Spelling suggestions: "subject:"integritat"" "subject:"integritet""
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Možnosti zvyšování výkonnosti GNSS pro zajištění provozu RNP-RNAV / Ways of Improving GNSS Performance for RNP-RNAV OperationsKvíčala, Aleš January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyze current requirements of navigation system RNP RNAV. Particularly is behaving about estimation current ways and description of future improving GNSS performance. In submitted thesis is describes present evolution of area navigation and required navigation performance RNP. The next part deals with the common access how to raise the performance parameters, their estimation and also description how it'll be solve in future systems.
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Analýza vlivu parametrů procesu broušení na integritu obrobené plochy se zaměřením na zbytková napětí / Analysis of influence of grindig parameters on the surface integrity with a view to residual stressesDömény, Tibor January 2009 (has links)
Since grinding is often the last process of a manufactured part, caution has to be taken in order to ensure the integrity of the surface. The role of grinding induced residual stresses can be important in fatigue or wear resistance. In most cases we cannot evaluate accurately and easily their distribution. On this purpose, many scientists are working on the modeling of grinding and its effects on a many points. The main aim of this work is to analyse of residual stresses influenced by grinding parameters.
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Vliv rozměrového účinku na integritu povrchu při vystružování s využitím moderní vystružovací hlavice MT3 / Effect of size impact on surface integrity while reaming with modern reaming head MT3Rybařík, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design, implement and evaluate an experiment that verifies the influence the size effect on selected parameters of the surface integrity. For the experiment were used highly productive reaming head MT3 made by HAM-FINAL. Evaluation of the surface integrity was done in terms of the characteristics of the surface roughness, geometric tolerances and changes in microstructure. Furthermore, the influence of the depth of chips evaluated for changes in the feed force, cutting torque and changes in specific cutting energy. The theoretical part deals with the description of the size effect, characteristic reaming, surface integrity, preparation of material and identification of highly productive MT3 reaming head.
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Integrita povrchu při vystružování s využitím vystružovací hlavice MT3 / Integrity surface at reaming with modern reaming head MT3Havlík, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
The Masters thesis is focused on surface integrity at reaming with high productive reaming head MT3 made by HAM-FINAL. Theoretical part of thesis aims at analyse of the most frequently evalueted surface integrity parametrs and its possible influence on functional performance of machined components. Next theoretical parts are aimed at reaming process, reaming tools characteristics, detailed reaming head MT3 characteristics and its aplication in company Sauer Danfoss. The aim of experimetal part of thesis is surface integrity of holes reamed MT3 during its tool life evalation.
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Integrita a sociální desirabilita u hospitalizovaných psychiatrických pacientů / Integrity and social desirability in psychiatric in-patientsMinarčíková, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with two constructs - social desirability and integrity. The main aim of this thesis is to create an interview which will allow to distinguish people by their level of integrity and their tendency to respond in a socially desirable manner. The interview can serve as a face-to-face variant of questionnaire methods. Theoretical foundations of both social desirability as well as integrity are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. Complexity of both constructs is considered. Therefore, approaches of various authors are presented. Methods for assessing socially desirable responding in self- reports as well as integrity are also presented as part of the theoretical section of this thesis. The effects of social desirability on integrity assessment is discussed, as well. In the empirical part of the thesis the development of the semi-structured interview is described. The interview was developed based on original Czech test battery focusing on personal integrity at the workplace. Specifically, questionnaire Integrita v pracovním a běžném životě alongside with questionnaire assessing social desirability was used. The semi-structured interview contains a total of eight questions. Each question includes short story, and the respondent is asked to judge his / her behavior in this...
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TSQL2 interpret nad post-relačními databázemi v Oracle Database / Processor of TSQL2 on Post-Relational Databases in Oracle DatabaseSzkandera, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on temporal databases and their multimedia and spatial extensions. The introduction of this work summarizes results in the area of research of temporal databases - key concepts of a TSQL2 language and post-relational extension of Oracle database are introduced. Main part of the thesis is design of an interpreter as a layer between user application and relational database. In the next part of the thesis control of integrity constraints in temporal databases are discussed. Result of this work is functional interpreter of TSQL2 language able to store post-relational data.
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Test-retestová reliabilita u vyšetření integrity / Test-retest reliability in integrity testingKozárová, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with personal integrity and its testing for the job tender. The main objective is to determine the test-retest reliability of the integrity test, which is currently being developed and studied at the National Institute of Mental Health in Klecany. Another aim of the work is to compare the Czech version of the integrity test, a whole set of psychological tests designed to investigate the integrity intended for recruiting new employees, and the findings of foreign tests, which are used primarily in the United States. The use of integrity tests is a common practice abroad in the selection process of new employees, for example in lower administration or positions working with money. Work has both theoretical and practical character. The theoretical part summarizes the findings about integrity from authors throughout history, present information about foreign integrity test (types, weaknesses, ethical issues of testing, the proposed rules for the implementation of integrity tests for job tenders for organization, etc.). Finally, it discusses psychometrics and required characteristics for quality tests. The practical part is based on a test-retest study that was conducted on a sample of 51 respondents in the time interval of 4 to 5 months. Respondents were repeatedly presented with a...
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Metody uchování spermatu trubců včely medonosné: testování kvality uchovávaných spermií pomocí průtokové cytometrie. / Methods of storage of honeybee semen: evaluation of honeybee spermatozoa viability with flow cytometry.Savvulidi, Filipp January 2016 (has links)
Assessment of semen quality (sperm viability) is an essential for the efficient honeybee semen storage. The motility of spermatozoa is not the ultimate parameter of sperm viability. Instead, the viability of spermatozoa is assessed by testing their structural or functional plasma membrane integrity. These assays are based primarily on the technique of microscopy evaluation of either fluorescent DNA dyes or hypo-osmotic "tail-coiling" reaction of spermatozoa. However, the technique of microscopy evaluation is time-consuming, subjective and often is not accurate. On the other hand, the technique of flow cytometry is rapid, objective and precise. Nowadays, this technique is affordable for many institutions, as the price of "benchtop" flow cytometer is relatively low. To best of our knowledge, there is currently no flow cytometry assay available for evaluation of functional integrity of honeybee spermatozoa. Here we report the establishing of novel flow cytometry assay for simultaneous evaluation of structural and functional plasma membrane integrity. DRAQ7, the new fluorescent DNA dye was used to test the structural integrity of plasma membranes. The hypo-osmotic "tail-coiling" reaction was used for flow cytometric assessment of functional integrity of spermatozoa plasma membranes. The combination of both is a valuable tool for rapid and precise evaluation of sperm viability in honey bees.
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Účinky xenobiotik na oxidační stres, metabolizmus lipidů, integritu DNA a životaschopnost lidských buněk a rybích spermií in vitroLINHARTOVÁ, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
Pollution of the aquatic environment by inorganic and organic chemicals is a major factor posing a serious threat to the survival of aquatic organisms including fish. In addition balancing risks and benefits of fish consumption is nowadays an intensively discussed public health topic. Spermatozoa of almost all fish species are released into water environment where they can be directly exposed to various compounds, such as xenobiotics including toxic metals, prior to fertilization. In addition, exposure of parental adults to various xenobiotics may affect gamete quality, which may subsequently reduce fertilization success. On the other hand the advantages of eating fish are well-known, not only in the point that fish is a healthy source of protein and other nutrients, but eating contaminated fish may also confer various health benefits. Research over the past few decades has shown that the nutrients and particularly the n-3 fatty acids (FA) found in fish and seafood, are for examples protective against cardiac diseases and have a positive impact on brain development. The thesis provides a focus on two different cell model types. Firstly, human hepatocellular cells (Hep G2, ATCC) were used as in vitro tool for studying the effect of the intake of cadmium (Cd2+) contaminated fish on cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and fatty acid and phospholipid class compositions. Secondly, spermatozoa of one threatened species of fish, sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) were used as in vitro model for studying effect of potentially hazardous xenobiotic compounds' occurring in open waters. Sperm from sterlet were exposed for 2h to environmentally relevant concentrations of DQ (0-150
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Řešení integrity digitálního archivu pomocí relativní časové autentizace / The solution of digital archive integrity using relative time authenticationVohnout, Rudolf January 2008 (has links)
The research objective of the dissertation is a phenomenon of electronic documents archivation in long-term timeframe with focus on their security and integrity. This work at the begging deals with research issues of current approaches and solutions in the specified topic and focuses on relationship examining of the long-term archivation on restrictive conditions set by currently valid legislation scope. The main focus is on the archive integrity by means of alternative methods not related on absolute archival time. Design part deals with creation of the universal system solution leading to ensure non-repudiation of entrusted, archive managed, objects. This draft was empirically verified and results were processed and evaluated by means of statistics methods. The presented proposal of this work endeavors contribution to strengthen legal and evidence equivalence of long-term archived electronic documents on the same level of their paper siblings.
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