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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chilsko - německé bilaterální vztahy a jejich historické předpoklady / Chilean - German bilateral relations and their historical preconditions

Jindra, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the evolution and particulars of Chilean-German Bilateral Relations stressing the crucial periods in their history. Both these such different and far-distant countries are linked to each other with network of current and traditional ties. Nowadays, Federal Republic of Germany is Chile's major trade partner within EU. Although German immigration in Chile was relatively small in numbers, Chilean Germans subsequently managed to establish respected position and notably contributed to building-up this South American country in various fields. A positive reception of Chilean Germans' and/or Germany's influence was also reflected in this country's approach towards Germany during turbulent 20th century. The paper offers a qualitative historical overview of the official bilateral relations of Germany to one of its closest partners in the region. The relation is studied from several various perspectives (German-Chilean community, Chilean state authorities and government, foreign policy of FRG and GDR). In order to provide a more complex understanding of general context the issues are explained within wider frame of Chilean, German and Latin American modern history. Furthermore, a character of bilateral relations between Chile in democratic transition and unified Germany after 1990 is...

Etické aspekty přístupu migrantů ke zdravotní péči v České republice / Ethical Aspects of Migrants' access to Health Care in the Czech Republic

Michlíčková, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Ethical aspects of migrants' access to healthcare in the Czech Republic" focuses on healthcare accessibility for migrants in the Czech Republic and looks at the issue from an ethical perspective. It identifies and describes the main problematic aspects of foreigners' access to Czech healthcare and analyses them from a moral standpoint. The principals of Christian social ethics, basic tenets of Christian anthropology and biblical imperatives, including those focusing on the biblical concept of a foreigner and its approach to them are used as bases for the analyses. The thesis further concentrates on healthcare access in relation to human rights and asks whose responsibility it is to respect and fulfill them. The thesis refers to the broader context of the issue in question and specifies further ethical challenges it entails. The thesis aims to suggest possible solutions of the presented problems and to identify those most ethically adequate. This involves presenting key actors of the possible changes as well as describing the current legal development. Keywords Christian social ethics, equity in health, healthcare, health insurance, human rights, immigration, integration, migration.

Současná krize na Ukrajině: dopady na českou migrační politiku / Current crisis in Ukraine: the impact on Czech migration policy

Jarolímová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Current crisis in Ukraine: the impact on Czech migration policy Bc. Tereza Jarolímová Abstract In November 2013 protests in response on cancelation of Association Agreements preparations between EU and Ukraine stand on the beginning of crisis, which resulted in annexation of Crimea by Russian Federation and in armed conflict at Eastern Ukraine. Those events led to a significant deterioration of security and socioeconomic conditions and influenced migration flows in Ukraine. In April 2015 there was 1 192 000 Internally Displaced Persons and more than 700 000 people fled Ukraine. This situation also affected Czech Republic that is common target of migration from this country. This thesis analyses the reaction of the Czech state institutions on Ukrainian crisis and its influence on migration flows. Migration policy is in this thesis divided in immigration policy, asylum policy, integration policy, external dimension of migration policy and crisis reaction. Author analyses budget changes, Government Resolutions and changes in state strategies concerning migration or security in connection with possible migration flow from Ukraine. It is also evaluated how Czech Republic grants different kinds of international protection to refugees from Ukraine.

Hnutí "minutemanů": nový rasismus na americko-mexické hranici? / Minutemen: New Racism on the U.S.-Mexican Border?

Divišová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
This study has for its goal to examine whether a new racist prejudice against Mexican illegal immigrants was driving the activities of the minutemen movement operating along the U.S.- Mexico border whose stated goal was to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country. This work assumes that the old blatant racism is no longer acceptable within society but was replaced by a conspicuously color-blind rhetoric, typical of the minutemen movement, that might harbor a new racist prejudice. New racism does not put forth a race defined biologically but understands the white and non-white races conceptually. It thus contributes to the maintenance of the white-black dichotomy within society and more importantly to the discrimination and exclusion of the non-white races. In order to disclose a possible racist prejudice, this study conducts a Critical Discourse Analysis of the minutemen's discourse. Results of this analysis show that especially the focus on the notion of law and order, so typical of the discourse, is hugely misleading and that under this seemingly color-blind reasoning, there is, indeed, a hidden expression of the new racist prejudice.

Bilingvismus imigrantů ze zemí bývalé Jugoslávie v České republice ze sociálního, kulturního a jazykového hlediska. / Bilingualism of immigrants from countries of the former Yugoslavia in Czechia from a social, cultural and linguistic point of view.

Shekhovtcova, Ekaterina January 2022 (has links)
(anglicky): This diploma thesis describes the bilingualism of immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia living in Czechia. Immigrant bilingualism is examined from a social, cultural and linguistic point of view. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter describes migration from a theoretical and historical point of view. This chapter describes the migration waves from the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia in Czechia. The second chapter focuses on the description of the selected research methodology, and also on the description of individual parts of research planning, i.e. it describes the purpose of the research, criteria for selecting research questions and criteria for selecting respondents, as well as selecting research site and research material. The third chapter focuses on the research itself. The first part of this chapter briefly describes the basic concepts related to bilingualism and language adaptation. The second part of the third chapter focuses on the description of the course and analysis of the research results in terms of social, cultural and linguistic adaptation of individuals.

"České CHicago" - etnohistorický pohled na vývoj českého etnika v americkém městě v letech 1852-1945 / Čzech Chicago" - Ethnohistorical View of the Development of the Czech Minority in the American City in the years 1852-1945

Kříž, Jaroslav January 2022 (has links)
During the migration waves in the 19th century many Czechs immigrated to America. One of their final destinations was the city of Chicago. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries this became the largest Czech occupied base abroad. Over a hundred thousand Czechs lived in Chicago at that time so it was therefore considered to be the third largest Czech city. The topic of the dissertation thesis is the analysis the course of Czech migration to Chicago and the related development of the Czech minority. Key attention is devoted to the socio-cultural, economic and political development of the Czech minority in terms of ethno-historical methods. Furthermore, the author will focus on important historical milestones and events of this city, which in some way influenced the Czech minority. Time definition of work is 1852-1945 and follows from a historical perspective, because the first Czech immigrants arrive in greater numbers to this American territory only in the fifties of the 19th century. On the other hand, the Second World War concludes a period that was important for the Czech ethnic group in Chicago. After 1945 there is a significant assimilation process (the Czech minority is massively Americanized) and the Czech expatriate center is declining in importance.

Imigrační krize v Řecku 1990-2012 / Immigration Crisis in Greece 1990-2012

Koreček, Janis January 2013 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with current immigration crisis in Greece, which has not been examined in the Czech Republic so far. The macro-level analysis elaborates process of immigration to Greece with emphasis on the period 1990-2012. Causation of the immigration is clarified through historical-demographical, sociopolitical and legislative point of view. Greece was hit by immigration wave due to the process of globalization framework and the crisis is not inflicted exclusively by the Hellenic state. This is demonstrated by the elaboration of the European legislative system and the EU policy towards immigration. Contrary to this, the Hellenic failure regarding management of immigration policy is made of insufficient complexity and flexibility of national legislation and its slow development especially in 1990s. The other specific issue is rise of racism among Hellenes. Roots of xenophobia are examined by the conception of Hellenic nationality and historical-demographical method natural history, through which statistical data are put in the chronological order. Decision- making process and administration is exposed in part dealing with Hellenic immigration law. Analyzing immigration policy of all main political subjects on the background of radical right-wing electoral success in parliament...

Kulturní identifikace peruánských venkovských migrantů v urbánním prostředí: Provinční kluby v Limě / Cultural identification of Peruvian village migrants in urban environment: Provincial clubs in Lima

Procházková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the topic of Peruvian rural migrants in the capital of Lima and the maintaining their cultural identity through associations focused on folklore. In the first part I will outline the socio-economic reasons for migration and the adaptation issues of migrants in an urban environment. There are also described associations that provide economic as well as psychological support to immigrants. The main part is focused directly on folklore as the basis of identity and folklore associations in Lima. I chose folklore associations from Puno as a representative sample because of their rich cultural activities. I will demonstrate how organizations work, who their members are and what activities they pursue. The conclusion questions the modern musical fusions in Peru and the future of the Andean culture in an urban environment.

Syřané v Čechách / Syrians in the Czech Republic

Šimonová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Syrians in the Czech Republic" is engaged with the Syrians living in the Czech Republic, and their activities here. Attempts to outline the Syrians view on the Czech society and their integration into Czech society. The main method of work is a field research among the Syrians supplemented with study of technical literature. Keywords Syria, Syrians, the Arabic spring, the Arab revolution, Bashar Assad, the Baas, Syrian identity, islam, emigration, immigration, integration process, problem of identity

Současná Francie: zpráva o koloniálním dědictví: nová národní identita / Today's France: Report on Colonial Heritage: New National Identity

Úlehlová, Radka January 2012 (has links)
anglicky: Title of the thesis: Today's France: Report on Colonial Heritage: New National Identity Keywords: colonization, decolonization, immigration, integration, the Law of February 23 2005, suburban social unrest in 2005, Great Debate on National Identity Abstract: The following study deals with history of colonization and its repercussions on the current situation in France and its demography from the sociological, cultural and political point of view. The study is divided into two parts: the history and the present. The first part is based on works of historians and analyses the colonial history of France and the process of decolonization. The second part focuses on legacy of the colonial adventure on the present, it follows the discussions in the French press, works on French immigration and integration and analyses of researchers studying repercussions of colonial past on the present. The second part also includes history and specificities of immigration and integration in France, the Law of February 23 2005 on the positive role of French presence abroad, the suburban unrest of 2005 and the Great Debate on National Identity.

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