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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unraveling the genetic secrets of ancient Baikal amphipods

Rivarola-Duarte, Lorena 24 August 2021 (has links)
Lake Baikal is the oldest, by volume, the largest, and the deepest freshwater lake on Earth. It is characterized by an outstanding diversity of endemic faunas with more than 350 amphipod species and subspecies (Amphipoda, Crustacea, Arthropoda). They are the dominant benthic organisms in the lake, contributing substantially to the overall biomass. Eulimnogammarus verrucosus, E. cyaneus, and E. vittatus, in particular, serve as emerging models in ecotoxicological studies. It was, then, necessary to investigate whether these endemic littoral amphipods species form genetically separate populations across Baikal, to scrutinize if the results obtained --~for example, about stress responses~-- with samples from one single location (Bolshie Koty, where the biological station is located), could be extrapolated to the complete lake or not. The genetic diversity within those three endemic littoral amphipod species was determined based on fragments of Cytochrome C Oxidase I (COI) and 18S rDNA (only for E. verrucosus). Gammarus lacustris, a Holarctic species living in water bodies near Baikal, was examined for comparison. The intra-specific genetic diversities within E. verrucosus and E. vittatus (13% and 10%, respectively) were similar to the inter-species differences, indicating the occurrence of cryptic, morphologically highly similar species. This was confirmed with 18S rDNA for E. verrucosus. The haplotypes of E. cyaneus and G. lacustris specimens were, with intra-specific genetic distances of 3% and 2%, respectively, more homogeneous, indicating no --or only recent disruption of-- gene flow of E. cyaneus across Baikal, and recent colonization of water bodies around Baikal by G. lacustris. The data provide the first clear evidence for the formation of cryptic (sub)species within endemic littoral amphipod species of Lake Baikal and mark the inflows/outflow of large rivers as dispersal barriers. Lake Baikal has provided a stable environment for millions of years, in stark contrast to small, transient water bodies in its immediate vicinity. A highly diverse endemic amphipod fauna is found in one but not the other habitat. To gain more insights and explain the immiscibility barrier between Lake Baikal and non-Baikal environments faunas, the differences in the stress response pathways were studied. To this end, exposure experiments to increasing temperature and a heavy metal (cadmium) as proteotoxic stressors were conducted in Russia. High-quality de novo transcriptome assemblies were obtained, covering multiple conditions, for three amphipod species: E. verrucosus and E. cyaneus -Baikal endemics-, and G. lacustris -Holarctic- as a potential invader. After comparing the transcriptomic stress responses, it was found that both Baikal species possess intact stress response systems and respond to elevated temperature with relatively similar changes in their expression profiles. G. lacustris reacts less strongly to the same stressors, possibly because its transcriptome is already perturbed by acclimation conditions (matching the Lake Baikal littoral). Comprehensive genomic resources are of utmost importance for ecotoxicological and ecophysiological studies in an evolutionary context, especially considering the exceptional value of Baikal as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In that context, the results presented here, on the genome of Eulimnogammarus verrucosus, have been the first massive step to establish genomic sequence resources for a Baikalian amphipod (other than mitochondrial genomes and gene expression data in the form of de novo transcriptomes assemblies). Based on the data from a survey of its genome (a single lane of paired-end Illumina HiSeq 2000 reads, 3X) as well as a full dataset (two complete flow cells, 46X) the genome size was estimated as nearly 10 Gb based on the k-mer spectra and the coverage of highly conserved miRNA, hox genes, and other Sanger-sequenced genes. At least two-thirds of the genome are non-unique DNA, and no less than half of the genomic DNA is composed of just five families of repetitive elements, including low complexity sequences. Some of the repeats families found in high abundance in E. verrucosus seem to be species-specific, or Baikalian-specific. Attempts to use off-the-shelf assembly tools on the available low coverage data, both before and after the removal of highly repetitive components, as well as on the full dataset, resulted in extremely fragmented assemblies. Nevertheless, the analysis of coverage in Hox genes and their homeobox showed no clear evidence for paralogs, indicating that a genome duplication did not contribute to the large genome size. Several mate-pair libraries with bigger insert sizes than the 2kb used here and long reads sequencing technology combined with semi-automated methods for genome assembly seem to be necessary to obtain a reliable assembly for this species.

Jahresspiegel / Universität Leipzig

Universität Leipzig January 2014 (has links)
Mit dem nun im dritten Jahr erscheinenden "Jahresspiegel" informiert die Universitätsleitung über Eckdaten der Entwicklung der Universität und Ergebnisse der Leistungsprozesse in Forschung, Lehre und Verwaltung des abgelaufenen Jahres 2013.

Adding Threshold Concepts to the Description Logic EL

Fernández Gil, Oliver 18 May 2016 (has links)
We introduce a family of logics extending the lightweight Description Logic EL, that allows us to define concepts in an approximate way. The main idea is to use a graded membership function m, which for each individual and concept yields a number in the interval [0,1] expressing the degree to which the individual belongs to the concept. Threshold concepts C~t for ~ in {<,<=,>,>=} then collect all the individuals that belong to C with degree ~t. We further study this framework in two particular directions. First, we define a specific graded membership function deg and investigate the complexity of reasoning in the resulting Description Logic tEL(deg) w.r.t. both the empty terminology and acyclic TBoxes. Second, we show how to turn concept similarity measures into membership degree functions. It turns out that under certain conditions such functions are well-defined, and therefore induce a wide range of threshold logics. Last, we present preliminary results on the computational complexity landscape of reasoning in such a big family of threshold logics.

Efficient Source Selection For SPARQL Endpoint Query Federation

Saleem, Muhammad 13 May 2016 (has links)
The Web of Data has grown enormously over the last years. Currently, it comprises a large compendium of linked and distributed datasets from multiple domains. Due to the decentralised architecture of the Web of Data, several of these datasets contain complementary data. Running complex queries on this compendium thus often requires accessing data from different data sources within one query. The abundance of datasets and the need for running complex query has thus motivated a considerable body of work on SPARQL query federation systems, the dedicated means to access data distributed over the Web of Data. This thesis addresses two key areas of federated SPARQL query processing: (1) efficient source selection, and (2) comprehensive SPARQL benchmarks to test and ranked federated SPARQL engines as well as triple stores. Efficient Source Selection: Efficient source selection is one of the most important optimization steps in federated SPARQL query processing. An overestimation of query relevant data sources increases the network traffic, result in irrelevant intermediate results, and can significantly affect the overall query processing time. Previous works have focused on generating optimized query execution plans for fast result retrieval. However, devising source selection approaches beyond triple pattern-wise source selection has not received much attention. Similarly, only little attention has been paid to the effect of duplicated data on federated querying. This thesis presents HiBISCuS and TBSS, novel hypergraph-based source selection approaches, and DAW, a duplicate-aware source selection approach to federated querying over the Web of Data. Each of these approaches can be combined directly with existing SPARQL query federation engines to achieve the same recall while querying fewer data sources. We combined the three (HiBISCuS, DAW, and TBSS) source selections approaches with query rewriting to form a complete SPARQL query federation engine named Quetsal. Furthermore, we present TopFed, a Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) tailored federated query processing engine that exploits the data distribution to perform intelligent source selection while querying over large TCGA SPARQL endpoints. Finally, we address the issue of rights managements and privacy while accessing sensitive resources. To this end, we present SAFE: a global source selection approach that enables decentralised, policy-aware access to sensitive clinical information represented as distributed RDF Data Cubes. Comprehensive SPARQL Benchmarks: Benchmarking is indispensable when aiming to assess technologies with respect to their suitability for given tasks. While several benchmarks and benchmark generation frameworks have been developed to evaluate federated SPARQL engines and triple stores, they mostly provide a one-fits-all solution to the benchmarking problem. This approach to benchmarking is however unsuitable to evaluate the performance of a triple store for a given application with particular requirements. The fitness of current SPARQL query federation approaches for real applications is difficult to evaluate with current benchmarks as current benchmarks are either synthetic or too small in size and complexity. Furthermore, state-of-the-art federated SPARQL benchmarks mostly focused on a single performance criterion, i.e., the overall query runtime. Thus, they cannot provide a fine-grained evaluation of the systems. We address these drawbacks by presenting FEASIBLE, an automatic approach for the generation of benchmarks out of the query history of applications, i.e., query logs and LargeRDFBench, a billion-triple benchmark for SPARQL query federation which encompasses real data as well as real queries pertaining to real bio-medical use cases. Our evaluation results show that HiBISCuS, TBSS, TopFed, DAW, and SAFE all can significantly reduce the total number of sources selected and thus improve the overall query performance. In particular, TBSS is the first source selection approach to remain under 5% overall relevant sources overestimation. Quetsal has reduced the number of sources selected (without losing recall), the source selection time as well as the overall query runtime as compared to state-of-the-art federation engines. The LargeRDFBench evaluation results suggests that the performance of current SPARQL query federation systems on simple queries does not reflect the systems\\\'' performance on more complex queries. Moreover, current federation systems seem unable to deal with many of the challenges that await them in the age of Big Data. Finally, the FEASIBLE\\\''s evaluation results shows that it generates better sample queries than the state-of-the-art. In addition, the better query selection and the larger set of query types used lead to triple store rankings which partly differ from the rankings generated by previous works.

Insights into the Evolution of small nucleolar RNAs: Prediction, Comparison, Annotation

Canzler, Sebastian 16 January 2017 (has links)
Over the last decades, the formerly irrevocable believe that proteins are the only key-factors in the complex regulatory machinery of a cell was crushed by a plethora of findings in all major eukaryotic lineages. These suggested a rugged landscape in the eukaryotic genome consist- ing of sequential, overlapping, or even bi-directional transcripts and myriads of regulatory elements. The vast part of the genome is indeed transcribed into an RNA intermediate, but solely a small fraction is finally translated into functional proteins. The sweeping majority, however, is either degraded or functions as a non-protein coding RNA (ncRNA). Due to continuous developments in experimental and computational research, the variety of ncRNA classes grew larger and larger, ranging from key-processes in the cellular lifespan to regulatory processes that are driven and guided by ncRNAs. The bioinformatical part pri- marily concentrates on the prediction, annotation, and extraction of characteristic properties of novel ncRNAs. Due to conservation of sequence and/or structure, this task is often deter- mined by an homology-search that utilizes information about functional, and hence conserved regions, as an indicator. This thesis focuses mainly on a special class of ncRNAs, small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). These abundant molecules are mainly responsible for the guidance of 2’-O-ribose-methylations and pseudouridylations in different types of RNAs, such as ribosomal and spliceosomal RNAs. Although the relevance of single modifications is still rather unclear, the elimination of a bunch of modifications is shown to cause severe effects, including lethality. Several de novo prediction programs have been published over the last years and a substantial amount of publicly available snoRNA databases has originated. Normally, these are restricted to a small amount of species and a collection of experimentally extracted snoRNA. The detection of snoRNAs by means of wet lab experiments and/or de novo prediction tools is generally time consuming (wet lab) and a quite tedious task (identification of snoRNA-specific characteristics). The snoRNA annotation pipeline snoStrip was developed with the intention to circumvent these obstacles. It therefore utilizes a homology-based search procedure to reliably predict snoRNA genes in genomic sequences. In a subsequent step, all candidates are filtered with respect to specific sequence motifs and secondary structures. In a functional analysis, poten- tial target sites are predicted in ribosomal and spliceosomal RNA sequences. In contrast to de novo prediction tools, snoStrip focuses on the extension of the known snoRNA world to uncharted organisms and the mapping and unification of the existing diversity of snoRNAs into functional, homologous families. The pipeline is properly suited to analyze a manifold set of organisms in search for their snoRNAome in short timescales. This offers the opportunity to generate large scale analyses over whole eukaryotic kingdoms to gain insights into the evolutionary history of these spe- cial ncRNA molecules. A set of experimentally validated snoRNA genes in Deuterostomia and Fungi were starting points for highly comprehensive surveys searching and analyzing the snoRNA repertoire in these two major eukaryotic clades. In both cases, the snoStrip pipeline proved itself as a fast and reliable tool and collected thousands of snoRNA genes in nearly 200 organisms. Additionally, the Interaction Conservation Index (ICI), which is am- plified to additionally work on single lineages, provides a convenient measure to analyze and evaluate the conservation of snoRNA-targetRNA interactions across different species. The massive amount of data and the possibility to score the conservation of predicted interactions constitute the main pillars to gain an extraordinary insight into the evolutionary history of snoRNAs on both the sequence and the functional level. A substantial part of the snoR- NAome is traceable down to the root of both eukaryotic lineages and might indicate an even more ancient origin of these snoRNAs. However, a plenitude of lineage specific innovation and deletion events are also discernible. Due to its automated detection of homologous and functionally related snoRNA sequences, snoStrip identified extraordinary target switches in fungi. These unveiled a coupled evolutionary history of several snoRNA families that were previously thought to be independent. Although these findings are exceedingly interesting, the broad majority of snoRNA families is found to show remarkable conservation of the se- quence and the predicted target interactions. On two occasions, this thesis will shift its focus from a genuine snoRNA inspection to an analysis of introns. Both investigations, however, are still conducted under an evolutionary viewpoint. In case of the ubiquitously present U3 snoRNA, functional genes in a notable amount of fungi are found to be disrupted by U2-dependent introns. The set of previously known U3 genes is considerably enlarged by an adapted snoStrip-search procedure. Intron- disrupted genes are found in several fungal lineages, while their precise insertion points within the snoRNA-precursor are located in a small and homologous region. A potential targetRNA of snoRNA genes, U6 snRNA, is also found to contain intronic sequences. Within this work, U6 genes are detected and annotated in nearly all fungal organisms. Although a few U6 intron- carrying genes have been known before, the widespread of these findings and the diversity regarding the particular insertion points are surprising. Those U6 genes are commonly found to contain more than just one intron. In both cases of intron-disrupted non-coding RNA genes, the detected RNA molecules seem to be functional and the intronic sequences show remarkable sequence conservation for both their splice sites and the branch site. In summary, the snoStrip pipeline is shown to be a reliable and fast prediction tool that works on homology-based search principles. Large scale analyses on whole eukaryotic lineages become feasible on short notice. Furthermore, the automated detection of functionally related but not yet mapped snoRNA families adds a new layer of information. Based on surveys covering the evolutionary history of Fungi and Deuterostomia, profound insights into the evolutionary history of this ncRNA class are revealed suggesting ancient origin for a main part of the snoRNAome. Lineage specific innovation and deletion events are also found to occur at a large number of distinct timepoints.

Quantitative Automata and Logic for Pictures and Data Words

Babari, Parvaneh 03 March 2017 (has links)
Mathematical logic and automata theory are two scientific disciplines with a close relationship that is not only fundamental for many theoretical results but also forms the basis of a coherent methodology for the verification and synthesis of computing systems. This connection goes back to a much longer history in the 1960s, through the fundamental work of Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot, which shows the expressive equivalence of automata and logical systems such as monadic second-order logic on finite and infinite words. This allowed the handling of specifications (where global system properties are stated), and implementations (which involve the definition of the local steps in order to satisfy the global goals laid out in the specifications) in a single framework. This connection has been extended to and well-investigated for many other structures such as trees, finite pictures, timed words and data words. For many computer science applications, however, quantitative phenomena need to be modelled, as well. Examples are vagueness and uncertainty of a statement, length of time periods, spatial information, and resource consumption. Weighted automata, introduced by Schützenberger, are prominent models for quantitative aspects of systems. The framework of weighted monadic second-order logic over words was first introduced by Droste and Gastin. They gave a characterization of quantitative behavior of weighted finite automata, as semantics of monadic second-order sentences within their logic. Meanwhile, the idea of weighted logics was also applied to devices recognizing more general structures such as weighted tree automata, weighted automata on infinite words or traces. The main goal of this thesis is to give logical characterizations for weighted automata models on pictures and data words as well as for Büchi-tiling systems in the spirit of the classical Büchi-Elgot theorem. As the second goal, we deal with synchronizing problem for data words. Below, we briefly summarize the contents of this thesis. Informally, a two-dimensional string is called a picture and is defined as a rectangular array of symbols taken from a finite alphabet. A two-dimensional language (or picture language) is a set of pictures. Picture languages have been intensively investigated by several research groups. In Chapter 1, we define weighted two-dimensional on-line tessellation automata (W2OTA) taking weights from a new weight structure called picture valuation monoid. This new weighted picture automaton model can be used to model several applications, e.g. the average density of a picture. Such aspects could not be modelled by semiring weighted picture automaton model. The behavior of this automaton model is a picture series mapping pictures over an alphabet to elements of a picture valuation monoid. As one of our main results, we prove a Nivat theorem for W2OTA. It shows that recognizable picture series can be obtained precisely as projections of particularly simple unambiguously recognizable series restricted to unambiguous recognizable picture languages. In addition, we introduce a weighted monadic second-order logic (WMSO) which can model average density of pictures. As the other main result, we show that W2OTA and a suitable fragment of our weighted MSO logic are expressively equivalent. In Chapter 2, we generalize the notion of finite pictures to +ω-pictures, i.e., pictures which have finite number of rows and infinite number of columns. We extend conventional tiling systems with a Büchi acceptance condition in order to define the class of Büchi-tiling recognizable +ω-picture languages. The class of recognizable +ω-picture languages is indeed, a natural generalization of ω-regular languages. We show that the class of all Büchi-tiling recognizable +ω-picture languages has the similar closure properties as the class of tiling recognizable languages of finite pictures: it is closed under projection, union, and intersection, but not under complementation. While for languages of finite pictures, tiling recognizability and EMSO-definability coincide, the situation is quite different for languages of +ω-pictures. In this setting, the notion of tiling recognizability does not even cover the language of all +ω -pictures over Σ = {a, b} in which the letter a occurs at least once – a picture language that can easily be defined in first-order logic. As a consequence, EMSO is too strong for being captured by the class of tiling recognizable +ω-picture languages. On the other hand, EMSO is too weak for being captured by the class of all Büchi-tiling recognizable +ω-picture languages. To obtain a logical characterization of this class, we introduce the logic EMSO∞, which extends EMSO with existential quantification of infinite sets. Additionally, using combinatorial arguments, we show that the Büchi characterization theorem for ω-regular languges does not carry over to the Büchi-tiling recognizable +ω-picture languages. In Chapter 3, we consider the connection between weighted register automata and weighted logic on data words. Data words are sequences of pairs where the first element is taken from a finite alphabet (as in classical words) and the second element is taken from an infinite data domain. Register automata, introduced by Francez and Kaminski, provide a widely studied model for reasoning on data words. These automata can be considered as classical nondeterministic finite automata equipped with a finite set of registers which are used to store data in order to compare them with some data in the future. In this chapter, for quantitative reasoning on data words, we introduce weighted register automata over commutative data semirings equipped with a collection of binary data functions in the spirit of the classical theory of weighted automata. Whereas in the models of register automata known from the literature data are usually compared with respect to equality or a linear order, here we allow data comparison by means of an arbitrary collection of binary data relations. This approach permits easily to incorporate timed automata and weighted timed automata into our framework. Motivated by the seminal Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot theorem about the expressive equivalence of finite automata and monadic second-order (MSO) logic and by the weighted MSO logic of Droste and Gastin, we introduce weighted MSO logic on data words and give a logical characterization of weighted register automata. In Chapter 4, we study the concept of synchronizing data words in register automata. The synchronizing problem for data words asks whether there exists a data word that sends all states of the register automaton to a single state. The class of register automata that we consider here has a decidable non-emptiness problem, and the subclass of nondeterministic register automata with a single register has a decidable non-universality problem. We provide the complexity bounds of the synchronizing problem in the family of deterministic register automata with k registers (k-DRA), and in the family of nondeterministic register automata with single register (1-NRA), and in general undecidability of the problem in the family of k-NRA. To this end, we prove that, for k-DRA, inputting data words with only 2k + 1 distinct data values, from the infinite data domain, is sufficient to synchronize. Then, we show that the synchronizing problem for k-DRA is in general PSPACE-complete, and it is in NLOGSPACE for 1-DRA. For nondeterministic register automata (NRA), we show that Ackermann(n) distinct data, where n is the number of states of the register automaton, might be necessary to synchronize. Then, by means of a construction, proving that the synchronizing problem and the non-universality problem in 1-NRA are interreducible, we show the Ackermann-completeness of the problem for 1-NRA. However, for k-NRA, in general, we prove that this problem is undecidable due to the unbounded length of synchronizing data words.

Tätigkeitsbericht / Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig

22 May 2017 (has links)
Bericht über Strukturveränderungen, Personal, Projekte, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Ausstellungen, Vorträge u.a. der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig und Ihre MitarbeiterInnen im Jahr 2016

Towards versioning of arbitrary RDF data

Frommhold, Marvin, Navarro Piris, Rubén, Arndt, Natanael, Tramp, Sebastian, Petersen, Niklas, Martin, Michael 23 June 2017 (has links)
Coherent and consistent tracking of provenance data and in particular update history information is a crucial building block for any serious information system architecture. Version Control Systems can be a part of such an architecture enabling users to query and manipulate versioning information as well as content revisions. In this paper, we introduce an RDF versioning approach as a foundation for a full featured RDF Version Control System. We argue that such a system needs support for all concepts of the RDF specification including support for RDF datasets and blank nodes. Furthermore, we placed special emphasis on the protection against unperceived history manipulation by hashing the resulting patches. In addition to the conceptual analysis and an RDF vocabulary for representing versioning information, we present a mature implementation which captures versioning information for changes to arbitrary RDF datasets.

Quit diff: calculating the delta between RDF datasets under version control

Arndt, Natanael, Radtke, Norman 23 June 2017 (has links)
Distributed actors working on a common RDF dataset regularly encounter the issue to compare the status of one graph with another or generally to synchronize copies of a dataset. A versioning system helps to synchronize the copies of a dataset, combined with a difference calculation system it is also possible to compare versions in a log and to determine, in which version a certain statement was introduced or removed. In this demo we present Quit Diff 1, a tool to compare versions of a Git versioned quad store, while it is also applicable to simple unversioned RDF datasets. We are following an approach to abstract from differences on a syntactical level to differences on the level of the RDF data model, while we leave further semantic interpretation on the schema and instance level to specialized applications. Quit Diff can generate patches in various output formats and can be directly integrated in the distributed version control system Git which provides a foundation for a comprehensive co-evolution work flow on RDF datasets.

Lebenszyklusengineering und -management von Service Systemen: Ein Beitrag zur ganzheitlichen Betrachtung und logischen Beschreibung von Sach- und Dienstleistungssystemen

Zinke, Christian 10 July 2017 (has links)
Während der (empirische) Bedeutungszuwachs von Dienstleistungen weitgehend unstrittig ist (Fließ 2009; Klodt et al. 1997), gibt es bei der theoretischen Fundierung, was genau eine Dienstleistung ist, Probleme. Eine dieser Schwierigkeiten besteht darin, Dienstleistung(en) überhaupt zu definieren (vgl. u.a. Richter 2012; Paal 2005; Klodt et al. 1997; Corsten 1985) , insbesondere bei der Definition durch eine sektorenbezogene Negativbestimmung von Dienstleistung . Allgemein gesprochen herrscht eine diffuse Definitionslage von Dienstleistungen. Es gibt sowohl prozess- als auch ergebnisorientierte Definitionen (Richter 2012) – welche sich z.T. gegenüberstehen. Weiterhin gibt es einen Dimensionierungsansatz, welcher die Dienstleistung in drei Dimensionen (Potential-, Prozess-, Ergebnisdimension) unterteilt (Böttcher 2009; Bullinger et al. 2006) und auf diese Weise ergebnisorientierte wie auch prozessorientierte Definitionen zusammenbringt. Jedoch geht auch diese Form der Definition von Dienstleistungseigenschaften aus, welche nicht unumstritten sind (Lovelock und Gummesson 2004)(Vargo und Lusch 2004). Verschiedene Schulen aus dem Service Engineering, dem Service Design, dem Service Management (Grönroos 2007, 1990)(Fitzsimmons und Fitzsimmons 2006) und des Marketings (SD-Logic) (Vargo und Lusch 2004) stoßen bei der Definition immer wieder aufeinander. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Schaffung einer digitalen Grundlage um die Digitalisierung von Service Systemen, sowie deren Engineering und Management, zu fördern. So liegt der Fokus auf der Verbesserung der Informationsverteilung innerhalb des Lebenszyklus von Service Systemen und in komplexen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Gleichzeitig ist es Ziel der Arbeit, diese Erweiterung offen zu gestalten, sodass Informationsflüsse in andere Systeme ermöglicht werden. Es werden auf diese Weise die technischen Grundlagen geschaffen, um von den klassischen produktorientierten digitalen Unterstützungswerkzeugen zu hybriden Unterstützungswerkzeugen zu gelangen. Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein Vorgehensmodell sowie eine Ontologie für das Lebenszyklusengineering und -management von Service Systemen basierend auf einem Vergleich und Konsolidierung von 26 Vorgehensmodellen bzw. -ansätzen und vier thematisch nahen Ontologien sowie auf vier realen Anwendungsfällen (u.a. Ersatzteilmanagement für Industrieanlagen) welche detailliert analysiert wurden. Für das Vorgehensmodell wurden 44 einzelne Phasenmodule (Methoden) erarbeitet und auf ihre Eignung in besonderen Kontexten (z.B. industrielle Dienstleistungen), der Einsatzphasen sowie der identifizierten Werkzeuge ausgearbeitet. Um die Beschreibung einer Ontologie zu fundieren, wurde der Wissensraum für das Lebenszyklusengineering und -management für Service Systeme mittels der Description Logic modelliert. Anschließend hieß es, diese Beschreibung in ein OWL und damit in die technische Anwendbarkeit zu überführen. Diese Ontologie wurde hierbei mittels Protegé modelliert und implementiert. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 50 Klassen extrahiert und formal beschreiben.

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