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“Their sense of wonder was the same as mine." : Outdoor Educators’ Spiritual Experiences in Wilderness.Rosenthal, Pascal January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates outdoor educators’ spiritual experiences in wilderness from a retrospective point of view. The aim is to understand their meaning-making and the role of such experiences in their life and career as well as to draw out possible implications for outdoor education (OE) with special regards to a sustainable future of our planet. For that purpose, qualitative, semi-structured interviews were held with six American OE professionals aged 28 to 53, and analyzed in the manner of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The paper examines the concepts of wilderness, nature-based spirituality and OE, describes a number of relevant studies, and dedicates a critical chapter to the philosophical foundations of IPA. Due to participants’ varying comfort levels with spirituality, the paper suggests to refer to awe-inspiring experiences rather than spiritual experiences. The interviews show the significance of such experiences for the individual, and stress the importance of understanding them as part of a personal story, set in a framework in which participants make meaning. The paper identifies a number of elements that foster the awe- inspiring experiences reported in this study, and presents five ways they inspire the beholder on an intra-, inter- and extrapersonal level. In regards to OE, the paper emphasizes the crucial role awe-inspiring experiences may play in a perpetuating positive cycle towards environmental care and stewardship.
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Podnětná výuka procent ve dvou třídách s odlišnou zkušeností s výukou matematiky / Constructivist teaching of percentage in two classes with a different background in teaching mathematicsPechmanová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The content of the thesis consists of a description of constructivist teaching of the topic of percentage in the primary school, that is the teaching in which not the teacher, but the pupil is in the center. The principles of constructivist teaching and the learning process in terms of the theory of generic models are described on the basis of literature. In accordance with these principles, a number of textbooks have been analyzed, in which the the topic of percentage is introduced, and experimental teaching based on the above principles has been prepared. Experimental teaching was realized in two classes of the 7th grade with a different experience with the teaching of mathematics in their 6th grade. The main goal of the work was to prepare, implement, describe and evaluate the teaching of percentage based on pupils' activity and their individual discovery. The lessons have been described and evaluated on the basis of audio recordings, notes from the lessons, records of pupilss solutions, interviews, notes and interviews with a teacher assistant, pre-tests and post-tests. The lessons were analyzed mainly in terms of pupils' involvement in teaching, their discoveries and knowledge acquisition, including its anchoring in the knowledge structure. In both classes, part of the pupils managed to find a...
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Inspiring Kidz Leadership Lessons from African ProverbsRenner, Jasmine R. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Many hands, light work -- Chasing two antelopes, at the same time -- The boat, the leader and the water -- A child crawls, then stands -- The monkey, a jump and a tree -- A tree is cut down -- Moving the elephant in one day -- The tree, over the top and the earth -- an army, a sheep, and a lion -- Bundle of sticks are unbreakable.
Children like it simple, powerful and compelling, don't they? The "spirit" of this book makes leadership lessons for kids simple, powerful yet compelling. This "treasure trove" of illustrated stories from African Proverbs is filled with compelling leadership lessons for children all over the world. This book is written for children in every nation whose little minds are curious, who love to explore new and different worlds and who love to listen to stories. "Inspiring Kidz Leadership Lessons from African Proverbs" contains the Proverb, the Story, the Lesson and the country. Proverbs and sayings are found in almost every culture in the world and so not only will children respond to its meaning but adults will find it enriching. In this children's leadership book, the sayings of African proverbs form the basis of the leadership lesson. Not only will you read it and hear it. Your child(ren) will glean life-long leadership nuggets and lessons from it. Stories are like magic, taking us everywhere: backwards, forwards or happening right in the present time, transporting us to many places and situations we might never go. There is a world of wisdom contained in each proverb and we can learn a lot about children's Leadership Lessons from them. So sit down with your toddler, infant, child or children and teach them these simple, profound and compelling leadership lessons through African Proverbs and storytelling. It is hoped that at the very least, proverbs can be a source of entertainment if not a learning tool to teach and entertain your child. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1082/thumbnail.jpg
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Small Changes with Big Results: Practical and Low-cost Ways to Enrich Your Early Childhood Environment so It Is Engaging and Inspiring for Young LearnersIsbell, Rebecca, Evanshen, Pamela 01 July 2011 (has links)
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Effective Leadership Practices of Bank Leaders in NigeriaAjiboye, Olatunji Joseph 01 January 2017 (has links)
The Nigerian banking industry has recently witnessed a major scandal resulting from financial impropriety of some corporate leaders in the industry. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) invested the sum of N620 billion ($4.1 billion) as part of a direct bailout package to 8 banks, and removed top executives of those banks for gross leadership ineptitude. The leadership ineptitude is an indication of the need to better understand effective leadership practices in the Nigerian banking industry. Grounded in transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore bank leaders' effective leadership practices used to sustain bank growth in Nigeria beyond 5 years. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with 5 Nigerian bank CEOs, direct observation, and document reviews. During thematic analysis, 4 themes emerged including establishing a direction, inspiring and motivating employees, raising other leaders, and developing and using leadership competence. The implications for positive social change include the potential for bank leaders to identify sustainable leadership practices, improve profitability, create more job opportunities, and ease unemployment problems in the community.
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Podnětná výuka obsahu trojúhelníku a rovnoběžníku ve dvou třídách s odlišnou zkušeností s výukou matematiky / Constructivist teaching of the area of a triangle and parallelogram in two classes with a different background in teaching mathematicsSovič, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with constructivist approaches to teaching mathematics in lower secondary school, which means that a pupil is the centre of learning process. Based on study of literature, textbook analysis, and, in particular, in accordance with the theory of generic models as a theory describing way to build pupils' knowledge, a teaching experiment was prepared, focusing on the area of triangle and parallelogram. Experimental lessons were realized in two 7 grade classes with different experience with being taught mathematics at the elementary school. One class was taught by a highly instructive series of textbooks, while the second by textbooks which respected the principles of constructivism aimed at pupils and allowed individualization of learning process. The main objective of the thesis is to describe the experimental education in both classes and evaluate it from two perspectives. First of all, qualitatively, by analysing video recordings of lessons, pupils' solutions, notes from lessons, print screens from interactive whiteboard, but also by examining attendance sheets from teachers observing some lessons. In the second case, quantitatively, based on pre- and post- tests. The qualitative analysis is mainly focused on key discoveries and didactical situations in teaching and on an assessment...
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Les symboliques de l’ange dans l’art et la littérature de 1850 à 1950 / Angel symbolics in art and literature from 1850 to 1950Chapuis, Bérengère 03 December 2010 (has links)
L’ange n’a jamais été aussi présent qu’à l’heure de la modernité, c’est-à-dire à l’époque où le religieux, en son expression, sa forme et sa substance, ses objets, se trouvait remis en question par l’intense réflexion philosophique et par les découvertes scientifiques et techniques issues des Lumières. C’est ce constat fondé sur l’omniprésence des anges tant dans l’art que dans la littérature du dix-neuvième et du vingtième siècles qui nous a conduit à nous poser une question simple : de quoi l’ange fait-il signe ? Que symbolise-t-il ? Quel sens donner à cette présence ?Nous avons décidé, pour le savoir, de remonter aux sources de l’ange afin de mettre au jour les fondements de ce qui, de toute évidence, s’affirme comme l’un des mythes les plus importants de notre imaginaire contemporain. Nous avons également décidé de montrer comment ce passage d’une figure biblique à un mythe profane avait été rendu possible et quels mécanismes cette métamorphose avait empruntés ;nous avons aussi cherché à savoir quels enjeux ce processus mettait en jeu.Cette étude se propose d’étudier les représentations des anges dans l’art et la littérature de 1850 à 1950 afin de découvrir comment l’on passe d’une figure traditionnelle à un véritable mythe moderne. En quoi les représentations modernes de l’ange témoignent-elles des nouveaux rapports qui se tissent au divin ? Il s’agit ensuite d’étudier ses deux symboliques majeures : celle de l’ange inspirateur et celle de l’ange gardien, en mettant au jour les procédés qui permettent à l’ange de devenir un mythe personnel de l’individu et du créateur en particulier. / The angel was never as present as during the modernist era, that is at a time when thereligious figure, in its expression, its form, and even in its substance, its objects, waschallenged by the intense philosophical reflection and by the scientific and technicaldiscoveries stemming from the Enlightenment era. It is this acknowledgement basedon an omnipresence of angels, in nineteenth and twentieth art and literature alike,which led us to ask a simple question – what is the angel a sign of? What does itsymbolize? What meaning may be given its large presence?We have decided, to understand it, to get back to the sources of the angel in order toshed light onto the foundations of that which, quite obviously, establishes itself asone of the most important myths in the present-day imagination. We have alsodecided to show how the mutation from a biblical figure to a profane myth hadmanaged to happen and what were the mechanisms through which thismetamorphosis had taken place; we have also tried to know what was at stake in thisprocess.This study proposes to examine the representations of angels in art and literaturefrom 1850 to 1950 in order to discover how these traditional figures came to becomemodern myths. How can their contemporary representations testify of a newrelationship with the divine ? We'll try to answer this question by studying two majorsymbolics - the inspiring angel and the guardian angel - and by revealing the processin which the angel becomes a personal myth of the individual and especially of thecreator.
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Counter Revolutionary Programs: Social Catholicism and the CristerosNewcomer, Daniel 20 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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