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Nařízení Brusel I a jiné procesní předpisy evropského mezinárodního práva soukromého (se zaměřením na pojem uznání) / Brusel I Regulation and other procedural laws of European private international law (with focus on the concept of recognition)Přecechtělová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Právnická fakulta Tereza Přecechtělová NAŘÍZENÍ BRUSEL I A JINÉ PROCESNÍ PŘEDPISY EVROPSKÉHO MEZINÁRODNÍHO PRÁVA SOUKROMÉHO (se zaměřením na pojem uznání) Diplomová práce Vedoucí diplomové práce: JUDr. Bc. Jan Brodec, LL.M., Ph.D. Katedra obchodního práva Datum vypracování práce: 10. června 2014 Abstract The Diploma thesis "Regulation Brussels I and other procedural legislation of European private international law (with regards to the concept of recognition)" focuses on the analysis of the so-called "fifth freedom" - the free circulation of judgments within the EU. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the procedural legislation of European private international law concerning their approach to the concept of recognition using the descriptive-analytical method. The thesis is mainly focused on the newly adopted Regulation of European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 1215/2012 of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (herein also referred to as the Brussels I bis Regulation) and to the Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings (herein also referred to as the Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings). In detail, for both deals with analysis of application of the principle...
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Právní vztahy k majetkové podstatě v insolvenčním řízení / Legal relationships to bankrupts estate in insolvency proceedingsĎurovičová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
English summary The aim of my thesis is to analyze the Institute of assets in insolvency proceedings, which will try to break down with regard to the structure of the provisions governing it in the Insolvency Act and also to make a comparison with the bankruptcy in the Act on Bankruptcy. With regard to the re-codification of private law and consequently the planned amendment to the Insolvency Act, it is necessary to further outline the changes of assets which that amendment would bring. I chose the topic of my thesis because of interest in the legal industry and also because of the knowledge of insolvency law with regard to the increasing importance of this area of law as a result of the increasing number of bankruptcies. The thesis is divided into six chapters dealing with various aspects of the assets. The first chapter provides a basic definition of assets and defines its scope, which is different according to the person lodging the bankruptcy petition. This chapter also sets out specific things, rights and other assets belonging to the assets or y those that do not belong. The second chapter discusses the process of identifying the contents of the assets. This chapter describes the different procedures and privileges of insolvency administrator. It also describes the obligation of debtor, public...
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Insolvenční návrh a jeho zneužití / Insolvency petition and its misuseKadlec, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to explain the conception of the insolvency petition and to solve issues arising from the misuse of the insolvency petition including the motivation to file such an unlawful claim. Under the Czech law, the Insolvency petition is an important part of the insolvency proceedings that are initiated at the moment when an insolvency court receives the insolvency petition. Particular legal requirements of the insolvency petition, which would be able to initiate demanded consequences, were analysed step by step in this thesis too. Differences between the situations when the insolvency proceedings were initiated by the creditor or by the debtor were also specified. Significant part of this thesis deals with matters relating to the misuse of the insolvency petition. The overview of the principle of misuse of law in civil law was given at the beginning of this part. One of the objects of the chapter was also to determine the motivation to submit an unlawful insolvency petition as well as the characteristics of this illegal claim. Subsequently, the possibilities of defense against the unlawful insolvency petition were stated. Some of these defence mechanisms are explicitly mentioned in the Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on Insolvency and methods of its Resolution (Insolvency Act), the rest...
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Arbitrage et procédures collectives / Arbitration and insolvency proceedingsOssagou, Diane Loïca 06 December 2017 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet de traiter la rencontre entre l’arbitrage et les procédures collectives. Elle s’ordonne autour d’un triple constat. Dans un premier temps, marquée par un fort impérialisme, des considérations d’ordre public, l’ouverture d’une procédure collective n’est pas sans incidence sur les instances arbitrales en cours et sur les instances arbitrales qui n’ont pas encore débuté. L’ordre public des procédures collectives a un impact tant sur le déroulement de l’instance arbitrale que sur l’issue de la sentence arbitrale. Ensuite, l’arbitrage marqué à l’opposé par la volonté des parties, la liberté contractuelle, survit en dépit de l’ouverture d’une procédure collective. En effet, l’ordre public des procédures ne suffit pas à exclure l’arbitrage. La compétence de l’arbitre est maintenue pour tous les litiges qui ne sont pas nés de la procédure collective et sur lesquels celle-ci n’exerce pas une influence juridique. Enfin, persiste lors de la rencontre entre l’arbitrage et les procédures collectives, un contentieux post-arbitral. / The purpose of the thesis is to deal with the meeting between arbitration and collective proceedings. It is organized around a triple statement. At first, marked by a strong imperialism, considerations of public order, the opening of a collective procedure is not without incidence on the arbitration bodies in course and on the arbitration bodies which have not yet started . The public order of collective proceedings has an impact both on the conduct of the arbitral proceedings and on the outcome of the arbitral award.Secondly, arbitration, which is marked by the will of the parties, contractual freedom, survives despite the opening of a collective proceeding. Indeed, the public order of the collective proceedings is not sufficient to exclude arbitration. The arbitrator's jurisdiction is upheld for all disputes that are not born of the collective proceeding and over which the latter has no legal influence. Lastly, persists during the meeting between arbitration and collective proceeding, a post-arbitration litigation.
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Nabývání nemovité věci v rámci insolvenčního řízení / Acquisition of immovable property in insolvency proceedingsWeagová, Evelina January 2018 (has links)
As the topic of my master's thesis, I chose to focus on acquisition of immovable property in insolvency proceedings, especially from the point of view of the acquirer. This thesis aims to summarize the process of acquiring immovable property included in a debtor's assets and to call attention to specific procedural approaches and potentially complicated situations. I begin with an overview of the legislation applicable to the issue and then briefly define the related key terms which I use in the text. I believe it is important to consider which immovable property shall be included in a debtor's insolvency assets as well as the follow-up procedure if someone claims that certain immovable property should be excluded from the debtor's assets. I also discuss the general principles of insolvency proceedings, especially as regards liquidation of assets related to the acquisition of immovable property. Then I deal with particular methods of liquidation of assets. I briefly summarize the process of each method, outline possible positives and negatives, and specify the applicable appeals. Various obligatory approval processes are related with a particular method of liquidation of assets. The approval process with liquidation of an item serving to secure a secured creditor's claim is dealt with separately. As...
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Srovnání míry uspokojení věřitelů v závislosti na způsobu řešení úpadku / Comparing creditors' satisfaction rates based on ways of debtors' bankruptcy resolutionNOVOTNÁ, Vendula January 2019 (has links)
This thesis compares satisfaction of creditors with different ways of resolving debtors' bankruptcy. It describes different ways of resolving bankruptcy and uses specific data to analyse and compare level of creditor's satisfaction with the way bankruptcy was resolved. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. Theoretical part describes historical development of bankruptcy law, defines basic terms, procedural subjects of insolvency proceedings, and outlines particular ways of solving bankruptcy. Practical part of the thesis describes a chosen company, analyses and compares bankruptcy data of debtors and provides recommendation for creditor based on results.
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Finanční analýza podniků následně procházejících konkurzem / Financial Analysis of companies undergoing bankruptcy laterBezuchová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The work "Financial Analysis of companies undergoing bankruptcy later" deals with the issue of bankruptcy debtor. It analyzes the situation where the company gets into financial distress and financial analysis examines indicators that best represent the financial situation and the impending decline. It continous with bankruptcy and insolvency of the debtor, and these two parts solves from both a legal and from an accounting perspective. Both parts are supplemented by short illustrative examples, which should help clarify emerging issues. In the practical part a three companies were selected, which are currently in bankruptcy proceedings. In these were applied selected indicators from the first chapter and last part describes various bankruptcy proceedings.
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Įmonių bankroto proceso ypatumai Lietuvoje ir užsienio valstybėse / The process of bankruptcy in Lithuania and in foreign countriesBadaras, Mindaugas 10 March 2006 (has links)
Bankroto procesas - atskira civilinio proceso rūšis, pasižyminti dalyko, proceso dalyvių, bylos nagrinėjimo stadijų specifika bei išskirtiniais tikslais. Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais reglamentuojamo bankroto proceso pagrindinis tikslas yra likvidacinis, t.y. nukreiptumas į įmonės teisinę pabaigą. Darbe analizuojami bankroto procesą Lietuvos Respublikoje reglamentuojantys teisės aktai bei jų taikymo (t.y. teisminė) praktika, keliant ir nagrinėjant bankroto bylas, tuo pačiu, darbe atliekama Lietuvos Respublikos ir užsienio valstybių bankroto procesą reguliuojančių teisės aktų lyginamoji analizė aktualiais klausimais, siekiant nustatyti bankroto proceso Lietuvos Respublikoje tikslus, teisinio reglamentavo spragas, teismų praktikos klaidas bei pasiūlyti galimus minėtų probleminių klausimų sprendimus. / The process of bankruptcy is the separate part of the civil process, and is distinguished by an object’, the process participants’, the case hearing stages’ particularity and by the exceptional purposes. In the Republic of Lithuania, the main purpose of the process of bankruptcy is liquidation, i.e., direction to the legal end of the enterprise. In the scientific work, there is presented analysis of the laws, which are regulating the process of bankruptcy in the Republic of Lithuania, and their application in the judicial practice, when bankruptcy cases are heard, also, is fulfilled the comparative analysis on the urgent questions of the laws, which regulate the process of bankruptcy in the Republic of Lithuania and in the foreign countries, having an aim to define the purposes of the process of bankruptcy in Lithuania, the gaps of legal regulation, the mistakes of judicial practice, and to offer possible solutions of the above-mentioned problem matters.
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Majetková podstata v insolvenčním řízení / Assets in the Insolvency ProceedingsMánek, Václav January 2018 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce This diploma thesis main objective is to analyse those parts of the Czech insolvency law dealing with the assets and at the same time to define all related terms. The partial objective of the thesis is to identify the 2006 Insolvency Act provisions relating to the assets which appear to be inadequate and to propose possible legislative changes. The objective of the thesis was fulfilled. An analysis of the key provisions of the Insolvency Act dealing with the assets was carried out and all of the important terms were defined. As the author of the thesis concludes that the current legislation is rather efficient, he suggests only some partial changes, such as the extension of the time limit, during which the former members of the management of the debtor - legal entity are obliged to cooperate with the insolvency trustee. Regarding its systematics, the thesis is divided into seven chapters, most of which are subdivided into subchapters. The first chapter deals with the historical development of insolvency law in the territory of today's Czech Republic. It maps the legal regulations from the 18th century to the present, with the greatest attention being paid to the current insolvencylaw and explaining its most significant recent amendments. The definition of assets in the Czech and...
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Právní aspekty věřitele v insolvenčním řízení / The legal aspects of creditors in insolvency proceedingsVAJGEL, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
In the current economic situation is decline frequently very well-known term. For many corporate and individual person is a condition that frightening them very often (on every single step). Nowadays more and more people consider this term is almost an insult. And for a while i decided to analyze this problem and possibilities of solution and described it in detail. Author devoted to different options of resolve decline. This unflattering situation affects first of all debtor. He must accept these unpleasant action in his life. In considerable percentage of decline debtor is losing his movable and immovable property. From the other side, there is affected considerably by the creditors.
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