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A superação da regra da invalidade Ex Tunc do ato inconstitucional : critérios formais e materiais para a modulação dos efeitos temporaisRocha Junior, Luis Clóvis Machado da January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda e define a norma-sanção de invalidade do ato inconstitucional e os critérios formais e materiais de superação desta norma-regra, a partir da interpretação do art. 27 da Lei 9.868 de 1999. Diferenciam-se a inconstitucionalidade (vicio) e invalidade (sanção) como dois momentos distintos no controle de constitucionalidade. Distinguem-se as diversas sanções à inconstitucionalidade, destacando a sanção de invalidade, a qual incide apenas sobre o ato inconstitucional, com ordinária eficácia temporal ex tunc. A sanção é norma jurídica fundamentada na própria norma constitucional violada, dirigida ao julgador com o conteúdo de invalidar os efeitos jurídicos e fáticos do ato inconstitucional, daí a dispensabilidade de se discutir se se trata de nulidade ou de anulabilidade. É norma-regra, e não princípio jurídico, porque contém um mandamento descrito, de caráter imediatamente comportamental, cujo fim imediato é reafirmar a validade, vigência e eficácia da norma constitucional violada e o fim mediato é reafirmar a supremacia da Constituição. Analisa-se comparativamente a doutrina e a jurisprudência do Direito Americano e Português sobre a modulação dos efeitos da sanção. Posteriormente, a partir do Supremo Tribunal Federal, apresenta-se uma nova compreensão para a supremacia da Constituição, destacando a aptidão dos direitos fundamentais para co-incidirem sobre atos inconstitucionais, preservando certas realidades. Finalmente, constroem-se interpretações da segurança jurídica e do excepcional interesse social, para as qualificar como normas de direito fundamental que poderão incidir no controle de constitucionalidade, justificando a excepcionalização da regra invalidatória. A superação da regra observa requisitos formais e materiais. Ao final, analisam-se decisões do STF que corroboram as idéias apresentadas. / This dissertation examines and defines the rule-sanction of nullity over the unconstitutional act and the formal and materials criteria for overcoming this standard-rule, starting from the interpretation of art. 27 of 9868 statute, passed in 1999. It differs unconstitutionality (the defect) and invalid (the sanction) as a two distinct moments in the judicial review (control of constitutionality). A distinction of the various sanctions to the unconstitutional is made, particularly giving attention to the sanction of nullity, which deals only with unconstitutional acts, with an ordinarily ex tunc temporal effects (retroactivity). The sanction is based on the efficacy of violated constitutional norm itself, and is a norm directed to the judge in order to invalidate retroactively the content of real and legal effects caused by unconstitutional act. Then it´s unnecessary to discuss the qualification (cancellation or revocation). Sanction-norm is a standard-rule, not a legal principle, because it contains a precisely behavior commandment, immediately binding, which is devoted, as an immediate end, to reaffirm the validity, the binding and the effectiveness of the violated constitutional order and, as a mediate end, to reaffirm the supremacy of the Constitution. The work analyzes doctrine and jurisprudence of American law and Portuguese Law on the modulation of the effects of invalidity sanctions. Subsequently, from the Supreme Court point of view, the dissertation presents a new understanding for the supremacy of the Constitution, stressing the ability of fundamental rights to co-relate over unconstitutional acts, preserving certain realities. Finally, it build up interpretations of “legal certainty” and the “exceptional social interests”, two legal terms, in order to qualify them as a fundamental right norm that can guide the control of constitutionality, offering reasons for the overruling of rules. The overruling process needs formal and material requirements. In the end, STF´s decisions are analyzed aiming to corroborate the ideas presented. Read more
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Připojištění k životnímu pojištění / Additional insurance to a life insuranceLidmaňská, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The master thesis deals with an additional insurance to a life insurance. In the first chapter I focus on an origin of life insurance and on a number of subjects, which works in the Czech insurance market now compared with the past. In the second chapter I divide life insurance into categories and explain the differences between insurance and a system of insurance. In the third chapter I describe the substance of life insurance, explain important words, which are associated with the system of insurance and I describe forms of life insurance, which we can see at the present time. The fourth chapter belongs to a company Partners For Life Planning, a. s., and its business partners. In the last chapter I deal with the additional insurance of invalidism and the additional insurance of a permanent consequence of injury. With both additional insurances I start describing that insurance, continue with an analysis of products of a chosen insurance company and I finish that chapter with a table and a summary.
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Corps humain et assurances de personnes / Human body and personal insuranceLinglin, Emilie 02 July 2014 (has links)
En ce qu’il est intimement lié à la personne, le corps humain est une matière sensible qui fait l’objet de protections diverses. Parmi celles-ci figurent notamment les assurances de personnes, lesquelles, en tant que mode de prévoyance, remplissent une importante fonction économique et sociale qui justifie qu’on cherche à favoriser leur accès. Cette étude vise à déterminer de quelle manière la spécificité du corps humain et la volonté de le protéger qui s’y attache affectent les deux principaux aspects du processus contractuel en assurance, que sont la connaissance et la couverture du risque. En effet, pour déterminer le risque et prendre la décision de le couvrir, l’assureur doit le connaître. Or lorsqu’il s’agit de couvrir les risques susceptibles d’atteindre l’individu dans son existence, son intégrité physique ou sa santé, les informations pertinentes relèvent de l’intimité du candidat à l’assurance. Comment concilier alors le droit au respect de la vie privée, le secret médical ou encore la protection des données génétiques et le besoin d’information de l’assureur ? En outre, afin de répondre aux sollicitations toujours plus grandes de protection du corps humain, les actions combinées du législateur et du juge entraînent certaines mutations de la couverture des risques pesant sur la personne par l’assureur dont il convient d’étudier les modalités. Car malgré toute l’attention dont le corps humain fait l’objet, sa protection ne doit pas se faire au détriment de l’« âme » des assurances de personnes. / In that it is intimately linked to the person, the human body is a delicate entity which is the object of diverse protections. Amongst these figure personal insurances which, with their nature of precaution, play an important economic and social role that justifies easier access. This study aims to determine in which manner the specificity of the human body and the will to protect it affect the two principal aspects of contractual processes in insurance: the understanding and the coverage of risk factors. Indeed to determine a risk and to decide to cover it, the insurer must understand it. Concerning coverage of risks liable to affect the individual’s existence, his physical integrity or his health, pertinent information concerns the insurance candidate’s intimacy. In which way is it possible to reconcile the rights respecting private life, medical confidentiality, the protection of genetic data and the insurer’s need for information ? In addition, in order to respond to the ever increasing demands for protection of the human body, the combined actions of legislators and judges cause certain mutations in coverage of risk by the insurer that weigh on the person and it is necessary to study these modalities. Despite all the attention paid to the human body, the “soul” of personal insurance must not be sacrificed. Read more
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Proportionality as a Remedial Principle: A Framework for Suspended Declarations of Invalidity in Canadian Constitutional LawHoole, Grant Russell 01 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an analytic framework for the governance of suspended declarations of invalidity in Canadian constitutional law. A suspended declaration is a remedial device by which a court strikes down a constitutionally invalid law, but suspends the effect of its order such that the law retains force for a temporary period. While introduced to Canadian law under circumstances of exigency, suspended declarations have grown to be used liberally by the courts, and the principles that previously confined them have been abandoned. As a result, constitutional rights have sometimes been suspended without just basis. I propose a means to reverse this trend: by adopting proportionality, a core feature of the analytic method used to adjudicate limitations on Charter rights, as a remedial principle guiding the use of suspended declarations. I review the jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court to illustrate the merits of this approach.
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Proportionality as a Remedial Principle: A Framework for Suspended Declarations of Invalidity in Canadian Constitutional LawHoole, Grant Russell 01 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an analytic framework for the governance of suspended declarations of invalidity in Canadian constitutional law. A suspended declaration is a remedial device by which a court strikes down a constitutionally invalid law, but suspends the effect of its order such that the law retains force for a temporary period. While introduced to Canadian law under circumstances of exigency, suspended declarations have grown to be used liberally by the courts, and the principles that previously confined them have been abandoned. As a result, constitutional rights have sometimes been suspended without just basis. I propose a means to reverse this trend: by adopting proportionality, a core feature of the analytic method used to adjudicate limitations on Charter rights, as a remedial principle guiding the use of suspended declarations. I review the jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court to illustrate the merits of this approach.
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Validity and efficacy of the labor contract / Validez y eficacia del contrato de trabajoToyama Miyagusuku, Jorge Luis 10 April 2018 (has links)
The validity and efficacy of the labor contract as well as cases of nullity and defeasibility import an analysis of scopes of the supplementary application of Civil Code taking into account the peculiarities of Labor Law. Labor contract, while legal business has as regulatory framework to the regulations of Civil Code but it is necessary to determine, in each case, whether to apply fully this normative body, or modulate its supplemental application, or simply conclude that it doesn’t result compatible its regulation due to the special nature of labor relations. Specifically, this issue will be analyzed from cases of nullity and defeasibility of the labor contract. / La validez y eficacia del contrato de trabajo así como los supuestos de nulidad y anulabilidad importan un análisis de los alcances de la aplicación supletoria del Código Civil teniendo en cuenta las peculiaridades del Derecho del Trabajo. El contrato de trabajo, en tanto negocio jurídico, tiene como marco de regulación a las disposiciones del Código Civil pero es necesario apreciar, en cada caso, si corresponde aplicar plenamente este cuerpo normativo, o modular su aplicación supletoria, o simplemente concluir que no resulta compatible su regulación por la naturaleza especial de las relaciones laborales. Especialmente, este tema será analizado a partir de los supuestos de nulidad y anulabilidad del contrato de trabajo Read more
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Právní aspekty invalidity z mládí / Law aspects of disability from youthHORYNOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
This study occupies itself with legal aspects of invalidity from youth. It represents an issue that is very significant from the social point of view although not regulated as single problem by law. However the whole theme infiltrates to another specific fields: social insurance, assessment medicine, psychology, juristic section, medicinal issue, ethics, upbringing and special pedagogy in a broad meaning. Current Czech law regulation of theme concerning benefits for persons with long-term unfavorable health state is based on concept of full and partial invalidity pension as benefits within pension insurance scheme and pension increase for incapacity (helplessness). Generally full and partial invalidity pension benefits originate from reduction of gainful activity and reaching of relevant time period of pension insurance. According to a survey it is evident that number of awarded full and partial invalidity pensions has increased in {\clqq}Jihočeský`` region. Respecting diagnostic flags structure the greatest occurrence of full invalidity pensions from youth has been recorded in group of intermediate cephalonia. Solving of social insurance of the elderly is planned under the pension reform at the present. The main goal of invalidity pension is permission to live as close as possible to normal state thus to face up to a handicap and to secure appropriate family, social and work life. In fine we could deduce that there should be confirmation of obligatory conversion of full invalidity pension to old-age pension when reaching retirement age within Czech pension reform. In my study I have focused on some factors decisive for occurrence of full or partial invalidity. It represents socially significant problems in broad range of relations that establish or could establish. Long-term loss or reduction of ability to work have negative impact not only on individuals but also affect social status of their families and thus negatively influence the whole society. Exclusion from work process traumatizes young people. Pension benefits provided to the disabled from youth are not deduced from tolled premiums. That is the reason I think this should be solved out of the pension insurance system as well as pension increase for incapacity (helplessness). Costs on these benefits would be compensated by state budget within pension insurance system in the near future with perspective of transmission of these benefits to other social scheme. In this connection it is necessary to emphasize that mankind should be made sure that there is basic perception and crucial aim of social welfare in focusing on level and quality of life of individuals and their families not affected by unfavorable social or economic influences as well as their health state and well-being that will not be compounded by diseases and injuries. This fact will substantially affect the strategy of modern social policy. Read more
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Lichevní smlouvy v občanském právu / Usurious contracts within the context of civil lawŠejdová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Central point of the thesis at hand is the effort to clarify legal consequences arising out of the conclusion of the usurious contract. Its primary aim is to determine whether the usurious contract is voidable or rather null and void and whether it is possible to uphold the usurious contract either by applying the concept of partial invalidity or by judicial balancing of the grossly disproportionate considerations arising out of the usurious contract. This thesis is structured into two parts. The first chapter of the first part briefly introduces paradigms of the rules related to the usury. The second chapter analyzes individual characteristics of the usury. In the third chapter author argues for the possibility to review the contracts (showing the disproportion of considerations, defects of the abused's will and the element of abuse, however, not fulfilling all the characteristics of the usurious contracts due to narrow definition of the usury) by the good-manners-test. Second part of this thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter analyzes consequences resulting from the violation of the usury prohibition and their impact on the usurer's and the abused's legal position. This chapter also deals with the difficulties in terms of interpretation of rules governing invalidity of legal... Read more
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Introductory notes for the application for a declaration of invalidity of a legal transaction from the civil perspective: Critical analysis of the position of the Fifth Civil Cassation Plenary regarding the challenging of collegiate associative transactions / Apuntes introductorios a la pretensión de nulidad de negocio jurídico desde la perspectiva civil: Análisis crítico de la posición del Quinto Pleno Casatorio Civil respecto de la impugnación de negocios colegiales asociativosCampos García, Héctor Augusto 25 September 2017 (has links)
In August 2014, the Peruvian Supreme Courten acted the Fifth Civil Cassation Plenary, which establishes that any challenging madeto an associative agreement must be realized through the procedure referred to in the article92 of the Peruvian Civil Code. The comments and criticisms to this decision have not beenfew, considering the complexity of the theme discussed in the aforementioned decision.In this context, with the present article the author realizes a thorough critique of such Cassation Plenary. Based on the analysis of civil and procedural legal concepts, he reaches a conclusion: That the plenary decision, besides of having multiple legal errors, won't accomplish its purpose. / En agosto de 2014, la Corte Suprema promulgó el Quinto Pleno Casatorio Civil, en elque dispone que todo cuestionamiento a un acuerdo asociativo deba realizarse mediantela impugnación contemplada en el artículo 92del Código Civil. Los comentarios y las críticas a esta decisión no han sido pocas, tomandoen cuenta la complejidad del tema discutido.En ese contexto, mediante el presente artículo, el autor realiza una crítica completa sobre el Pleno Casatorio. Basándose en un análisis de conceptos jurídicos civiles y procesales, llega a una conclusión: La decisión plenaria, además de tener múltiples errores jurídicos, no logra finalmente lo que se buscaba con ella. Read more
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The doctrine of separability in respect of the arbitration clause of a contract :|ba comparative study of English law and South African law / Anthony Lehlohonolo DiteduDitedu, Anthony Lehlohonolo January 2014 (has links)
Most jurisdictions have over the past two decades experienced reforms with regard to arbitration law. These include England, America, France, Germany and the Netherlands. These reforms were necessary as the trend in the modern era shows that businessmen situated in different countries usually prefer to have their disputes resolved by arbitration as opposed to court litigation. To have disputes resolved effectively, it is surely a desirable thing to have laws that would promote the use of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution. This would also ensure progressive international trade which is an important aspect of development in the South African constitutional state.
One aspect of the law that would ensure a speedy and effective resolution of dispute by means of arbitration is the incorporation of the doctrine of separability in a country's law. The doctrine of separability provides that an arbitration agreement is a separate and independent contract from the main contract in which it is incorporated. In light of the above, the primary purpose of this study is to compare and analyse the English legal system with that of South Africa with specific focus on the doctrine of separability. / LLM (Import and Export Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014 Read more
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