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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PD-1 Negatively Regulates Interleukin-12 Expression by Limiting Stat-1 Phosphorylation in Monocytes/Macrophages During Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Ma, Cheng J., Ni, Lei, Zhang, Ying, Zhang, C. L., Wu, Xiao Y., Atia, Antwan N., Thayer, Penny, Moorman, Jonathan P., Yao, Zhi Q. 01 March 2011 (has links)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is remarkably efficient at evading host immunity to establish chronic infection. During chronic HCV infection, interleukin-12 (IL-12) produced by monocytes/macrophages (M/Mφ) is significantly suppressed. Programmed death-1 (PD-1), an inhibitory receptor on immune cells, plays a pivotal role in suppressing T-cell responses during chronic viral infection. To determine whether PD-1 regulates IL-12 production by M/Mφ during chronic HCV infection, we examined the expressions of PD-1, its ligand PDL-1, and their relationship with IL-12 production in M/Mφ from HCV-infected, HCV-resolved, and healthy subjects by flow cytometry. Toll-like receptor (TLR) -mediated IL-12 production by M/Mφ was selectively suppressed, while PD-1/PDL-1 expressions were up-regulated, in HCV-infected subjects compared with HCV-resolved or healthy subjects. Up-regulation of PD-1 was inversely associated with the degree of IL-12 inhibition in HCV infection. Interestingly, the reduced response of M/Mφ from HCV-infected individuals to TLR ligands appeared not to be the result of a lack of the ability to sense pathogen, but to an impaired activation of intracellular janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transfection (STAT) pathway as represented by inhibited STAT-1 phosphorylation in M/Mφ from HCV-infected individuals compared with HCV-negative subjects. Successful HCV treatment with pegylated interferon/ribavirin or blocking PD-1/PDL-1 engagement ex vivo led to reduced PD-1 expression and improved IL-12 production as well as STAT-1 activation in M/Mφ from HCV-infected individuals. These results suggest that the PD-1 inhibitory pathway may negatively regulate IL-12 expression by limiting STAT-1 phosphorylation in M/Mφ during chronic HCV infection. No claim to original US government works.

Die Bedeutung von Interleukin-12p75 und Interleukin-12p40 für die Abwehr einer Infektion mit Cryptococcus neoformans im murinen Modell

Wagner, Frank 24 November 2003 (has links)
Um die Rolle von Interleukin-12p75 (IL-12p75) und Interleukin-12p40 (IL-12p40) in der Abwehr einer Kryptokokken-Infektion im Mausmodell zu untersuchen, wurden Mäuse auf 129Sv/Ev Stammhintergrund intraperitoneal und intranasal mit Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) infiziert. Dabei wurden die Unterschiede im Infektionsverlauf und in der Immunreaktion von Wildtyp-, IL-12p35-/- und IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäusen analysiert. Unterschiede zwischen den Wildtyp- und den IL-12p35-/--Mäusen lassen auf die Bedeutung von IL-12p75 schließen, wogegen Unterschiede zwischen IL-12p35-/-- und IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäusen auf die Rolle von IL-12p40 schließen lassen. Untersucht wurden sowohl die Erregerkonzentration in den Organen, Antigenspiegel im Blut, histologische Veränderungen und Serumantikörperkonzentrationen. Nach intraperitonealer Infektion war die Keimbelastung der Organe bei den Wildtyp-Mäusen geringer als bei beiden IL-12-/--Mausstämmen. Bei Wildtyp-Mäusen waren nicht nur weniger lebende Kryptokokken in den Organen zu finden, sondern auch weniger Kryptokokken Antigen im Serum als bei beiden IL-12-/--Mäusen nachweisbar. Das zeigt, dass IL-12p75 für die Kontrolle der intraperitonealen Infektion mit C. neoformans notwendig ist. IL-12p40 hatte ähnlich wie IL-12p75, wenn auch in etwas geringerem Masse, eine protektive Rolle bei der Erregerabwehr. Ohne IL-12p40 war eine Kontrolle der Infektion auf einem geringen Niveau der Keimbelastung nicht möglich. Besonders deutlich wurde dieses Phänomen beim Antigentiter bei den IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäusen. Durch das Fehlen von IL 12p40 wurde bei den IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäusen viel mehr Antigen über das Blut im Serum verteilt als bei den IL-12p35-/-- oder den Wildtyp-Mäusen. Die Wirtsreaktion bei einer Infektion mit C. neoformans geht mit der Bildung von Granulomen einher. Ohne IL-12p75 kam es zwar noch zur Bildung von Granulomen, diese zeigten aber eine veränderte zelluläre Zusammensetzung. Die IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäuse waren nicht zur Ausbildung von typischen Granulomen fähig. Bei ihnen kam es zu einer vermehrten Ansammlung von Kryptokokken fast ohne Entzündungszellen. IL-12p40 ist also für die Ausbildung einer zellulären Entzündungsreaktion notwendig. IL-12p40 ist auch für die Antikörperbildung gegen C. neoformans erforderlich. Die IL 12p35/p40-/--Mäuse waren kaum in der Lage, spezifische Antikörper gegen C. neoformans zu bilden. IL-12p75 ist für die Ausbildung einer Th1-Antwort notwendig. Infizierte Wildtyp-Mäuse produzierten doppelt soviel IgG2a, welches für ein Th1-Antwort typisch ist, wie die IL 12p35-/--Mäuse. Der intranasale Infektionsweg kommt der natürlichen aerogenen Infektion recht nahe. Deshalb wurde – zusätzlich zur intraperitonealen Infektion - dieser Infektionsweg zur Untersuchung der Immunantwort gegen C. neoformans berücksichtigt. Auch bei intranasaler Infektion ist IL-12p75 für die Kontrolle der Keimbelastung der Organe notwendig. Interessanterweise war die Keimbelastung der Lunge bei den IL-12p35-/--Mäusen etwas höher als bei den IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäusen. Bei den Wildtypmäusen war die Dissemination der Kryptokokken aus der Lunge in die Milz und ins Gehirn gering. Ein Fehlen von IL-12p75 bewirkte allerdings eine Besiedlung besonders des Gehirns. Nach intranasaler Infektion kam es in der Lunge von Wildtyp-Mäusen zu atypischen Granulomen mit zentraler Einschmelzung von Gewebe und Kryptokokken. Diese Reaktion war bei den IL-12p35-/--Mäusen noch stärker ausgeprägt als bei den Wildtyp-Mäusen. Bei den IL-12p35/p40-/--Mäusen blieb eine Gewebsreaktion größerer Areale aus. Es waren nur eine Aktivierung des BALT zu sehen. IL-12p40 ist demnach auch nach intranasaler Infektion für eine zelluläre Entzündungsreaktion notwendig. Möglicherweise kann sich diese Eigenschaft von IL-12p40 bei intranasaler Infektion in einer immunpathologischen Reaktion äußern, die bei IL-12p35-/--Mäusen für eine massive Infiltration der Lunge mit Entzündungszellen verantwortlich ist. Der Gehalt an Kryptokokken-spezifischen Antikörpern war nach intranasaler Infektion fünf- bis zehnmal höher als nach intraperitonealer Infektion. Der intranasale Infektionsweg zeigte also eine wesentlich ausgeprägtere humorale Antwort. Der Typ der Immunantwort schien sich im Gegensatz zur intraperitonealen Infektion in Richtung Th2 (d. h. verstärkte Antikörperbildung) verschoben zu haben. Sowohl nach intraperitonealer wie auch nach intranasaler Infektion mit C. neoformans lassen sich die immunstimulatorischen Aktivitäten von IL-12p75 und von IL-12p40 nachweisen, auch wenn diese sich in Abhängigkeit vom Infektionsweg etwas unterschiedlich manifestieren. / To analyse the role of interleukin-12p75 (IL-12p75) and interleukin-12p40 (IL-12p40) in the defence against Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) a murine infection model was established and studied. Mice of wild-tpye 129Sv/Ev background as well as IL-12p35-/- and IL-12p35/p40-/- 129Sv/Ev mice were infected intraperitoneally or intranasally with C. neoformans. The differences between the immune response of these genotypes were analysed. Comparing wild-type and IL-12p35-/--mice allows for conclusions related to the importance of IL-12p75, comparing IL-12p40-producing IL-12p35-/- mice with IL-12p35/p40-/- mice shows the importance of IL-12p40. Fungal organ burden, serum antigen levels, inflammatory cell responses, and antibody production were examined. The fungal organ load in wild-type mice was smaller than in both mutant IL-12-/--mice. In wild-type mice fewer cryptococci were found in organs and less cryptococcal antigen in serum than in IL-12p35-/- and IL-12p35/p40-/- mice. This underlines the importance of IL 12p75 for the control of the infection with C. neoformans. In addition, IL-12p40 was found to have a similar but weaker role as IL-12p75 in protection against C. neoformans. In the absence of IL-12p40 IL-12p35/p40-/- mice developed higher antigen titers than IL-12p35-/- and wild-type mice. The host response against infection with C. neoformans is associated with granuloma formation. Recruitment of inflammatory cells to granulomas was altered in the absence of IL 12p75. In addition, IL-12p40 contributed significantly to granuloma formation since IL 12p35/p40-/- mice developed no or only very poor granulomatous responses. Therefore, IL 12p40 is required for inflammatory cell responses. IL-12p40 was also found to be required for antibody production against C. neoformans. Infected IL-12p35/p40-/--mice had only very low levels of specific antibodies against C. neoformans. IL-12p75 is known to be essential for protective Th1 response against intracellular microorganisms. Th1 responses are commonly associated with the production of IgG2a. Infected wild-type mice produced 2-fold higher IgG2a levels than IL-12p35-/--mice. To adapt the infection model more to the natural infection mode the intraperitoneal infection route was changed to an intranasal route. Following intranasal infection IL-12p75 also proved to be necessary for control of the fungal organ load. Interestingly the organ load was higher in IL-12p35-/--mice than in IL-12p35/p40-/-mice which suggest a role of IL-12p40 in cell recruitment. Following intranasal application of cryptococci fungal dissemination to spleen and brain was reduced as compared to the intraperitoneal infection route. Without IL-12p75 dissemination of C. neoformans to the brain occured. This shows that IL-12p75 is involved in control of dissemination from lung to brain. The inflammatory response of IL-12p35-/--mice was stronger than the tissue response of wild-type mice. The massive tissue reactions of IL-12p35-/--mice caused big areas of diffuse cellular infiltration in their lungs. In IL-12p35/p40-/--mice inflammatory responses could be observed only in the peribronchial tissue. This shows that IL-12p40 is not only needed for a cellular inflammatory response following intraperitoneal but also following intranasal infection. Following intranasal infection IL-12p40 can induce immunopathological effects. Intranasal infection of mice with C. neoformans resulted in five to ten times higher antibody responses than intraperitoneal infection. This suggests that intranasal infection of mice results in a more Th2-biased humoral response. In summary, these experiments show that besides IL-12p75 also IL-12p40 contributes to cellular immunity against C. neoformans. The immunostimulatory properties of both, IL 12p75 and IL-12p40, can be observed after intraperitoneal and intranasal infection routes with similar but also distinct manifestations.

Plant-derived Murine IL-12 and Ricin B-Murine IL-12 Fusions

Liu, Jianyun 26 January 2007 (has links)
Interleukin-12 (IL-12), an important immuno-modulator for cell-mediated immunity, shows significant potential as a vaccine adjuvant and anti-cancer therapeutic. However, its clinical application is limited by lack of an effective bioproduction system and by toxicity associated with systemic administration of IL-12. The goals of this research were to determine whether plants can serve as an effective production system for bioactive IL-12, a complex 70kDa glycoprotein cytokine, and whether the plant lectin RTB can facilitate mucosal delivery of IL-12 to immune responsive sites. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing murine IL-12 were generated and characterized. To ensure stochiometric expression of the two separately encoded, disulfide-linked subunits of IL-12 (p35 and p40), a single-chain form of mouse IL-12 (mIL-12) was utilized. Hairy root cultures, as a fast-growing bioproduction system were developed from high expressers of mIL-12. A purification scheme was developed to purify plant-derived mIL-12 from hairy roots and purified mIL-12 was used to assess IL-12 bioactivity in vitro in mouse splenocytes and in vivo in mouse intranasal vaccination trials. Plant-derived mIL-12 triggered induction of interferon-gamma secretion from mouse splenocytes as well as stimulation of cell proliferation with comparable activities to those observed for the animal-cell-derived mIL-12. Mouse vaccination trials using GFP as the antigen and CT as the adjuvant suggested that plant-derived mIL-12 enhanced Th1 immunity and exhibited similar activity to animal-cell-derived mIL-12 in vivo. Plant-derived IL-12 itself was non-immunogenic suggesting conformational equivalency to endogenous mouse IL-12. Ricin B (RTB), the non-toxic carbohydrate-binding subunit of ricin, directs uptake of ricin into mammalian cells and the intracellular trafficking of ricin A, the catalytic subunit of ricin. RTB's function suggests that it may work as a molecular carrier for effective mucosal delivery of IL-12. To prove this hypothesis, transgenic plants producing RTB:IL-12 fusions were generated and characterized. Our results demonstrated that RTB fused to the carboxyl-terminus of IL-12 maintained full lectin activity and IL-12 bioactivity. RTB fused to the amino-terminus of IL-12 did not show lectin activity due to steric hinderance. Purified IL-12:RTB from transgenic plant tissue was tested in an in vitro mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) assay. The results indicate that RTB facilitates the binding of IL-12 to the epithelial cells and presentation of IL-12 to immune responsive cells. In conclusion, my research has shown that transgenic plants are capable of producing valuable bioactive proteins, such as IL-12. Plant-derived mIL-12 exhibited similar activity to animal-cell-derived mIL-12 both in vitro and in vivo. Fusion of IL-12 with the RTB lectin facilitates the delivery of IL-12 to mucosal immune responsive cells and thus may serve as a molecular carrier to enhance IL-12 efficacy and reduce the side-effects associated with systemic administration of IL-12. / Ph. D.

Construção e avaliação da ação de plasmídio contendo gene suicida timidina quinase e gene imunomodulador da interleucina 12 otimizada, visando terapia gênica para carcinoma medular de tireóide / Construction and evaluation of plasmid expressing thymidine kinase suicide gene and immunomodulatory evolved interleukin-12 gene for medullary thyroid carcinoma gene therapy

Seidenberger, Katia 14 September 2007 (has links)
Os tratamentos convencionais para carcinoma medular de tireóide (CMT) metastático são insatisfatórios. Tanto a quimioterapia quanto a radioterapia são pouco eficazes para a doença avançada. Portanto, a terapia gênica é uma promissora opção. Trabalhos de construção de vetores plasmidiais ou adenovirais específicos para cultura de células de carcinoma medular de tireóide e/ou animais têm demonstrado resultados encorajadores, conseguindo significativa redução do tumor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir e avaliar a eficácia do plasmídio pTCPtkevIL-12 contendo o gene da timidina quinase (HSV-tk) e da interleucina 12 otimizada/evolved (evIL-12), ambos sob controle do promotor da calcitonina modificado (TCP), visando terapia gênica do CMT. A associação entre um gene ?suicida? (TK) e um gene imunomodulador (IL12) é sabidamente sinérgica, o que motivou o emprego destes dois genes no vetor terapêutico. Por melhoramento genético, obteve-se recentemente a IL-12 otimizada/evolved, com elevada capacidade em induzir resposta imune. O promotor TCP é mais forte e mais específico que o promotor de calcitonina natural , e já foi usado em diversos trabalhos em CMT. Para determinar a atividade biológica das interleucinas 12 (evIL-12 e mIL-12), os sobrenadantes das culturas de células TT transfectadas foram utilizados para avaliar proliferação linfocitária e estimulação de células dendríticas (DCs). As células TT (carcinoma medular humano de tireóide) foram transfectadas com o plasmídio pTCPtkevIL-12 ou pTCPmIL-12 (plasmídio com o gene da IL-12 murina, sob controle do promotor TCP). A proliferação linfocitária foi quantificada por citometria de fluxo e a diferenciação de linfócitos T para um padrão Th1 foi verificada através da dosagem de IFN-? e IL-4 por ELISA. A avaliação do perfil fenotípico das DCs, cultivadas com sobrenadante contendo mIL-12 ou evIL-12 durante a diferenciação, foi feita através de marcação com anticorpos das moléculas de membrana marcadoras de maturação CD80, CD83, CD86 e CD40, com leitura também por citometria de fluxo. Também foi avaliada e comprovada a capacidade do plasmídio pTCPevIL-12 de promover apoptose induzida pelo sistema suicida timidina quinase/ganciclovir, nas células TT transfectadas. Os experimentos de proliferação linfocitária verificaram que ambas IL-12 promoveram intensa proliferação linfocitária, em similar magnitude. A principal função da IL12, todavia, não é estimular proliferação linfocitária, mas sim, induzir fortemente diferenciação para Th1, fundamental para uma eficiente resposta anti-tumoral. Foi observado que ambas IL-12 proporcionaram forte resposta Th1. Porém, a evIL-12 mostrou-se superior à mIL-12 na diferenciação dos linfócitos T para o padrão Th1. Os experimentos que avaliaram a capacidade da IL-12 maturar DCs diferenciadas, mostraram um aumento na expressão de CD40 nas DCs sob estímulo de ambas IL-12, porém a expressão foi discretamente maior com evIL-12 que com mIL-12 . Não foi observada alteração na expressão das outras proteínas marcadoras de maturação (CD80, CD83, CD86). Comparando-se o sobrenadante das células TT transfectadas com o plasmídio pTCPtkevIL-12 antes e após adição de GCV, verificou-se que ele se tornou mais eficiente para induzir expressão de CD40 nas células dendríticas após a adição do GCV. O incremento de expressão de CD40 nas DCs após tratamento com GCV poderia explicar, ao menos em parte, o efeito anti-tumoral sinérgico observado com a expressão simultânea dos genes timidina quinase e IL-12, já descritos em estudos in vivo, na literatura. Considerando-se que a evIL-12 mostrou-se mais eficiente em promover diferenciação dos linfócitos T para padrão Th1 e em promover uma maturação/ativação de melhor qualidade das células dendríticas diferenciadas (maior expressão de CD40), poderia-se afirmar que esta IL- 12 é extremamente imunogênica, superior inclusive à IL-12 murina , a única utilizada até o momento em terapia gênica de CMT. Os resultados satisfatórios alcançados neste trabalho oferecem perspectivas de aplicação futura ao plasmídio terapêutico pTCPtkevIL-12 para uso em terapia gênica em CMT. O plasmídio poderia ser utilizado em aplicação intra-tumoral e em estimulação de células dendríticas. A vacinoterapia com células dendríticas estimuladas com sobrenadante de células TT transfectadas com pTCPtkevIL-12 e tratadas com ganciclovir, devido a elevada expressão de CD40, pode ser uma esperança de um tratamento mais eficaz das metástases do CMT. Diversos estudos afirmam haver uma correlação direta entre maior expressão de CD40 e maior regressão do tumor primário e das metástases. / Present treatments of advanced and metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) are unsatisfactory. Tissue-specific cancer gene therapy is a promising alternative approach. IL-12 gene is a good citokyne to be used in gene therapy because it appears to be the most effective immunomodulatory gene. Literature data shows synergism in the association of two antitumor methods: suicide gene thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) and interleukin genes; therefore, they should ideally be together in the vector. The evolved interleukin12, obtained by DNA shuffling, is believed to elicit more antitumoral immune response than the human IL-12. None of them has been tested in MTC, only the murine IL-12 has been employed in MTC gene therapy. To explore a more efficient multi-gene antitumor treatment, development and evaluation of a plasmid expressing both herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase type 1 (HSVtk) and evolved interleukin-12 (evIL-12) under the control of modified calcitonin promoter (TCP) were done in this study. TCP promoter is more specific and efficient than the natural calcitonin promoter CT/CGRP, and has already been used in several studies. To verify IL-12 biological activity, lymphocyte proliferation and dendritic cell stimulation after IL-12 were studied. TT cells (human MTC) were transfected by pTCPtkevIL-12 plasmid or by pTCPmIL-12 (plasmid containing murine IL-12 gene, under control of TCP promoter). Lymphocyte proliferation was analysed by flow cytometry, and Th1 response was assessed by IFN-? and IL-4 ELISA measurement. The phenothypic analysis of dendritic cells (DCs) by flow cytometry was based on the expression of the maturative surface markers CD80, CD83, CD86 and CD40. Also, plasmid pTCPtkevIL-12 ability to promote TT transfected cells apoptosis, through the suicide system HSV-tk/ganciclovir, was evaluated and confirmed. Both IL-12 elicited similar intense lymphocyte proliferation. Nevertheless, the main IL-12 function is not to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation but induce Th1 immune response, which is essential for efficient anti-tumour response. Both IL-12, showed great Th1 response; however fortunately, ev-IL12 was superior to mIL-12 in promoting T cell Th1 response. Flow cytometry analysis of DCs revealed significant higher expression of CD40 surface molecule after differentiated DCs were exposed to TT transfected cells, either with pTCPtkevIL-12 or pTCPmIL-12, supernatants. DCs stimulated with supernatants containing evIL-12 were 36.91% CD40+, whereas when stimulated by supernatants containing mIL-12 were 14.74% CD40+. The other maturative markers (CD80, CD83, CD86) remained with the same expression level. Moreover, TT pTCPtkevIL-12- transfected cells supernatants, showed a even higher ability of increasing CD40 expression in DCs after treatment with GCV. At least partially, this increase in dendritic cells CD40 expression could explain the synergism observed with the simultaneous expression of thymidine kinase and interleukin genes. Outstanding lymphocyte proliferation and dendritic cell stimulation were achieved by the evIL-12 secreted in the supernatants, confirming that this interleukin 12 is really very potent. The good results achieved by the present study justify further experiments with this therapeutic plasmid. It could be used intra-tumorally and to stimulate/mature dendritic cells. Vaccine with DCs stimulated by TT pTCPtkevIL-12-transfected cells after GCV treatment supernatants, due to higher CD40 expression, could be very suitable for the treatment of MTC metastasis. Several studies show better primary tumor and metastasis regression in the presence of high levels of CD40 expression.

Construção e avaliação da ação de plasmídio contendo gene suicida timidina quinase e gene imunomodulador da interleucina 12 otimizada, visando terapia gênica para carcinoma medular de tireóide / Construction and evaluation of plasmid expressing thymidine kinase suicide gene and immunomodulatory evolved interleukin-12 gene for medullary thyroid carcinoma gene therapy

Katia Seidenberger 14 September 2007 (has links)
Os tratamentos convencionais para carcinoma medular de tireóide (CMT) metastático são insatisfatórios. Tanto a quimioterapia quanto a radioterapia são pouco eficazes para a doença avançada. Portanto, a terapia gênica é uma promissora opção. Trabalhos de construção de vetores plasmidiais ou adenovirais específicos para cultura de células de carcinoma medular de tireóide e/ou animais têm demonstrado resultados encorajadores, conseguindo significativa redução do tumor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir e avaliar a eficácia do plasmídio pTCPtkevIL-12 contendo o gene da timidina quinase (HSV-tk) e da interleucina 12 otimizada/evolved (evIL-12), ambos sob controle do promotor da calcitonina modificado (TCP), visando terapia gênica do CMT. A associação entre um gene ?suicida? (TK) e um gene imunomodulador (IL12) é sabidamente sinérgica, o que motivou o emprego destes dois genes no vetor terapêutico. Por melhoramento genético, obteve-se recentemente a IL-12 otimizada/evolved, com elevada capacidade em induzir resposta imune. O promotor TCP é mais forte e mais específico que o promotor de calcitonina natural , e já foi usado em diversos trabalhos em CMT. Para determinar a atividade biológica das interleucinas 12 (evIL-12 e mIL-12), os sobrenadantes das culturas de células TT transfectadas foram utilizados para avaliar proliferação linfocitária e estimulação de células dendríticas (DCs). As células TT (carcinoma medular humano de tireóide) foram transfectadas com o plasmídio pTCPtkevIL-12 ou pTCPmIL-12 (plasmídio com o gene da IL-12 murina, sob controle do promotor TCP). A proliferação linfocitária foi quantificada por citometria de fluxo e a diferenciação de linfócitos T para um padrão Th1 foi verificada através da dosagem de IFN-? e IL-4 por ELISA. A avaliação do perfil fenotípico das DCs, cultivadas com sobrenadante contendo mIL-12 ou evIL-12 durante a diferenciação, foi feita através de marcação com anticorpos das moléculas de membrana marcadoras de maturação CD80, CD83, CD86 e CD40, com leitura também por citometria de fluxo. Também foi avaliada e comprovada a capacidade do plasmídio pTCPevIL-12 de promover apoptose induzida pelo sistema suicida timidina quinase/ganciclovir, nas células TT transfectadas. Os experimentos de proliferação linfocitária verificaram que ambas IL-12 promoveram intensa proliferação linfocitária, em similar magnitude. A principal função da IL12, todavia, não é estimular proliferação linfocitária, mas sim, induzir fortemente diferenciação para Th1, fundamental para uma eficiente resposta anti-tumoral. Foi observado que ambas IL-12 proporcionaram forte resposta Th1. Porém, a evIL-12 mostrou-se superior à mIL-12 na diferenciação dos linfócitos T para o padrão Th1. Os experimentos que avaliaram a capacidade da IL-12 maturar DCs diferenciadas, mostraram um aumento na expressão de CD40 nas DCs sob estímulo de ambas IL-12, porém a expressão foi discretamente maior com evIL-12 que com mIL-12 . Não foi observada alteração na expressão das outras proteínas marcadoras de maturação (CD80, CD83, CD86). Comparando-se o sobrenadante das células TT transfectadas com o plasmídio pTCPtkevIL-12 antes e após adição de GCV, verificou-se que ele se tornou mais eficiente para induzir expressão de CD40 nas células dendríticas após a adição do GCV. O incremento de expressão de CD40 nas DCs após tratamento com GCV poderia explicar, ao menos em parte, o efeito anti-tumoral sinérgico observado com a expressão simultânea dos genes timidina quinase e IL-12, já descritos em estudos in vivo, na literatura. Considerando-se que a evIL-12 mostrou-se mais eficiente em promover diferenciação dos linfócitos T para padrão Th1 e em promover uma maturação/ativação de melhor qualidade das células dendríticas diferenciadas (maior expressão de CD40), poderia-se afirmar que esta IL- 12 é extremamente imunogênica, superior inclusive à IL-12 murina , a única utilizada até o momento em terapia gênica de CMT. Os resultados satisfatórios alcançados neste trabalho oferecem perspectivas de aplicação futura ao plasmídio terapêutico pTCPtkevIL-12 para uso em terapia gênica em CMT. O plasmídio poderia ser utilizado em aplicação intra-tumoral e em estimulação de células dendríticas. A vacinoterapia com células dendríticas estimuladas com sobrenadante de células TT transfectadas com pTCPtkevIL-12 e tratadas com ganciclovir, devido a elevada expressão de CD40, pode ser uma esperança de um tratamento mais eficaz das metástases do CMT. Diversos estudos afirmam haver uma correlação direta entre maior expressão de CD40 e maior regressão do tumor primário e das metástases. / Present treatments of advanced and metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) are unsatisfactory. Tissue-specific cancer gene therapy is a promising alternative approach. IL-12 gene is a good citokyne to be used in gene therapy because it appears to be the most effective immunomodulatory gene. Literature data shows synergism in the association of two antitumor methods: suicide gene thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) and interleukin genes; therefore, they should ideally be together in the vector. The evolved interleukin12, obtained by DNA shuffling, is believed to elicit more antitumoral immune response than the human IL-12. None of them has been tested in MTC, only the murine IL-12 has been employed in MTC gene therapy. To explore a more efficient multi-gene antitumor treatment, development and evaluation of a plasmid expressing both herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase type 1 (HSVtk) and evolved interleukin-12 (evIL-12) under the control of modified calcitonin promoter (TCP) were done in this study. TCP promoter is more specific and efficient than the natural calcitonin promoter CT/CGRP, and has already been used in several studies. To verify IL-12 biological activity, lymphocyte proliferation and dendritic cell stimulation after IL-12 were studied. TT cells (human MTC) were transfected by pTCPtkevIL-12 plasmid or by pTCPmIL-12 (plasmid containing murine IL-12 gene, under control of TCP promoter). Lymphocyte proliferation was analysed by flow cytometry, and Th1 response was assessed by IFN-? and IL-4 ELISA measurement. The phenothypic analysis of dendritic cells (DCs) by flow cytometry was based on the expression of the maturative surface markers CD80, CD83, CD86 and CD40. Also, plasmid pTCPtkevIL-12 ability to promote TT transfected cells apoptosis, through the suicide system HSV-tk/ganciclovir, was evaluated and confirmed. Both IL-12 elicited similar intense lymphocyte proliferation. Nevertheless, the main IL-12 function is not to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation but induce Th1 immune response, which is essential for efficient anti-tumour response. Both IL-12, showed great Th1 response; however fortunately, ev-IL12 was superior to mIL-12 in promoting T cell Th1 response. Flow cytometry analysis of DCs revealed significant higher expression of CD40 surface molecule after differentiated DCs were exposed to TT transfected cells, either with pTCPtkevIL-12 or pTCPmIL-12, supernatants. DCs stimulated with supernatants containing evIL-12 were 36.91% CD40+, whereas when stimulated by supernatants containing mIL-12 were 14.74% CD40+. The other maturative markers (CD80, CD83, CD86) remained with the same expression level. Moreover, TT pTCPtkevIL-12- transfected cells supernatants, showed a even higher ability of increasing CD40 expression in DCs after treatment with GCV. At least partially, this increase in dendritic cells CD40 expression could explain the synergism observed with the simultaneous expression of thymidine kinase and interleukin genes. Outstanding lymphocyte proliferation and dendritic cell stimulation were achieved by the evIL-12 secreted in the supernatants, confirming that this interleukin 12 is really very potent. The good results achieved by the present study justify further experiments with this therapeutic plasmid. It could be used intra-tumorally and to stimulate/mature dendritic cells. Vaccine with DCs stimulated by TT pTCPtkevIL-12-transfected cells after GCV treatment supernatants, due to higher CD40 expression, could be very suitable for the treatment of MTC metastasis. Several studies show better primary tumor and metastasis regression in the presence of high levels of CD40 expression.

Phenotypic changes in dendritic cells when challenged with cowpox virus

DeBernardis, Justin R., January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2004. / Typescript. Title from title page of source document. Document formatted into pages; contains 49 pages. Includes Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

An Interleukin-12-Expressing Oncolytic-Virus Infected Autologous Tumor Cell Vaccine Generates Potent Anti-Tumor Immune Responses

Khan, Sarwat Tahsin 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Signal 3 Cytokine Timing in CD8 T Cell Activation: A Dissertation

Urban, Stina L. 16 July 2015 (has links)
During an acute virus infection, antigen-specific CD8 T cells undergo clonal expansion and differentiation into effector cells in order to control the infection. Efficient clonal expansion and differentiation of CD8 T cells are required to develop protective memory CD8 T cells. Antigen specific cells require 3 distinct signals for their activation: TCR engagement of peptide-MHC (signal 1), costimulation between B7 and CD28 (signal 2), and inflammatory cytokines including IL-12 or type 1 IFN (signal 3). CD8 T cells that encounter antigen and costimulation undergo programmed cell division, but these two signals alone are not sufficient for full effector cell differentiation and survival into memory. CD8 T cells need a third signal for efficient clonal expansion, differentiation into various effector populations, acquisition of cytolytic effector functions, and memory formation. The requirements for signal 3 cytokines in CD8 T cell activation have only been recently described; however, the timing of exposure to these signals has yet to be investigated. During the course of an immune response not all T cells will see antigen, costimulation, and inflammatory cytokines at the same time or in the same order. I sought to examine how the timing of signal 3 cytokines affected CD8 T cell activation. I questioned how the order of these signals effected CD8 T cell priming and subsequent activation, expansion and differentiation. In order to study the in vivo effects of out-of-sequence signaling on CD8 T cell activation, I utilized poly(I:C), a dsRNA analogue, which is known to induce a strong type 1 IFN response. Through the use of various congenic transgenic and polyclonal CD8 T cell populations, in conjunction with adoptive transfer models, specific T cells which had been exposed to poly(I:C) induced environments could be identified and tracked over time. I wanted to characterize how out-of-sequence signaling affected T cell activation immediately after cognate antigen stimulation (4-5hours), and after prolonged exposure to cognate antigen (days-weeks). Considering type 1 IFN can have both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on CD8 T cell proliferation, and when type 1 IFN provides signal 3 cytokine activity, it has positive effects on CD8 T cell expansion, I wanted to investigate the role of type 1 IFN as an out-of-sequence signal during CD8 T cell activation. We identified a transient defect in the phosphorylation of downstream STAT molecules after IFNβ signaling within poly(I:C) pretreated CD8 T cells. The inability of poly(I:C) pretreated CD8 T cells to respond to IFNβ signaling makes these cells behave in a manner more similar to T cells that only received 2 signals, rather than ones that received all 3 signals in the appropriate order. Consequently, poly(I:C) pretreated, or out-of-sequence, CD8 T cells were found to have defects in clonal expansion, effector differentiation and function as well as memory generation resulting in reduced efficacy of viral clearance. Out-of-sequence CD8 T cells showed suppression of CD8 T cell responses after prolonged exposure to cognate antigen, but naïve CD8 T cells pre-exposed to poly(I:C) exhibited immediate effector function within hours of cognate antigen stimulation, prior to cell division. Poly(I:C) pretreated naïve CD8 T cells acquired an early activated phenotype associated with alterations of transcription factors and surface markers. Changes in naïve CD8 T cell phenotype are thought to be mediated by poly(I:C)-induced upregulation of self-MHC and costimulatory molecules on APCs through direct type 1 IFN signaling. Inoculating with poly(I:C) enabled naive CD8 T cells to produce effector functions immediately upon stimulation with high density cognate antigen, reduced affinity altered peptide ligands (APLs), and in response to reduced concentrations of cognate antigen. Unlike conventional naïve CD8 T cells, poly(I:C) pretreated naïve CD8 T cells acquired the ability to specifically lyse target cells. These studies identified how the timing of activation signals can dramatically affect the acquisition of CD8 T cell effector function. This thesis describes how CD8 T cell exposure to activation signals in an unconventional order may result in altered response to antigen stimulation. Exposure of naïve CD8 T cells to type 1 IFN and costimulatory molecules in the presence of self-peptides enabled them to respond immediately upon antigen stimulation. Primed naïve CD8 T cells produced multiple cytokines in response to low-affinity, and low-density antigens, and gained ability to specifically lyse target cells. However, immediate effector function may come at the expense of clonal expansion and effector cell differentiation in response to prolonged antigen exposure as out-of-sequence CD8 T cells showed reduced proliferation, effector function and memory formation. The findings presented here may seem contradictory because out-of-sequence signaling can prime T cells to produce immediate effector functions and yet cause defects in T cell expansion and effector differentiation. However, these two models ascertained T cell function at different points after antigen exposure; one where functions were evaluated within hours after seeing cognate antigen, and the other showing T cell responses after days of antigen stimulation. Studies described in this thesis highlight the growing complexity of CD8 T cell activation. Not only do the presence or absence of signals 1-3 contribute to T cell activation, but the timing of these signals also proves to be of great importance. These studies may describe how both latecomer and third party antigen specific T cells behave when and if they encounter cognate antigen in the midst of an ongoing infection. Out-of-sequence exposure to IFN initially stimulates effector function but at the expense of efficient clonal expansion and subsequent memory formation. The immediate effector function that naïve T cells gain during out-of-sequence priming may explain how some individuals are more resistant to superinfections, whereas the impairment in proliferation describes a universal mechanism of virus-induced immune suppression, explaining how other individuals can be more susceptible to secondary infections. Ultimately, results identified here can be applied to developing better and more effective vaccines.

Étude de la coopération entre les cellules dendritiques et les lymphocytes T dans les allergies aux produits chimiques et aux médicaments / Study of dendritic cells and T-lymphocytes cooperation in drug and chemical allergy.

Bechara, Rami 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les allergies aux produits chimiques et aux médicaments constituent un problème majeur de santé publique. L’objectif de ce travail est de mieux comprendre l’interaction entre les cellules dendritiques (DC) et les lymphocytes T (LT) dans les allergies induites par les haptènes métalliques (nickel et cobalt) et les médicaments [benzylpénicilline (BP)]. En présence des signaux de danger, les DC acquièrent un phénotype dit « mature » et présentent l’antigène apprêté aux LT spécifiques de cet antigène. Les LT représentent les cellules effectrices responsables d’une manière directe ou non des symptômes observés lors des réactions allergiques. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que le nickel est capable d’induire un ratio d’interleukines (IL) IL-23/IL-12p70 élevé dans les DC favorisant ainsi la polarisation Th17 qui est détectée chez la majorité des patients allergiques au nickel. Nous montrons aussi pour la première fois une production de l’IL-27 par les DC activées par le nickel. Nous avons ensuite montré l’implication du TLR4 et de la voie Jak-STAT dans la régulation des cytokines membres de la famille de l’IL-12. L’activation de la voie Jak-STAT est nécessaire pour la réponse Th1 en favorisant la production de l’IL-12p70 et en inhibant la production de l’IL-23 par les DC activées par du nickel. Par ailleurs, nous avons identifié et, pour la première fois, une activation du facteur de transcription NFIL-3, au sein des DC, par le nickel et le cobalt voire d’une manière plus intense avec ce dernier. D’autre part, nous avons mis en évidence l’existence d’un répertoire de LT naïfs CD4+ et CD8+, provenant de la population générale, spécifiques du nickel. L’activation de ces LT requiert les molécules du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH) et ils présentent un faible taux de réactivité croisée avec le cobalt. Simultanément, nous avons mis en évidence la possibilité de détecter des LT naïfs CD8+ spécifiques de la BP. L’activation de ces LT dépend des molécules du CMH de classe I et du protéasome. D’une manière générale, notre travail contribue à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes des réactions allergiques d’une part, en montrant la fine régulation des cytokines membres de la famille de l’IL-12 dans les DC et d’autre part en élucidant les mécanismes de l’immunisation contre les molécules allergisantes. / Drug and chemical allergy is a major public health concern. The aim of this work is to understand the interaction between dendritic cells (DCs) and T-lymphocytes (LT) in allergic manifestations induced by metallic haptens (nickel and cobalt) and benzylpenicillin (BP). DCs capture the antigen, start maturation, migrate to the regional lymph node and activate hapten-specific T-cells. The latter will represent the effector cells responsible directly or not for the symptoms observed during allergic reactions. We showed that nickel induced a high ratio of interleukin (IL) IL-23 compared to IL-12p70 in DCs leading to Th17 polarization as seen in allergic patients. We also showed for the first time the production of IL-27 by nickel-activated DCs. Moreover, we showed the involvement of TLR4 and Jak-STAT pathways in IL-12 cytokine family regulation. The activation of the Jak-STAT pathway seems to maintain the IL-23/IL-12p70 balance by limiting IL-23 production and promoting Th1 polarization. Furthermore, we identified for the first time the activation of NFIL-3 in DC by nickel and cobalt, more intensely with the latter. In addition, nickel-recognizing CD4+ and CD8+ naïve T-cells repertoire was identified from the general population. These positive T-cells were shown to recognize nickel in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. We also showed that a low frequency of nickel-recognizing CD4+ naïve T-cells cross-reacted with cobalt. Simultaneously, we showed the possibility of detecting a naïve CD8+ T-cells repertoire for BP. The activation of these specific T-cells requires MHC class I molecule and proteasome. In resume, our work contributes to a better understanding of allergic reactions, on one hand, by studying the fine regulation of the IL-12 cytokines family in DCs and on the other hand, by clarifying the mechanisms of immunization against drugs and chemicals.

Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and the Unfolded Protein Response Result in Synergistic Upregulation of Interleukin-23 and Interleukin-12 by LPS

Klenk, Erin Ingersoll January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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