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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Čínská komunita v ČR - integrace a sociální faktory / The Chinese community in the Czech Republic - integration and social factors

Kratochvílová, Marta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis discusses the Chinese community in the Czech Republic and focusses in detail on the social factors influencing their lives and integration into Czech society. The thesis determines the composition of the Chinese community, its way of life, values, family factors, the relationship with the majority society and the degree of integration. The thesis is trying to familiarize the reader with the Chinese minority and help towards a better understanding. The aim of the research is to obtain more detailed information and specific examples for each of the themes from the Chinese, long living in the Czech Republic.

Management uchovávání a posunu jazyka v české komunitě v Chicagu / The management of language maintenance and shift in the Czech language community in Chicago

Štěpánová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The Master's thesis The management of language maintenance and shift in the Czech language community in Chicago examines (based on the analysis of the transcript of more than twenty hours of recordings of testimonies of thirteen speakers from Czech-speaking areas of western peripheries of American Chicago who have been living outside the Czech countries for more than forty years) the issues of language maintenance, transmission to future generations, and language shift in the expatriate community. The work analyses the environment and diverse situations of possible contact with the Czech language, reflected by the speakers, as well as the importance of national institutions (such as expatriate associations, minority schools, Czech parishes, etc.) for language maintenance of individuals. Respondents reflect also the conditions under which they were able to pass the Czech language to succeeding generations." It analyses testimonies of Czech Americans on what reactions they have received on language features showing their origin (such as foreign accent and name) and what assimilation strategies they used to moderate such stigma. The project examines, from the perspective of simple language management, how bilingual skills and the identity of respondents interact in a research interview.

Migrace v České republice a zemích Evropské unie / Migrace v České republice a zemích Evropské unie

Wittlerová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to chart the situation of international migration in states of the European Union and especially in the Czech republic. Although the international migration is very discussed theme, nobody till now has dealt with a total survey in the frame of the European community, which is also my contribution to given sphere of migration. The whole work is divided into five sections. The first two chapters are put near the theoretical aspects of migration and of the European union, which help better to make sense of given theme. The next section is focused on the analysis of the particular member states, which are consequently compared pursuant to chosen criteria and also is assessed the influence of these factors on migration by itself. In the last but one part the problems of migration in the Czech republic from different view-points is put near. The last chapter puts mind to the analysis of time series of net migration rate of the Czech republic whose result is construction of prognoses to the five years starting from year 2007.

Evropská imigrační politika a sekuritizace imigrace / European immigration policy: securitization of immigration

Poulová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the current issue of immigration within the EU while applying the social constructivist theory. It seems that the humanitarian, human rights and economic dimension of the European immigration policy is disappearing and immigration is increasingly viewed through the lens of security. The aim of this thesis is to apply the constructivist concept of securitization (constructing an object as a threat) to the current phenomenon of immigration to the EU in order to see the ways of securitization of immigration at the European level and identify its impact and related problems. The first theoretical part of the thesis introduces the links between immigration and security and also thoroughly explains the theoretical and methodological concept of securitization which is then used in the context of the current EU migration policy. The final chapter is devoted to the negative impacts of successfully securitized immigration and it suggests some alternative ways for the EU migration policy which should be seen through other (not only security) dimensions.

Socioekonomické aspekty integrace cizinců v Německu / Socioeconomic aspects of the integration of immigrants in Germany

Němejc, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
In the last decade, integration of immigrants into the German society has become a major topic in both political and public discussion in Germany. The goal of this paper is to analyze the current state of the main socioeconomic fields of integration in Germany and evaluate the successfulness of government's integration policy. The first chapter of the paper explains the significance of integration and its general principles on the background of selected cultural and economic theories and studies. The second chapter focuses on the historic foundations of integration specific for Germany with an emphasis on the post-war development. The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the situation in the main fields of integration and integration policy, i.e. the related legislation, education and working life of immigrants. The analysis makes use of case studies and information acquired during personal interviews with experts on integration.

Nastolování agendy v tématu uprchlictví: Analýza vztahu vystavení mediálním obsahům a pociťované důležitosti tématu / Agenda Setting in the Issue of Refugeedom: Analysis of Connection Between Media Exposure and Perceived salience of the Issue

Michalová, Lea January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns itself with the analysis of connection between the media exposure to refugeedom topics and the perceived salience of the issue. Combined qualitative and quantitative research designs ruled by QUAN → qual scheme are used in the thesis. In the quantitative part the effect of exposure to refugeedom-related news on the perceived salience of the subject is constructed using TV and newspaper viewing figures while controlling socio- demographic characteristics of respondents. Binary logistic regression was used to find the influence. The analysis shows that the exposure to content concerning immigration and refugees has influenced the rated importance of the issue. However, there are other variables not included in the model which are affecting the salience. The qualitative approach offers insights into the relationship discovered with quantitative methods. In-depth interviews showed people are aware of the media influence mainly regarding topics they are thinking about and discussing with their social surroundings. According to some interviewees this influence is stronger observed in topics where we lack personal experience, like the refugees. Apart from the media other issues like value orientation, life experience, social surroundings or the extent of criticism may have...

Detenční zařízení pro imigranty ve Spojených státech amerických v kontextu dodržování základních lidských práv / Detention Facilities for Immigrants in the United States of America in the Context of Compliance with Basic Human Rights

Kubíčková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Immigration is a topic that plays an important role in American society, it manages to capture both the general public as well as the political world. Especially in the United States of America, it is a very complex issue that affects a large number of sectors which is why a specific area has been selected for this thesis in order to narrow the researched field and provide detailed information. The thesis seeks to analyze the situation in immigration detention facilities throughout the U.S. with regard to basic human rights violations. For this reason, the thesis focuses on international humanitarian law and the Constitution of the United States, which should protect both legal and illegal immigrants, however, their non-compliance is one of the main points interconnecting all chapters of this paper. Due to the availability of resources and greater relevance this paper focuses on the situation of the last 15 years (namely from 2008 onwards) and attaches great importance to the final 3-4 years and the administration of Donald Trump. The thesis finds repeated and long-term violations of domestic and international law concerning human rights as well as the rights of asylum seekers and shows wrongful criminalization and dehumanization of immigrants (documented and undocumented). Furthermore, the thesis...

Refugee music jako performance imigrace / Refugee Music as a Performance of the Immigration

Skopec, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Keywords music, immigration, asylum seekers in Czech republic, audience, theatre, cultural and medial studies, identity, globalization, postmodernism, cultural antropology, semiotics Summary The aim of this thesis is analyse a music, which cohere with the refugees and the other forms of immigration in Czech republic. Concretely is about the music, which originate from Archa Theatre,which is few years attending to this theme. In this music performance cooperate the asylum seekers and the czech and foreign professional artists altogether. I want to analyse how this artistically cooperation is proceeding, which meanings the particular musicians consider in this concept and which message of this music should be adress to audience. This music is set in the context of the complex artistic production with the immigration themes of Archa Theatre. The related intention of this thesis is to show, which meanings of this music and the relative artistic production find the audience.

Zahraniční studenti češtiny v České republice (Příspěvek k problematice migrace a studentů-migrantů v českém prostředí) / Foreign Students of Czech Language in the Czech republic (A contribution to the problematics of Migration and Students-Migrants in the Czech Context)

Franc, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
in English The dissertation thesis deals with foreign students in the Czech republic, specifically immigrant students coming from all over the world - from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine and then from China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. The basic objective of this work is not a real attempt to display the everyday reality of certain groups of migrant-students of Czech language in the Czech Republic in such a way that it only focuses on the problems and barriers they encounter in their studies in the Czech language. It also deals with their adaptation and integration into mainstream Czech society. At the same time, however, we realize that this work is only a partial contribution to the knowledge of migrant-students' life in the Czech environment between 1998 and 2011. This work is based on relevant literature and the research is based on interviews with students and teaching observations. The choice of qualitative methods was intentional to serve our matter the best, since there has been a lack of research in this particular area in recent times. This focus on qualitative techniques is also dependent on the characteristics of the sample group, especially in the linguistic and sociocultural realm. The research was carried out at the Institute of Language and Training of the Charles University in Prague...

Sociální mobilita potomků imigrantů ze zemí Maghrebu ve francouzské společnosti / The social mobility of the descendants of immigrants from Maghreb countries in French society

Šerá, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the question of immigration in contemporary (Western) European societies which is treated by detailed exposition of the concrete historical case of immigration from the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) to France during the 20th century. The first part of the work consists of the brief history of immigration to France and of the wider theoretical context for the sociological inquiry of the phenomena linked with immigration, especially the paradoxical situation which results from the fact of immigration in the nation states and the logic of the formation of the interethnic relations. As a theoretical support for following analysis, several theories are presented: Goffman's theory of stigmatization, Becker's labelling theory, theory of the social representations of Moscovici and Merton's concept of self-fullfilling prophecy. In the second part, the particular case of immigration from Maghreb countries to France is examined with the special attention to the social representations made in French society in the context of this historical process. The main subject of this work is the situation of the descendants of immigrants from Maghreb countries in the French society, especially their position in its social structure - the third part therefore consists of the analysis...

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