Spelling suggestions: "subject:"identitaire"" "subject:"identitaires""
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Vědomí vlastní svébytnosti u Srbů z Dalmácie. A rozvoj srbské státní myšlenky v Království Dalmácie v letech 1878 -1905 / Awarness of their own distinctiveness among Serbs from Dalmatia. And developement of the Serbian state idea in the Kingdom of Dalmatia in the years 1878 - 1905Slavík, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
(česky) Tématem mojí práce je přiblížení sporných otázek týkajících se národního vymezení srbské komunity v Dalmácii mezi lety 1878 až 1905. Jedná se o dílčí posouzení vztahu pra-voslavné církve a srbského národního hnutí v Dalmácii. Dále se práce zaměřuje na zformová-ní komunity římskokatolických Srbů a jejich vnitřní profilací. Zkoumán je rovněž srbský pří- stup k jejich konfliktu s Chorvaty v rámci Dalmácie. Práce má též přiblížit historiografické spory vedené na toto téma mezi chorvatskými a srbskými historiky. V práci se přibližuji okolnosti zformování srbského národního hnutí a vzniku samostatné politické srbské strany. Ve zvoleném období se věnuji v rámci strany prezentovanému přístupu k pravoslaví a přístupu vedení pravoslavné církve k vymezení srbské národní identity. Dále se zabývám římskokatolickými Srby a spornými otázkami s nimi spojenými. Zaměřil jsem se také na postoj srbské reprezentace k chorvatskému národnímu hnutí a vypo- řádání se s jeho nároky v rámci vlastního národního projektu. Zjistil jsem, že propojení mezi liberálním srbským národním hnutím a místním vedením pravoslavné církve bylo těsnější, než je běžně uváděno v odborné literatuře. V případě Srbů katolíků se mi podařilo přiblížit konflikt mezi jejich vírou a národní identitou, ale i jejich roli v místním...
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Žena Bible ve spektru civilizací : Role ženy pohledem českých křesťanek / Woman of the Bible in the Spectrum of Civilizations - How Czech Christian Women View WomanhoodWINSTED, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns scientific, philosophical and religious views of womanhood. Its main focus is the nature of biblical womanhood, based on the papal apostolic letter Mulieris dignitatem and contemporary studies of American biblists, concerning biblical manhood and womanhood. The practical section consists of qualitative research among Czech Christian women. It examines how Christian women view their role and practically implement principles of biblical womanhood in their family, society and church. The aim of this thesis is not to evaluate controversial issues, such as women?s ordination, homosexuality, or other questions regarding womanhood. Nevertheless, it seeks to explore biblical womanhood in practice, as well as the concerns and struggles of real Christian women. Of no less importance, this research tries to identify how Christian women, who are a minority in the Czech Republic, develop their views on biblical womanhood, the sources from which they draw, as well as the models, which influence them.
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Dialogické jednání jako možnost rozvoje osobnostních dispozic učitele / Acting with the Inner Partner as a Way to Develop Teacher's Personal DispositionsNOTA, Josef January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation thesis Acting with the Inner Partner as a Way to Develop Teacher's Personal Dispositions focuses on specifics of a psychosomatic discipline called Acting with the Inner Partner, in professional training of future teachers. This discipline represents the pedagogy of experimenting with the phenomenon of self-speech in experimental conditions. The emphasis is on the personality of future teachers, as well as on cultivation of their self-reflection. This should lead to a becoming a professional teacher with an authorial approach and authentic acting. The objective of the dissertation thesis is a deeper understanding of psychosomatic disciplines pedagogy, whereas my very own teaching experience at The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy is essential. Specifics of future teachers' personal preparation in the view of psychosomatic disciplines, represents the basic part of this work. Another part focuses on the experience with Acting with the Inner Partner, at first described by a student and later by an assistant (lecturer) and researcher. Common features of so called psychosomatic condition are discovered. The author also searches the possibility of exporting Acting with the Inner Partner out of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at South Bohemia University. As the methodology of video recording analysis has not been accomplished yet, the starting points for further research are described. The empirical part focuses on typology documented on students' written self-reflections. The objective is to describe the assistant's experience. The interpretation of the research results shows the need to distinguish between the terms 'written teaching self-reflections' and 'written teaching reflections, commonly described as feedback.
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Povědomí učitelů o problematice dětí v pěstounské péči / Teacher´s knowledge about children in foster careDVOŘÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This diploma paper is devoted to the problem of children in surrogate families from the teachers´ point of view. Upbringing of a child in a surrogate family ( adoptive or foster) has its own specifies and cause a numer of problems, which result from the possible deprivation of a child over the years of his early development. Education and preparation for chool have thein own specifice as well. That is why teachers schould have sufficient knowledge in this spere. In the theoretic part of my work I focus on the characteristics of surrogate family care, on the problem of psychic deprivation and subdeprivation, thein reasons, demonstration and diagnostics. This work is also devoted to the probleme of the education of mentally deprivated children. The survey was carried out by the help of focus groups. The aim of the survey was to find out the level of teachers´awareness of surrogate family care, thein positions, opinions, expectations, experience and understanding the questions of psychic deprivation and subdeprivation. We carried out the survey in two groups: teachers with work experience and future teachers (students). The next part of the work contains the casuistry of two foster families aimed at effective cooperation between family and school. The obtained results could be a starting point for another research and a source of topics for possible suplement to the education program of padagogical studies.
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Aspekty etického jednání klientů Doléčovacího centra Prevent v kontextu budování jejich nové identity. / Ethical Behaviour Aspects of Clients of the Prevent After Care Centre in Connection with the Build-up of their New IdentityKOREŠ, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The theoretical part of this diploma thesis deals with the changes of behaviour and attitude of clients who underwent drug addiction therapy. I have focused on the ethical aspects of these changes and their development within the build-up of the clients' new identity. I will analyse the environment and facilities in which the changes take place, approaches to therapy as well as addiction models, these being the decisive factors of change. I will also focus on the concept of identity build-up as presented in M. Brožová's analysis as a process of changes, which take place after therapy in communities and therapeutic facilities. In the conclusion, I will analyse the conception of ethics and the components of ethics as a basis to define signs of ethical behaviour in the topics of respondents. The practical part is a probe into the process of behaviour and attitude development of Prevent After Care clients. In the introduction, I will present the applied research methods, selection of fields, the research sample and operational procedures. Further, individual dialogues with respondents are included, including interpretation of the dialogues in relation to human practice and an interpretation of behaviour changes. In the dialogues, I will focus on the perception of changes by the clients themselves, their idea of freedom and their values.
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Křesťanská výchova dívek: Feministická teorie v křesťanství nebo výraz nového hledání pohlavní identity? / Christian Education of the Girls: Feminist Theory in Christianity or Expression of a New Sexual Identity Search?MÍČKOVÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with the theme of the feminism as a new theory, which influences Christian education of girls. The whole work is divided into the two main sections. The first section serves as the theoretical background, which includes notions like: development of the feminism in the world as well as in the Czech Republic; penetration of the feminist ideas into the Christianity and consequently also the emergence of the feminist theology. The focus is limited to the Roman Catholic Church and deals especially with the role of the women in the Church. Second section of the thesis is practical. It consists of the qualitative research that explores the position of women in the Church as it is presented in the textbooks for the religious education used recently on the primary level (from the 1st till 9th grade) in the Czech Republic. The method of content analysis has been used. This section explores the feminist elements in the textbooks and attempts to identify the actual role of the women in the Church.
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Rodina v moderním americkém dramatu / Family in modern American dramaHovorka, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This work analyses the American family in context of society and its demands. It focuses on the cannonical works of the Modern American drama, namely plays of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee, Sam Shepard and David Mamet. The playwrights are analysed in two distinctive groups according to similar themes they share. Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller depict the family under increasing pressure from the outside as well from the inside. The unit disintegrates, members of the family escape and thus the unit loses its funtions. The pressure is imposed by the tenets of the American mythology that governs the society, which, in turn, influences the family. The common theme of the first group of playwrights is the feeling of loss. This comprises of two dimensions - spatial and tempoval. The second group of playwrights share the same theme of loss with its spatial and temporal implications. They are characteristic by their distinctive use of language that depicts the prevalent sense of doom, apocalypse, futility and sterility. The search for identity is also implied by the restlessness of characters. The detrimental effect of harsh business environment on the family is explored with regards to masculinity. The work shows the family in the context of the 1950s, an era when the family was elevated to...
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Corporate design na příkladě konkrétní společnosti / Corporate Design and its application on the real companyHubka, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is Corporate Design (company style), integrated visual style, one of the basic elements of Corporate Identity and its application on the real company. The goal of the theoretical part is to explain the meaning and importance of Corporate Design, one of the main means of visual communication. Within this context, thesis is elucidating connections and relationships between different concepts of integrated visual style. Thesis is describing basic constants and evolved parts of Corporate Design and clarifying principles of its creation and reasons leading to change. The practical part is concentrating on the creation of new company style for real company. The goal here is to offer integrated visual style for company ASV Nachod, Ltd. and to create graphical manual, which contains definitions of different company style's applications. The main benefit of the thesis is comprehensive view on integrated visual style, explanation of Corporate Design importance with his constituents and contexts of Corporate Identity. Other benefit lies in the proposal of new integrated visual style for company ASV Nachod, Ltd. and creation of graphical manual. Principles and processes stated are very important not only for small and middle range businesses interested in integrated visual presentation.
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Dobrovolnictví jako součást občanské společnosti / Volunteering as part of civil societySiglová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the impact of European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme on civic competences of its participants and their active participation within civil society, both Czech and European. The text is structured into three chapters. The first chapter deals with a definition of the concept of civil society and its historical development, historical development and present situation of Czech civil society and definition of European civil society. The second chapter first explains the phenomenon of volunteering in general and then continues with explaining of functioning and principles of EVS. The third chapter is a result of qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with six former participants of EVS. At first, the personal story of each participant is written. According to the stories, the cumulative analysis and conclusions of the thesis are formulated.
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Válka jako videohra: konstrukce sociokulturní jinakosti v blízkovýchodním konfliktu / War as a videogame: construction of the sociocultural otherness in the Near-eastern conflictPavelka, Kamil January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the construction of the Near-Eastern conflict, it's actors and the problematic of the "Self -- Others" relationship in digital games. This Near-Eastern conflict can be viewed as a constructed, thought object or representation with blurred space-time boudnaries, which is not necessarily identical with "material reality". Despite it not being identical, the constructed object does nevertheless contribute to the creation of identities of the material reality's participants, and as such influences their behaviour and the behaviour towards them. In the field of international relations, this constructed identity can have important implications.
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