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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imago gratiosa - Korunované Madony ve střední Evropě v době baroka / Coronation of images of Virgin Mary in Central Europe in 17th - 18th century

Vrabelová, Dana January 2013 (has links)
1 Summary The thesis, Imago gratiosa - Crowned Madonnas in Central Europe in the Baroque Period presents original research results primarily focused on the Madonne Coronate collection in the Archivio Capitolo di San Pietro at the Vatican Library, which was realised as part of Charles University grant project no. 356911 Coronation of Merciful Marian Imagos in Central Europe in the 17th and 18th Century. To become merciful (imago gratiosa) or miraculous (imago miraculosa) a Marian imago must demonstrate divine mercy (save lives during a disaster, cause miraculous recovery from illness, conception, etc.). The greatest expression of veneration and devotion to a merciful or miraculous imago or statue of the Virgin Mary is its coronation. The theological basis of this liturgical ceremony is the coronation of the Virgin Mary on her assumption to heaven. On earth, the Virgin Mary was crowned with imitations of the crowns of worldly monarchs and her crowned imago placed on a royal throne or altar, usually made especially for this occasion for greater honour and glory. This was always the exquisite work of goldsmiths and silversmiths, which if not preserved until today, we can see in numerous manuscripts, prints and engravings specially published to mark the coronation. The nature of the coronation ceremony developed...

Svatí a blahoslavení polští mučedníci v průběhu staletí / The Saint and Blessed Polish Martyrs In the course of centuries

Fričová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The Saint and Hallow Polish Martyrs In The Course of Centuries The objective of thesis "The Saint and Hallow Polish Martyrs In The Course of Centuries" is the introduction of selected Polish martyrs from the middle ages until the end of the 20th century. The thesis follow their cult development from its origin until present, including related demonstration of art, in particular the development of iconography. They also follow the influence of life example and the subsequent cult of the martyrs on the society at that time, as well as the spiritual and national awareness of the following generations. In this connection, they also give attention to particularities of the Polish national history, the constitutional arrangement, the artistic and culture relationships and environment and the history of the Catholic Church in Poland. Each chapter, which is introducing a Saint or a group of martyrs, is divided into three parts - the epoch, the life, the cult and iconography. The objective of this division is the schema of historical conditions in which the personality of the Saint was formed. These historical conditions were also determine for the martyrdom. The next parts of the chapters deal with a brief biography of the Saint and the summary of significant moments in the development of the Saint's cult...

Tvorba mnichovského malíře Jana Polacka v kontextu dobové výtvarné produkce v Bavorsku a možný ohlas v českém malířství kolem roku 1500. / The work of Jan Polack and its impact in the Bohemian painting around 1500

NAUŠ, Stanislav January 2018 (has links)
In comparison with the art production at Nurnberg or at the cities of the so-called Danube School at the end of 15th century stands the simultaneous painting at Munich in the background. Therefore is sometimes forgotten, that there, in this period, a painter Jan Polack with his workshop was active. To his important customers/patrons belonged the dukes Sigmund and Albrecht of Wittelsbach and the Bavarian monasteries (Weihenstephan near Feising), for which he made few altars or portraits. A most of these altars were after that removed from the original sacral areas and today they are presented in the Bavarian National-museum at Munich or in other galleries. Only a few altars, for example three altars for the chapel in Blutenburg near Munich, have been staying on the original place in this small chapel. These Master thesis would like to compare his most representative pictures in the context with the others paintings, which were created in the middle or at the end of the 15th century in Bavaria (circle of Hans Pleydenwurff, Wolfgang Katzheimer etc.). This comparison can help to find the sources of the Polacks artistic expression. A special attention should be devoted his cooperation with Mair of Landshut, because few pictures of Polacks altar from the church of St. Peter in Munich have just been to Mair inscribed. It is also important to point to same compositional connections between the altar-pictures of Jan Polack and the graphics (Master E. S., Martin Schongauer) One highly-valued contribution of this thesis could be a capitol about the possible inspiration of the Polacks artistic expression for the artists, who came from Bohemia and who have been working here for a long times, but who could gain their training in the Bavaria (Munich). At the literature (Jaroslav Pešina) was one opinion expressed, that an altar in a church in Chudenitz concludes the formal features, which reveal a connection to the art at Munich in the middle of the 15th century. However, other authors (Roman Lavička) think that the painted boards of an original altar of Doudleby were inspired by Polacks artistic expression, although any concrete related features were not in the literature mentioned. It is appropriate too, point to the several compositional connections between the pictures of Jan Polack und a so-called Master of an altar from Litoměřice. This anonymous Bohemian painter, who is knowed only according to his most important commission, would be supposed to study in the Bavaria (an artistic circle of Rueland Frueauf at Passau) at the end of the 15th century. It is possible, that he could visit Munich und he could be inspired by the Polacks paintings.

Herren und Heilige / Beobachtungen zu den Darstellungen der Namenspatrone und Familienheiligen der Medici im 15. Jahrundert

Obergruber-Boerner, Carlos 08 December 2005 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit sind Darstellungen, die dem Umfeld zweier Heiligenkulte in Florenz angehören und auf Bestellungen der Medici, ihrer Freunde und Verbündeten zurückzuführen sind. Den ursprünglich römischen Kult seiner Namenspatrone, der hll. Cosmas und Damian hat erst Cosimo de’ Medici in Florenz bekannt gemacht. Dabei erwies sich das Fehlen einer nennenswerten Florentinischen Tradition als maßgeblicher Faktor seiner Wirkkraft. Fra’ Angelico, Filippo Lippi und andere Künstler konnten formal neuartige Bildlösungen entwickeln, deren Inhalte sich als Projektionsflächen der politischen und geistigen Florentiner Eliten eigneten. Cosimo etablierte auf diese Weise ein Netzwerk persönlicher Repräsentation, das nicht allein die Barriere zwischen privatem und öffentlichem Raum zu durchdringen vermochte, sondern auch demonstrativ über die in Florenz herkömmliche Beschränkung auf das eigene Stadtviertel hinausgriff. Mit dem Generationswechsel nach Cosimos Tod erforderten die veränderten Machtverhältnisse auch einen Wechsel in der Strategie des Kults. In der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts tritt ein anderer Kult, jener der hll. Drei Könige in den Vordergrund. Dieser besaß im Gegensatz zur Verehrung von Cosmas und Damian in Florenz eine eigenständige, spezifisch republikanische Tradition. Unter deren Schutz konnte eine kontinuierliche Politisierung althergebrachter Rituale und die Übernahme der Kontrolle durch die Medici stattfinden. Auch in diesem Fall zeigt die Analyse der erhaltenen Darstellungen, dass sie den Auftraggebern als Loyalitätsnachweis dienten und die Zugehörigkeit zum Klientel der Medici und damit der städtischen Eliten markierten. Noch in der Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts griff Herzog Cosimo I. auf strategische Elemente und Motive des Kults zurück, nun zunehmend aus dem sakralen Kontext gelöst und Bestandteil höfischer Panegyrik. / The Images observed here are mainly of two religious cults commissioned by members, friends and allies of the Medici family. In the early 15th century Cosimo de’ Medici following the example of his father introduced his patron saints, Cosmas and Damian into his native city of Florence. Prior to this the cult of these saints was of no vital importance outside Rome. Thus there was no eminent pictorial tradition of their images which proved an important factor in the cult’s success. Fra’ Angelico, Filippo Lippi and other artists were able to develop a new imagery that allowed members of Florence’s political and humanistic circles to identify with. Cosimo established a network of personal representation which did not only penetrate the barriers between private and public space but ostentatiously reached beyond the customary boundaries of a family’s home quarter. After Cosimo’s death in 1464 political instability resulted in a change of strategy. In the second half of the 15th century a different cult, that of the Three Magi, moves into the center of medicean interest. Contrary to Saints Cosmas and Damian the cult of the Magi had an ancient and marked republican tradition in Florence. Under cover of this tradition the Medici party managed to take over control of the confraternity of the Magi and wield its influential instruments to their own benefit. As with images of Saints Cosmas and Damian those depicting the Adoration of the Magi were used as a confirmation of loyalty to the Medici and their faction. Even in the 16th century Duke Cosimo I. went back to elements and motifs of his predecessors’ strategy. Rather than reviving the cult of Saints Cosmas and Damian however they are used to give evidence of political and dynastical continuity.

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