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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bezpečnostní kultura: Normativní chování a Ústřední zpravodajská služba USA v Globální válce proti teroru / Securitizing Culture: Normative Behavior and the US Central Intelligence Agency in the Global War on Terror

Svítek, Filip Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Bibliographic record SVÍTEK, Filip. Securitizing Culture: Normative Behavior and the US Central Intelligence Agency in the Global War on Terror. Prague, 2016. 82 p. Diploma work (Mgr.) Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Studies. Department of Security Studies. Diploma work supervisor JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D. Abstract This monograph attempts to explore the system the intelligence community in the US from a constructivist perspective to understand domestic security policy as applied to international threats. The research questions examine how the US Central Intelligence Agency is able to functionally employ controversial tactics such as coercive interrogations and extrajudicial detention within a society that represents liberal normative democracy - one that in theory should prefer to uphold norms of human rights rather than infringe upon them. There appear to be two main concepts at play: security as an underlying culture (as a product) and security as a subjective act (as a process). Thus, this work will apply concepts of National Security Culture and securitization as product and process, respectively, using interrogations of suspected terrorists as a case example. The underlying results show that norms, rules, and culture of national security, utilized through...

'K Bhīṣmově záhubě': Ambā, Śikhaṇḍinī a Śikhaṇḍin v Mahābhāratě / 'For Bhīṣma's Destruction': Ambā, Śikhaṇḍinī and Śikhaṇḍin in the Mahābhārata

Špicová, Zuzana January 2022 (has links)
The thesis introduces the Mahābhārata as a complex literary text - a multi-genre text and a polyphonic interpretation of a factual discourse with several competing narratives - and uses the findings and techniques of narratology, especially of rhetorical narratology, to interpret it. In the thesis, I argue that when analysing the seeming inconsistencies of this text, it is not necessary to look for the explanation on the "outside" (various unconnected authors) but that it is possible to explain them also from the "inside" of the text, using the differences in genres, as well as the knowledge, goals and subjectivity of the individual characters and narrators. These resources are often used in the communication with the audience (readers/listeners). The concrete material for this argument is the story of Ambā, Śikhaṇḍinī a Śikhaṇḍin and the way in which are the facts concerning this triune character presented, especially by Bhīṣma who claims their narrative most importantly by narrating Ambopākhyāna, an analeptic episode explaining Śikhaṇḍin's life story and his involvement in the Kurukṣetra battle: narration with a distinctive authoritativeness and subjectivity, but a doubtable narratorial reliability. I show how Bhīṣma defines Śikhaṇḍin as a woman using this episode, and thus makes him into one of...

"You fellars does live in a dream world.": Krize identity v karibské próze Sama Selvona / "You fellars does live in a dream world.": Identity Crisis in Sam Selvon's Caribbean Fiction

Karayel, Hikmet Işıl January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aims to analyse Sam Selvon's fiction between 1950 and 1990 in relation to the colonial subjects' identity crisis. The thesis will argue that Selvon's fiction is independent of traditional and canonical categories because his representation of colonial subjects is entirely innovative and unprecedented. I will analyse Selvon's novels A Brighter Sun (1952), An Island is a World (1955), The Lonely Londoners (1956), The Housing Lark (1965), Moses Ascending (1975), and Moses Migrating (1983). Each novel sheds light on a different facet of the colonial subject. Nevertheless, colonisation, migration, and identity crisis are common themes for the novels chosen. From A Brighter Sun to Moses Migrating, Selvon destroys the caricatured image of the colonised subject. He reaches authenticity on the level of character depiction and through the vernacular, ballad-like narrative. Additionally, the novels represent different aspects of colonisation and migration: "back at home", "the motherland", and "back and forth". I will display how every aspect is fluid and undefinable. A Brighter Sun takes place in the West Indies. An Island is a World displays "back and forth" experience in the West Indies, USA, and Britain. The Lonely Londoners, The Housing Lark, and Moses Ascending take place in "the motherland"....

Velké americké mýty: Budování národa a politika identity ve Spojených státech amerických / Great American Myths: Nation-Building and Identity Politics in the United States of America

Pyshkin, Dmitry January 2021 (has links)
This thesis attempts to analyze the American Thesis, also the American Creed or the American Ideology (the terms as used by Anatol Lieven in America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism) as the United States` national identity. In interaction with a set of national myths, the American Thesis constitutes the narrative of US America`s identity, the nation`s 'common sense' and morality. The thesis begins with the definition of the phenomenon of the nation as a political and cultural community, then proceeds to discuss the specific contexts from which the narrative image of the US nation emerged. Next, the thesis studies the American Creed as the cultural instrument of fostering social cohesion and assimilating uncanonical dissent. Finally, the myths of US nationalism are analyzed in the context of their narrative structure and affective dynamics which account for the ontological and emotive power of the American Thesis. Key words: the USA, US nationalism, the American Creed, myth, nation-building, national identity

Vnímání kulturních odlišností u dětí s odlišným mateřským jazykem a u dětí pocházejících z bilingvního prostředí / Perception of cultural differences in children with different mother tongue and children from bilingual environment

Halámková, Kamila January 2021 (has links)
Thesis Perception of cultural differences in children with different mother tongue and children from bilingual environment is a case study at a specific primary school. The theoretical part deals with methodology of education of pupils with different mother tongue than Czech and the methodology of education of pupils living in a bilingual environment. Furthermore, the cultural differences, the identification of cultural clashes is explained here. The thesis also deals with the issue of national minorities in the Czech Republic, stereotypes and labelling. The practical part is focused on finding out whether the students with different mother tongue and students from bilingual environment perceive cultural differences at a particular primary school. How the school and pedagogical support them to integrate into the mainstream teaching. Keywords different mother tongue, bilingual environment, cultural diversity, stereotypes, prejudices, identity, national minorities, labelling

Podpora pro autentizaci pomocí otisků prstu / Support for Fingerprint Authentication

Bartoň, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is the finger-print authentication support within the Linux operating system and the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Theoretical part of the thesis firstly explains main IT security terms and ways to proof the identity. Secondly it describes biometric systems and types of processed biometric characteristics. Lastly the features of finger-prints, their markants as well as types of scanners used in scanning the finger-prints and ways to analyze the scanned material have been elaborated. Practical solution part of the thesis develops and establishes finger-print management application and plugin for KDM graphics login manager.

"České CHicago" - etnohistorický pohled na vývoj českého etnika v americkém městě v letech 1852-1945 / Čzech Chicago" - Ethnohistorical View of the Development of the Czech Minority in the American City in the years 1852-1945

Kříž, Jaroslav January 2022 (has links)
During the migration waves in the 19th century many Czechs immigrated to America. One of their final destinations was the city of Chicago. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries this became the largest Czech occupied base abroad. Over a hundred thousand Czechs lived in Chicago at that time so it was therefore considered to be the third largest Czech city. The topic of the dissertation thesis is the analysis the course of Czech migration to Chicago and the related development of the Czech minority. Key attention is devoted to the socio-cultural, economic and political development of the Czech minority in terms of ethno-historical methods. Furthermore, the author will focus on important historical milestones and events of this city, which in some way influenced the Czech minority. Time definition of work is 1852-1945 and follows from a historical perspective, because the first Czech immigrants arrive in greater numbers to this American territory only in the fifties of the 19th century. On the other hand, the Second World War concludes a period that was important for the Czech ethnic group in Chicago. After 1945 there is a significant assimilation process (the Czech minority is massively Americanized) and the Czech expatriate center is declining in importance.

Národní identita a asimilace na pozadí společenských poměrů Plovdivu (18. - 19. století) / National Identity and Assimilation in Relation to the Social Enviromment in Plovdiv (18th - 19 th century)

Staneva, Boriana January 2016 (has links)
Title: National identity and assimilation in relation to the social environment in Plovdiv (18th - 19th century) Abstract: The dissertation presented here arises from the perception of national identity being a kind of collective identity, which is designated by state (political) as well as non-state (cultural) nation-constituting symbols. I have tried to examine the permanence, stability and objectivity of these symbols in relation to the social environment in Plovdiv during the process of national awakening as part of Bulgarian national movement (18th - 19th century). During this period the central position in Plovdiv's social environment was held by a numerous group of people so-called Graecomen. Graecomen voluntarily renounced their Bulgarian-origin identity and exchanged it for a Greek identity. The origins of Graecomania may be found in the long-term cultural and economical co-existence of the Bulgarians and the Greeks. Since the Middle Ages there was a stable Greek community in Plovdiv, which dominated significantly the social climate. This dominance became the key motivating factor for the spread of Graecomen as Bulgarian burgers tried through the means of a favourable marriage to infiltrate the Greek community and in this way to achieve a higher social status. The highest level of intensity of...


Kasková, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The project oh high school, located on the outskirts of Barcelona on site, where plain seashore turns into upland. The project encourages the potencial of its location. New building structures form the public space, which becomes the centre of the distrikt.


MARCOS QUAINI 21 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa analisa a recepção pós-conciliar da teologia do presbiterado do Vaticano II. O período pós-conciliar é entendido como o momento após o encerramento do Concílio até hoje. O estudo mostra o desenvolvimento da concepção renovada sobre a natureza e identidade dos presbíteros, que tem sua origem conceitual no reenquadramento proporcionado pela eclesiologia renovada, presente na Constituição Lumen Gentium, número vinte e oito. O trabalho assume o método da leitura bibliográfica e expõe os resultados do estudo dos principais documentos e eventos do Magistério Universal, bem como das duas principais correntes teológicas relacionadas ao tema. Estas duas frentes de pesquisa no pósconcílio têm em comum o fato de reproduzirem, com nuances diferentes, a polarização que se deu no Concílio entre uma linha mais cultual e outra missionária ou uma perspectiva mais cristológica e outra eclesiológica. Junta-se à análise do quadro de ideias a leitura de como alguns eventos histórico-teológico, sobretudo a crise de identidade teológica dos presbíteros marcou a recepção conciliar. Somado a isto, a obra traz uma rápida menção sobre questões atuais ligadas ao tema. Finalmente, com os dados levantados, o trabalho propõe uma leitura comparativa no último capítulo, expondo elos e rupturas, conceitos e ideias que marcaram definitivamente a leitura do Decreto Presbyterorum Ordinis, neste quase 60 anos de história. / [it] Questa ricerca analizza la ricezione postconciliare della teologia del presbiterio del Vaticano II. Il periodo postconciliare è inteso come il tempo successivo alla chiusura del Concilio fino ad oggi. Lo studio mostra lo sviluppo della rinnovata concezione della natura e dell identità dei sacerdoti, che trova la sua origine concettuale nella riformulazione fornita dalla rinnovata ecclesiologia, presente nella Costituzione Lumen Gentium, numero ventotto. L opera assume il metodo della lettura bibliografica ed espone i risultati dello studio dei principali documenti ed eventi del Magistero universale, nonché delle due principali correnti teologiche legate al tema. Questi due fronti di ricerca nel postconcilio hanno in comune il fatto di riprodurre, con sfumature diverse, la polarizzazione avvenuta al Concilio tra una linea più cultuale e una missionaria o una prospettiva più cristologica ed ecclesiologica. All analisi del quadro delle idee si aggiunge la lettura di come alcuni eventi storico-teologici, in particolare la crisi di identità teologica del sacerdozio, abbiano segnato l accoglienza conciliare. In aggiunta a ciò, il lavoro porta un rapido accenno alle questioni attuali legate al tema. Infine, con i dati raccolti, l opera propone una lettura comparativa nell ultimo capitolo, esponendo collegamenti e rotture, concetti e spunti che hanno segnato definitivamente la lettura del Decreto Presbyterorum Ordinis, in questi quasi 60 anni di storia.

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