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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les espaces funéraires de l’habitat groupé des Ruelles à Serris du VIIe au XIe s. (Seine et Marne, Île-de-France) : taphonomie du squelette, modes d’inhumation, organisation et dynamique

Blaizot, Frédérique 10 December 2011 (has links)
Le site des Ruelles, à Serris (Seine-et-Marne), émerge dans le cadre d’une création d’habitats au VIIe s. Il débute avec l’implantation d’une ferme domaniale et s’achève au début du XIe s. après une résurgence du pôle de pouvoir au Xe s. L’opération archéologique menée sur 16 hectares, s’inscrit dans un terroir largement exploré par l’archéologie ; elle révèle un habitat groupé bipolaire et un grand ensemble funéraire qui s’est développé autour de deux édifices religieux dont l’un est abandonné à la fin du VIIIe s. Avec les petits ensembles funéraires dispersés dans l’habitat, les Ruelles comptent un peu plus d’un millier de sépultures. Ce travail a pour objectif de classer et d’étudier les phénomènes taphonomiques du squelette afin d’identifier les architectures funéraires et de comprendre leur évolution (analyse typochronologique). Concernant cet aspect, la synthèse s’accompagne du catalogue analytique exhaustif des sépultures. Un second volet concerne l’analyse des pratiques funéraires, de manière à mettre en évidence les formes d’organisation sociale qu’elles transcrivent ; cette partie aborde l’analyse du recrutement (sexe et âge au décès) par phases chronologiques, la répartition spatiale des sépultures en fonction des choix architecturaux et du sexe et de l’âge au décès, les formes de regroupements et la gestion matérielle de l’espace, les continuités et les discontinuités spatiales, ainsi que les rapports entretenus par les différentes zones d’inhumation. Sont enfin discutés la genèse des pôles funéraires, les modalités de leur développement, le rôle des deux édifices religieux, le statut des différents groupes dégagés par l’étude des pratiques funéraires, la relation entre les lieux d’habitat et les espaces sépulcraux, et aussi les modalités de gestion et d’organisation des morts dans ce territoire. Ces conclusions s’inscrivent dans les questionnements relatifs à l’organisation et à l’évolution des sociétés rurales du haut Moyen Âge. / The site of Les Ruelles, at Serris (Seine-et-Marne, France), emerges within the framework of a creation of settlements in the 7th century. It begins with the establishment of a domanial farm and is abandoned at the beginning of the 11th century after the revival of the pole of power in the 10th century. The archaeological excavations covering16 hectares, fit in a territory largely explored by archaeology ; it reveals a bipolar agglomerated settlement and a major funerary unit which developed around two religious buildings of which one is destroyed at the end of the 8th century. By taking into account the small funerary units dispersed in the different parts of the “pre-village”, Les Ruelles add up to a little more than one thousand burials. This work aims to classify and study the taphonomic phenomena of the skeleton in order to identify funerary architectures and to understand their evolution (typochronological analyses). Concerning this aspect, the synthesis is accompanied by the exhaustive analytical catalogue of the burials. A second orientation relates to the analysis of the funerary practices, to highlight the shapes of social organization that they are supposed to transcribe. This part approaches the analysis of sex and age repartition by chronological phases, the spatial distribution of the burials according to the architectural choices and to the sex and the age at death, the forms of regroups and the material management of the funeral settlement, the spatial continuities and discontinuities, as well as the relations maintained by the various burial units between them. Are finally discussed the genesis of the funerary poles, the way in which they develop, the role of the two religious buildings, the status of the various groups revealed by the study of the funerary practices, the relation between domestic and sepulchralplaces, and also the patterns of management and organization in this territory. The conclusions fit in to the general questioning relating to the organization and the evolution of the rural societies of the Early middle ages.

The analysis of funerary and ritual practices in Wales between 3600-1200 BC based on osteological and contextual data

Tellier, Geneviève January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the character of Middle Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age (3600-1200 BC) funerary and ritual practices in Wales. This was based on the analysis of chronological (radiocarbon determinations and artefactual evidence), contextual (monument types, burial types, deposit types) and osteological (demographic and pyre technology) data from a comprehensive dataset of excavated human bone deposits from funerary and ritual monuments. Funerary rites in the Middle Neolithic (c. 3600-2900 BC) sometimes involved the deposition of single inhumation or cremation burials in inconspicuous pit graves. After a hiatus in the Late Neolithic (c. 2900-2400 BC), formal burials re-appeared in the Chalcolithic (c. 2500-2200 BC) with Beaker burials. However, formal burials remained relatively rare until the Early Bronze Age (c. 2200-1700 BC) when burial mounds, which often contained multiple burials, became the dominant type of funerary monument. Burial rites for this period most commonly involved the cremation of the dead. Whilst adult males were over-represented in inhumations, no age- or gender-based differences were identified in cremation burials. Patterns in grave good associations suggest that perceived age- and-gender-based identities were sometimes expressed through the selection of objects to be placed in the graves. The tradition of cremation burials carried on into the Middle Bonze Age (c. 1700-1200 BC), although formal burials became less common. Circular enclosures (henges, timber circles, stone circles, pit circles), several of which were associated with cremated human bone deposits, represented the most persistent tradition of ritual monuments, with new structures built from the end of the fourth millennium BC to the middle of the second millennium BC in Wales.

The analysis of funerary and ritual practices in Wales between 3600-1200 BC based on osteological and contextual data

Tellier, Geneviève January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the character of Middle Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age (3600-1200 BC) funerary and ritual practices in Wales. This was based on the analysis of chronological (radiocarbon determinations and artefactual evidence), contextual (monument types, burial types, deposit types) and osteological (demographic and pyre technology) data from a comprehensive dataset of excavated human bone deposits from funerary and ritual monuments. Funerary rites in the Middle Neolithic (c. 3600-2900 BC) sometimes involved the deposition of single inhumation or cremation burials in inconspicuous pit graves. After a hiatus in the Late Neolithic (c. 2900-2400 BC), formal burials re-appeared in the Chalcolithic (c. 2500-2200 BC) with Beaker burials. However, formal burials remained relatively rare until the Early Bronze Age (c. 2200-1700 BC) when burial mounds, which often contained multiple burials, became the dominant type of funerary monument. Burial rites for this period most commonly involved the cremation of the dead. Whilst adult males were over-represented in inhumations, no age- or gender-based differences were identified in cremation burials. Patterns in grave good associations suggest that perceived age- and-gender-based identities were sometimes expressed through the selection of objects to be placed in the graves. The tradition of cremation burials carried on into the Middle Bonze Age (c. 1700-1200 BC), although formal burials became less common. Circular enclosures (henges, timber circles, stone circles, pit circles), several of which were associated with cremated human bone deposits, represented the most persistent tradition of ritual monuments, with new structures built from the end of the fourth millennium BC to the middle of the second millennium BC in Wales.

Gravar i stenskepp : Osteologisk analys av brända och obrända ben från skeppssättningar på Gotland / Burials in Stone ships : An osteological analysis of burnt and unburnt bones from stone ship settings on the island of Gotland

Gustavsson, Anders January 2011 (has links)
In this study bone material from six stone ship settings and a total of seven deposits of bones from two sites on the island of Gotland have been analyzed. Four ship settings from the burial site at Gålrum in Alskog parish and two from Tängelgårda in Lärbro parish. The ships contained both cremated remains and inhumations.  Human remains were identified in five of the analyzed ship settings and a minimum of six individuals was identified in total.  Animals were found in three of the ship settings, where one of them contained only the burned remains of a dog. Two of the ships contained inhumations, one in Gålrum and one in Tängelgårda. The one from Gålrum was determined to 17-19 years of age but of undetermined sex. The inhumation from Tängelgårda was determined to a male of 35-64 years of age.  Of the cremated remains none could be determined to sex but all were determined as adult individuals. The temperature that the cremated bones had been exposed to during the cremation was similar between the different ship settings, with one exception which had been exposed to a slightly higher temperature. The results of the material have also been compared with those of other osteological analysis from ship settings on Gotland. The interpretation of this has been that the amount of bone and the number of individuals that has been buried in stone ship settings vary from different sites. Some ship settings have contained several burials and have been interpreted as family graves (Pettersson 1982) which do not fit with the results from this analysis where all the ship settings contained a maximum of one or two human individuals, so the results from the ship settings on Gålrum and Tängelgårda differ from earlier interpretations of ship settings on Gotland.

Des Algériennes à Lyon. 1947-1974 / Algerian women in Lyon. 1947-1974

André, Marc 04 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les Algériennes entrées dans la région lyonnaise avant 1962 et opte pour une histoire du contact en croisant le point de vue des métropolitains et celui des Algériennes. Elle examine d’abord le contexte dans lequel ces femmes arrivent (essor des nationalismes algériens, guerre d’indépendance en métropole). D’une part, les discours et pratiques des journalistes, photographes, agents de la préfecture, démographes, juges témoignent des préjugés hérités de l’époque coloniale qui les effacent ; de l’autre, celles-ci manifestent par leurs pratiques sociales, leurs stratégies de défenses, une conscience des préjugés qui leur permet de s’effacer à leur tour. Pendant la guerre d’indépendance, telle qu’elle prend forme en métropole, cet effacement facilite leur mobilisation dans les différents partis en lutte puisque les Algériennes du MNA comme celles du FLN intègrent les réseaux clandestins : elles connaissent alors l’action clandestine, la répression, l’emprisonnement, la violence, le deuil, la fuite, etc. Dépassant l’événement de la guerre, la thèse replace ensuite les Algériennes dans leurs dynamiques migratoires et leurs parcours en métropole jusqu’en 1962. L’étude des parcours scolaires, de l’inscription socio-professionnelle, du mariage, met en évidence leur diversité. Ces femmes, loin d’être inactives, quoique bénéficiaires d’aides, génèrent des réseaux qui définissent leurs propres territoires urbains et forment une diaspora discrète. On est enfin en mesure de poser les fondements d’un exemple d’intégration originale, communautaire sans communautarisme, telle qu’elle s’opère après 1962. Le succès mitigé de l’Amicale des femmes algériennes le montre. C’est là le résultat d’un ensemble de résistances culturelles et politiques (choix d’une nationalité, d’un lieu d’inhumation, etc.) face auxquelles et avec lesquelles les Algériennes composent leur identité sociale en métropole. / This thesis focuses on Algerian women who arrived in Lyon and surrounding areas before 1962. It presents a historical analysis which cross-compares their point of view and that of the metropolitan French, with regard to their interactions. It first examines the context in which these women arrived: the growth of Algerian nationalism and the Algerian War in metropolitan France. On the one hand, it analyses the discourses and social practices of journalists, photograph reporters, authorities, experts in demographics, judges. These discourses and social practices bear witness to the colonial era’s legacy in terms of prejudice and to the way in which this prejudice subjected Algerian women to effacement – the process in which a group of people within a society become less visible because they do not match the characteristics that are expected from them. On the other hand, through their social habits and defence strategies, these women showed their consciousness of the stereotypes affecting them: they subjected themselves to effacement and used it strategically as a camouflage. During the Algerian War, as it took shape in metropolitan France, effacement facilitated their mobilization in the two opposing parties: both FLN and MNA integrated women in their clandestine networks. This research analyses all the aspects of their involvement in the struggle: clandestine actions, repression prison, violence, mourning, flight, etc. Beyond the war as an event, this thesis moves on to resituate Algerian women in their migratory dynamics and their process of settling in, in metropolitan France, up to 1962. The study of their education, socio-professional insertion, and marriages highlights the diversity of Algerian women living in Lyon and surrounding areas. Although they benefited from welfare, they were far from being idle, and created networks that defined their own urban territories. More generally speaking, Algerian women formed a discreet diaspora. Based on a study of the press and on interviews and previously unpublished sources, this thesis highlights the evolution of a media discourse on Algerian women and cross-compares it with a sociological data base. This allows us to lay the foundations of an original form of social integration after 1962 which is community-based but not communitarian as made visible by the evolution of the association Amicale des Femmes Algériennes. It is the result of a series of cultural and political resistances in relation to which and with which Algerian women constructed their identity in metropolitan France.

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