Spelling suggestions: "subject:"information anda communmunication technology"" "subject:"information anda commoncommunication technology""
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ACTION ett IKT-baserat stöd i vård och omsorg : Personalens erfarenheter av att stödja äldre och deras anhöriga via ACTION-tjänstenJohansson, Carina, Vårhall, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Eftersom andelen äldre som är i behov av vård- och omsorg ökar i samhället kommer även anhörigvårdare att öka och i många fall kan det innebära en tung börda, isolering och ensamhet. ACTION-tjänsten är en form av IKT-baserat anhörigstöd som kan vara ett komplement till andra former av stöd till anhöriga. Med IKT menas Informations och Kommunikations Teknologi. Tidigare forskning om vård- och omsorgspersonalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av att arbeta med ACTION-tjänsten är knapphändig. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vård- och omsorgspersonalens erfarenheter av att stödja äldre och anhöriga som vårdar sina äldre närstående i hemmet, via ACTION-tjänsten. Tio kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med vård- och omsorgspersonal som arbetar med ACTION-tjänsten. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien visar att ACTION-personalen upplever det positivt att stödja anhörigvårdare och deras närstående via ACTION-tjänsten. ACTION-personalen tycker att ACTION-programmen är ett bra hjälpmedel för att ge de anhöriga kunskaper och självförtroende och på så vis kunna stärkas i sin roll som anhörigvårdare. Genom kontakt via bildtelefoni skapas en djupare relation mellan personal och anhörigvårdare eftersom att de har möjlighet att pratas vid oftare och de ser varandra vid samtalet. Genom detta upplever personalen att de på ett bra sätt kan ge den individuella vård och stöd som anhörigvårdarna är i behov av. Personalen upplever det också positivt att kunna hjälpa anhörigvårdare att bryta sin isolering genom att skapa sociala kontaktnät mellan ACTION-användarna. I studien framkommer det också att flera av personalen saknar stöd och handledning från kommunledningen. I diskussionen diskuteras resultatens huvudfynd med stöd av tidigare forskning. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot distriktssköterska
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O uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação na prática docente: um estudo junto aos professores dos cursos de licenciatura da Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA / The use of information and communication technologies in teaching practice: a study with professors of undergraduate courses at the Federal University of Maranhão - UFMAMOREIRA, Raphaella Abreu Carvalho Cortez 15 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-09-20T18:56:31Z
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Tecnologia pratica docente.pdf: 3460623 bytes, checksum: b59a4f983d1f892fba2aa95f5f23c52a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-20T18:56:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tecnologia pratica docente.pdf: 3460623 bytes, checksum: b59a4f983d1f892fba2aa95f5f23c52a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-09-15 / The changes that have taken place in society, especially since the end of the 1990s
and in the beginning of the 21st century, with the increasing presence and the use of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by people and students has
presented new and significant possibilities of this use on the educational processes,
as well as intensified the need to (re) discuss the teaching practice in the teaching
levels, in specific, in the higher degree courses. In this context, the university
professor must have knowledge and training that incorporates ICT in his teaching
practice, since he is the professional responsible for guiding and training his students
to act in the face of the complexity of contemporary society. Thus, the present
research had as objective to investigate the uses of ICT by professors of
undergraduate courses of the Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA) in
teaching practice. For this, a review of the literature was initially carried out, in order
to seek theoretical basis on the theme. The main authors used were in Kenski
(2012), Lévy (2010), Moran (2012), Peixoto (2009), Pimenta (2012), Sancho (2006),
Tardif (2014), among others. To carry out the research, was adopted as
methodological procedures a research of the exploratory-descriptive type, with
method of qualitative-quantitative approach, carried out with professors of the
undergraduate courses of the Campus São Luís "Cidade Universitária" of UFMA. For
the collection of data, a questionnaire was formulated with open and closed
questions, analyzed through statistical analysis, for closed questions, and content
analysis, for the open questions, as well as discussed in the light of the theoretical
reference of this research. The results of the research indicate that professors
present a technological profile of knowledge and use of ICT both in social everyday,
as well as in teaching. However, this knowledge was not acquired in teacher training
courses and did not exploit the pedagogical potential of ICT, presenting conceptions
and use restricted to its teaching practice. In general, teachers believe that the use of
ICT in undergraduate courses can lead to changes in teaching, but they do not
realize the importance of these to the pedagogical practice of future teachers. / As mudanças ocorridas na sociedade, principalmente a partir do final da década de
1990 e início do século XXI, com a presença e o uso cada vez mais intenso das
Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) por pessoas e alunos, têm
apresentado significativas possibilidades aos processos educacionais, bem como
intensificado a necessidade de (re)discutir a prática docente nos níveis de ensino,
em particular nos cursos superiores de licenciatura. Nesse contexto, o professor
universitário deve ter conhecimentos e uma formação que incorpore as TIC em sua
prática docente, uma vez que é o profissional responsável por orientar e formar seus
alunos para atuarem frente à complexidade da sociedade contemporânea. Dessa
forma, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os usos das TIC por
professores dos cursos de licenciatura da Universidade Federal do Maranhão
(UFMA) na prática docente. Para isso, realizou-se, inicialmente, uma revisão de
literatura, a fim de buscar fundamentação teórica sobre a temática. Os principais
autores utilizados foram Kenski (2012), Lévy (2010), Moran (2012), Peixoto (2009),
Pimenta (2012), Sancho (2006), Tardif (2014), dentre outros. Para a realização da
pesquisa, adotou-se como procedimentos metodológicos uma pesquisa do tipo
exploratório-descritiva, com método de abordagem quali-quantitativa, realizada com
professores dos cursos de licenciatura do Campus São Luís “Cidade Universitária”
da UFMA. Para a coleta dos dados, foi aplicado questionário formulado com
perguntas abertas e fechadas, analisadas por meio de análise estatística, para as
questões fechadas, e análise de conteúdo, para as questões abertas, além de
discutidas à luz do referencial teórico desta pesquisa. Os resultados da pesquisa
apontam que os professores apresentam um perfil tecnológico de conhecimento e
uso das TIC tanto no cotidiano social, quanto no docente. Todavia, esses
conhecimentos não foram adquiridos em cursos de formação docente e não
exploram as potencialidades pedagógicas das TIC, apresentando concepções e uso
restritos à sua prática docente. No geral, os professores acreditam que o uso das
TIC nos cursos de licenciatura pode gerar mudanças no ensino, mas não percebem
a importância destas para a prática pedagógica dos futuros professores.
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Estudo sobre a apropriação tecnológica em escolas de Diamantina - Minas GeraisTolentino, Edilene Fernandes January 2005 (has links)
A exposição da comunidade escolar às novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação tem impacto positivo na apropriação tecnológica. Nosso objetivo é analisar o uso dos laboratórios de informática em três escolas públicas de Diamantina. Utilizamos como parâmetros os estágios evolutivos do Projeto ACOT (Apple Classroom of Tomorrow - Salas de Aula do Futuro da Apple). O referencial teórico trabalha a partir de cinco estágios evolutivos: (1) exposição; (2) adoção; (3) adaptação; (4) apropriação e; (5) inovação. Estas categorias derivam de registros de observação nos 10 anos de duração do projeto da Apple. Cada estágio expõe comportamentos e atitudes que gradativamente incorporam as novas tecnologias. A fonte dos dados está (a) nas entrevistas com professores, alunos, diretores de escola, mães e (b) nos registros de observações em campo realizadas no período de 2004 e 2005. O procedimento analítico busca as unidades significativas do discurso. Os estágios do projeto ACOT podem ser usados como parâmetros para mostrar a apropriação tecnológica nas escolas. Nas três escolas analisadas percebe-se que há uma apropriação significativa do uso das novas tecnologias em sala de aula, propiciando mudanças no ambiente escolar e mudança de postura na relação professor-aluno. Este trabalho foi produzido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (FACED/UFRGS), insere-se na linha de pesquisa Informática na Educação e vincula-se ao Núcleo de Educação Digital. / The exposure of school communities to new information and communication technologies has positive impact on technological appropriation. Our objective was to analyze the use of computer laboratories in three public schools in Diamantina. We have used the evolutive stages of the ACOT Project (Apple Classroom of Tomorrow) as parameters. The theoretical reference works from five evolutive stages: (1) exposure; (2) adoption; (3) adaptation; (4) appropriation and (5) innovation. These categories have derived from observations recorded during the 10-year period of the Apple Project. Each stage shows behaviors and attitudes which have gradually incorporated the new technologies. The source of data consists of (a) interviews with teachers, students, principals and mothers, and (b) field observations recorded between 2004 and 2005. The analytical procedure has searcherd for meaningful units of discourse. The stages of the ACOT Project may be used as parameters to show the technological appropriation in schools. In the three schools analyzed, there has been a significant appropriation of the use of new technologies in the classroom, thus allowing for innovation in the school environment and change of position in the teacher-student relashionship. This work has been carried out in Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (FACED/UFRGS) as part of the research area related to the use of computers in education and is associated with the Núcleo de Educação Digital.
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Podpora výuky programování na ZŠ / Programming at elementary schoolVinický, Radek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the teaching of programming at elementary schools in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on mapping the current state of the teaching of programming at elementary schools. In addition, the currently used resources to support the teaching of algorithmization and programming for children are mapped. These resources are evaluated by selected evaluation criteria. On the theoretical basis of thesis, a teaching model focused on programming is designed as a practical output, including learning materials and a methodological manual for teachers. The design of the model of teaching is verified in practice.
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iCollaborate or Not: Does Technology Impede Collaborative Learning among Primary Grade Students?Garris, Bill R., Lester, Lindsay, Doran, Erin, Lowery, Andrea, Weber, Amy 20 June 2018 (has links)
The practice of education promotes both social interaction and the utilization of technology. Although significant research has explored the role of technology in education, less attention has considered the effect of technology on group learning processes. This experimental study examined the way in which technology affected group interactions among primary grades youth who were engaged in a learning task. The social processes in the learning groups that used technology showed little difference from the groups not using technology, except for a measure that tracked role fulfillment. The report compares the groups and discusses ICT mediated collaborative learning.
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Bilingual families and information and communication technology at homeBrockbank, Wyatt 01 May 2018 (has links)
Students learning English at school and another language at home comprise a rapidly growing segment of U.S. student populations. Language learners can benefit from using technology, but do not always use it advantageously (Katz & Gonzalez, 2016). Many studies address technology’s scholastic use, but few investigate how bilinguals use digital technology at home (Hinostroza, Matamala, Labbé, Claro, & Cabello, 2015), or what it means to them (Toboso-Martin, 2013).
This qualitative multiple-case study focuses on the intersection between bilinguals, intergenerational learning, and digital technology. Specifically, it studies how bilingual, Hispanic family members interact around information and communication technology (ICT), and their attitudes toward ICT. Language patterns emerged during paired ICT use.
Data were gathered from six Hispanic, bilingual families in the Midwestern U.S. through interviews, observation, and tasks where intergenerational pairs were asked to teach each other about ICT. This study adds to the literature on bilingualism, digital literacy, sociocultural theory, and intergenerational learning.
Findings included parental ICT policies of vigilance, access, and trust. Findings support arguments that the digital divide persists as digital literacy. ICT both impeded and promoted intergenerational learning. Findings shed light on bilinguals’ contextualized linguistic needs, and echoed Vygotsky’s writings on gesture, internalized speech, and serial thought processing. English dominated as the language of ICT, but participants used Spanish and English to contextualize problems and negotiate meaning. Findings affirmed factors affecting the quality of ICT use. The author argues that Grosjean’s Complementarity Principle can be applied to digital literacy. Implications for parents, teachers, and researchers are given.
Key words: bilingualism, families, intergenerational learning, information and communication technology (ICT), digital technology, digital literacy, home language practices, sociocultural theory, translanguaging
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Strategies Information and Communication Technology Managers Use to Build Employee CompetenciesRabogadi, Thulaganyo Arnold 01 January 2017 (has links)
The World Economic Forum (WEF) found that Botswana's information and communication technology (ICT) networked readiness index (NRI) had declined from position 89 in 2012 to 104 in 2015. A decline in Botswana's ICT NRI resulted in a modest gross domestic product (GDP) growth increasing from 4.2% in 2012 to 5.0% in 2015. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies ICT service provider managers use to build employee competencies to address ICT infrastructure performance deficiencies. The target population for this study consisted of over 120 managers from 2 ICT service providers located in Gaborone and Francistown in Botswana. The conceptual framework for this study was information technology (IT) competency model. Face-to-face interviews with 15 managers and a review of 12 company documents were gathered and all interpretations from the data were subjected to member checking to ensure the trustworthiness of the study findings. The thematic analyses of participants' interviews and company documents resulted in the emergence of 3 common themes: developing professional employee competencies through training, promoting knowledge acquisition and skills transfer, and developing budgets for funding the development of employee competencies. Participants cited training and professional development as a reason for ICT infrastructure performance deficiencies. Social implications from this study include developing strategies business managers can use to build employee competencies to improve ICT infrastructure performance, which could result in improved services to citizens and enhanced national development, social transformation, and economic diversification.
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Mapping the complexity of computer learning: journeying beyond teaching for computer competency to facilitating computerPhelps, Renata Unknown Date (has links)
For future generations to maximise their capability to operate within technologically driven economies, it is critical to foster computer abilities at every level of the schooling process. Teachers are central to this process. Yet, for many teachers, the need to integrate computer use in their teaching is threatening and overwhelming. This thesis argues that, given the rapid rate of technological change, skills-based approaches to computer education inadequately prepare teachers for a career of continued technological change. Effective computer education for teachers requires more than skills training. It involves changes in attitudes, values and beliefs that provide confidence for ongoing learning. Furthermore, it involves learning to adapt to change, to be flexible, intuitive and above all persistent. It requires the fostering of teachers who know how to be self-directed and independent in their computer learning, rather than those dependent on structured routines or guidelines. This thesis is the ‘story’ of an action research initiative underpinned by a belief in the importance of approaches to computer education which foster lifelong computer learning. It traces the journey of a reflexive process of change and iterative development in the teaching of an educational information technology (computer) unit to pre-service teacher education students. Over a period of three years (1999-2001) I pursued a central research question, namely: How can I develop my teaching practice to better facilitate the development of capable computer users? The research explores the distinction between a ‘competent’ and a ‘capable’ computer user and trials a range of teaching and learning approaches that aim to facilitate the development of capable computer users.From this constructivist research and teaching process a multidimensional approach to computer education emerged, founded on metacognition and reflection. This approach is demonstrated to offer many advantages over a skills-focused approach. This thesis maps the complexity of the computer learning and teaching context, arguing that simplistic approaches to teaching will produce narrow and limited learning outcomes. Rather, a holistic approach is proposed, one that moves beyond the development of computer competency toward a longer term vision of facilitating computer capability. It is argued that the role of the computer ‘teacher’ is to foster reflective awareness and develop a learning environment that can assist computer learners to become comfortable existing on the ‘edge of chaos’.This research supports previous studies which indicate the important role of computer self efficacy and the influence of factors such as perceived usefulness, anxiety, support and frequency and duration of use. However, the research also documents the unpredictable influence of these factors on individuals’ resultant approach to computers and challenges dichotomous interpretations of such factors. Appropriate attribution is also shown to be a major influence on computer capability, as are factors such as help-seeking, motivation and goal-setting, although again, these influences are non-linear. It is argued that computer capability cannot be ‘taught’ but, rather, computer educators should look to creating environments where its emergence can be facilitated. The metacognitive computer learning context developed and explored through this research is one such approach.
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New Zealand travel agents in the internet era: impacts, responses, and relationshipsGarkavenko, Vladimir Unknown Date (has links)
The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is a significant issue in today's tourism industry. The development of the internet has made information easily accessible to consumers, and has therefore established a direct link between consumers and suppliers. As a result, traditional travel distribution channels are changing rapidly. A major feature of this change is "disintermediation", with principals such as airlines, hotels and rental car chains bypassing intermediaries and sell directly to consumers. Travel agents (TAs) are considered to be particularly vulnerable to this process. ICTs have the potential to replace their core competencies, which include transaction processing (ticketing and settlement) and information provision (raw product information provided by suppliers).This thesis focuses on the impact of ICTs on the TA sector, and specifically on the New Zealand TA case. A theoretical approach based on regulation theory combined with a mixed method approach was used to investigate the main issues in New Zealand. The research included a case study to identify the principal issues and trends in the TA sector, in-depth interviews with TAs and industry specialists to refine the main issues and allow the formulation of some theoretical assumptions, in-depth interviews with consumers regarding the role of TAs in the internet era and the quality of service they provide, and a fully-structured, national on-line survey of TAs to verify the assumptions made in the earlier interviews and test the applicability of the post-Fordism model for the New Zealand TA sector.Based on the findings, it is argued that disintermediation is particularly pronounced in the relationship between airlines and travel agents. To minimise the risk of disintermediation and improve business performance, TAs need to reposition themselves and review their core strategies to compete efficiently in the changing business environment. The thesis reveals that consumers perceive TAs as mainly "transaction facilitators". Nevertheless the thesis show that process of "reintermediation" is a reality for some New Zealand TAs.An application of regulation theory to the New Zealand TA case reveals that in its traditional form, the regulation theory cannot explain the complexities found in the modern TA environment. The thesis reveals several distinct modes in TA perceptions of their business environment and their survival strategies, which indicates a heterogeneous, clustered population. A "formula for success" is developed for TAs in New Zealand. In this respect, TAs that perceive ICT as a strategic tool and are orientated towards consumers appear to have a business advantage.
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I.C.T. Decision-Making Processes in Self-Managing Secondary SchoolsKokay, Christine Margaret, n/a January 2005 (has links)
This study examines decision-making processes involved in the development, integration and management of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in self-managing secondary schools and influences that affect these processes. To obtain an holistic view of ICT decision-making processes, a case study is undertaken of three co-educational, state secondary schools within a regional New Zealand city, thereby establishing a multiple case study. The principal, network manager and three staff nominated by the principal as playing an active role in ICT decision-making processes were interviewed using an open-ended interview. Five frequently cited generic decision-making models, developed by theorists to describe specific features of the decision-making process, are examined to provide a theoretical platform against which the interview data are analysed and interpreted. The study concludes that ICT decision-making in the case study schools is influenced particularly by technical knowledge and understandings. Such decision-making tends to be ad-hoc, isolated from other important influences particularly in relation to teaching and learning issues, and 'bounded' because of limited information, the limitations of existing technology, and the inability of schools to keep abreast of technological changes. Six implications are therefore put forward to inform future ICT decision-making in schools. They are: 1. Schools should develop a strategic plan that is underpinned with technical planning requirements; 2. Technical advice and professional development should be provided for principals; 3. Principals should consult outside the school environment for technical advice to assist with decisions; 4. The role of the ICT committee should be redefined to include planning and development of ICT; 5. Principals should ensure that staff receive professional development; and 6. Schools should consider student access and the best way of integrating ICT into teaching and learning. The study highlights the need for schools to develop strategic plans that address teaching and learning issues in the development, integration and management of ICT in self-managing secondary schools. Technical decisions should be made in support of these.
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