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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interfibre Joint Strength under Mixed Modes of Loading

Magnusson, Mikael S. January 2014 (has links)
The load carrying capacity of interbre joints are one of the key entities for build-up of strength inpaper materials. In order to gain insight in how to tailor the macroscopic properties of such materialsby chemical and/or mechanical treatments at a microscopic level, direct measurement of individualbre{bre crosses are typically performed. However, the state of loading in the interbre joint, intesting of individual bre{bre crosses, is in general very complex and an increased understandingfor how to evaluate the mechanical properties of interbre joints is desirable. In Paper A, amethod for manufacturing and measuring the strength of isolated interbre joints is presented. Themethod is applied to investigate the strength of bre{bre crosses at two dierent modes of loading.Also, an investigation on the manufacturing conditions is presented. The strength distribution ofindividually prepared bre{bre crosses is characterized and it was found that the median strengthin a peeling type of loading was about 20% compared to samples tested in the conventional shearingtype of loading. In Paper B, a procedure for evaluating interbre joint strength measurementsin terms of resultant forces and moments in the interbre joint region is presented. The methodis applied to investigate the state of loading in bre{bre crosses tested in peeling and shearing,respectively. It is shown that for a typical interbre joint strength test, the load components otherthan shear, cannot in general be neglected and is strongly dependent on the structural geometry ofthe bre{bre crosses. In Paper C, four distinctly dierent load cases; peeling, shearing, tearingand a biaxial type of loading was tested mechanically and evaluated numerically in order to gainmore information on how interbre joints behave in dierent modes of loading. In Paper D, thein uence of a chemical additive on the interbre joint strength is investigated on the microscopic(joint) scale and correlated to the eect previously observed on the macroscopic (sheet) scale. Xraymicrotomography and image analysis was used to understand structural changes in the brousnetwork in terms of the number of interbre joints as well as the average interbre joint contact area.The results showed that the median interbre joint strength increased by 18% upon adsorption, andthat the polyelectrolyte increased the number of contacts between the bres as well as an increasedarea of contact. In Paper E, the damage behaviour of individual interbre joints is analyzed. Froman extensive number of mechanical tests, the typical damage behaviour is identied and a failurecriterion is used to study the in uence of failure properties to give indications on how to tailor thematerial to optimize the joint strength. / En av de viktigaste mekanismerna for den lastbarande formagan hos pappersmaterial ar brottegenskapernahos berfogarna. For att eektivt skraddarsy sadana materials egenskaper genom kemiskoch/eller mekanisk behandling samt for att forsta hur sadana modieringar paverkar egenskapernapa en mikroskopisk niva ar provning av individuella ber-ber-kors en allmant anvand metod. Belastningeni en berfog vid sadan provning ar dock generellt komplicerad och ytterligare kunskapom hur berfogars mekaniska egenskaper skall utvarderas ar onskvard. I Artikel A, presenterasen metod for tillverkning samt mekanisk provning av isolerade ber-kors vid tva olika typer avbelastning. Vidare undersoks hur torktrycket, torkmetoden samt graden av malning inverkar pafogstyrkan. Resultaten visar att brottlasten for en globalt akande belastning var omkring 20 % avbrottlasten for prov utforda med den konventionella skjuvande belastningen samt att styrkan hosindividuellt tillverkade berkors ar fordelade enligt en Weibull fordelning. I Artikel B, presenterasen numerisk metod for utvardering av fogstyrke-matningar med avseende pa kraft- och momentresultanternai gransytan mellan brerna. Metoden anvands for att studera belastningsmoden hosber-kors i tva principiellt olika lastfall. Resultaten visar att for ett typiskt berfogsprov, kan intelastkomponenterna, vid sidan av skjuvning, generellt forsummas da de ar starkt beroende avber-korsets geometri. I Artikel C, jamfors fogstyrkematningar under fyra principiellt olika lastfall; akande, skjuvande, rivande samt biaxiellt. De experimentella last-forskjutningskurvorna, samtde beraknade lastmoderna anvands for att undersoka vilket tillskott pa information de foreslagnalastfallen kan ge i hansyn till fogstyrkan hos massabrer. I Artikel D, undersoks en polymers (somabsorberats pa berytorna) inverkan pa saval berniva som pa natverksniva. Fiberfogstyrkan matsexperimentellt och eekten av den kemiska tillsatsen jamfors pa mikroskopisk niva (ber-kors) medtidigare uppmatt eekt pa makroskopisk niva (ark). Rontgentomogra och bildanalys anvands foratt undersoka de strukturella skillnaderna som uppstar i de brosa natverken vid absorption av enpolyamin och resultaten visar att antalet berfogar per berlangdenhet samt att medelkontaktareanokade. Resultaten visar ocksa att medianen av berfogsstyrkan okade med 18 %. Dessa eekter sammantagetar anledningen till varfor polyaminer, sasom PAH, ar sa eektiva for att oka torrstyrkanhos pappersmaterial. I Artikel E, karakteriseras skadebeteendet hos individuella berfogar franett omfattande antal matningar. Ett brottkriterium infors i den numeriska utvarderingsmetoden foratt studera skadebeteendet. Kanslighetsanalys och inverkan av brottparametrarna studeras ocksafor att ge indikationer pa hur egenskaperna kan skraddarsys for att optimera berfogstyrkan. / <p>QC 20140527</p> / BiMaC Innovation

OLD TO BECOME AS GOOD AS NEW : Pretreatment for gentle shredding

Namuga, Catherine January 2017 (has links)
In today’s World, sustainability is not just a buzz word but should be the new quality. In order to live in a pollution free environment, there is an urgent need to move towards a circular economy. The rapidly increasing demand of textiles results in high amount of textile waste leading to pollution. Textile to textile recycling is the most feasible solution to minimize textile waste while meeting the fashion demand. Mechanical recycling by shredding is one way of recycling textiles where, fabrics are broken down into their constituent fibres. The problem with this method is that, after shredding, there is huge reduction in fibre length due to the harsh process. This makes it difficult to use a high percentage of these reclaimed fibres in formation of new textile garments. The main focus of this thesis was to reduce the fibre length drop that occurs during shredding through lubricant pretreatment. It was anticipated that, inter-fibre friction would be the reason for the huge fibre length drop during shredding. Therefore, a method was developed to measure the inter-fibre friction of cotton and polyester staple fibres using a tensile tester. The effect of blending on inter-fibre friction was investigated. Different types of lubricants were used to alter the inter fibre friction. The lubricants were sprayed on the fibres and dried prior to carding. Two lubricants were chosen for pretreatment of fibres for yarn formation. The effect of the lubricant on the inter-fibre friction of carded fibre webs as well as yarn strength and spinnability were investigated. The results showed that, the method developed can be used to measure inter-fibre friction of staple fibres. It was also found that, inter-fibre friction in carded webs depends on the crimp and mechanical interlocking in the web. Inter-fibre friction in blended fibres depends on the percentage amount of each fibre in the blend. Addition of a small amount of lubricant significantly lowers the inter-fibre friction. The effect depends on the type of lubricant and type of fibre. Lubricant amount above 1.43% on weight of fibre lead to poor carding of fibres. Lubricant amounts between 0.29 % and 1% on weight of fibre lead to good carding of cotton and polyester fibres but the cotton fibre webs may not be spun. PEG4000 lubricant was found to significantly lower the inter-fibre friction compared to other lubricants. It was also found that, lubricants significantly affect the tensile strength of the yarn as well as their spinnability. Basing on the results, it was concluded that, lubricant pretreatment of fabrics prior to shredding will most likely provide a more gentle process. This was based on the fact that, the lubricants reduce the inter-fibre friction. This enables easier slippage of fibres within the yarns which facilitates easier deformation of the yarns during the shredding process. Thus reduce the fibre length drop. PEG 4000 is more likely to provide better results when used in amounts ranging from 0.1 to 0.71% on weight of fabric. Besides that, PEG is safe for the environment.

Testing and Evaluation of Interfibre Joint Strength under Mixed-Mode Loading

Magnusson, Mikael S. January 2013 (has links)
The failure properties of interfibre bonds are the key for the build-up of strength in fibrous materials such as paper and paperboard. In order to tailor the properties of such materials by chemical or mechanical treatments and to learn how such modifications influence the properties at a microscopic level, direct measurement of individual fibre--fibre crosses are typically performed. However, the state of loading in the interfibre joint, in testing of individual fibre--fibre crosses, is in general very complex and a greater understanding for how to evaluate the mechanical properties of interfibre joints is desirable. In Paper A, a method for manufacturing multiple fibre--fibre cross specimens and a procedure for testing interfibre joints at different modes of loading is presented. The method is applied to investigate the strength of fibre-fibre crosses with different geometry and at two principally different modes of loading. Also, an investigation on the influence of drying pressure, the drying method as well as a comparison of pulp fibres from two different degrees of refining is presented. The force at rupture is scaled in terms of different geometric parameters; nominal overlap area, length and width of the joint region. It is shown that neither of the methods of scaling unambiguously reduced the coefficient of variation of the mean strength and that the force at rupture in a peeling type of loading was about 20% of the ones tested in the conventional shearing type of loading. In Paper B, a procedure for evaluating interfibre joint strength measurements in terms of resultant forces and moments at rupture is presented. The method is applied to investigate the state of loading in fibre-fibre crosses tested in two principally different modes of loading. It is shown that for a typical interfibre joint test, the modes of loading other than pure shear, cannot in general be neglected and is strongly dependent on the structural geometry of the fibre-fibre crosses. Also, the stress state in the interface centroid was estimated in order to quantify how the mode of loading influence the amount of normal stresses that develop in relation to the amount of shear stresses in the interfibre joint. / De brottmekaniska egenskaperna hos fiberfogar är nyckeln för uppbyggnaden av styrka hos fibrösa material såsom papper och kartong. För att effektivt skräddarsy sådana materials egenskaper genom kemisk eller mekanisk behandling och för att förstå hur sådana modifieringar påverkar egenskaperna på en mikroskopisk nivå är provning av individuella fiber-fiber-kors en allmänt använd metod. Belastningen i en fiberfog vid provning av individuella fiber-fiber kors är dock generellt mycket komplicerad och ytterligare kunskap om hur fiberfogars mekaniska egenskaper skall utvärderas är önskvärd. I Artikel A, presenteras en metod för samtidig tillverkning av flera fiber-fiber kors samt en metod för mekanisk provning av dessa med olika typer av belastning. Metoden tillämpades för att studera styrkan av fiber-fiber-kors med olika geometri och vid två olika lastfall. En undersökning av hur torktrycket, torkmetoden samt graden av malning inverkar på fogstyrkan presenteras. De uppmätta brottlasterna skalades med olika karakteristiska längder för fogen; nominell överlapparea samt fogens längd och bredd. Resultaten visade att ingendera av normaliseringsmetoderna reducerade variationskoefficienten (av medelvärdet av styrkan) samt att brottlasten för en globalt fläkande belastning var omkring 20 % av brottlasten för prov utförda med den konventionella skjuvande belastningen. I Artikel B, presenteras en metod för utvärdering av mätningar av styrkan hos fiberfogar med hänseende på kraft- och moment- resultanterna i gränsytan mellan fibrerna. Metoden används för att studera belastningsmoden hos fiber-fiber--kors provade i två principiellt olika lastfall. Resultaten visar att för ett typiskt fiberfogsprov av isolerade fiber-fiber-kors med långa fria fibersegment, så kan inte belastningsmoderna vid sidan av skjuvning försummas och att de är starkt beroende av fiber-fiber-korsets geometri. För att kunna jämföra fiberfogar av olika storlek och kvantifiera förhållandet mellan normal- och skjuvbelastningen i fogen skalades de resulterande krafterna och momenten med tvärsnittsstorheter baserade på en approximation av fogareans utformning. / <p>QC 20130125</p> / BiMaC Innovation

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