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Uplatňování pohledávek v insolvenčním řízení / Raising claims in insolvency proceedingsNěmcová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The subject of presented Master's degree thesis is Raising claims in insolvency proceedings. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze this issue from the view of present legislation and judicial decisions and to point out some interpretation problems. Recent amendments of legal regulation as well as proposed bills were taken into account too. This thesis is divided into nine chapters. Chapter One introduces an initial part of insolvency proceedings, which starts with the commencement of insolvency proceedings and ends with the decision on the bankruptcy. It is concerned with an insolvency petition and analyzes its requirements and effects. This is followed by description of a court procedure regarding the alternatives of decisions on the insolvency petition. The consequences of unfounded insolvency petition and subsequent liability of petitioner were not left without attention as well. Chapter Two is focused on the creditor as a participant in the insolvency proceedings. Creditors are divided into five groups by the character of their claims. In these groups is a position of creditors in the proceedings defined especially with regards to the way of raising their claims. Next two chapters represent the key part of this thesis. As its title suggests, it relates to raising claims in...
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Reorganizace jako sanační forma řešení úpadku / Reorganization as a restoring form of insolvencyHodačová, Helena January 2011 (has links)
IN ENGLISH: Reorganisation as a non-liquidation solution of bankruptcy: The main purpose of my final thesis is to analyse a non-liquidation solution of bankruptcy of a debtor under the Czech act No. 184/2006 Sb. (Coll.) hereinafter called as Insolvency Act, with all respect to the actual judicial decisions, legal opinion of the professional public and economic aspects as well. Some issues under Czech law are given in comparison with the Slovenian act No. 7/2005 Zz. (Coll). The main reason for my research is the increasing importance of insolvency law after the economic crise in 2007 to 2009. Since many companies are still to be winded-up, although, it is not the most effective form of figuring out their decline in light of all-society economic stand-point. The thesis is divided into 17 chapters. Each chapter is composed of several main points. The first part subsumes ten chapters, which describes basic elements of incolvency proceedings that are very important for the overview comprehension of the reorganization. The aforementioned part of my thesis covers the description of the historical development and basic elements of incolvency proceedings, explenation of bankruptcy, decision of bankruptcy, petition for bankruptcy order, parties to incolvency proceedings, automatic stay, bankrupt's estate....
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Oddlužení - jeden ze sanačních způsobů úpadku / Discharge of a debtor - one of modes of insolvency solutionHorňák, Henrich January 2013 (has links)
As of 1 January 2008 Act No. 182/2006 on Bankruptcy and its Settlement (Insolvency Act) has become effective. This statute has completely reformed bankruptcy law in the Czech Republic including but not limited to by implementation of new legal institute of discharge of a debtor. Discharge of a debtor is designed to be a mode of solution of consumer's bankruptcy for non-business individuals and non-business legal entities. Being modeled by foreign legal forms this institute has acknowledged a relief from debts and hence new start for economic life of the subject. New form of solution of consumer's bankruptcy has proven its need of existence also by the fact that discharge of a debtor is by far the most frequent mode of bankruptcy solution in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to deal with entire issue of discharge of a debtor from filling bankruptcy petition through the very process of discharge to debts relief of a debtor. The thesis text itself is divided into six chapters. First chapter introduces the matter by traditional historical digression of the bankruptcy form in Czech territory, by clarification of the bankruptcy term itself and by provision of basic information on new Insolvency Act. The following chapter endeavors to express particular issues which are common to all modes of...
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Postavení zajištěných věřitelů / Postavení zajištěných věřitelůŠkadra, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The theme of my graduation thesis is position of secured creditors. The purpose of my thesis is description of rights and duties of secured creditors. Emphasis is placed on creditors secured by the lien to real estate. The thesis is focused on realization of the lien and position of secured creditors in legal proceedings concerning realization of the lien. In first chapter thesis deals with concept of security and its purpose, in particular the lien. Description of distinction between security and reinforcement of the debt is included. It also deals with function of the lien - security function and realization function. Realization of the lien is achieved in legal proceeding by public auction, execution of decision by court or licensed executor. Thesis describe position of secured creditors in these legal proceedings and in the process of sale of the pledge. Thesis also examines execution of decision by court lien relating real estate and licensed executor lien relating real estate, its purpose and procedure of creation. Last chapter is focused on position of secured creditors in insolvency proceeding. Included is description of relation between execution proceeding and insolvency proceeding. This is followed by distinction between secured creditors according to substantive law and secured...
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Oddlužení jako způsob řešení úpadku dlužníka / Discharge as a mode of resolving insolvency of a debtorDubová, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
Discharge from debts as a mode of resolving insolvency of a debtor The aim of this thesis is to describe the institute of discharge from debts as one of the methods of resolving insolvency of a debtor, its principles and development, in the legal regulation in the context of relevant case-law and literature with respect to the ratified amendment of the legal regulation. Discharge from debts is according to the valid Czech legal regulation, which is the Act no. 182/2006 Coll., the Insolvency Act, a method of resolving insolvency of a debtor, which we count, together with reorganization, among rehabilitation methods of resolving insolvency. The purpose of discharge from debts is ensuring relative satisfaction of creditors, which is not liquidating for the debtor, and enabling him a new life without debts. It concerns debtors non- entrepreneurs, natural persons and legal entities. Only the debtor is entitled to apply for discharge from debts. The court shall while deciding on the debt discharge permission consider especially whether it is likely that at least 30 % of the claims of creditors receivable from the debtor will be settled and it shall also assess the honest intentions of the debtor. There are two forms of the discharge from debts. One of them is discharge from debts by means of converting the...
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Reorganizace se zaměřením na procesní aspekty insolvenčního řízení / Reorganization with a focus on the procedural aspects of insolvency proceedingsBuchta, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Reorganization with a focus on procedural aspects of insolvency proceedings The legal regulation of insolvency proceedings in the Czech Republic has been subjected to substantial modernization by the Czech act No. 184/2006 Coll., The Insolvency Act. The Insolvency Act comprehensively responds to recent development in the society and economic situation by implementing non-liquidation bankruptcy solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to provide complex insight in to the insolvency proceedings and its components, with a focus on its procedural aspects. The crucial part of this thesis is the analysis of the procedural proceedings, under which the reorganization is carried out. The thesis is composed of ten chapters, each of them dealing with different parts of the procedure. Chapter One generally defines insolvency proceedings as a specific type of civil procedure. Chapter is subdivided into three parts describing the concept and nature of the insolvency proceedings, as well as specific principles by which the insolvency proceeding is ruled by. Chapter Two characterises the entities and participants of the insolvency proceeding while presenting details on their characteristics, capacities and procedural rights. Chapter Three focuses specifically on the decision-making and supervisory activities of...
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Oddlužení jako jeden ze způsobů řešení úpadku dlužníka / Discharge of Debts as a form of Insolvency solution of a DebtorVašíčková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The rising availability of consumer loans causes an increase of debtors who aren't able to carry out all their monetary obligations. They get into financial problems which often end in several current executory proceedings. For debtors this situation is apparently hopeless and many of them try to solve it by using bridging loans. This leads to deepening of their personal financial crisis. The Insolvency Act No. 182/2006 Sb. which contains the regulation of the Discharge of Debts brings a solution for such debtors. Discharge of Debts as one of the ways of sanitation of debts in Czech law represents modern trends of European and American Insolvency law that joins the debtor back into the economic life. Discharge of Debts represents a possibility to solve the debtor's unbearable financial situation and to keep at least partially his living standards. For creditors it can be a way how to obtain at least part of their claims by the legal procedure. This text deals with actual Czech regulation of Discharge of Debts and compares it with foreign German regulation. In the first two chapters the basic terms and admissibility of Discharge of Debts are clarified and generally compared with Discharge of residual debts by the German law. Subsequently the author reports on single phases of insolvency proceedings...
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Zástavní právo v souvislosti s insolvenčním řízení / Security interest in relation to insolvency proceedingsNovopacký, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis titled `Security interest in relation to insolvency proceedings' aims to describe the legal institute of lien through its manifestation in insolvency proceedings. It is built on the assumption that the fundamental value of securing a payment of a debt using lien manifests primarily in a scenario when the debtor becomes insolvent and the insolvency proceedings are initiated. Out of all the methods of resolving insolvency present in the Czech legal system this thesis only deals with bankruptcy and it focuses on the lien granted over real estate. Apart from the Introduction and the Conclusion, the thesis is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter aims to give a general introduction into the law regarding security interests. The second chapter is dedicated to the fundamental principles of law relating to liens outside of the insolvency proceedings. It describes process of granting of a lien and its purpose. The third, essential chapter deals with the execution of a lien in the insolvency proceedings resolving bankruptcy. The main focus is put on the legal position of lienor in the bankruptcy proceedings. The fourh, final chapter presents statistics dealing with insolvency proceedings recovery rate in the Czech republic during the period of 2008-2012.
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Reorganizace jako způsob řešení úpadku / Reorganization as the way of bankruptcy solutionHolevová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The intention of the thesis, on theme of Reorganization as the way of bankruptcy solution, is to describe this legal institute complexly and coherently. It begins from the history, continues through the current legislation and finishes with a practical point of view to reorganization and its implications in practice. The first chapter describes influences which affected reorganization in the Czech legal environment. First of all, the insolvency law was affected by historical circumstances in the Czech lands and by changes of political regimes to which the legislation was subordinated. Another subsection is addressed to foreign influences which were used as an inspiration for the legislator during creating of the current legislation. Mainly, it is an American and German legislation. In the last subsection, the EU legislation regarding reorganization is elaborated including effects of the harmonization in the Czech Republic. The second chapter of the thesis describes the legislation of reorganization in the Czech Republic and completes it of the case law especially of the High courts in Prague and Olomouc. The institutes are elaborated one by one according to the order made in the Insolvency act and in order which is usually used during insolvency proceedings. The last subsection is focused on a...
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Postavení věřitelů v konkurzu / The position of creditors in bankruptcyTomková, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of my thesis is to describe in detail the whole way creditor must go from petition to open insolvency proceedings to satisfaction of the claim and bankruptcy annulment.
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