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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative study between South Africa and the United Kingdom in the tax treatment of Islamic finance products

Aboo baker Ebrahim, Shabana 18 July 2013 (has links)
Within the South African banking environment, mainstream bank clients earn interest on their investments and receive a tax exemption. However, Islamic banking clients, in keeping with the principles of Shari‘a law, do not receive interest. They are paid a profit share on their investments, and hence do not enjoy the tax exemption. The new section 24JA of the Income Tax Act has introduced tax treatment for the following Islamic financing transactions effectively removing 'interest' from the equation: <ul> <li> Mudarabah – Investment account</li> <li> Murabahah – Cost plus financing</li> <li> Diminishing Musharakah – Joint ownership</li> </ul> This study attempts to compare the tax treatment of Islamic financing products between the United Kingdom and South Africa. Moreover, this study also investigates the issues of the new section 24JA of the Income Tax Act as well as the United Kingdom‘s tax legislation, regarding Islamic financing, as to how far they ensure tax parity between Islamic financing products and conventional financing products. The case of tax regimes in Islamic finance operating in a conventional system was demonstrated in the two countries. The study is supported by a literature review related to Islamic finance tax background and Islamic finance products between the two countries. The major revelation of the study shows that the degree of parity of the Islamic income tax legislation leaves a lot to be desired in order to ensure a sense of confidence in the conventional financing environment. Its biggest challenge lies in its degree of simplicity and flexibility in order to address issues in tax that may be complex and fall between its requirements and the conventional and already popular systems. AFRIKAANS : Binne die Suid-Afrikaanse bankwese, verdien kliënte van die hoofstroom banke rente op hulle beleggings. Hierdie rente-inkomste is belasting vry. In teenstelling hiermee verdien kliënte van Islamitiese banke ʼn winsdeling in plek van rente, op hulle beleggings. Hierdie winsdeling beginsel word verplig deur die Shari‘a wetgewing. Bogenoemde winsdeling is nie belasting vry nie en word dus ten volle belas. Artikel 24JA van die Inkomstebelasting wetgewing behandel die hantering van Islamitiese Finansiering transaksies in fyner besonderhede: <ul> <li> Mudarabah – Beleggings rekening</li> <li> Murabaha – Koste plus finansieringskoste</li> <li> Diminishing Musharaka – Gesamentlike eienaarskap</li> </ul> Hierdie artikel verwyder effektiewelik die 'rente' komponent. Hierdie studie be‘oog om die belasting hantering van Islamitiese Finansierings produkte in Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde Koninkryk te vergelyk. In hierdie studie word die moontlike probleme ten opsigte van die nuwe artikel 24JA oorweeg. Spesifieke aandag word ook geskenk aan die belasting hantering tussen Islamitiese Finansierings produkte en die konvensionele finansierings produkte. Die studie word ondersteun deur literatuur wat handel oor Islamitiese belasting agtergrond en finansierings produkte tussen twee verskillende lande Die belangrikste uitkoms van hierdie studie, het bewys dat die Islamitiese Inkomstebelasting spesifiek met betrekking tot finansierings opsies steeds baie ontwikkel moet word. Bo en behalwe die uitkoms geïdentifiseer, is die grootste uitdaging daarin dat die Islamitiese belasting wet moontlik nie komplekse situasies sal kan aanspreek nie. Dit word toegeskryf aan die feit dat die wetgewing baie simplisties is. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

An international comparison on the impact of the extended life expectancy of natural persons for taxation purposes

Smit, Nell-Mari 19 July 2013 (has links)
The increase in the life expectancy of natural persons has become a worldwide phenomenon. People live longer and need income for longer periods of time. Individuals need to start saving for their retirement early in life while still part of the workforce. Insufficient retirement savings lead to individuals not having sufficient income for their retirement. People become dependent on the government for assistance in paying for their day-to-day living expenses, leading to increases in social grants payable by the government. In South Africa the National Treasury needs to budget through taxation for the increase in the old age pension, which increases government expenditure. Additional income tax will therefore need to be raised to ensure that the national deficit does not increase further. Personal income taxes will directly be affected by the increase in the life expectancy. Research has been done internationally on the increase in life expectancy and the possible effect on the governments of those countries. No research has, however, been done in such detail in South Africa. This study provided information on the increase in the life expectancy of the South African population and the effect on the increase of old age pension as a social grant expense paid by the Government to qualifying beneficiaries. The aim of this study was to gain insight in the increase in the number of elderly people, those individuals aged 60 years and older, and the relation between this increase and the increase in the number of old age pension beneficiaries together with the increase in the budgeted expenses by the Government for old age pension. From a theoretical perspective, this study aimed to identify the possibility of increasing the retirement age to help people receive an income from employment for longer and to provide for themselves during the longer years in retirement. Finally the study aimed to assess this impact on taxation. A number of factors play a role in the increase of the number of old age pension beneficiaries and the resulting old age pension expense in the government budget. This study only focused on the role that the increase in life expectancy plays. AFRIKAANS : Die toename in die lewensverwagting van natuurlike persone het ’n wêreldwye verskynsel geword. Mense leef langer en moet ’n inkomste vir ’n baie langer tydperk hê. Individue moet reeds vroeg, terwyl hulle nog deel is van die werksmag, begin spaar vir hul aftrede. Onvoldoende aftreefondse lei daartoe dat pensioenarisse nie voldoende inkomste tydens hul aftrede verdien nie. Hierdie tekort lei daartoe dat individue afhanklik is van die regering om hulle by te staan vir die betaling van daaglikse uitgawes. Dit lei tot die verhoging in die maatskaplike toelaes wat deur die regering betaal word. In Suid-Afrika moet die Nasionale Tesourie in die begroting voorsiening maak vir die toename in die ouderdomspensioen wat tot ’n toename in regeringsuitgawes lei. Ekstra inkomste moet ook verkry word om te verseker dat die nasionale tekort nie verder toeneem nie. Persoonlike inkomstebelasting word regstreeks hierdeur beïnvloed. Internasionale navorsing is gedoen op die toename in lewensverwagting en die moontlike invloed op die regerings van daardie lande. Soortgelyke navorsing is egter nog nie in Suid-Afrika gedoen nie. Dié studie bied meer inligting oor die toename in lewensverwagting van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking en die effek daarvan op die toename in die ouderdomspensioen as ’n maatskaplike toelaag wat deur die regering betaal word aan begunstigdes wat daarvoor kwalifiseer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om insig te verkry in die toename in die aantal bejaardes, individue van 60 jaar en ouer, en die verwantskap tussen hierdie toename en die toename in die aantal ouderdomspensioen begunstigdes asook die begrote regeringsuitgawe vir ouderdomspensioene. Die studie het gepoog om vanuit ’n teoretiese oogpunt te kyk na die moontlikheid om die aftreeouderdom te verhoog sodat mense langer inkomste kan verdien en vir hulleself kan sorg in die langer aftreetydperk. Die studie het ook gekyk na die invloed hiervan op belasting. Verskeie faktore speel ’n rol in die groei van die aantal individue wat ouderdomspensioen ontvang en gepaardgaande toename in die ouderdomspensioenbegroting van die regering. Die studie het slegs gefokus op die rol wat die verhoging in lewensverwagting speel. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

A comparative study of income tax legislation for foreign oil and gas companies investing in Africa

Struwig, Sybrand Johannes 19 July 2013 (has links)
The oil and natural gas industry worldwide has become one of the most important commodities due to its value in use and dependency in our modern lifestyle. Countries with rich oil and natural gas reserves has shown to exploit these resources to the country's economic benefit. South Africa has in the past not been part of the big oil and natural gas producing countries of the world. But recent discoveries of possible shale gas reserves in the Karoo Basin attracted interest by foreign oil and gas companies with the potential that South Africa has as an oil and natural gas producing country. The purpose of this study is to compare the South African income tax law and regulations with that of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, which arguable can be seen as one of the world's big oil and natural gas producing countries. The study firstly develops an understanding of each of the two countries' oil and natural gas industries and thereafter compares the two countries income tax laws, the income tax system and collection method of the income tax revenues. The study then concludes on the status of the South African income tax regime in comparison to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea's income tax regime. The introduction of the Tenth Schedule to the South African Income Tax Act (58/1962) has brought the income tax laws in South Africa in line with international practice. Consideration should be given to broadening the income tax revenue collection methods in order to broaden the tax base for South Africa. AFRIKAANS : Die olie en natuurlike gas industrie wêreldwyd het een van die mees belangrike kommoditeite geword as gevolg van die waarde en afhanklikheid wat dit het vir ons moderne leefstyl. Lande met ryk olie en natuurlike gas reserwes het bewys dat die gebruik daarvan tot voordeel van 'n land se ekonomiese groei kan lei. Suid-Afrika het in die verlede nie as een van die wêreld se reuse in olie en natuurlike gas produksie getel nie. Maar met die onlangse ontdekking van moontlike skalie gas reserwes in die Karoo Kom het belangstelling van buitelandse olie en gas maatskappye gelok in die potensiaal wat Suid-Afrika het om 'n olie en natuurlike gas produserende land te wees. Die doel van die studie is om 'n vergelyking te tref tussen Suid-Afrika se inkomste belasting wette en regulasies met die van die Republiek van Equatoriaal Guinea, wat gesien kan word as een van die reuse van die wêreld as dit kom by olie en natuurlike gas produserende lande. Die studie skets eerstens 'n agtergrond van die twee lande se olie en natuurlike gas industrieë en daarna vergelyk die studie die twee lande se inkomste belasting wette, die inkomste belasting stelsels en invorderings metodes van die inkomste belasting. Die studie kom dan tot 'n gevolgtrekking oor die status van die Suid-Afrikaanse inkomste belasting omgewing teenoor die Republiek van Equatoriaal Guinea se inkomste belasting omgewing. Die bekendstelling van die Tiende Skedule tot die Inkomste Belasting Wet (58/1962) het die Suid-Afrikaanse inkomste belasting wet in lyn gebring met internasionale inkomste belasinvorderings metodes van die inkomste belasting te verbreed om sodoende die belastingbasis te vergroot.ting wette. Oorweging moet geskenk word aan die invorderings metodes van die inkomste belasting te verbreed om sodoende die belastingbasis te vergroot. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

An assessment of the tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers in South Africa / Assessering van die belastingvoldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika / Tshekatsheko ya ditshenyegelo tsa ditefelo tsa go obamela melawana ya metshelo ka balefamotshelo ka Afrika Borwa

Stark, Karen 12 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho / The tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers in South Africa are unknown, and it is essential to determine, amongst other things, whether these costs pose a risk of causing non-compliance, which could have a negative effect on the collection of tax revenue. Hence, the aim of the study was to assess the tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers in South Africa. The assessment of tax compliance costs entailed calculating these costs in relation to the submission of income tax returns and post-filing activities, ascertaining the determinants of these costs and suggesting ways to reduce them. Using data collected from an online survey conducted among 10 260 taxpayers, it was estimated (applying various methods) that income tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers for the 2018 year of assessment were between 3.61% and 5.31% of the personal income tax revenue. These results compared well with ratios reported in most studies conducted in other countries and showed a reduction from the results obtained from 752 taxpayers for the 2017 year of assessment. Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID), a decision tree modelling technique, was used to ascertain the determinants of tax compliance costs and to identify specific groups of taxpayers associated with distinct ranges of the determinants that were statistically significant predictors of tax compliance costs. This breakdown enabled a better understanding of the influence that the specific values of the continuous determinants, such as the service quality rating of the South African Revenue Service (SARS), and the categorical determinants, such as education level and employment status, have on tax compliance costs. The CHAID analysis therefore provided an additional level of insight not possible with regression analysis, enhancing the usability of the results. Employment status and income tax bracket had the strongest association with tax compliance costs (on average, self-employed taxpayers and taxpayers in the highest income tax bracket had the highest total tax compliance costs). Various other determinants, for example, type of assistance obtained, gender, education level, complexity of tax legislation, complexity of SARS guides, and SARS’s service quality rating were also identified in the analyses. / Die belastingvoldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika is onbekend, en dit is noodsaaklik om, onder andere, te bepaal of hierdie koste ʼn risiko van nievoldoening inhou wat ʼn negatiewe uitwerking op die insameling van belastinginkomste kan hê. Die doelwit van die studie was dus om die belastingvoldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika te assesseer. Die assessering van belastingvoldoeningskoste behels die berekening van hierdie koste ten opsigte van die indiening van inkomstebelastingopgawes en ná-indieningsaktiwiteite, bepaling van die determinante van hierdie koste en voorstelle van hoe om dit te verminder. Aan die hand van data wat ingesamel is deur ʼn aanlyn opname onder 10 260 belastingpligtiges, is (deur middel van verskeie metodes) geraam dat inkomstebelasting-voldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges vir die 2018-assesseringsjaar tussen 3.61% en 5.31% van die persoonlike-inkomstebelastinginkomste was. Hierdie resultate het goed vergelyk met verhoudings soos berig in die meeste studies wat in ander lande uitgevoer is en het ʼn afname gewys in die resultate wat by 752 belastingpligtiges vir die 2017-assesseringsjaar bekom is. Chi-kwadraat outomatiese wisselwerkingbespeuring (chi-square automatic interaction detection – CHAID), ʼn besluitnemingskema-modelleringtegniek, is gebruik om die determinante van belastingvoldoeningskoste te bepaal en om spesifieke groepe belastingpligtiges te identifiseer wat statisties-beduidende voorspellers van belastingvoldoeningskoste is. Hierdie uiteensetting het ʼn beter begrip daargestel van die invloed wat die spesifieke waardes op die deurlopende determinante, soos die diensgehaltegradering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SARS), en die kategoriedeterminante, soos onderwysvlak en indiensnemingstatus, op belastingvoldoeningskoste het. Die CHAID-ontleding het dus ʼn bykomende vlak van insig voorsien wat nie moontlik is met regressieontleding nie en sodoende die bruikbaarheid van die resultate verbeter. Indiensnemingstatus en inkomstebelastingkategorie het die sterkste assosiasie met belastingvoldoeningskoste (belastingpligtiges in eie diens en belastingpligtiges in die hoogste inkomstekategorie het gemiddeld die hoogste totale belastingvoldoeningskoste). Verskeie ander determinante, byvoorbeeld, soort bystand verkry, geslag, onderwysvlak, kompleksiteit van belastingwetgewing, kompleksiteit van SARS-gidse en SARS-diensgehaltegradering is ook in die ontledings geïdentifiseer. Die studie het afgesluit met voorstelle om individuele belastingspligtiges se belastingvoldoeningskoste te verlaag. / Ditshenyegelo tša ditefelo tša go obamela melawana ya metšhelo ka balefamotšhelo ka Afrika Borwa ga di tsebje, gomme go bohlokwa gore re tsebe, gareng ga tše dingwe, ge eba ditshenyegelo tše di tliša kotsi ya go baka gore balefamotšhelo ba se ke ba obamela melawana ya metšhelo, e lego seo se ka bago le seabe sa go se loke go kgoboketšo ya letseno la motšhelo. Ke ka lebaka leo, maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e bile go sekaseka ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo ka balefamotšhelo ka Afrika Borwa. Tshekatsheko ya ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo go ra gore re swanetše go hlakanya ditshenyegelo tše mabapi le go romela dingwalwa tša motšhelo le ditiragalo tša ka morago ga go romela dingwalwa tšeo tša motšhelo, go realo e le go tseba dilo tšeo di bakago ditshenyegelo tše le go šišinya mekgwa ya go di fokotša. Ka go šomiša tshedimošo ye e kgobokeditšwego go dinyakišišo tšeo di dirilwego ka inthanete gareng ga balefamotšhelo ba 10 260, go akantšwe gore (ka go diriša mekgwa ye e fapafapanego) ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo wa letseno ka balefamotšhelo ka ngwaga wa tshekatsheko ya metšhelo wa 2018 di bile magareng ga 3.61% le 5.31% ya tšhelete ya motšhelo wa letseno. Dipoelo tše di bapetšwa gabotse le dikelo tšeo di begilwego ka dinyakišišong tše ntši tšeo di dirilwego ka dinageng tše dingwe gomme di laeditše go fokotšega go tšwa go dipoelo tšeo di hweditšwego go balefamotšhelo ba 752 ka ngwageng wa tshekatsheko ya metšhelo wa 2017. Kutollo ya tirišano ya maitirišo ya Chi-square (CHAID), e lego mokgwa wa go nyakišiša sephetho ka maphakga, e šomišitšwe ka nepo ya go tseba dilo tšeo di bakago ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo le go hlaola dihlopha tše itšego tša balefamotšhelo bao ba amanago le mehuta ye e swanago e nnoši ya dihlaodi tšeo di bilego bohlokwa go ya ka dipalopalo mabapi le ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo. Karoganyo ye e kgontšhitše kwešišo ye kaone ya khuetšo yeo dikokwane tše itšego tša dilo tšeo di tšwelago pele go baka se, tša go swana le kelo ya boleng bja tirelo ye e abjago ke Tirelo ya Motšhelo ya Afrika Borwa (SARS), le dilo tšeo di bakago go se obamele melawana ya motšhelo go ya ka makala, go swana le maemo a thuto le maemo a mošomo, go ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo. Tshekatsheko ya CHAID ka fao e file maemo a tlaleletšo a tsebo yeo e sa kgonagalego ka tshekatsheko ya poelomorago, go maatlafatša go šomišega ga dipoelo. Maemo a mošomo le legoro la motšhelo wa letseno di bile le kamano ye kgolo le ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo (ka kakaretšo, balefamotšhelo bao ba itšhomelago le balefamotšhelo bao ba lego ka go legoro la godimo la motšhelo wa letseno ba na le palomoka ya godimodimo ya motšhelo wo ba lefišwago ona). Dilo tše dingwe tša mehutahuta tšeo di bakago go se obamele melawana ya motšhelo, go fa mohlala, mohuta wa thušo ye e hweditšwego, bong, maemo a thuto, go se kwešišege ga melawana ya motšhelo, go se kwešišege ga ditlhahli tša SARS, le kelo ya boleng bja tirelo ya SARS le tšona di utollotšwe ka tshekatshekong. Dinyakišišo di feditše ka go fa ditšhišinyo mabapi le ka fao go ka fokotšwago ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo ka balefamotšhelo. / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

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