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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining the Minimum Number of Individuals and Significance of the Kuelap Ossuary in Chachapoyas, Peru

Tran, Vu 01 August 2014 (has links)
The pre-Hispanic archaeological site of Kuelap in Chachapoyas, Peru, is representative of the variation in mortuary practices observed throughout the Chachapoya region. The goal of this study was to analyze the human skeletal remains excavated in the center of the Circular Platform between residential structures at Kuelap by creating an inventory of the remains (n=2,573) and determine the minimum number of individuals originally interred in the mortuary context. This study observed a total of 171 femora, 159 humeri, 74 calcanei, 110 ilium bones, 86 temporal bones, and 74 maxillae. Results show that this mortuary context was an ossuary of secondarily, commingled remains of at least 75 individuals and it is a previously undescribed type of tomb at Kuelap. There were significant statistical differences between the expected adult MNI (n=47) and the actual MNI counts of the ilium and cranial bones. Based on its location and the large number of individuals, I argue that this secondary ossuary had special ritual meaning to the people at Kuelap. This research is anthropologically significant because Kuelap is a major archaeological site and the variability of mortuary practices demonstrates the complex ways that people in the past treated the dead.

From bureaupreneur to HNWI changes and emergence of high net worth individuals (HNWIs) in China

Wei, Chun-Chien January 2013 (has links)
Economic growth in China is attributed by many people to the reforms initiated in 1978. Some individuals, who were previously agents of the state, party cadres, or peasants, have become High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) within a relatively short period in the wake of certain institutional changes. Before economic reform, China’s political elites seized administrative controls and material privileges and yet were relatively restricted in money income and private wealth; however, the market transition and privatization added additional value into those controls and privileges and created unique opportunities for those political elites. These political elites retain intact power and privilege regardless of market reforms or regime change. During the transformation, redistributive mechanisms are shaped by these elites, who discriminate in favour of themselves, their families, and like individuals; subsequently, some of those from the political elites migrate into HNWIs, and unjust wealth re-distribution is created accordingly. Development and the changing role of elites in transitional China, like all societies, is constrained and shaped by heritage (resources, pre-existing institutions, geography, culture, etc.); these constraints maybe stronger in transitional societies than in open market economies and enhance the importance for transitional society elites to maintain their footholds of power in state and regulatory institutions. Therefore, these elites exert influence to maintain their existing privileges for accumulating wealth from competition. This research adapts institutional change theory to incorporate the concept of resource dependences in order to give practical expression to an analysis of how the transition between these roles is played out during the institutional changes and to explore the relations between the leading social actors and their institutional environment. It draws on the example of the housing market to illustrate that there is a trade-off between conformity to external institutional pressure and exercising influence over external resources whilst pursuing stability and legitimacy in China’s reforms.

Allmännytta kontra affärsmässighet i kommunala bostadsbolag : Samspel mellan individer och institutioner / "Allmännytta" vs. "affärsmässighet" in municipal housing companies : An interaction between individuals and institutions

Blomdahl, Philip, Pettersson, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag ska enligt lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag verka i ett allmännyttigt syfte och enligt affärsmässiga principer. Det saknas enhetliga beskrivningar om vad begreppen allmännyttigt syfte och affärsmässiga principer innebär vilket leder till att tolkningsföreträde finns. Varierande tolkningar inom organisationer så som Hyresgästföreningen och Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL) förekommer vilket gör det intressant att gå ett steg längre och undersöka individers tolkningar inom kommunala bostadsbolag. Lag (2010:879) ses i denna studie som en nationell institution, medan ägardirektiven representerar lokala institutioner, där lokala tankegångar är närvarande. Otydligheten i lagen ligger således till grund för att ndersöka samspelet mellan nationell/lokal institution och individer inom bolagen. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med förståelse för hur allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag hanterar komplexiteten och förhållandet mellan begreppen affärsmässiga principer och allmännyttigt syfte. Samspelet mellan individ och institution kommer att vara i fokus. Metod Denna kvalitativa studie utgår från en abduktiv ansats med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Den kvalitativa undersökningen har genomförts genom en fallstudie med två deltagande kommunala bostadsbolag. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med VD, CFO och styrelseordförande från respektive bolag. Slutsats Studien visar att samspelet mellan individ och institution är väl fungerande på så sätt att ett styrande finns hos båda parter. Individerna följer den nationella institutionen, samtidigt som de formar den genom det stora tolkningsföreträdet. Långsiktighet är bolagens största argument för att uppfylla lagens båda begrepp. Avslutningsvis menar vi att lagen sätter käppar i hjulen för bolagen då ett byggande i ytterområden är svårt att förena med affärsmässiga principer. / Background Swedish municipal housing companies should by the law:lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunalabostadsaktiebolag operate in a charitable (allmännyttigt)purpose and according to businesslike (affärsmässiga)principles. There is a lack of unified explanations of whatthese concepts mean which in turn leads to preferential rightof interpretation. Varying interpretations withinorganisations like Hyresgästföreningen, and SverigesKommuner och Landsting (SKL) exists which lead this studyto go a step further and investigate interpretations made byindividuals working within Swedish municipal housingcompanies. The law (2010:879) is seen as a nationalinstitution in this study, while regulatory documents(ägardirektiv) represent local institutions, where local ideasare present. This vagueness within the law is the basis toinvestigate the interaction between national/local institutionsand individuals within the companies. Purpose The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding ofhow municipal housing companies manage the complexityand the relationship between the concepts affärsmässigaprinciper and allmännyttigt syfte. The interaction betweenthe individuals and institutions will be the central focus. Method This qualitative study is based on an abduktiv approach, witha hermeneutic perspective. The qualitative analysis has beenmade with a case studie where two municipal housingcompanies participated. Six semi-structured interviews havebeen made with CEO, CFO and chairman from the involvedcompanies. Conclusion The study shows that the interaction between the individualsand the institutions are well functioning in such way thatboth parts are leading and driving. The individuals follow thenational institution, in the same way they are shaping itthrough the wide preferential rights of interpretation. Longtermthinking is the companies’ main argument to meet theconcepts of the law (2010:879). Finally, we believe the lawputs a spoke in the wheels of the companies, as constructionin suburban areas is difficult to reconcile to business likeprinciples.

Le Magdalénien après la Nature : une étude des relations entre humains et animaux durant le Magdalénien moyen / Magdalenian after Nature : a study of human-animal relationships during the middle Magdalenian

Birouste, Clément 22 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à apporter de nouveaux éléments dans la compréhension de la relation entre humains et animaux dans l'une des cultures emblématiques du Paléolithique supérieur européen, le Magdalénien moyen du sud-ouest de la France, à travers le prisme d'une approche conjointe des figurations animalières (et humaines) et des éléments squelettiques animaux (et humains). Le cadre du naturalisme rigide qui présuppose l'opposition des concepts de nature et de culture, ainsi que l'universalité d'un anthropocentrisme, s'avère être une limitation gênante pour une telle entreprise. Nous observons en effet que ces caractéristiques réduisent le champ d'investigation de l'archéozoologie comme de l'étude de l'art figuratif animalier, empêchant en partie d'accéder à la manière dont les collectivités du passé elles-mêmes appréhendaient leur environnement. Nous nous intéressons donc aux postures théoriques qui autorisent une relativisation de l'ontologie naturaliste en reconnaissant une diversité d'ontologies. Notre projet est de tenter d'identifier le régime ontologique particulier du Magdalénien moyen à travers les vestiges archéologiques qui lui sont attribués – dans le but de préciser la teneur des relations entre humains et animaux pendant le Magdalénien moyen. Le modèle des quatre modes d'identification de Philippe Descola nous semble être le plus adéquat pour entreprendre un tel projet, en raison de la précision de ses définitions et de sa maniabilité. L'art pariétal du Magdalénien moyen se focalise particulièrement sur les distinctions spécifiques, mais aussi sur l'individuation des animaux et les agissements de chacun, donnant à voir une intentionnalité des animaux. Certaines modalités participent à la mise en relation de ces intentionnalités : le dispositif pariétal, l'utilisation des reliefs naturels et la manière de figurer l'humanité, notamment. Une étude portée sur les vestiges osseux animaux des sites du Magdalénien moyen montre que le schéma global des opérations de boucherie et sa ritualisation supposée s'orientent particulièrement vers l'individualité des animaux et leur subjectivité. Le schéma global de la boucherie concernant les animaux semble trouver un écho avec des pratiques concernant le traitement de certains corps humains. Dans les deux cas, une emphase s'observe dans la minutie et l'intensité des procédés et une sur-représentation des crânes dans les sites d'habitat, pointant un équivalence relative entre les statuts d'humains et de non-humains, ainsi qu'une volonté de désubjectiver les individus par une transformation des formes. Les intentions véhiculées par ces diverses pratiques – dans l'art pariétal, le traitement des corps animaux et humains – nous semblent particulièrement représentatives d'un mode d'identification animiste au sens de Descola, et s'avèrent peu compatibles avec d'autres modes d'identification, y compris le totémisme auquel on associe pourtant régulièrement le Paléolithique supérieur européen. Un schéma global à la coloration animiste apparaît, dans lequel se note l'importance de l'individuation des humains comme des animaux, et l'importance de leurs mises en relation. Diverses formes d'interaction entre individus humains et non-humains pourraient trouver leur place au sein de ce qui semble constituer un cycle intégrant des pratiques visant à l'apparition comme à la disparition de subjectivités animales. / The aim of this work is to bring new elements to our comprehension of human-animal relationships in one of the emblematic cultures of the European Upper Palaeolithic, the Middle Magdalenian of south-western France, through a two-pronged approach treating animal (and human) depictions and animal (and human) skeletal remains. Rigid naturalism, which presupposes an opposition between nature and culture, as well as the assumed universality of anthropocentrism, are limiting to this endeavor. These intellectual frames of reference confine the realms of investigation of both archaeozoology and the study of figurative art, impeding in part our ability to access the ways in which communities of the past apprehended their own environment. We concentrate therefore on theoretical postures that authorize the relativization of naturalistic ontology while all the same recognizing a diversity of ontologies.Our project is therefore an attempt to identify the specific ontological system of the Middle Magdalenian via its attributed archaeological remains – with the objective of determining the nature of human-animal relationship during the Middle Magdalenian. Philippe Descola’s model of four modes of identification seems to us to be the best adapted approach for such an enterprise, as it provides precise definitions that are easily employed.Middle Magdalenian parietal art focuses particularly on very specific distinctions, but also on the individuation of animals and their respective behaviours, seeming to bring out the depicted animals’ intentionality. Certain methods participate in the linking of these intentionalities: notably the parietal plan, the use of natural reliefs, and the way humanity is represented. A study focusing on skeletal animal remains from Middle Magdalenian sites shows that the general pattern of butchery operations and its supposed ritualization is particularly oriented towards animal individuality and subjectivity. This generalized butchery pattern of animals shows parallels with the treatment of certain human remains. In the two cases, a particular emphasis is seen in the minutia and intensity of procedures and an over-representation of skulls in habitat sites, indicating a relative equivalence between the status of humans and non-humans, as well as a desire to reduce the subjectivity of individuals via the transformation of forms. The intentions conveyed by these diverse practices – in parietal art, and in the treatment of animal and human remains – seem particularly representative of Descola’s animist mode of identification, and appear to be incompatible with other modes of identification, including totemism, which we often associate with the European Upper Palaeolithic. A globalized theme of animist bent appears, in which the individuation of humans as animals seems important, as is their linkage. Diverse forms of interaction between human and non-human individuals may have found their place in what appears to constitute a cycle integrating practices underlining the apparition and disparition of animal subjectivity.

Ocupações de bens públicos por particulares: elementos para uma teoria geral / Occupations of public property by private individuals: elements for a general theory

Amaral, Roberto Rezende 29 November 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma abordagem institucional jurídica da prática social de ocupações de bens públicos valendo-se dos parâmetros da legislação pertinente e do conteúdo doutrinário correlato, em exercício de levantamento de características jurídicas comuns às práticas socialmente reconhecidas para uma generalização conceitual. Trata-se, então, da compilação de características recorrentes para a identificação e conceituação do que aparenta ser um instituto jurídico próprio de direito administrativo. Primeiramente, para retratar o fato social, propõe-se trazer ao debate breves retratos jornalísticos, os quais serão o ponto de partida para leitura do fenômeno sob o imperativo da função social da propriedade pública e o regime republicano-democrático do Estado brasileiro. Seguindo-se da análise do conteúdo legislativo correlato, analisado conforme a especialidade do regime jurídico administrativo. Finalmente, a partir das características identificadas indutivamente da doutrina e da legislação, pretendeu-se conceituar o fenômeno enquanto um instituto jurídico autônomo. / This work consists in a legal institutional approach to the social practice of occupying public properties, by using both the parameters of the relevant legislation and the content of the specific literature, in a exercise of collecting juridical features common to the socially recognized occupations forms, aiming for conceptual generalization. It is, then, the compilation of the recurring elements for identification and conceptualization of the occupying social phenomenon, understood as a autonomous legal institute of administrative law. Firstly, in order to identidy the social practice, it was proposed to bring to the debate brief journalistic reports, which will be the starting point for reading the phenomenon under the imperative parameter of the social function of public property and the brazilian republican democratic regime. Following the analysis of the related legal content, analyzed according to the specialty of the administrative law regime. Finally, from the identified characteristics, inductively from the doctrine and the legislation, it was intended to conceptualize the phenomenon as an autonomous legal institute.

Strawson and Wittgenstein : the no-ownership argument.

Reigel, Thomas J. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Long term evaluations of the effects of Irlen tinted lenses on academic and related skills

Burgess, J. E., n/a January 1990 (has links)
This survey research systematically collects Information on the long term effects of Irlen tinted lenses, from a specific diagnosed scotopic sensitive population. The survey used is based on Whiting's survey (1988), with variations and extensions made to increase information attained. Although the main focus of the survey is reading and related academic skills, other areas presenting new directions for further research, have also been included. 306 diagnosed scotopic sensitive Individuals, who had been using prescribed Irlen tinted lenses for a minimum of six months, were surveyed. 82.8 percent of the respondents indicated that they (or their child) had experienced great benefits from wearing Irlen tinted lenses. 70.1 percent Indicated that the greatest benefit had been in the area of reading. Cross-tabulations were made with length of time wearing the lenses, gender, and whether the respondent was filling in the questionnaire for themselves or for their child. The results of this descriptive research support Whiting's (1988), earlier findings. A review of the available literature and the Implications of these findings are discussed.

Resource allocation and <i>Hukou</i> status conversion : inequality under China's <i>Hukou</i> system

Jin, Di 03 November 2009
The <i>Hukou</i> system has been a basic institution in Chinese society for several decades. My thesis explores whether, after nearly 30 years of reform and opening up in China, this system still plays a role in individuals lives and if so, what is this role? This study uses qualitative data from policy documents and quantitative data from the China General Social Survey 2003 to examine differences in income and access to welfare services among rural and urban <i>Hukou</i> holders and in <i>Hukou</i> status conversion both before and since the reform era and point out that the <i>Hukou</i> system contributes to inequality in individuals life chances in two dimensions: resource allocation and <i>Hukou</i> status conversion. The findings show that urban residents are advantaged in resource allocation before and in the reform era; the control mechanism of quota and policy for <i>Hukou</i> status conversion from rural to urban in the pre-reform era was replaced by the locally defined but nationally enforced entry conditions or requirements in reform era. The talented people, the CCP members, the people who have permanent jobs in urban areas, and the people whose family members hold urban Hukou are more likely now to overcome the <i>Hukou</i>-based control. The <i>Hukou</i>-based migration control continues on a localized basis and excludes the majority of rural residents from access to the rights enjoyed by urban residents. The findings of this thesis indicate that the consequences of the Hukou system continue today and additional reform still needs to be introduced.

Resource allocation and <i>Hukou</i> status conversion : inequality under China's <i>Hukou</i> system

Jin, Di 03 November 2009 (has links)
The <i>Hukou</i> system has been a basic institution in Chinese society for several decades. My thesis explores whether, after nearly 30 years of reform and opening up in China, this system still plays a role in individuals lives and if so, what is this role? This study uses qualitative data from policy documents and quantitative data from the China General Social Survey 2003 to examine differences in income and access to welfare services among rural and urban <i>Hukou</i> holders and in <i>Hukou</i> status conversion both before and since the reform era and point out that the <i>Hukou</i> system contributes to inequality in individuals life chances in two dimensions: resource allocation and <i>Hukou</i> status conversion. The findings show that urban residents are advantaged in resource allocation before and in the reform era; the control mechanism of quota and policy for <i>Hukou</i> status conversion from rural to urban in the pre-reform era was replaced by the locally defined but nationally enforced entry conditions or requirements in reform era. The talented people, the CCP members, the people who have permanent jobs in urban areas, and the people whose family members hold urban Hukou are more likely now to overcome the <i>Hukou</i>-based control. The <i>Hukou</i>-based migration control continues on a localized basis and excludes the majority of rural residents from access to the rights enjoyed by urban residents. The findings of this thesis indicate that the consequences of the Hukou system continue today and additional reform still needs to be introduced.

A Study on the Effects of the Reform of Retirement System on the Working Morale of Civil Service Employees ¡V Taking Kaohsiung City Government for Example

Hsu, Tsai-Yun 20 June 2007 (has links)
Due to the prosperity of technology and the medical and pharmaceutical sciences, Taiwan and the developed countries of the world being of the same population structure are both affected by the development trend of their aging and less-children societies, thus causing certain impacts to the retirement system, including such problems as whether the age for the retirees¡¦ choice of monthly pension is set too low, whether the favorable interest rate for the savings of retirement pay and pension should be reduced, and so on. Besides, due to the government¡¦s extended implementation of organizational downsizing and business outsourcing, many civil service employees having already reached the age of 50 are eager to apply for retirement, thus raising the financial pressure of the government. Having reviewed the retirement laws of different countries, the politics and economy of Taiwan, the change of social situation and the resolutions of LegislationYuan, the legal authorities for the retirement of civil service employees (Ministry of Civil Service, Examination Yuan) invited scholars, professionals, different supervisory authorities and the local governments to hold meetings to discuss about this issue for several times, and drafted the Amendment for Retirement Law of Civil Service Employees. On Aug. 4, 2005, the draft was submitted to Examination Yuan for examination. After examination meetings were held for 11 times, the draft was passed in the 171st meeting of the 10th term of office of Examination Yuan. It was then submitted to Legislation Yuan for examination on Feb. 16, 2006. In the revised Main Points of Amendment for Retirement Law of Civil Service Employees, apart from increasing the flexible retirement conditions, deleting the stipulation that an additional pension of 5 base points shall be given for once to any voluntary retiree at the age of 55, and reviewing and revising part of the out-dated stipulations, it is additionally specified that in future, only the civil service employees at the age of above 60 having acquired a seniority of 25 years, and those at the age of above 55 having acquired a seniority of 30 years are allowed to receive monthly retirement pay. This system shall be effective after a transition period of 10 years. Currently, the stipulated index is 75. It is expected that after 11 years with 1 index added per year, the 85-retirement system shall be nationally applicable. In view of this, it is indeed necessary to study the effects of the enormous reform of the retirement system of civil service employees on the differences of their perceptions, attitudes and behaviors, as well as their working morale. The study not only enables us to understand the data processing model of the reform of retirement system, but also can serve as a tool to respond to the opposing opinions in times of implementation in future, and furthermore, provide the government with suggestions for the reform of the system. The study took the civil service employees belonging to Grade I departments of Kaohsiung City Government, totally 1,560 employees as the targets, and sent out 500 questionnaires. As a result, 423 questionnaires were returned, achieving a return rate of 84.6%. After deducting 10 invalid questionnaires from the total, there were 413 valid questionnaires returned, achieving an effective return rate of 82.6%. By means of the questionnaires filled out by the interviewed targets, through different attributes like the properties of work and of individuals, and after the employees are aware of the change of the disturbing variables of retirement system, this research paper investigates the degree of their effects on the working morale of employees. The research results show that: 1. Different facets of the properties of work, including ¡§autonomy of work,¡¨ ¡§diversity of work¡¨ and ¡§importance of work,¡¨ have significant effects on the two facets of working morale, ¡§cohesiveness of group¡¨ and ¡§involvement in work.¡¨ 2. Despite the difference in age, civil service employees do not have differences on these facets of the properties of work, including ¡§autonomy of work,¡¨ ¡§diversity of work¡¨ and ¡§importance of work,¡¨ but have significant differences on them should there be a difference in sex, qualification, marital status, current position of work, seniority, old retirement seniority, supervisor type and health condition. 3. Despite the difference in sex, marital status, current position of work and seniority, civil service employees do not have differences on these facets of the working morale, including ¡§cohesiveness of group¡¨ and ¡§involvement in work,¡¨ but have significant differences on them should there be a difference in sex, qualification, old retirement seniority, supervisor type and health condition. 4. Despite the difference in sex, qualification, marital status, current position of work, civil service employees do not have differences on these facets of the reform of civil service employees retirement system, including ¡§common expectancy of reform,¡¨ ¡§perception of the internal contents of reform,¡¨ ¡§attitude acceptance of reform¡¨ and ¡§career alteration for the reform,¡¨ but have significant differences on them should there be a difference in age, seniority, old retirement seniority, supervisor type and health condition. 5. The facets of the reform of retirement system, including ¡§common expectancy of reform,¡¨ ¡§perception of the internal contents of reform¡¨ and ¡§career alteration for the reform,¡¨ have significant effects on the facet of working morale, ¡§cohesiveness of group.¡¨

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