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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulace technologií pro termické zpracování odpadu / Simulation of technologies for thermal treatment of waste

Venhoda, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis mainly deals with the thermal treatment of waste - hazardous waste incineration and energy recovery municipal waste incinerators - their descriptions and analysis of legislative conditions. The flue gas cleaning system energy production in different operating modes is assessed by energy and mass balances. Computational models are developed for this purpose. On this basis, productions of energy from thermal treatment of hazardous and communal waste were compared.

Stochastická optimalizace v programu AIMMS / Stochastic optimization in AIMMS

Kůdela, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce uvádí základní poznatky matematického a především stochastického programování. Navíc se zabývá použitím softwaru AIMMS při vytváření a řešení optimalizačních problémů. Naším hlavním cílem je naprogramovat v softwaru AIMMS několik metod řešení problémů stochastického programování a ukázat jejich použití a užitečnost na vybraných problémech. Jedním z problémů, který jsme si zvolili, je model spalovny. Všechny AIMMS programy, které v našem textu použijeme a popíšeme, a jejich zdrojové kódy budou přiloženy v dodatcích.

Critical Review of EIA Implementation Framework and Operational Procedures in China : A Case Study of Panyu District Public Conflict

Yang, Weishan January 2010 (has links)
The shifting tendency of environmental conflict of some specific projects from post-conflict to pre-conflict is taking place in China. The main reason is that the public raises awareness of environmental consequences and makes more transparence information exchanged among stakeholders. Therefore the authorities have to face the new challenges and figure out new solutions to handle the changing circumstances. One of the recent conflicts regarding Panyu’s incineration project is selected as a typical example analyzed in this report. This case indicates three main argued focal points at environmental perspective of project implementation which are currently unsatisfied in China’s society: 1. Failure of EIA making & approving system; 2. Inadequate public participation on the decision-making process; 3. Imbalance in stakeholders’ pattern of the project implementation process. This thesis have explored China’s EIA reports’ making, examining and approving system through investigation on its administrative, legislative and operational framework. The work was carried out during my internship in Safety Center of Henan Science Academy of Environmental Protection. The investigation also includes several interviews with different stakeholders of Panyu’s case. Based on the theoretical and empirical research, the thesis pointed out the root of defects of the existing EIA system in China is: 1. Public’s opinions can’t be truly reflected on the EIA report in the EIA making process; 2. Other stakeholders’ interests seriously affected the justice of EIA examination and approval process. The recommended approaches for improving the system include: 1. Strength public participation process to allow as much affected neighbors to realize the project and reflect their perception to decision-makers as possible; 2. Improve current EIA examination and approval procedures in order to weak the linkage between government and business sector. 3. Enhance the cooperation between environmental authority and other administrative board.

Wasted Biogas : Economic analysis of biogas recovery adjoined to existing incineration facility in Sweden

Johansson, Tobias, Målsten, Theo January 2020 (has links)
Biogas is of growing interest in Sweden, and a public inquiry suggested the government to set a goal of producing 10 TWh biogas in 2030 although only 2 TWh biogas was produced in Sweden in 2018 (Regeringskansliet, 2019) (Klackenberg, 2019). To achieve this optimistic goal and to meet the increased demand of biogas, new biogas production facilities needs to be built. The purpose of this report is to investigate the economic feasibility for the development of a biogas recovery process adjoined to an incineration facility in Sweden. The report first gives an overview of the largest incineration facilities in Sweden. The largest quantity of food waste was estimated in Gothenburg to be 56´744 WRQ SeU \eaU. For the economic feasibility, a conceptual facility was constructed with 169´000 ton residual waste per year of which 45´000 ton was food waste. A biogas process model was built in Excel where the biogas potential was calculated using characteristics for food waste. The annual production of liquid biogas was estimated to 43´970 MWK. The economic evaluation was based on the conceptual facility. In the baseline scenario the incomes for the process was the value of liquid biogas, 25,6 MSEK per year, a Gate-fee synergy of 5 MSEK per year and a Tax deduction synergy of 1 MSEK per year. The investment cost was estimated to 211,6 MSEK and the Operation & Maintenance cost was estimated to 6,3 MSEK per year. This resulted in an NPV of 69,5 MSEK and an IRR of 10,3% for the project, indicating a profitable investment. Three different scenarios were considered, apart from the baseline scenario, where the first excluded all synergies with the incineration facility, which generated an NPV of 2,3 MSEK. The second scenario only considered the minimal gate-fee synergy which gave an NPV of 37,8 MSEK. Finally, the third scenario where all synergies were included, and an additional investment grant was introduced gave the project an NPV of 111,8 MSEK. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted which showed that the input of food waste treated, weighted average cost of capital and potential grants had the biggest impact on the financial results. None of the results from the sensitivity analysis showed a negative NPV. / Intresset för biogas växer i Sverige och i en statlig utredning föreslogs regeringen att sätta upp ett mål att producera 10 TWh biogas 2030 (Regeringskansliet, 2019). Detta kan jämföras med 2018 då endast 2 TWh producerades (Klackenberg, 2019). För att uppnå detta optimistiska mål och för att möta den ökade efterfrågan på biogas behöver nya produktionsanläggningar byggas. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka de ekonomiska möjligheterna för utvecklingen av en biogasanläggning angränsad till en förbränningsanläggning i Sverige. Rapporten ger först en översikt över de största förbränningsanläggningarna som behandlar hushållsavfall i Sverige. Det uppskattades att den största mängden matavfall som går till förbränning i Sverige är i Göteborg där 56´744 ton matavfall förbränns per år. För att bestämma de ekonomiska förutsättningarna konstruerades en konceptuell anläggning som behandlar 169´000 ton restavfall per år varav 45 000 ton består av matavfall. En biogasprocess modellerades i Excel där den potentiella biogasen beräknades baserat på matavfallets karaktäristik. Slutligen uppskattades den årliga produktionen av flytande biogas till 43´970 MWh. Den ekonomiska utvärderingen baserades på den konceptuella anläggningen. I grund-scenariot bestod inkomsterna för av den flytande biogasen som motsvarade 25,6 MSEK per år, en ´gatefee´-synergi på 5 MSEK per år och en ´skatteavdrags´-synergi motsvarande 1 MSEK per år. Investeringskostnaden uppskattades till 211,6 MSEK och Operation & Maintenancekostnaderna uppskattades till 6,3 MSEK. Detta gav projektet ett nettonuvärde på 69,5 MSEK och en internränta på 10,3% vilket indikerar en lönsam investering. Vidare undersöktes även tre olika scenarier, utöver grund-scenariot, där det första utesluter alla synergier vilket gav ett nettonuvärde på 2,3 MSEK. Det andra scenariot beaktade endast den minimala ´gate-fee´-synergin vilket gav ett nettonuvärde på 37,8 MSEK. Det tredje scenariot inkluderade alla synergier samt ett investeringsbidrag vilket resulterade i ett nettonuvärde på 111,8 MSEK. En känslighetsanalys genomfördes också som visade att tillförseln av behandlat matavfall, kapitalkostnaden och potentiella investeringsbidrag hade den största påverkan på de finansiella resultaten. Inget av resultaten från känslighetsanalysen visade ett negativt nettonuvärde.

Waste-to-Energy in Kutai Kartanegara, Indonesia : A Pre-feasibility study on suitable Waste-to-Energy techniques in the Kutai Kartanegara region

Torstensson, Johan, Gezelius, Jon January 2015 (has links)
The thesis outlined in this report is a pre-feasibility study of the potential to use waste-to-energy technology in the region Kutai Kartanegara, Borneo, Indonesia. The project is a collaboration between the Kutai Kartanegara government, Uppsala University, the Swedish University of Agricultural sciences and the technology consulttancy Sweco. The current waste management system in Kutai Kartanegara consists of landfills in the cities and open burnings and dumping in the lesser developed sub-districts. This is a growing problem both environmentally and logistically. The electrification in the sub-districts is sometimes as low as 17 % and access to electricity is often limited to a couple of hours per day. The current electricity production in the region is mainly from fossil fuels. Data was collected during a two month long field study in Tenggarong, the capital of Kutai Kartanegara. From the collected data, various waste-to-energy systems and collection areas were simulated in Matlab. Results from the simulations show that a system using both a waste incineration and biogas plant would be the best solution for the region. The chosen system is designed to handle a total of 250,000 tons of waste annually, collected from Tenggarong and neighbouring districts. The system will provide between 155 and 200 GWh electricity and between 207 and 314 GWh of excess heat energy annually. Some of this is used in a district heating system with an absorption-cooling machine. The system investment cost is around 42.5 MUSD and it is expected to generate an annual profit of 16 MUSD. The recommended solution will decrease the emissions of CO2-equivalents compared to the current waste system and fossil electricity production with 50%. The results in the study clearly show that there are both economic and environmental potential for waste-to-energy technologies in the region. But the waste management and infrastructure has to be improved to be able to utilize these technologies. By implementing waste-to-energy technologies, the supplied waste can be seen as a resource instead of a problem. This would give incentives for further actions and investments regarding waste management.

Material identification using X-ray diffraction

Genetu Teggen, Linda January 2019 (has links)
This study reviews the theoretical and experimental aspects of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and evaluates its use in identifying toxic elements or compounds in waste that has been incinerated. Many industries incinerate materials that contain large significant amounts of toxic elements, and these elements should be identified and re-moved to reduce environmental pollution. The aim of this project is to identify the elemental content of an incinerated ash sample, and to recommend a proper identification method when using XRD. Here, we test two ash samples (raw ash without any treatment and ash that has been stabilized by washing) using the software DIFFRAC.EVA that is integrated into Bruker’s diffractometer D2Phaser to match different diffraction patterns to identify the contents of the ash sample. Finally concluding the results XRF is more suitable than XRD for ash surveil-lance.

Vers une nouvelle solution d'épuration de biogaz par des mâchefers d'incinération de déchets non dangereux : Développement et mise en œuvre d'un procédé d'adsorption d'H2S / Towards a new biogas purification system using municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash : Development and implementation of an adsorption treatment for H2S

Fontseré Obis, Marta 18 May 2017 (has links)
Le biogaz est une source d’énergie renouvelable, dont le potentiel est insuffisamment valorisé à l’heure actuelle. Avant toute valorisation énergétique, des traitements épuratoires coûteux (e.g. adsorption par des charbons actifs imprégnés, CAI) sont nécessaires, limitant la rentabilité économique. Un intérêt vers le développement de procédés de traitement « bon marché » est mis en évidence au travers d’études, la plupart à l’échelle du laboratoire, basées sur l’utilisation de déchets/sous-produits. Nous avons ainsi réalisé une étude de faisabilité d’un procédé d’élimination d’H2S, composé très corrosif et toxique, par des Mâchefers d’Incinération de Déchets Non Dangereux (MIDND). Une unité pilote a été installée sur la plateforme de valorisation de biogaz d’une installation de stockage de déchets non dangereux. Des essais à petite échelle (500 g) ont permis le screening de 6 différents MIDND et l’identification des paramètres influents sur le traitement d’H2S. Le transfert d’échelle (10 kg), ainsi que des conditions opératoires optimisées, ont permis d’obtenir une capacité d’adsorption des MIDND supérieure à 200 gH2S/kgMS, proche de celle de certains adsorbants commerciaux. Ce travail expérimental a été complété par un questionnement scientifique sur les mécanismes de rétention d’H2S. Un panel de techniques analytiques a permis de caractériser la matrice (avant et après traitement), de réaliser les bilans de soufre et d’identifier sa spéciation. Le mécanisme proposé repose majoritairement sur l’oxydation catalytique d’H2S en soufre élémentaire dans un contexte physico-chimique adéquat (humidité, pH, porosité, présence d’O2 et de métaux). L’intérêt économique de la mise en œuvre industrielle du procédé de désulfuration avec des MIDND a été démontré, avec une réduction conséquente des coûts de traitement par rapport à l’utilisation de CAI. Ce travail montre également l’intérêt environnemental d’un tel procédé qui entre parfaitement dans le cadre de l’économie circulaire. / Biogas is a renewable energy source, which potential is still under-evaluated. Before any energy production from biogas, costly purification treatments (e.g. adsorption by impregnated activated carbons, IAC) are necessary, limiting the economic profitability. An increasing interest in the development of "low-cost" treatments based on the use of waste/by-products is shown by several studies, most of all by tests at laboratory scale. Thus, a feasibility study of the use of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Bottom ash (BA) for the removal of H2S, a very corrosive and toxic compound in biogas, has been carried out in this thesis. An experimental pilot was installed on an energy recovery plant from biogas produced in a landfill (non-hazardous waste). Small-scale trials (500 g) allowed the screening of 6 different BAs and the identification of key parameters of the desulfurization. The transfer to a bigger scale reactor (10 kg), as well as the optimized operating conditions, enabled to obtain an adsorption capacity higher than 200 gH2S/kgdy BA, similar to that of some commercial adsorbents. The on-site experimental study has been completed by a scientific investigation on the mechanisms involved on the H2S retention by BA. Several analytical techniques were used to characterize the material before and after the biogas treatment, to carry out the sulfur mass balances and to identify its chemical speciation. The proposed mechanism relies predominantly on the catalytic oxidation of H2S to elemental sulfur, in an adequate physicochemical context (moisture, pH, porosity, O2 and metal oxides). The economic benefit of an industrial implementation of the desulfurization treatment with MIDND has been demonstrated. The operational costs are reduced compared to a treatment with IAC. The environmental value of such a treatment is also shown and fits perfectly into a circular economy framework.


Leite, Clauber Barão 12 December 2016 (has links)
Duas questões da sociedade do século XXI podem ser destacadas: a grande geração de resíduos; a carência por sistemas de tratamento adequado desses resíduos; e a crescente demanda por energia. A busca por alternativas para lidar com essas questões vem mobilizando os setores público e privado no sentido de explorar soluções ainda não praticadas na maior parte do mundo em desenvolvimento. A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), instituída pela Lei nº 12.305/2010, estabeleceu um novo paradigma na gestão de resíduos sólidos no Brasil. Entre as mudanças apresentadas, uma das mais relevantes é a exclusividade de destinação de apenas rejeitos aos aterros sanitários, sendo os rejeitos entendidos como os resíduos que não mais apresentam possibilidade de tratamento. O cumprimento dessa lei irá requerer o estudo de alternativas de tratamento de resíduos gerados na fase anterior à sua disposição final. Entre as soluções possíveis está o seu aproveitamento energético, também previsto na PNRS. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação busca analisar duas tecnologias de tratamento de resíduos digestão anaeróbia e incineração e verificar suas respectivas viabilidades econômicas, tendo como objeto o cenário brasileiro, com foco especial no estado de São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, respeitando-se as diretrizes da PNRS, entre os métodos de tratamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos analisadas, a digestão anaeróbia se mostrou mais viável do que a incineração para as regiões estudadas. Tais resultados tomaram como pressuposto que a PNRS é uma lei que deverá ser cumprida e exigida tal como se apresenta, e seu cumprimento implicará numa mudança significativa do modo como é feita a gestão de resíduos sólidos no país. Adicionalmente, as análises realizadas apontaram que, além dos aspectos econômicos, aspectos ambientais, sociais e culturais também são de fundamental importância na tomada de decisão por uma opção tecnológica adequada dos RSU. / Three issues of the XXI century society can be pointed out: The increasing volume of waste generation, the lack of adequate waste treatment systems and the increasing demand of energy. The search for alternatives to deal with these issues is calling the attention of both public and private agents who are engaged in exploring solutions not yet in place in most part of developing countries. The National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS), established by the Law # 12,305/2010, set a new paradigm for the solid waste management in Brazil. Amongst the proposed changes, one of the most relevance is the destination of the so-called \"rejects\" to landfill, in which \"rejects\" stands for the residues that can no longer be processed. To abide by this law will require the analysis of alternatives for treating the residues prior to their final disposal. Amongst the possible solutions, there is the utilization of residues to generate electric energy. In this context, this master\'s thesis examines the two of the most used technologies in the developed world anaerobic digestion and incineration and evaluation their economic feasibility in the Brazilian scenario, particularly in the State of São Paulo. The analysis took as an assumption that the PNRS is a law that shall be enforced as it was stated, and that its compliance will require in a significant change in the way the solid waste management is done within the country. For the regions analyzed, our results showed that, under the PNRS requirements, the anaerobic digestion appeared to be more feasible than the incineration technology. Additionally, our work also indicates that, beyond the economic aspects, other issues such as environmental, social and cultural ones are fundamental for the decision making regarding the best technology applied in urban solid waste process.

Avaliação do impacto ambiental em processos de reaproveitamento de resíduos pelo setor de tratamento de resíduos e solventes do IQUSP e proposta de minimização de riscos em disciplinas de química orgânica experimental / Environmental impact assessment on waste recycling processes for treatment sector residues and solvents from the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo and proposed risk minimization in experimental organic chemistry courses

Martins, Claudia Regina 28 September 2015 (has links)
Preocupados com aspectos ambientais relacionados com a recuperação de solventes e, também, com os riscos envolvidos em experimentos trivialmente executados em disciplinas de Química Orgânica Experimental, utilizamos critérios numéricos para avaliá-los e determinar a viabilidade de se adotarem práticas alternativas, em ambas as frentes. Neste contexto, comparamos, do ponto de vista ambiental, a viabilidade de recuperação de alguns solventes, por destilação, no Setor de Tratamento de Resíduos e Solventes (STRES), com a incineração completa dos mesmos materiais, em incinerador industrial. Para isto, procedemos à separação, por destilação, dos componentes de algumas misturas de solventes. Após determinação das composições dos destilados, por cromatografia em fase gasosa, inserimos os dados obtidos no software ECOSOLVENT para comparamos os impactos ambientais (considerando o EI99 como indicador da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida) destas destilações com os das incinerações das misturas brutas. Para a maior parte dos casos, foi constatado um menor impacto ambiental para os processos de destilação, justificando-se a continuidade dos trabalhos do STRES. Quanto aos experimentos de Química Orgânica Experimental, combinamos a pontuação de riscos sugerida pela National Fire Protection Association-USA, com o critério de Economia Atômica, tanto para os processos tradicionais como para as modificações sugeridas. Estas últimas levaram, numericamente, a riscos menores, sem alteração das Economias Atômicas. / Concerned with environmental issues related to the recovery of solvents and also to the risks involved in trivial Experimental Organic Chemistry practices, we used numerical criteria to evaluate the feasibility of adopting alternative practices on both fronts. In this context, we compared, from the environmental point of view, the recovery feasibility of some solvents, by distillation, at the Setor de Tratamento de Resíduos e Solventes (STRES), with their complete incineration in an industrial incinerator. Therefore, we proceed to the separation, by distillation, of the components of some mixtures of solvents. After determining the composition of the distillates, by gas chromatography, we input the obtained data into the ECOSOLVENT software in order to compare the environmental impacts (considering the EI99 indicator for the Life Cycle Assessment calculations), arising from these distillations, with those from direct incineration of the crude mixtures of solvents. For most cases, distillation impacts were found to be smaller than those for incineration, thus justifiyng the existence of STRES. As for the Experimental Organic Chemistry practices, we cobined the American National Fire Protection Association`s risks score with the Atom Economy concept for the current, and for some suggested modified procedures. These latter ones led to numerical smaller risks without changing the Atomic Economies.

垃圾之戰: 廣州的綠色治理, 反焚運動與科技爭議 = Garbage war in Guangzhou : green governmentality, anti-incineration movements, and technological controversies. / Garbage war in Guangzhou: green governmentality, anti-incineration movements, and technological controversies / 廣州的綠色治理, 反焚運動與科技爭議 / La ji zhi zhan: Guangzhou de lü se zhi li, fan fen yun dong yu ke ji zheng yi = Garbage war in Guangzhou : green governmentality, anti-incineration movements, and technological controversies. / Guangzhou de lü se zhi li, fan fen yun dong yu ke ji zheng yi

January 2015 (has links)
本研究聚焦2009年到2013年,中國廣州的一場圍繞垃圾處理展開的社會運動。運動最初是當地居民動員起來反對市政府垃圾焚燒項目的鄰避抗爭。勝利後,運動領袖成立了一個環保組織,和政府從對抗走向合作,力圖推动焚燒技術以外的替代性垃圾治理方案。不過,儘管政府和環保者致力於解決垃圾,垃圾問題在消費社會中始終無法消除。本研究試圖理解後社會主義中國的綠色治理和環保行動之間的對抗與合作。 / 首先,我分析當代中國高速城市化和消費社會急速發展所帶來的垃圾危機。然后,我檢視圍繞垃圾焚燒技術的主要爭議,並描繪廣州居民是如何針對政府計劃中的垃圾焚燒項目做出抗爭的。我指出,他們結合地方性知識和科學話語,將自己建構為"常民專家",對全球性的焚燒科技的"地方適用性"作出成功挑战。接下來,我提供一個民族誌,追溯抗議成功后運動的歷史軌跡。我注意到,通過成立一個環保組織"EC",反焚運動走向合法化、組織化和制度化,抗爭被體制吸納,轉變為參與協助國家環境治理的運動。最後,我描繪EC與广州政府聯手推動的垃圾分類運動。指出,國家在此運動中的尷尬身份、以利潤為導向的回收市場影響、理想化的垃圾分類知識與普通民眾的知識存在斷裂,都使得推動垃圾分類異常艱難。 / 通過展示運動變遷與國家治理轉型相互交織的辯證关系,本研究挑戰了國家與社會的二元對立,指出在國家在治理轉型過程中不斷收編反抗的行動和話語,而於此同時反焚者又在不斷生產新的另類知識做出挑戰。此外,本研究還貢獻於對廢棄物的理解,將廢棄物視為是一個動態的範疇,國家、市場、科學技術、普通消費者、環保行動者等多個行動者共同生產、競爭、建構其意義。還有,本研究對於科技知識的普遍性的探討,對科學技術研究領域做出了貢獻。 / This is a study on social movements that focused on waste treatment in Guangzhou, China from 2009-2013. The campaign began as a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Backyard) movement that mobilized community residents to protest against municipal government's proposed incineration projects. After its success, the movement leaders changed their dissident role to form an environmental protection NGO, collaborating with the state to explore alternative waste treatment solutions other than incineration. However, despite of the politicians and activists' attempt to eliminate waste, waste continues to exist in tandem of our consumption spree. I endeavor to understand the contradiction as well as collusion between green governance and environmental activisms in post-socialist China. / Firstly, I analyze the garbage crisis caused by the rapid urbanization and the dramatic growth of consumer society in contemporary China. Then I examine a few major technological controversies of waste incineration and depict how the activists protest against the pro-incineration government. I argue that through deploying local knowledge, the activists, as "lay experts", successfully challenged the "local appropriateness" of the global technology of incineration. Next, I provide an in-depth ethnography of the transformation of this campaign after its initial success. I notice that by taking the form of an environmental NGO called "EC", the campaign was legitimized, institutionalized and incorporated into the state’s governance framework. The environmental activism became an aid to the state’s green governmentality. Lastly, I take a detailed look at the waste classification campaign jointly launched by Guangzhou government and EC. I point out that the ambiguous role of the state in this campaign, the profit-oriented recycling market together with the idealist knowledge/practice systems of this project make this campaign extremely difficult. / My research challenges the state-society dichotomy by showing that the trajectory of the campaign is dialectically entangled with the transformation of the state’s governance. The state constantly incorporates the resistance and alternative discourses produced in the movement, whereas the activists keep on producing alternative knowledge to challenge the state. Moreover, this study deepens the understanding of waste by considering waste as a flexible category in which various actors such as state, market, technosicence, consumers as well as the environmental activists are producing, competing and reconstructing its meaning. Also, my discussions of the universal knowledge of science contribute to the field of science and technology studies. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 張劼穎. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 220-236). / Abstracts also in English. / Zhang Jieying.

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