Spelling suggestions: "subject:"avoid"" "subject:"froid""
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Avaliação da influência da gravidade da SAOS nas alterações craniofaciais no posicionamento do hioide / Evaluation of the influence the severity of OSA in craniofacial changes in the positioning of the hyoidManoela Maria Pereira Soares 16 December 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: O estudo avaliou, cefalometricamente, crianças na faixa etária de sete a dez anos, entre as diferentes estratificações da SAOS e o grupo controle, com relação às alterações esqueléticas e faciais e o posicionamento do osso hioide. Casuística e Método: Foram avaliadas 76 crianças, com idades entre sete e dez anos, em fase de dentição mista, sem histórico de tratamento ortodôntico, fonoaudiológico ou cirúrgico otorrinolaringológico. Todas as crianças foram submetidas à avaliação otorrinolaringológica e polissonográfica em laboratório do sono, além da realização do exame cefalométrico. Os participantes foram, também subdivididos em grupos, de acordo com a gravidade da SAOS. Das 76 crianças, 14 constituíram o grupo controle; 62 apresentavam SAOS, sendo 46 classificadas como SAOS leve e 16 SAOS moderada ou grave. Todas as crianças foram submetidas à cefalometria lateral para obtenção de medidas lineares craniofaciais e medidas específicas do osso hioide. Essas medidas foram comparadas entre si dentro dos diferentes grupos pelo teste t de Student (correlação de Welch) e correlacionadas com o valor do Índice de apneias obstrutivas + hiponeias (IAOH) do paciente por meio do teste de correlação de Pearson. O nível de significância estabelecido foi p<0,05. Resultados: Observouse maior distância do osso hioide em relação ao plano mandibular no grupo SAOS, quando comparado ao controle (p=0,03). Entre os dois subgrupos da SAOS, os pacientes com doença moderada ou grave apresentaram significativa menor distância horizontal entre o hioide e a parede posterior da faringe (p=0,03), quando comparados aos com SAOS leve. Na correlação entre as medidas cefalométricas e o IAOH, essas mesmas duas medidas apresentaram relação significativa, sendo a correlação positiva para distância do hioide para o plano mandibular (p=0,04) e negativa para distância horizontal do hioide com a faringe (p=0,006). Para as variáveis cefalométricas faciais, não se observou diferença significativa entre os grupos. Conclusão: A posição do osso hioide, em crianças de sete a dez anos, foi caracterizada pela inferiorização naquelas com a doença e posteriorização em pacientes com maior gravidade da SAOS. Para as medidas craniofaciais lineares não houve diferença estatística / Objective: The study evaluated cephalometric children aged 7-10 years between the different strata of OSA and control groups, with the skeletal and facial changes and the position of the hyoid bone. Casuistic and Method: This study included 76 children, aged between 7 and 10 years in mixed dentition phase, with no history of orthodontic treatment, speech therapy or surgical otorhinolaryngological. All children were submitted to otorhinolaryngological examination and polysomnography in a sleep laboratory, as well as holding the cephalometric examination. The participants were then divided into groups according to the severity of OSA. Of the 76 children of research, 14 constitute the control group; 62 children are affected of OSAS, 46 classified as mild OSA and 16 moderate or severe OSA. All children underwent lateral cephalometric, to obtain craniofacial linear measurements and specific measurements of the hyoid bone. The measurements were compared to each other within the different groups by Student\'s t-test (Welch correlation) and correlated with the OAHI value of the patient through the Pearson correlation test. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results: There was a greater distance from the hyoid bone to the mandibular plane in the OSA group when compared to control (p = 0.03). Between the two subgroups of OSAS, patients with moderate or severe impairment had significant lower horizontal distance between the hyoid and the posterior pharyngeal wall (p=0.03) when compared to patients with mild OSA. The correlation between the cephalometric and OAHI measures, these same two measures had a significant relationship with the positive correlation to distance from the hyoid to the mandibular plane (p=0.04) and negative for the horizontal distance from the hyoid to the throat (p=0.006). For facial cephalometric variables, there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: The position of the hyoid bone in children 7-10 years was characterized by inferiority in children with the disease and posteriorization in patients with more gravity of OSA. For craniofacial linear measurements showed no statistical difference
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Étude tridimensionnelle de l'os hyoïde et de ses relations avec les voies aériennes supérieures (VAS) : influences des paramètres biologiques et de la typologie faciale / Three-dimensional study of the hyoid bone and of its relationships with upper airway : influences of biological parameters and facial typesNguyen, Thi Thuy Nga 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les variations affectant les dimensions et la forme de l’os hyoïde sont analysées chez le vivant à partir de tomodensitométries volumétriques en faisceau conique (CBCT) et complétées par des téléradiographies. Ces variations sont mises en relation avec différents paramètres biologiques (âge, sexe, population). La documentation regroupe 94 enfants et 83 adultes issus de 2 échantillons de populations, Française et Vietnamienne. Pour la première fois, l’existence d’une croissance différentielle de l’os hyoïde entre filles et garçons est mise en évidence, en termes d'amplitude et de chronologie des modifications osseuses. Chez l’adulte, la fusion des grandes cornes au corps de l'os hyoïde intervient dans l’évolution des dimensions de l'os mais ce processus biologique ne présente aucune loi prédictive. Aucune différence significative de l'âge de cette fusion n’est observée entre hommes et femmes et les facteurs l’influençant restent inconnus. Des variations affectant les dimensions et la forme de l'os hyoïde entre populations sont identifiées. La classification de la morphologie de l'os hyoïde selon 6 catégories qui est proposée consitue un outil pour l’étude des séries archéologiques. Des corrélations significatives entre les dimensions de l'os hyoïde et les voies aériennes supérieures sont observées, confirmant leurs relations étroites et réciproques, tant anatomique que fonctionnelle. Tous ces paramètres, évalués dans différents types faciaux, montrent en revanche des manifestations plus complexes qui nécessitent plus de recherche pour affiner les résultats. / In this study, variations of size, shape and position of the hyoid bone are analyzed with different biological parameters (age, sex, population) from Cone Beam CT and reconstitued radiographs of living people. The study sample includes 94 children and 83 adults from two populations French and Vietnamese. The results bring the first evidence of a differential growth of the hyoid bone between girls and boys in terms of magnitude and timing of bone changes. In adults, the fusion of the greater cornua with the hyoid body is involved in the dimensional changes of the bone but no significant influencing factor (like sex or population) for this biological process can be confirmed. Variations of dimension and shape of the hyoid bone between populations are identified. Within the study, a new morphological classification of the hyoid bone based on metric data is proposed. This classification distinguishes 6 categories of shape and constitutes a tool for studies of archaeological series. Significant correlations between dimensions and position of the hyoid bone and upper airways is observed, thus confirming their close mutual relationships, both anatomical and functional. All these parameters, analyzed in different facial types, show, however, a complex interaction that requires more research to refine the results.
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