Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iluminar."" "subject:"iluminación.""
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An augmented reality pipeline to create scenes with coherent illumination using textured cuboids / Um pipeline de realidade para criar cenas com ilumina??o coerente utilizando cub?ides texturizados como marcadoresGadelha, Matheus Abrantes 21 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-02-22T21:43:01Z
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MatheusAbrantesGadelha_DISSERT.pdf: 18378275 bytes, checksum: 183ee0f2bfbeba61eb2a77787a4cedd6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-02-23T23:24:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
MatheusAbrantesGadelha_DISSERT.pdf: 18378275 bytes, checksum: 183ee0f2bfbeba61eb2a77787a4cedd6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-23T23:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MatheusAbrantesGadelha_DISSERT.pdf: 18378275 bytes, checksum: 183ee0f2bfbeba61eb2a77787a4cedd6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-21 / Sombras e ilumina??o possuem um papel importante na s?ntese de cenas realistas em
Computa??o Gr?fica. A maioria dos sistemas de Realidade Aumentada rastreia marcadores
posicionados numa real, obtendo sua posi??o e orienta??o para servir como refer?ncia
para o conte?do sint?tico, produzindo a cena aumentada. A exibi??o realista de conte?do
aumentado com pistas visuais coerentes ? um objetivo desej?vel em muitas aplica??es
de Realidade Aumentada. Contudo, renderizar uma cena aumentada com ilumina??o realista
? um tarefa complexa. Muitas abordagens existentes dependem de uma fase de
pr?-processamento n?o automatizada para obter os par?metros de ilumina??o da cena.
Outras t?cnicas dependem de marcadores espec?ficos que cont?m probes de luz para realizar
a estima??o da ilumina??o do ambiente. Esse estudo se foca na cria??o de um m?todo
para criar aplica??es de Realidade Aumentada com ilumina??o coerente e sombras, usando
um cub?ide texturizado como marcador, n?o requerendo fase de treinamento para prover
informa??o acerca da ilumina??o do ambiente. Um marcador desse tipo pode ser facilmente
encontrado em ambientes comuns: a maioria das embalagens de produtos satisfaz
essas caracter?sticas. Portanto, ese estudo prop?e uma maneira de estimar a configura??o
de uma luz direcional utilizando o rastreamento de m?ltiplas texturas para renderizar cenas
de Realidade Aumentada de maneira realista. Tamb?m ? proposto um novo descritor
de features visuais que ? usado para realizar o rastreamento de m?ltiplas texturas. Esse
descritor extende o descritor bin?rio e ? denominado descritor discreto. Ele supera o atual
estado-da-arte em velocidade, enquanto mant?m n?veis similares de precis?o. / Shadows and illumination play an important role when generating a realistic scene in
computer graphics. Most of the Augmented Reality (AR) systems track markers placed
in a real scene and retrieve their position and orientation to serve as a frame of reference
for added computer generated content, thereby producing an augmented scene. Realistic
depiction of augmented content with coherent visual cues is a desired goal in many
AR applications. However, rendering an augmented scene with realistic illumination is a
complex task. Many existent approaches rely on a non automated pre-processing phase to
retrieve illumination parameters from the scene. Other techniques rely on specific markers
that contain light probes to perform environment lighting estimation. This study aims at
designing a method to create AR applications with coherent illumination and shadows,
using a textured cuboid marker, that does not require a training phase to provide lighting
information. Such marker may be easily found in common environments: most of product
packaging satisfies such characteristics. Thus, we propose a way to estimate a directional
light configuration using multiple texture tracking to render AR scenes in a realistic
fashion. We also propose a novel feature descriptor that is used to perform multiple texture
tracking. Our descriptor is an extension of the binary descriptor, named discrete
descriptor, and outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in speed, while maintaining
their accuracy.
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Especifica??o e implementa??o de um algoritmo gen?tico para otimiza??o de projetos de ilumina??o p?blica / Specification and implementation of a genetic algorithm for optimization of public illumination projectsOliveira, R?mulo Alves de 27 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-30T23:14:12Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
RomuloAlvesDeOliveira_TESE.pdf: 1869244 bytes, checksum: af0453c8083aee85607b79c3a17c1d4c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-01T22:30:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
RomuloAlvesDeOliveira_TESE.pdf: 1869244 bytes, checksum: af0453c8083aee85607b79c3a17c1d4c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-01T22:30:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
RomuloAlvesDeOliveira_TESE.pdf: 1869244 bytes, checksum: af0453c8083aee85607b79c3a17c1d4c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-01-27 / Atualmente os projetos de Ilumina??o P?blica (IP), ou seja, ruas, avenidas, pra?as, estacionamentos e similares s?o realizados com a utiliza??o de softwares comerciais ou livres, em geral, fornecidos por fabricantes ou grupos de fabricantes de produtos de ilumina??o, aplicando o M?todo Ponto a Ponto para o c?lculo dos n?veis de ilumina??o. Outros pontos em comum s?o: a falta de preocupa??o na redu??o dos custos dos projetos e a dificuldade em modificar as estruturas utilizadas, tais como: localiza??o e altura dos postes e lumin?rias, ?ngulo de inclina??o das lumin?rias, quantidade de lumin?rias por poste, entre outros. Qualquer altera??o nas estruturas ter? que ser feita manualmente, geralmente em um ambiente CAD, para depois obter os novos resultados e comparar com os anteriores. Para auxiliar nessa tarefa, ? proposta aqui a utiliza??o da Metaheur?stica Col?nia de Formigas, onde os par?metros e localiza??o das estruturas passam a ser definidos automaticamente, de forma a atender os n?veis de ilumina??o estabelecidos nas normas t?cnicas, al?m de otimizar o custo de material por unidade de ?rea. / The development of public lighting projects in Brazil must meet the standards established in Brazilian standards. Many of these projects is developed through the use of knowledge about "practical rules" practiced by the designers of this area. In some cases are also used computational tools offered, generally, by leading manufacturers of lamps/luminaires. These tools have served only as calculation tools, with some limitations, such as: are not able to verify compliance or not the parameters established by Brazilian standards, most of the luminaires offered in your database are not sold in Brazil, not have no concern about the analysis of the implementation costs of elaborate designs and, finally, present an enormous difficulty in performing tests on a large volume of possible projects. It is the goal of this thesis to develop a methodology and a computational tool for the development of public lighting projects based on genetic algorithm techniques that not only perform the calculations of these projects, but can also test several possible projects using in your database the luminaires marketed in Brazil, providing the user, as a solution, a set of projects that meet the Brazilian standards and classified according the implementation costs of each project. To adjust the proposed algorithm the following performance parameters were modified: number of individuals in the initial population; probability of achievement of the cross-over; probability of achievement of the mutation. A comparison of this method with the projects developed with the use of "practical rules" is performed for various types of existing roads. The results obtained using the proposed methodology and the developed computational tool show that the methodology, including the adjustments in performance parameters, is able to meet the objectives of the work.
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Utiliza??o de sistemas dedicados a protocolos de rede aplicados ? efici?ncia energ?tica da ilumina??o p?blicaAmorim, Leonardo Gomes de Paiva 14 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Leonardo_GPA_DISSERT.pdf: 3354284 bytes, checksum: 52b1cbe75d0cc23617d3634eaefc11f1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-11-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The public illumination system of Natal/RN city presents some recurring problems in the aspect of monitoring, since currently is not possible to detect in real time the light bulbs which are on throughout the day, or those which are off or burned out, at night. These factors depreciate the efficiency of the services provided, as well as, the use of energetic resources, because there is energetic waste and, consequently, financial resources that could be applied at the own public system illumination. The purpose of the work is create a prototype in substitution to the currently photoelectric relays used at public illumination, that have the same function, as well others: turn on or off the light bulbs remotely (control flexibility by the use of specifics algorithms supervisory), checking the light bulbs status (on or off) and wireless communication with the system through the ZigBee? protocol. The development steps of this product and the tests carried out are related as a way to validate and justify its use at the public illumination / O sistema de ilumina??o p?blica da cidade do Natal/RN apresenta problemas recorrentes no aspecto do monitoramento, visto que atualmente n?o ? poss?vel detectar em tempo real as l?mpadas que est?o acesas durante o dia, ou as que est?o apagadas (queimadas) durante a noite. Estes fatores depreciam a efici?ncia dos servi?os prestados, bem como, do uso dos recursos energ?ticos, posto que h? desperd?cio de energia e, consequentemente, de recursos financeiros que poderiam ser aplicados no pr?prio sistema de ilumina??o p?blica. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a cria??o de um prot?tipo em substitui??o aos atuais rel?s fotoel?tricos utilizados na ilumina??o publica, os quais possuem as mesmas fun??es, como tamb?m agregam outras: ligar ou desligar a l?mpada remotamente (flexibiliza??o do controle a partir do uso de algoritmos supervis?rios espec?ficos), verifica??o do status da l?mpada (acesa ou apagada) e comunica??o sem fio com o sistema atrav?s do protocolo ZigBee?. Relata-se aqui as etapas de desenvolvimento deste produto e os testes realizados como forma de validar e justificar seu emprego na ilumina??o p?blica
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Význam rozkladu dřeva houbami v ekosystémech přirozeného lesa / Importance of fungal decomposition of wood in the ecosystems of natural forestsŠtercová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The decomposition of organic substrates represents an important part of the global carbon cycle and affects its global change through CO2 release. In temperate forests, deadwood represents a large carbon stock, its amount and decomposition is crucial for ecosystem biodiversity and functioning. The fungi are omnipresent powerful decayers in all terrestrial ecosystems. Their ability to decompose all deadwood compounds, mainly lignocellulose, is highly important. Without fungi, the wood decompositions and the release of withheld nutrients back to nutrient cycles couldn't be performed. While many studies were concerned with the estimation of decomposition rates of deadwood, still deeper knowledge about microbial decomposition processes and the diversity of saproxylic species and their interaction is needed. The fungi are still underrepresented in dead wood studies. This study had two main objectives. First was to describe the fungal community on downed deadwood of Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba in natural forest of Salajka in the Czech Republic, to reflect the substrate changes during the different decay stages, and to link the enzyme activities to fungal community composition and their described ecophysiologies. Second aim was to describe the fungal communities on standing and downed dead logs of...
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Ekologie hub, asociovaných s tlejícím dřevem v ekosystémech přirozených lesů / Ecology of deadwood-associated fungi in the ecosystems of nature-like forestsZrůstová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Dead wood plays an important role in forest ecosystems in the context of C dynamics, nutrient cycling, forest regeneration and biodiversity. Decaying wood sustains biodiversity by providing habitats and energy for fungi, bacteria, invertebrates, and many other organisms. Dead wood is resistant to decomposition and its decay is driven mainly by filamentous fungi. Community structure of wood- inhabiting fungi changes during decomposition, but the relationship between substrate quality and decomposer community is still poorly understood. This work studied fungal community composition with respect to tree species, stage of decay, volume and physico-chemical properties (such as pH, carbon and nitrogen content) of dead wood. Fungi were identified using next generation sequencing approaches - 454-pyrosequencing and Illumina MiSeq sequencing. Tree species, volume of dead wood (branches x logs) and stage of decay were the main variables affecting fungal community composition. Higher enzyme activities and content of fungal biomass indicate faster colonization of small branches than tree trunks by fungi. Fungal community composition, wood chemical properties and enzyme activities changed during decomposition. Both content of nitrogen and fungal biomass increased during decomposition. Enzyme activites peaked...
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Rela??o entre as ?reas verdes p?blicas urbanas e a ilumina??o / Relation between urban public green areas and lightingRodrigues, Paulo Torniziello 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-04-09T12:33:38Z
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PAULO TORNIZIELLO RODRIGUES.pdf: 14662564 bytes, checksum: 467610adf71ca6895cc75e12ccaa0109 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T12:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
PAULO TORNIZIELLO RODRIGUES.pdf: 14662564 bytes, checksum: 467610adf71ca6895cc75e12ccaa0109 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / The Ribeir?o das Anhumas? basin area is located in Campinas, SP, and it is an important area because it contains the most squares, parks and woods of the city and a large green area for public use. Inspite of these spaces are intended for the general population, they do not present the adequated conditions for an appropriate use all day long, and thus their use is limited only during the daytime period. Among these places there are few or almost none adequate and easy lighting maintenance for the public green areas. Therefore, the objective of this work was to assess the main public green spaces in the Ribeir?o das Anhumas?
basin area in order to evaluate the general condition and emphasize the illumination and its absence. For this purpose, an evaluation worksheet was developed to verify pre-determined attributes such as: lighting, infrastructure, green areas and mobility in 18 selected areas within the Ribeir?o das Anhumas. The resulted was an index of urban quality of these spaces. It was possible to relate the attributes to have a comparative among them, having the lighting as a point of comparison to the other attributes. As a result, it was possible to verify that, for the use of the population, the equipment presented indicated which are
positive and/or negative points of each area, to create maintenance plans and new projects focusing on better quality and efficiency of the infrastructure involved and the more efficient luminaires to be installed. The proposed index has proved to be useful to analyze these areas and it can contribute to the management and decision for the maintenance or even to plan new spaces. The areas analyzed in the Ribeir?o Anhumas? Basin presented some deficiencies in quality of the existing public lighting structure that may hinder the population use and mobility in these public spaces. / A bacia hidrogr?fica do Ribeir?o das Anhumas localiza-se no munic?pio de Campinas, no Estado de S?o Paulo, sendo esta uma ?rea importante para o munic?pio pois localizam-se uma grande parte das pra?as, parques e bosques e uma vasta ?rea verde direcionadas ao uso p?blico. ? sabido, no entanto que
esses espa?os s?o destinados a popula??o em geral, mas que nem sempre apresentam as condi??es para um uso adequado independente do hor?rio, e dessa forma fica limitado ao seu uso apenas no per?odo diurno. Desses locais s?o poucos ou quase nenhum os que apresentam uma ilumina??o adequada e de f?cil manuten??o para a ?rea verde p?blica. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar levantamentos nos principais espa?os verdes p?blicos existentes a na bacia hidrogr?fica do Ribeir?o das Anhumas de modo a verificar a condi??o geral e enfatizando a ilumina??o e a sua aus?ncia. Para tanto foi
aplicada em um conjunto de 18 ?reas selecionadas dentro da Bacia do Ribeir?o das Anhumas uma planilha de avalia??o fora desenvolvida para que verificasse atributos pr?-determinados tais como: Ilumina??o, Infraestrutura e ?reas Verdes e Mobilidade, onde resultou em um ?ndice de qualidade urban?stica desses
espa?os, foi poss?vel relacionar os atributos para que se tenha um comparativo entre eles, tendo a ilumina??o como ponto de compara??o aos demais atributos. Como resultado foi poss?vel verificar que para o uso da popula??o os equipamentos apresentados, indicaram quais s?o pontos positivos e/ou negativos de cada ?rea para que possam ser gerados planejamentos de manuten??o e novos projetos j? focando em uma melhor qualidade e efici?ncia da infraestrutura envolvida e das lumin?rias a serem instaladas. O ?ndice proposto mostrou-se como uma ferramenta interessante de an?lise dessas ?reas podendo contribuir na gest?o e na tomada de decis?o para manuten??o ou at? mesmo para planejar um novo espa?o. As ?reas analisadas na Bacia do Ribeir?o Anhumas apresentaram algumas defici?ncias em termos da qualidade da estrutura de ilumina??o p?blica existente que pode dificultar a utiliza??o e a mobilidade da popula??o nesses espa?os.
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E Rimbaud se fez RimbaudsSilva, Claudio Everton Martins da 28 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ClaudioEMS_DISSERT.pdf: 447970 bytes, checksum: 9c74d11b3e90eae2c28d116cc5567efa (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-03-28 / Rimbaud, de 16 ? 20 ans, a promu le nouveau des id?es et formes de la
po?sie, en abandonnant la tradition par la recherche de l'inconnu, du nouveau
verbe po?tique o? ?je est un autre? et contient Rimbauds, multiple. Selon cette
perspective, nous limitons la premi?re partie de ce travail, un profil de ce
Rimbauds qui concerne: son ?Adieu? ? la po?sie sous la forme de silence: ?Je
est un autre? - dans laquelle nous avons ?galement parl? du style, l'innovation
et caract?ristiques, la question - projet po?tique?, et, enfin, le mim?tisme
litt?raire de ses premiers po?mes. Dans la seconde partie, on aborde sa
po?sie, en particulier ses deux proses majeures ?Une saison en enfer? et
?Illuminations?. De la Saison, ont fait des consid?rations sur ses proses, les
proses narratives pr?c?dants et les sept proses centrales, dont d?taill?e de la
?Nuit de l'enfer? et illustrent deux caract?ristiques de Rimbaud: ind?cidabilit? et
incompossibilit?. Des ?Illuminations? on a saisi les po?mes Ville et Villes ?I et
II? pour les ?tudier sous l optique du non-lieu. On travaille encore un autre
concept, de la fa?on dont il est pr?sent?, sept fois dans les Proses, la notion de
l Orient :commme il appara?t dans chaque livre, ce qu il signifie et o? Rimbaud a
cherch? ces repr?sentations / Rimbaud, dos 16 aos 20 anos, promoveu o novo de ideias e formas da poesia,
abdicando a tradi??o em busca do desconhecido, do novo verbo po?tico no
qual Eu ? um outro e cont?m o m?ltiplo Rimbauds. De acordo com essa
perspectiva, procuramos circunscrever, na primeira parte deste trabalho, um
perfil desse Rimbauds, abordando: seu Adeus ? poesia em forma de sil?ncio;
Eu ? um outro em que discutimos tamb?m o estilo, as inova??es e
caracter?sticas; a quest?o projeto po?tico?; e, por fim, os mimetismos
liter?rios de seus primeiros poemas. Na segunda parte, direcionamos o olhar
mais atento para a sua po?tica, em especial suas duas prosas m?ximas Uma
estadia no inferno e Ilumina??es . Daquela, tecemos considera??es acerca de
suas prosas, das narrativas precedentes ?s sete prosas centrais; destas,
minuciamos a Noite do inferno e exemplificamos duas grandes caracter?sticas
de Rimbaud: a indecidibilidade e incompossibilidade. De Ilumina??es
destacamos a(s) Cidade(s) sob a ?tica do n?o-lugar. Trabalhamos ainda outro
conceito, da forma como se apresenta, atravessando sete vezes as Prosas, o
conceito de Oriente: como se apresentam em cada livro, o que significa e de
onde Rimbaud buscou essas representa??es
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Struktura, vývoj a funkce mikrobiálních společenstev v odumřelém dřevě / Assembly, successional development and functioning of microbial communities in deadwoodBernardová, Natálie January 2020 (has links)
Dead wood is one of the most important reservoirs associated with forest ecosystems. In natural forests, its volume is counted in hundreds of m3 ha-1 , whereas it reaches only tens of m3 ha-1 in productive commercial forests. In contrast to soil and plant litter, deadwood is unevenly distributed on the forest floor. The specific physicochemical properties such as high content of recalcitrant polymers, low nitrogen level and impermeability negatively affect the rate of decomposition especially in the initial stages of wood deconstruction. The deadwood decomposition is very slow in comparisons with other substrates, it accumulates and thus it represents the important reservoir of nutrients. This thesis is focused on the structure, development and function of microbial (fungal) community in decomposing deadwood in unmanaged forest. Functional screening of fungi isolated from fruit bodies collected from coarse deadwood was set aside. Physico-chemical properties of deadwood including pH, carbon and nitrogen content and microbial biomass were estimated for four wood decomposition stages and three different tree species. New generation sequencing (Illumina MiSeq platform) was applied for fungal community structure analysis based on ITS2 fragment. Fungal functional screening was based on physico-chemical...
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