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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An educational evaluation of the Madressa system of religious instruction

Eshak, Yousuf Ismail 19 May 2014 (has links)
D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education) / The madressa is a system of instruction for Muslim children, believers in the religion of Islam. Madressa classes are held daily, concurrently with classes of the ordinary secular school. Classes begin after the ordinary school day has ended. They start at about 14:30 and last for about two and a half hours. Most Muslim children, about 97% in Lenasia, attend these classes. This study originated from a concern about the educational justifiability of the madressa system. The madressa involves the religious formation of children. It shapes the attitudes, consciousness and behaviour of those who attend it, yet it is not subject to any form of control or supervision by an outside agency. If it is not in conformity with educational criteria, it can be open to abuse. There is also an enormous expenditure of time and effort on the madressa. It is necessary to consider whether the madressa is worth the effort devoted to it, whether it fulfils its religious purposes. The aim of the study was therefore, to determine whether the madressa: operates within the framework of acceptable educational criteria; fulfils its religious purposes. The research techniques employed are primarily qualitative, but a quantitative component has been added to make the study more comprehensive. Criteria for education have been established through literature study. These criteria serve as the bases for the evaluation of the madressa. The structure of an educational situation has been examined and has been divided into the following component parts: the aim; the learning content; the method; the persons involved: the educator and the learner; educational relations, particularly authority, discipline and punishment. Criteria for each of these components have been determined. The madressa owes its existence to its religious purposes. It exists to prepare learners to be good Muslims, who know and fulfil their religious obligations. For these reasons, the principles of Islam have also been described. There has also been a detailed study of the practices in the madressa. The research has revealed that: the practices in the madressa are in conformity with educational criteria; the madressa is directed towards achieving its religious purposes. However, there are areas of the madressa's activities that need further attention: there has to be much greater concentration on improving the skills of the educators and on ensuring that they have the required attributes; it is also necessary to promote greater co-operation between parents and educators; it is essential that both parents and teachers provide positive examples of behaviour; greater self-discipline has to be acquired by learners as this is crucial to the performance of religious duties. This study can provide the bases for a reconsideration of aspects of the madressa's activities to promote more effective education. This study also provides an example of a community's ability to create educational structures, by its own efforts, to reproduce its beliefs and values.

Knowledge Representation Framework For A Web-based Intelligent Tutoring System For Engineering Courses

Bhaskerray, Bhatt Chetan 07 1900 (has links)
Tutoring is one of the most effective instruction methods. Computer as an Intelligent Tutor is an area of research since many decades. Technology advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be used in developing Web – based Intelligent Tutoring System (WITS), which provides individualized tutoring at the same time to large number of students geographically distributed. Intelligent Tutoring System requires knowledge representation of expert, student and instructional strategy. While web technology promises many attractive features to build web based ITS, it would still be a challenge to represent knowledge objects that are scalable, reusable and platform independent. It is required to derive generalized knowledge representation framework which can be used in developing WITS for many courses. This research work proposes an instruction System Design (ISD) model based framework in development of WITS for Control Systems. ADDIE model is selected in development of WITS. Front end analysis is conducted to identify the learning goals of a course. Proposed research work presents a Bloom - Vincenti framework for preparing learning objectives for engineering courses. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is selected as instruction strategy. Then it presents an ontology based knowledge representation framework for expert module, tutoring module, and student module. Ontology for expert module is proposed on the course structure, instruction system, instruction material ontology, and Bloom – Vincenti Taxonomy. Ontology for student module is also proposed on course structure and Bloom – Vincenti Taxonomy. Tutoring module consists of ontology about the facts of the instruction material and rule base based on the categories of engineering knowledge (Vincenti) and cognitive skill (Bloom’s Taxonomy). Proposed way of knowledge representation supports scalability, and reusability. Prototype Web – based Intelligent Tutoring System for first level course on Control Systems is developed. JAVA technology used in development of Web – based Intelligent Tutoring System (WITS), makes WITS platform independent. Web – based Intelligent Tutoring System for Control Systems is deployed at laboratory level and its efficacy is tested for first two modules of a course.

Educação inclusiva : um estudo a partir de uma proposta inclusiva alemã

Maciel, Rosânsela Von Mühlen January 2007 (has links)
Diese Forschung hat das Ziel die Praxis der Inklusion im Alltag des Unterrichts und der Schule zu erkennen, begründet mit den deutschen pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion, und die Unterrichtspraxis der Lehrer, die mit Schülern besonderen Lernbedüfnisse im Unterricht eines regelmässigen Lernprozesses umgehen, zu analysieren. Der theoretische Bezugspunkt beruht auf den “Pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion” von Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz und Inês Boban (2005), die einen geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Bewegung der schulischen Integration und Einschluss und einige individuelle Experimente in der Schulpraxis in Europa gestalten, und auch eine Analyse der Praxis der Inklusion im schulischen Alltag und im Unterricht, ausgegangen von dem individuellen Lehr- Lernprozess und im Bi- Dozenten-System. Die empirische Untersuchung wendet sich an neun Lehrer der fünften bis zur achten Klasse einer regelmässigen Schule. Durch Interwiews, pädagogische Sitzungen und Erfahrungsaustausch versucht sie eine Inhaltsanalyse zu gestalten in einer Perspektive drei gestellte Ziele: (1) Schüler mit besonderen Lernbedürfnissen: man erfährt wie umfangreich dieser Ausdruck ist; (2) Das Entgegenkommen der Schüler im Unterricht: man untersucht die konkrete Auswirkung in der Didaktik, in der Evaluation, im Bi-Dozenten- System und in der Reduzierung der Schülerzahl im Klassenraum. Davon ausgehend, adaptiert man den Lehrplan, gestaltet den Unterricht verschieden und setzt einen zweiten Dozenten als Hilfskraft ein; (3) Die Überlegung über die tägliche Alltagspraxis: die Arbeitsverhältnisse, Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Bildungserwartungen, indem man die Erlebnisse und die Gefühle der Lehrer in ihrer Arbeitserwartungen gegenüber der Schüler und der Schule schildert. Unser Vorschlag ist, die Praxis der Inklusion sollte ein Prinzip jeder Schule und nicht nur Initiative einiger Menschen sein; damit man allen Schülern entgegenkommt und nicht nur ein Teil, ist die Gruppenarbeit sehr wichtig; die räumliche und die materielle Anpassung und Ausstattung der Schule, sowie einen geeigneten Lehrplan sind nötig, damit die Entwicklung aller Schüler in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kenntnis geboten und ermöglicht wird. / A pesquisa tem como objetivos reconhecer práticas inclusivas no dia-a-dia da sala de aula e da escola, baseadas nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos alemães, e analisar as práticas educativas dos professores que atuam junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na sala de aula do ensino regular. O referencial teórico assenta-se nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos dos educadores alemães Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz e Inês Boban (2005), incluindo uma retrospectiva histórica do movimento de integração/inclusão escolar e algumas práticas individualizadas de ensino no cenário europeu, além de uma análise de práticas inclusivas no cotidiano da sala de aula e da escola a partir da individualização do ensino e do sistema de bidocência. A investigação empírica volta-se para o trabalho desenvolvido por nove professores do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries de 5ª a 8ª, de uma escola regular. Através de entrevistas, reuniões de estudo, observações de aula, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e testemunhos, procura fazer uma análise de conteúdo, na perspectiva de três eixos norteadores: (1) alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, em que se analisa a dimensão da nomenclatura, ou seja, o que é para o professor um aluno com necessidade educacional especial e qual a importância do diagnóstico no seu trabalho em sala de aula; (2) atendimento aos alunos em sala de aula, em que se examinam as dimensões de individualização dos alvos, da didática, da avaliação, o sistema de bidocência e a redução numérica, evidenciando um currículo com possibilidade de adaptações, práticas diferenciadas em sala de aula e trabalho do professor de apoio; e (3) reflexão sobre a prática cotidiana, relativamente a condições de trabalho, benefícios, dificuldades e expectativas educacionais, em que se buscam retratar as vivências e os sentimentos dos professores no trabalho e suas expectativas em relação aos alunos e à escola. Conclui-se propondo algumas considerações, como, por exemplo, a práxis da inclusão como um princípio de toda escola e não somente de algumas pessoas; a importância do trabalho em equipe, a fim de que se possam atender todos os alunos e não somente uma parcela; a adaptação da escola tanto em recursos físicos e materiais, como em atendimento curricular, oferecendo um conjunto de situações que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de todos os alunos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. / This study aims at spotting daily inclusive practices in the school and in the classroom, based on German inclusive pedagogical principles, as well as analyzing educative practices of teachers who work with students with special educational needs in the classroom of regular schools. Concerning its theoretical reference, it is based on the inclusive pedagogical principles of the German educators Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz and Inês Boban (2005), including a historical review of the school integration/inclusion movement and some individualized teaching practices in the European setting, as well as an analysis of inclusive practices in the classroom and school routines from the perspective of teaching individualization and bi-instruction system. The empiric investigation approached the work developed by nine teachers of Primary School, from 5th to 8th grade in a regular school. Through interviews, study meetings, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and testimonials, it attempts to analyze content from the perspective of three guiding axes: (1) students with special educational needs, in which it is analyzed the dimension of nomenclature, i.e., what it means for a teacher a student with special educational needs and how important is the diagnosis in his/her classroom work; (2) assistance to students in the classroom, in which it is examined the dimensions of individualization of targets, didactic, assessment, bi-instruction system and numeric reduction, focusing on a syllabus with possibilities for adaptations, differentiated practices in classroom and supporting teacher’s work; and (3) reflections on daily practice, concerning educational working conditions, benefits, difficulties and expectations, in which it was attempted to portrait the experiences and the feelings of teachers in their work and their expectations regarding students and school. As a conclusion, some considerations are proposed, such as the inclusion praxis as a principle of every school, and not only of some people; the importance of team work, in order to assist all students, and not only a part of them; adaptation of the school both in material and physical resources and syllabus assistance, offering a setting that favors the development of all students in the various areas of knowledge.

Educação inclusiva : um estudo a partir de uma proposta inclusiva alemã

Maciel, Rosânsela Von Mühlen January 2007 (has links)
Diese Forschung hat das Ziel die Praxis der Inklusion im Alltag des Unterrichts und der Schule zu erkennen, begründet mit den deutschen pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion, und die Unterrichtspraxis der Lehrer, die mit Schülern besonderen Lernbedüfnisse im Unterricht eines regelmässigen Lernprozesses umgehen, zu analysieren. Der theoretische Bezugspunkt beruht auf den “Pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion” von Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz und Inês Boban (2005), die einen geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Bewegung der schulischen Integration und Einschluss und einige individuelle Experimente in der Schulpraxis in Europa gestalten, und auch eine Analyse der Praxis der Inklusion im schulischen Alltag und im Unterricht, ausgegangen von dem individuellen Lehr- Lernprozess und im Bi- Dozenten-System. Die empirische Untersuchung wendet sich an neun Lehrer der fünften bis zur achten Klasse einer regelmässigen Schule. Durch Interwiews, pädagogische Sitzungen und Erfahrungsaustausch versucht sie eine Inhaltsanalyse zu gestalten in einer Perspektive drei gestellte Ziele: (1) Schüler mit besonderen Lernbedürfnissen: man erfährt wie umfangreich dieser Ausdruck ist; (2) Das Entgegenkommen der Schüler im Unterricht: man untersucht die konkrete Auswirkung in der Didaktik, in der Evaluation, im Bi-Dozenten- System und in der Reduzierung der Schülerzahl im Klassenraum. Davon ausgehend, adaptiert man den Lehrplan, gestaltet den Unterricht verschieden und setzt einen zweiten Dozenten als Hilfskraft ein; (3) Die Überlegung über die tägliche Alltagspraxis: die Arbeitsverhältnisse, Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Bildungserwartungen, indem man die Erlebnisse und die Gefühle der Lehrer in ihrer Arbeitserwartungen gegenüber der Schüler und der Schule schildert. Unser Vorschlag ist, die Praxis der Inklusion sollte ein Prinzip jeder Schule und nicht nur Initiative einiger Menschen sein; damit man allen Schülern entgegenkommt und nicht nur ein Teil, ist die Gruppenarbeit sehr wichtig; die räumliche und die materielle Anpassung und Ausstattung der Schule, sowie einen geeigneten Lehrplan sind nötig, damit die Entwicklung aller Schüler in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kenntnis geboten und ermöglicht wird. / A pesquisa tem como objetivos reconhecer práticas inclusivas no dia-a-dia da sala de aula e da escola, baseadas nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos alemães, e analisar as práticas educativas dos professores que atuam junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na sala de aula do ensino regular. O referencial teórico assenta-se nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos dos educadores alemães Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz e Inês Boban (2005), incluindo uma retrospectiva histórica do movimento de integração/inclusão escolar e algumas práticas individualizadas de ensino no cenário europeu, além de uma análise de práticas inclusivas no cotidiano da sala de aula e da escola a partir da individualização do ensino e do sistema de bidocência. A investigação empírica volta-se para o trabalho desenvolvido por nove professores do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries de 5ª a 8ª, de uma escola regular. Através de entrevistas, reuniões de estudo, observações de aula, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e testemunhos, procura fazer uma análise de conteúdo, na perspectiva de três eixos norteadores: (1) alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, em que se analisa a dimensão da nomenclatura, ou seja, o que é para o professor um aluno com necessidade educacional especial e qual a importância do diagnóstico no seu trabalho em sala de aula; (2) atendimento aos alunos em sala de aula, em que se examinam as dimensões de individualização dos alvos, da didática, da avaliação, o sistema de bidocência e a redução numérica, evidenciando um currículo com possibilidade de adaptações, práticas diferenciadas em sala de aula e trabalho do professor de apoio; e (3) reflexão sobre a prática cotidiana, relativamente a condições de trabalho, benefícios, dificuldades e expectativas educacionais, em que se buscam retratar as vivências e os sentimentos dos professores no trabalho e suas expectativas em relação aos alunos e à escola. Conclui-se propondo algumas considerações, como, por exemplo, a práxis da inclusão como um princípio de toda escola e não somente de algumas pessoas; a importância do trabalho em equipe, a fim de que se possam atender todos os alunos e não somente uma parcela; a adaptação da escola tanto em recursos físicos e materiais, como em atendimento curricular, oferecendo um conjunto de situações que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de todos os alunos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. / This study aims at spotting daily inclusive practices in the school and in the classroom, based on German inclusive pedagogical principles, as well as analyzing educative practices of teachers who work with students with special educational needs in the classroom of regular schools. Concerning its theoretical reference, it is based on the inclusive pedagogical principles of the German educators Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz and Inês Boban (2005), including a historical review of the school integration/inclusion movement and some individualized teaching practices in the European setting, as well as an analysis of inclusive practices in the classroom and school routines from the perspective of teaching individualization and bi-instruction system. The empiric investigation approached the work developed by nine teachers of Primary School, from 5th to 8th grade in a regular school. Through interviews, study meetings, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and testimonials, it attempts to analyze content from the perspective of three guiding axes: (1) students with special educational needs, in which it is analyzed the dimension of nomenclature, i.e., what it means for a teacher a student with special educational needs and how important is the diagnosis in his/her classroom work; (2) assistance to students in the classroom, in which it is examined the dimensions of individualization of targets, didactic, assessment, bi-instruction system and numeric reduction, focusing on a syllabus with possibilities for adaptations, differentiated practices in classroom and supporting teacher’s work; and (3) reflections on daily practice, concerning educational working conditions, benefits, difficulties and expectations, in which it was attempted to portrait the experiences and the feelings of teachers in their work and their expectations regarding students and school. As a conclusion, some considerations are proposed, such as the inclusion praxis as a principle of every school, and not only of some people; the importance of team work, in order to assist all students, and not only a part of them; adaptation of the school both in material and physical resources and syllabus assistance, offering a setting that favors the development of all students in the various areas of knowledge.

Educação inclusiva : um estudo a partir de uma proposta inclusiva alemã

Maciel, Rosânsela Von Mühlen January 2007 (has links)
Diese Forschung hat das Ziel die Praxis der Inklusion im Alltag des Unterrichts und der Schule zu erkennen, begründet mit den deutschen pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion, und die Unterrichtspraxis der Lehrer, die mit Schülern besonderen Lernbedüfnisse im Unterricht eines regelmässigen Lernprozesses umgehen, zu analysieren. Der theoretische Bezugspunkt beruht auf den “Pädagogischen Prinzipien der Inklusion” von Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz und Inês Boban (2005), die einen geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Bewegung der schulischen Integration und Einschluss und einige individuelle Experimente in der Schulpraxis in Europa gestalten, und auch eine Analyse der Praxis der Inklusion im schulischen Alltag und im Unterricht, ausgegangen von dem individuellen Lehr- Lernprozess und im Bi- Dozenten-System. Die empirische Untersuchung wendet sich an neun Lehrer der fünften bis zur achten Klasse einer regelmässigen Schule. Durch Interwiews, pädagogische Sitzungen und Erfahrungsaustausch versucht sie eine Inhaltsanalyse zu gestalten in einer Perspektive drei gestellte Ziele: (1) Schüler mit besonderen Lernbedürfnissen: man erfährt wie umfangreich dieser Ausdruck ist; (2) Das Entgegenkommen der Schüler im Unterricht: man untersucht die konkrete Auswirkung in der Didaktik, in der Evaluation, im Bi-Dozenten- System und in der Reduzierung der Schülerzahl im Klassenraum. Davon ausgehend, adaptiert man den Lehrplan, gestaltet den Unterricht verschieden und setzt einen zweiten Dozenten als Hilfskraft ein; (3) Die Überlegung über die tägliche Alltagspraxis: die Arbeitsverhältnisse, Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Bildungserwartungen, indem man die Erlebnisse und die Gefühle der Lehrer in ihrer Arbeitserwartungen gegenüber der Schüler und der Schule schildert. Unser Vorschlag ist, die Praxis der Inklusion sollte ein Prinzip jeder Schule und nicht nur Initiative einiger Menschen sein; damit man allen Schülern entgegenkommt und nicht nur ein Teil, ist die Gruppenarbeit sehr wichtig; die räumliche und die materielle Anpassung und Ausstattung der Schule, sowie einen geeigneten Lehrplan sind nötig, damit die Entwicklung aller Schüler in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Kenntnis geboten und ermöglicht wird. / A pesquisa tem como objetivos reconhecer práticas inclusivas no dia-a-dia da sala de aula e da escola, baseadas nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos alemães, e analisar as práticas educativas dos professores que atuam junto a alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na sala de aula do ensino regular. O referencial teórico assenta-se nos princípios pedagógicos inclusivos dos educadores alemães Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz e Inês Boban (2005), incluindo uma retrospectiva histórica do movimento de integração/inclusão escolar e algumas práticas individualizadas de ensino no cenário europeu, além de uma análise de práticas inclusivas no cotidiano da sala de aula e da escola a partir da individualização do ensino e do sistema de bidocência. A investigação empírica volta-se para o trabalho desenvolvido por nove professores do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries de 5ª a 8ª, de uma escola regular. Através de entrevistas, reuniões de estudo, observações de aula, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e testemunhos, procura fazer uma análise de conteúdo, na perspectiva de três eixos norteadores: (1) alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, em que se analisa a dimensão da nomenclatura, ou seja, o que é para o professor um aluno com necessidade educacional especial e qual a importância do diagnóstico no seu trabalho em sala de aula; (2) atendimento aos alunos em sala de aula, em que se examinam as dimensões de individualização dos alvos, da didática, da avaliação, o sistema de bidocência e a redução numérica, evidenciando um currículo com possibilidade de adaptações, práticas diferenciadas em sala de aula e trabalho do professor de apoio; e (3) reflexão sobre a prática cotidiana, relativamente a condições de trabalho, benefícios, dificuldades e expectativas educacionais, em que se buscam retratar as vivências e os sentimentos dos professores no trabalho e suas expectativas em relação aos alunos e à escola. Conclui-se propondo algumas considerações, como, por exemplo, a práxis da inclusão como um princípio de toda escola e não somente de algumas pessoas; a importância do trabalho em equipe, a fim de que se possam atender todos os alunos e não somente uma parcela; a adaptação da escola tanto em recursos físicos e materiais, como em atendimento curricular, oferecendo um conjunto de situações que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de todos os alunos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. / This study aims at spotting daily inclusive practices in the school and in the classroom, based on German inclusive pedagogical principles, as well as analyzing educative practices of teachers who work with students with special educational needs in the classroom of regular schools. Concerning its theoretical reference, it is based on the inclusive pedagogical principles of the German educators Hans Wocken (2003), Andréas Hinz and Inês Boban (2005), including a historical review of the school integration/inclusion movement and some individualized teaching practices in the European setting, as well as an analysis of inclusive practices in the classroom and school routines from the perspective of teaching individualization and bi-instruction system. The empiric investigation approached the work developed by nine teachers of Primary School, from 5th to 8th grade in a regular school. Through interviews, study meetings, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews and testimonials, it attempts to analyze content from the perspective of three guiding axes: (1) students with special educational needs, in which it is analyzed the dimension of nomenclature, i.e., what it means for a teacher a student with special educational needs and how important is the diagnosis in his/her classroom work; (2) assistance to students in the classroom, in which it is examined the dimensions of individualization of targets, didactic, assessment, bi-instruction system and numeric reduction, focusing on a syllabus with possibilities for adaptations, differentiated practices in classroom and supporting teacher’s work; and (3) reflections on daily practice, concerning educational working conditions, benefits, difficulties and expectations, in which it was attempted to portrait the experiences and the feelings of teachers in their work and their expectations regarding students and school. As a conclusion, some considerations are proposed, such as the inclusion praxis as a principle of every school, and not only of some people; the importance of team work, in order to assist all students, and not only a part of them; adaptation of the school both in material and physical resources and syllabus assistance, offering a setting that favors the development of all students in the various areas of knowledge.

The roles of the principal in the implementation of the culture of learning, teaching, and service (colts) in the secondary schools in Mopani District of Limpopo Province - South Africa

Sebopetsa, Ngwako Stephen 21 September 2018 (has links)
DEd (Educational Management) / Department of Educational Management / The study aims to compare the role of the principal in implementing the culture of learning, teaching and service (COLTS) in the effective, ineffective and schools experiencing fluctuating NSC results for the past five years. The study explores why secondary schools located within the same socio-economic environment, with the same resources, uniformly funded and controlled by the same government and ultimately there are commitment variation, hence effective schools, ineffective schools and schools with fluctuating results. Therefore, in an attempt to attempt to answer the main research question for this thesis: What role should be played by the secondary school principals in implementing the culture of learning, teaching and service? Other identified sub-questions were raised. Furthermore, a review of relevant literature was conducted and uncovered what makes a good and good school leadership, management and provision of quality service on international scale, that is, in developed, developing and under-developed countries. The Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) of Hersey and Blanchard was regarded as the most suitable theory since the theory proposes that individuals can change their leadership style (behaviour) depending on the situation and the readiness of the followers. Mopani District consists of 24 circuits and 6 circuits were purposively sampled and data was collected from these 6 circuits which have effective, ineffective and secondary schools experiencing fluctuating NSC results for the past five years. Quantitatively, a total number of 38 secondary school principals as key-informants subjects were given a questionnaire to respond on the set questions which was later analysed through the SPSS version 17.1 programme and empirical deduction was made. Additionally, qualitative method of data collection was used on 20 participants, on-site observation and document analysis. The researcher utilised the focus group (semi-structured) interview on 7 secondary school principals and 7 SGB members and one-on-one semi-structured interview on 3 Curriculum advisors and 3 Governance officers in order to gather rich qualitative data. The principle of anonymity was utilised on which codes were used in order to conceal the identity of the participants so that they could participate freely in data collection. The researcher analysed data collected from focus group interview and visited vi schools (on-site observation) of the principals who participated in the interview in order to verify the authenticity of data and also checked school records to validate collected data. All the collected qualitative data (from interviews) and confirmed through site-observation and school records. Collected data was analysed and themes were developed linked to the objectives of the study. A number of findings emanated from this study. The principals were found to be the final authority and accounting officer for the school on which teaching, learning and service is the primary duty. The study revealed that the principals play a substantial impact for the implementation of the culture of learning, teaching and service. The study recommends that principals must ensure that planning, monitoring and support of teaching and learning must be a priority duty of the principal. Furthermore, basic policies that are necessary for the school to be effective must be compulsory to all schools and the DBE must ensure that its implementation is strictly monitored, for instance school starting and departure time and school uniform. The researcher developed a model which contributes to the new body of knowledge which emphasises the support from different stake-holders that can contribute extensively towards the implementation of the culture of learning, teaching and service in schools. / NRF

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