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柔韌設計:以創新調適的策略回應機構力 / Robust design: Strategic responses to institutional forces for innovation adaptation

陳蕙芬, Chen, Hui-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
創新是社會進步與改變的契機,機構是維繫社會安定的基石。然而,創新在導入社會時,常常會碰上機構的阻力,使創新難以擴散、甚至無疾而終。過去的創新管理文獻,對於此議題的探討不多,我們對創新者如何回應機構阻力的瞭解仍非常有限。本研究由機構對行動者的影響力下手,強調當創新遇上機構時,施展策略性回應的重要性;並主張在「順從與反抗」的策略性回應之外,「調適」是另一種策略性回應的選項,「柔韌設計」更是其中的代表。當創新者面對強大機構阻力時,本研究指出,需要以柔韌設計有技巧地回應機構的鎮壓。 本研究以長期的田野調查與質性研究方法,分析一項數位學習系統(即階梯數位學院)的設計特質與回應策略。有三大發現: 第一,本研究剖析了在創新與機構之間的調適過程,創新者的「調適學習過程」。本研究從機構脈絡之「教科書、入學方式、老師與教學」三大方向切入,從教改政策(法規)、社會規範(規範)與文化認知(認知)等機構的三大構面,分別剖析其內涵,以及對利害關係人(學生,創新的使用者)所造成在學習上的痛點與阻力。再分析創新者在創新推出後,從市場的反應學習到深入使用者的機構脈絡,如何轉化為設計。因此,本研究整理出階梯數位學院的三大頻道(動畫教學台、智慧評量台、線上家教台),其創新者的調適學習過程,描述出創新者在其中試誤、摸索、偵測到機構脈絡進而轉化為設計的過程。 第二,本研究探索具體的創新人造文物(即階梯數位學院),其功能與服務的設計特質為何,以及在創新者的調適過程中對創新人造文物的改變,又是基於甚麼樣的「設計原則」。本研究分析創新的設計,除了針對創新人造文物的特質之外,也分析解讀使用者的學習實務與效果,並從中歸納出三大頻道的設計原則。 第三,在「調適型」的策略性回應裡,除了過去文獻所討論之「迂迴遊走」(workaround)的調適型回應,創新者還可以如何更積極的回應機構呢?本研究從學習實務裡,探討創新設計對學生所產生的行為轉變與效果,瞭解助力如何產生,從而發現了一種新的策略性回應方式。依據這種策略性回應的型式與內涵,本研究將之命名為「槓桿式」(leveraging)之策略性回應,本研究並整理出三種借力使力的柔韌設計。這種策略性回應的巧思,在於將機構對創新者所造成的阻力,轉化為一種設計上的助力。這樣的設計策略,可以協助創新融入機構脈絡,贏得使用者採納。 本研究提出創新採納研究的新觀點,就是以策略回應與柔韌設計來重新檢視創新設計與創新採納之關係。在這樣的回應中,我們看到創新者如何調適學習,巧妙地處理機構的影響力,進而轉為創新物件的設計助力。這就是槓桿效應的秘訣,正如阿基米德曾誇言:「給我一個支撐點,我可以撐起整個地球。」這種柔韌的回應策略是以「四兩撥千斤」的方式,將機構的阻力轉化為設計的助力。這種槓桿策略點出柔韌(以柔克剛)的精神。柔韌設計具有哲學上的意義,從本研究所發現三種借力使力的柔韌設計裡,更看到了一種轉化的效果。用槓桿為隱喻,可以讓讀者聯想到如何以小搏大、以柔克剛、以靜制動的效果。因此本研究稱之為槓桿效應的策略回應。 本研究在學理上的貢獻主要有三:首先,本研究所發現創新者的調適學習過程,可以補充創新調適的文獻。第二,本研究初步剖析出柔韌設計的原則,可以提供柔韌設計未來研究的參考。第三,本研究以個案資料呈現柔韌設計,做為一種策略性回應的形式與內涵,也豐富了策略性回應的文獻。 / Whether an innovation would be accepted or resisted by the user has been a topic widely examined in previous research. The literature, however, has focused mainly on the characteristics of the innovation to predict whether users will be willing to adopt the technology. This study argues that innovation adoption process takes place within an institutional context which refers to regulatory rules, social norms and behavioral options that guide the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of individuals. The study further expounded that institutions exercise three forces on individuals -- regulatory, normative and cognitive. It is therefore important to examine the role that institutions play in facilitating or hampering innovations. Prior research has begun to examine the interactions between innovations and institutions. Several strategic responses to institutional forces were proposed that innovators can adopt. The resopnses can essentially be classified into three strategies. First, one can comply with the institution. Secondly, one can resist the institution while aggressively diffusing the innovation. The third option is, one can adapt the innovation to meet the requirements of institution while keep the novelty and value of the innovation. Therefore, many researches aim to exmine how innovations adapt to the institutional forces. Robust design represented a gentle way to adpapt to the institution forces strategically. After reviewing the related literature, the study argues that there are two important issues which were neglected. One is they neglect to describe and discuss the adaptative learining of the innovators which is the base of strategic response. The other is they did not identify what the design principles are during the innovation adaptation process. Another approach towards robust design was proposed – one inspired by the principles of Taiji. A key principle of Taiji stresses the importance of using a gentle approach to counter a strong force. Instead of countering a strong force with an equally strong opposing force, one should leverage the energy created by the opponent’s strong force to counter-attack. Hence, the study propose that when institutions pose strong barriers to innovations, one approach is to identify how barriers can be turned into enablers to guide the design of the innovation. The key to this approach is to focus on the users of the innovation, to understand the pain points that institutional barriers bring to users, so that an innovation can be designed to effectively address these pain points. Prior literature does not adequately focus on understanding how users’ experiences should be factored into the design of an innovation. This study thus discusses and presents robust design through a case study of an electronic learning system – Ladder Digital College. In the analysis, I first illustrated the adaptative learning process of innovators by analyzing the institutional context in which the innovation is adopted, to identify the constraints or challenges individuals faced as a result of strong institutional forces. Second, we discuss the design features of the innovation, examine how they help users to overcome the challenges and counter the key barriers posed by institutional forces and identify the design principles of the innovation adaptation. The findings advance the concept of robust design by noting the importance of innovator’s adaptative learning and design principle of innovation. Theoretical contributions and practical suggestions are also elaborated.

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