Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bpersonal insurance"" "subject:"5personal insurance""
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Corps humain et assurances de personnes / Human body and personal insuranceLinglin, Emilie 02 July 2014 (has links)
En ce qu’il est intimement lié à la personne, le corps humain est une matière sensible qui fait l’objet de protections diverses. Parmi celles-ci figurent notamment les assurances de personnes, lesquelles, en tant que mode de prévoyance, remplissent une importante fonction économique et sociale qui justifie qu’on cherche à favoriser leur accès. Cette étude vise à déterminer de quelle manière la spécificité du corps humain et la volonté de le protéger qui s’y attache affectent les deux principaux aspects du processus contractuel en assurance, que sont la connaissance et la couverture du risque. En effet, pour déterminer le risque et prendre la décision de le couvrir, l’assureur doit le connaître. Or lorsqu’il s’agit de couvrir les risques susceptibles d’atteindre l’individu dans son existence, son intégrité physique ou sa santé, les informations pertinentes relèvent de l’intimité du candidat à l’assurance. Comment concilier alors le droit au respect de la vie privée, le secret médical ou encore la protection des données génétiques et le besoin d’information de l’assureur ? En outre, afin de répondre aux sollicitations toujours plus grandes de protection du corps humain, les actions combinées du législateur et du juge entraînent certaines mutations de la couverture des risques pesant sur la personne par l’assureur dont il convient d’étudier les modalités. Car malgré toute l’attention dont le corps humain fait l’objet, sa protection ne doit pas se faire au détriment de l’« âme » des assurances de personnes. / In that it is intimately linked to the person, the human body is a delicate entity which is the object of diverse protections. Amongst these figure personal insurances which, with their nature of precaution, play an important economic and social role that justifies easier access. This study aims to determine in which manner the specificity of the human body and the will to protect it affect the two principal aspects of contractual processes in insurance: the understanding and the coverage of risk factors. Indeed to determine a risk and to decide to cover it, the insurer must understand it. Concerning coverage of risks liable to affect the individual’s existence, his physical integrity or his health, pertinent information concerns the insurance candidate’s intimacy. In which way is it possible to reconcile the rights respecting private life, medical confidentiality, the protection of genetic data and the insurer’s need for information ? In addition, in order to respond to the ever increasing demands for protection of the human body, the combined actions of legislators and judges cause certain mutations in coverage of risk by the insurer that weigh on the person and it is necessary to study these modalities. Despite all the attention paid to the human body, the “soul” of personal insurance must not be sacrificed.
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人身保險之複保險問題研究 / The problems of double insurance in the field of personal insurance葉勁之, Yeh, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:損失補償原則、複保險、人身保險、損失補償保險、非損失補償保險 / This paper explores the disputes of double insurance effective to personal insurance. The process, at first, is to clarify the purpose and functions of double insurance and, then, to introduce the viewpoints and stances of scholars as well as the judicial cases. In all, there are four points. Firstly, is double insurance, stipulated in the general provisions, effective to the personal insurance? Secondly, in comparison with the categorization of indemnity insurance and contingency insurance in many other countries, is the categorization of property insurance and personal insurance in our insurance law appropriate? Thirdly, how we verify four main personal insurance products in terms of the three factors of indemnity insurance? Finally, what is the reasonable face amount of a personal insurance contract? The approaches of this paper are exploring the history of insurance laws in the different countries and discriminating the differences of indemnity insurance and contingency insurance. Finally, for the purose of dedicating to the improvement of integrated financial services business in Taiwan, this paper not only makes suggestions with respect to legal amendments in Insurance Law, but also proposes five administrative means to support insurers business development in a constructive environment.
Key Words: The Principles of Indemnity, Double Insurance, Personal Insurance, Indemnity Insurance, Contingency Insurance
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L'assurance dans l'opération de crédit-bail / Insurance in leasing transactionsKoussougbo, Armand 20 December 2014 (has links)
L'opération de crédit bail est un ensemble contractuel dans lequel plusieurs contrats participent à la réalisation d'un but commun. Il s'agit du financement en vue de l'acquisition ou de la construction d'un bien mobilier ou immobilier. L'opération met en scène un contrat principal autour duquel s'agglomèrent d'autres contrats accessoires. La recherche de la sécurité étant « l'obsession » de l'établissement financier, l'opération se traduit par l'exigence par celui ci de diverses assurances dont chacune couvre un risque bien déterminé. L'assurance apparaît ainsi pour l'établissement financier comme le principal pilier sur lequel repose la sécurité du financement. « L'assurance dans l'opération de crédit bail » vise donc à étudier les différentes assurances exigées par l'établissement financier pour se protéger et protéger les intervenants à l'opération et le bien crédit baillé. Le nombre des protagonistes à l'opération, leurs intérêts souvent communs, parfois opposés, les modes de construction retenus, les techniques d'assurance utilisées complexifient l'opération. Cette thèse juge de l'efficacité de l'assurance dans le crédit-bail en appréhendant les droits et obligations des parties au crédit bail et de l'assureur. Sous le prisme de la couverture des risques de l'opération et de la survenance du sinistre, elle identifie les obstacles auxquels peuvent être confrontées les parties au crédit bail et les remèdes pour les surmonter. L'étude de l'assurance dans l'opération de crédit bail, vise ainsi à servir les intérêts pratiques des opérateurs économiques dans un double souci de sécurité et d'efficacité juridique. / The leasing transaction is a contractual package in which several contracts are involved in achieving a common goal. It is a source of funding for the acquisition or construction of a movable or immovable property. This operation features a main contract around which are established other ancillary contracts. In view of financial institutions "obsession" over security, the operation involves the requirement by the latter of various insurances each covering a specific risk. In fact, the institution considers insurance the main pillar for securing the funding."Insurance in Leasing Transactions" therefore aims to explore the various insurances required by the financial institution to protect itself as well as the other parties involved in the transaction and leased property. The number of stakeholders in the transaction; their often common, and sometimes conflicting, interests; the construction methods adopted and the insurance underwriting techniques used are likely to complicate the operation. This thesis assesses the effectiveness of the insurance in leasing by appraising the rights and obligations of the stakeholders of the leasing transaction and the insurer. In terms of hedging, the risks of the transaction and of the occurrence of the insured event, it identifies the obstacles which may be encountered by the parties to the leasing and provides solutions to overcome them. Thus, the study of insurance in leasing operations aims to serve the practical interests of the economic operators, for the sake of both security and legal efficiency.
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超媒體專家決策支援系統在人身風險管理領域之應用研究 / Developing a Hypermedia Expert Decision Support System for Personal Risk Management林秀芬, Lin, Shou Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的即在探討人身風險管理中供給面之保險經營者及需求面之投保消費者之間的整合作業程序與互動關係,並提出一個專家決策支援系統架構來引導人身風險管理資訊系統之建構與應用,以支援供需兩個構面的資訊與決策需求。一個利用軟體整合方法所建立的人身保險選擇原型系統,將用來作為本研究的可行性驗證。資訊之組織、呈現及交談式操作介面,則採用超媒體方法,以提昇系統的執行及使用績效。 / Persnoal risk managment is a systematic approach for designing and managingpersonal or family security plans to control the risks of health and financiallosses. Enrolling in some personal insurance program is the most popular me-thod adopted by people for risk and financial management.The decision problemsand operational processes related to both sides of providers and consumers inthe personal insurance industry include requirment analysis and productselection for the customers and marketing, underwriting, actuarial, constractadministration, claims processing, and financial investment for the insurancecompanies.To carry out these procedures and solve the target problems effici-ently and effectively require the proper integration and process of associateddata, model, and knowledge.
The goal of this paper is to propose an integrated process for personalrisk management while takes into account both functions and interactions ofinsurance provid ers and customers, as well as to present a conceptual expertdecision support system architecture for guiding the system design andimplementation to satisfy various informationand decision needs from bothparties. Also provided in this paper is a software integration approachfor constructing a prototyped system focusing on personal insurance policyselection. Hypermedia concept and technology is used for informationsystem performances.
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