aimed at identifying dilatant zones during the deformation that is contemporaneous to the orogenic gold deposit formation. A 3D geomechanical modelling which takes rock properties into account was performed on a chosen segment of a fault zone using a finite element code. The deformation was induced using displacement vectors or fields interpreted from field data

Hydrothermal Transport in the Panama Basin and in Brothers Volcano using Heat Flow, Scientific Deep Sea Drilling and Mathematical Models

Kolandaivelu, Kannikha Parameswari 15 February 2019 (has links)
Two-thirds of submarine volcanism in the Earth's ocean basins is manifested along mid-ocean ridges and the remaining one-third is revealed along intraoceanic arcs and seamounts. Hydrothermal systems and the circulation patterns associated with these volcanic settings remove heat from the solid Earth into the deep ocean. Hydrothermal circulation continues to remove and redistribute heat in the crust as it ages. The heat and mass fluxes added to the deep ocean influence mixing in the abyssal ocean thereby affecting global thermohaline circulation. In addition to removing heat, hydrothermal processes extract chemical components from the oceanic and carry it to the surface of the ocean floor, while also removing certain elements from seawater. The resulting geochemical cycling has ramifications on the localized mineral deposits and also the biota that utilize these chemical fluxes as nutrients. In this dissertation, I analyze observed conductive heat flow measurements in the Panama Basin and borehole thermal measurements in Brothers Volcano and use mathematical models to estimate advective heat and mass fluxes, and crustal permeability. In the first manuscript, I use a well-mixed aquifer model to explain the heat transport in a sediment pond in the inactive part of the Ecuador Fracture Zone. This model yields mass fluxes and permeabilities similar to estimates at young upper oceanic crust suggesting vigorous convection beneath the sediment layer. In the second manuscript, I analyze the conductive heat flow measurements made in oceanic between 1.5 and 5.7 Ma on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift. These data show a mean conductive heat deficit of 70%, and this deficit is explained by various hydrothermal advective transport mechanisms, including outcrop to outcrop circulation, transport through faults, and redistribution of heat by flow of hydrothermal fluids in the basement. In the third manuscript, I analyze the borehole temperature logs for two sites representative of recharge and discharge areas of hydrothermal systems in the Brothers Volcano. I develop upflow and downflow models for fluids in the borehole and formation resulting in estimated of flow rates and permeabilities. All three independent research works are connected by the common thread of utilizing relatively simple mathematical concepts to get new insights into hydrothermal processes in oceanic crust. / PHD / Two-thirds of underwater volcanic activity in the Earth’s ocean basins is exhibited in areas where new material for Earth’s outer shell is created and the remaining one-third is displayed along areas where the outer shell is destroyed. In these areas, hot springs that are under water and their water movement patterns remove heat from the solid outer shell and puts it into the deepest parts of the ocean. Hot water circulation continues to remove and redistribute heat and various chemical elements in the shell as it grows old. This heat and chemical elements, which get added to the deep ocean water, influences the way water mixes and forms layers in the world oceans. This also affects the movement of ocean currents. The chemical elements removed from the shell by hot water gets deposited as minerals on the ocean floor in places where hot springs arise. This variety of minerals provides nutrients for different marine organisms. In this work done during my PhD studies, I examine the heat and temperature that was measured in the Panama Basin and Brothers Volcano. I utilize these examinations to build simple math models to find out how much heat and chemical components are being added to the deep ocean water. I also find out the methods in which the hot water springs appear on the ocean floor and the patterns in which the hot water circulates in the Earth’s outer shell. All of these estimates will help the scientists who are studying the patterns and changes in ocean currents by giving them a number on how much heat is released from the inside of the Earth.

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