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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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應用九力分析建構人身保險業競爭智慧系統之研究-以國內某公司為例 / Applying Nine Forces analysis in Constructing Competitive Intelligence System in Life Insurance Industry: An Evidence from a Company in Taiwan

許婷筑, Hsu, Ting Chu Unknown Date (has links)
人身保險產業,正處於一個市場環境、政府法令、高度資訊化等的產業轉型之際,面對如此變動的環境如何利用資訊科技的即時性、全面性、整合性與擴散性,不僅提供橫斷面的資訊蒐集更需要縱斷面的行為與趨勢分析,以期為決策制定者產生決策資訊之依據,而非只是資訊散亂的呈現。同時,企業為維持持續性的競爭優勢在於掌握對競爭環境及競爭對手狀態與動向的監控資訊,同時結合企業內部所處態勢與擁有能力,發展出適當的策略或戰術以因應外部快速變動之環境,即為競爭智慧系統所具備之特性及功能。 本研究即以個案公司作為產業落後者進行案例分析,探討在人身保險產業環境變動之下,個案公司應採取何種策略以因應市場環境及非市場環境下之激烈競爭,以及針對該種策略之實施,個案公司目前狀況與產業中之情況有何差距,並以核保流程為例說明施行該策略之效益與相關競爭智慧需求,最後基於該策略施行下所有相關使用情形、效益及契合度等資訊,設計一資料模型架構存儲相關有用資訊,以供決策之用。 研究結果發現,個案公司長期以來不擅於利用資訊科技輔助其營運流程及管理流程,並且對於資訊科技始終抱持保守心態以及沿襲低度投資之慣例,若能藉由建立競爭智慧系統掌握各家保險公司對於科技面之運行概況與方式,追蹤長期所產生之效益,並藉此評估自身競爭優勢,以提升企業競爭力,將有助於處於資訊科技落後之個案公司未來進行資訊科技決策時之參考依據。 / While life insurance industry is facing the revolution in not only the business environment but also regulations and highly informationization, how can firms use the immediateness, comprehensiveness, integration, and extension of information technology(IT) to provide cross-sectional data collection as well as longitudinal trend analysis to assist decision makers make decisions instead of presenting data in disorder. In the meanwhile, the essential factor in keeping continuous competitive advantage is to know well the environmental information, including competitive environment, competitors and strategies, and combine the firm’s strategic position, resources and capabilities together to develop the fit strategy or tactics to respond to the rapidly changing environment. That is exactly the characteristics and functions of competitive intelligence system. This research takes the case as a lagger for example to study what kind of strategy should the company adopt to face keen competition under market and non-market environment. With the implementation of strategy, what the gap between case and the industry is and take the policy-issuing for example to illustrate the benefits and competitive intelligence requirements related to the strategy. Last, based on all the information of that strategy implementation, benefits and alignment, design a conceptual data model to store all the useful information to provide integrated sources. The results show that the company hasn’t been good at utilizing the IT to assist their operating and management processes, and deeply held conservative attitude toward IT all the time. If they can know well the IT adoption and situation as well as track the benefits continuously in other life insurance companies through constructing competitive intelligence system, it’ll be helpful for company to evaluate their own competitive advantage comparing with others and provide useful references about IT decisions

保險商品電子商務投保商業模式之可行性研究 / Feasibility Study on the Business Model of the Insurance Products in E-commerce

尹立豪 Unknown Date (has links)
在多元化的社會中,客戶對於投資自己的觀念已較過去為重,然而投資自己的方式是多元的,而今保險的投資方式是屬於較保守的方式之一,也是客戶較能接受的方向之一。所以,為能滿足廣泛的客戶族群的需求,保險產業除了持續傳統的保險業務員推銷的商業模式之外,亦應提供另一項商業模式的推行,讓不喜歡保險業務員推銷手法的客戶可以有另一項投保管道的選擇,這也是本文研究保險商品之電子商務投保的商業模式的構想,並且藉由保險商品之電子商務投保商業模式的可行性及優劣的探討,據以作為保險產業拓展新營運方式的依據。 因此,本研究根據分析的結果,獲得了以下幾項研究發現,並且將內容概述如下: 一、 保險產業在投入新的商業模式時,在未來的保險市場上的發展將更具有競爭力。 二、 網路投保、雲端行銷、客戶服務、保險商品客製化、會員權益等商業模式的推行,有助保險公司的經營發展。 三、 內部組織應著重於成本的規劃與回饋,以及重視商品交易的作業時效的要求。 四、 保險產業競爭愈來愈激烈的環境下,降低威脅所造成的影響,便是商業模式成功推行的方向。


彭金隆, PENG,JIN-LONG Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


黃國祥 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構之降息政策與全球經濟環境之不確定性,大幅增加人壽保險人之經營風險,以鄰國日本人壽保險為例,自1996年日產生命發生財務危機開始,已有5家保險公司宣佈倒閉或破產,6家進行合併,其餘14家也面臨嚴重之財務壓力,為避免系統風險造成台灣人壽保險產業之破產危機,如何創新保險商品及研擬風險管理成為重要之議題。   人壽保險公司之負債資產比極高,因此公司之財務健全與投保人之權益息息相關,利率變動將顯著影響公司獲利能力,因此利率風險管理實為當務之急。投資型商品之開發為人壽保險產業因應利率風險之新興策略,早期為人壽保險與共同基金結合,或與銀行定存結合,近來發展出與指數型金融商品連結之保本型人壽保險。因為商品之複雜度,評價將成為重要之課題,投資型保險基於被保險人參與財務風險程度之大小差異,風險管理與傳統型保險有所差別。   本研究首先探討目前人壽保險市場之現況,詳細定義投資型人壽保險,探討發展過程,並實際進行試算與評價分析,列舉說明精算之規範,資產負債管理、風險資本額制度下之定位及外匯等問題,以個案討論台灣及中國大陸市場之投資型商品,並提出現況之建議。 / Due to the monetary policy in the banking sector and the global economic uncertainty, the solvency issue for the life insurer becomes crucial. In Japan life insurance market, five insurers have declared their bankruptcy since 1996, six insurers had been merged, and the others have suffered serious financial press. Preventing the ruin crisis of life insurers and strengthen their financial abilities through innovation products and risk management techniques in Taiwan have become an important issue for the management.   Owing to the high leverage ratio in life insurer's capital structure, the reserve adequacy plays a vital role in shielding the policyholder's rights. Since the uncertainty of the interest rate affects the reserve and surplus of the insurer, asset-liability risk management becomes an important subject. Adding the investment-linked life insurance policies in the insurer's liability portfolio is an innovative strategy in managing the low interest risk. Combining with the mutual fund or the bank certificates in early stage has advanced to integrate with the equity indexed products. The investment-linked products vary from the traditional ones allowing the participation in the financial risks. Owing to the complexity of its design, the valuation becomes essential.   This study analyzes investment-linked life insurance policies and their historical evolutions. The financial valuation processes are illustrated explicitly. The regulations in the reserve valuation, the asset-liability management, the connection with risk-based capital (RBC) and the related hedging issues are also explored. Finally, the product designs and managerial issues in operating the investment-linked life insurance policies in Taiwan and Mainland China are discussed.

應用資料採礦於人身保險顧客關係管理之研究─以T保險經紀人公司為例 / The application of data mining in the study of customer relationship management in life insurance ─ using t assurance broker company as an example

黃翠蓮, Huang, Tsui Lien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來保險經紀人產業蓬勃發展,保險業行銷通路多元化,其相關產業競爭環境更顯嚴苛險峻,而以「人」為本的人身保險產業更須著重良好顧客關係的維持,並滿足顧客之需求,以提升企業之形象與價值。因此能否有效應用資料採礦技術於顧客關係管理,精確地區別顧客族群並瞭解各自之需求所在,以整合各項通路資源進行目標市場行銷,並歸納出未續繳保費可能性較高之族群特性,作為顧客留置之用,減少新客源開發之成本,已然成為保險經紀人產業重視的課題。 本研究以T保險經紀人公司為例,說明如何應用資料採礦技術萃取出有利於個案公司顧客關係管理的知識,期間藉由個案公司提供的2005年至2010年保單資料作為實證分析之用。於分析過程中,使用敘述性統計以瞭解此六年期間新契約保單之概況;透過交叉分析知曉險種與被保險人、保單特性之關聯;利用被保險人和保單特性進行二階段集群分析,藉由分群結果作為市場區隔之用;最後使用被保險人、保單和業務員特性進行C&R Tree決策樹分析,以歸納出未續繳保費之分類規則。 根據本研究之發現,可將顧客分為理財退休規劃型、避險儲蓄需求型、人生風險規劃型和防癌醫療保障型四大顧客族群,可藉由目標市場族群特徵計畫行銷方案,以開發新客源創造利收;而利用C&R Tree決策樹分析可歸納出未續繳保費可能性較高的三項規則,藉此針對可能流失之顧客族群擬訂對應策略,以鞏固既有客戶提升續繳率;此外,於研究過程中亦發現個案公司資料庫缺在些許問題,應落實資料庫管理之正確性、即時性、完整性,以有效運用資料創造商業價值。期能達到目標市場行銷效益最大化、提升顧客留置策略有效性、改善當前資料庫管理之詬病。


王麗惠, WANG,LI-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共分六章: 第一章 緒論:說明壽險業的背景與經營面臨的問題、研究動機及目的,并界定研究 範圍,最后提出觀念性架構。 第二章 理論基楚及相關文獻探討,先針對生活型態理論與市場區隔理論進行了解, 再探討國內有關壽險市場消費者行為或市場調查的研究報告。 第三章 研究設計:先給予本研究之主要變數下操作性之定義,設立研究假設、介紹 本研究整個過程及所使用的分析方法,說明問卷設計的經過、資料 集過程及樣本結 構,接著計算問卷的信度,最后說明本研究的限制。 第四章 生活型態區隔之分析:利用因素分析法得到生活型態的構面,以集群分析予 以適當分群,再以這些穩定之分群來探討各群在購買行為、動機、評估準則、方案評 估、情報來源等方面之差異,以掌握消費者特性并擬定策略設計并提供合其所需之保 險商品。 第五章 專屬性商品之開發:本章就國內三張專為女性設計之特種商品––婦女險提 出比較,并探討現有區隔之各群體之購買意願及此商品之市場潛力。 第六章 結論與建議,摘述本研究之重要發現,并根據研究發現向相關單位提出建議 ,并提出爾后研究之建議。


楊晢凱, Yang, Zhe-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
隨 國民所得之提高,人民對未來生活益加關心。由於社會環境的劇烈變遷,社會生 活的不定性日益增高,社會風險愈趨複雜。因此,如何轉移各種風險,減少意外事件 的損失,確保未來生活素質,已日受一般人重視。 保險市場之繼續擴張,係屬必然的趨勢。如何配合市場需求,推出適切產品,乃每一 保險業者之關鍵業務。而此一關鍵業務悉賴對保險市場之充分認識,對消費大眾投保 行為有充分之瞭解。 本論文共分六章十五節,探討影響投保行為之各有關因素,瞭解市場之特性,並根據 消費者對保險之一般態度,區分為若干區隔市場,進而擬定適宜之促銷策略。

人身保險之複保險問題研究 / The problems of double insurance in the field of personal insurance

葉勁之, Yeh, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討我國保險法中人身保險適用複保險的問題。研究的方法是先釐清複保險的目的與功能,繼而檢討迄今學者與實務見解對複保險適用人身保險的觀點與主要的爭議所在。重點有四:一是複保險規定於保險法總則之中,應否及於人身保險?二是財產保險與人身保險之分類和國外以損失補償原則區分之損失補償保險和非損失補償保險的差別,三是人身保險商品,即,人壽保險、健康保險、傷害保險與年金保險個別適用複保險與否的問題,最後是人身保險中保險金額的問題。針對這四個重點研究的過程是探討包括我國以及美國、英國、法國、德國與日本之保險法的立法例,釐清我國複保險出現在總則的謬誤,進而分析損失補償保險與非損失補償保險的差別。按著再以損失補償保險的三個基礎要件,檢視四種人身保險,以釐清各種商品適用複保險的疑義。最後以結論歸納出人身保險中有定值保險性質的保險應不適用梗保險,而且建議修正法條,以及週邊行政規定,以期在金融服務業務整合的時代中,對導正保險的實質功能做出貢獻。 關鍵字:損失補償原則、複保險、人身保險、損失補償保險、非損失補償保險 / This paper explores the disputes of double insurance effective to personal insurance. The process, at first, is to clarify the purpose and functions of double insurance and, then, to introduce the viewpoints and stances of scholars as well as the judicial cases. In all, there are four points. Firstly, is double insurance, stipulated in the general provisions, effective to the personal insurance? Secondly, in comparison with the categorization of indemnity insurance and contingency insurance in many other countries, is the categorization of property insurance and personal insurance in our insurance law appropriate? Thirdly, how we verify four main personal insurance products in terms of the three factors of indemnity insurance? Finally, what is the reasonable face amount of a personal insurance contract? The approaches of this paper are exploring the history of insurance laws in the different countries and discriminating the differences of indemnity insurance and contingency insurance. Finally, for the purose of dedicating to the improvement of integrated financial services business in Taiwan, this paper not only makes suggestions with respect to legal amendments in Insurance Law, but also proposes five administrative means to support insurers business development in a constructive environment. Key Words: The Principles of Indemnity, Double Insurance, Personal Insurance, Indemnity Insurance, Contingency Insurance


范千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
財富管理源起於私人銀行,服務對象為高淨值資產之客層。金融監督管理委員會為促進國內金融環境發展健全,於2005年2月間頒布「銀行辦理財富管理業務應注意事項」、2005年7月間頒布「證券商辦理財富管理業務應注意事項」、2006年1月核准「人身保險業辦理財富管理業務」。規範人身保險業從事財富管理業務之範疇,歸納為人身保險業針對高淨值客戶,透過人身保險業務員,依據客戶需求,提供資產配置或財務規劃等服務,而高淨值客戶之條件,由人身保險業自行依據經營策略訂定。 隨著人口老化、財富愈趨集中、經濟環境之變遷,金融控股公司資源整合與金融監理相關法規逐漸完備等因素,人身保險產業由擅長提供人身保險商品,延伸至理財規劃及資產管理諮詢服務,也延伸經營管理相關問題,本研究就國內人身保險業經營財富管理業務,針對人壽保險公司實施財富管理業務提出建議: 1、加強財富管理業務之風險管理:應加強經營財富管理相關業務的經營風險辨識,進而提出有效的風險管理制度與政策。 2、強化內部稽核制度有效性:在兼顧經營效率下,建立有效稽核制度,使企業成為一個有機體。 3、確實瞭解客戶並落實客戶風險告知:一套瞭解、認識、接近客戶並取得客戶信任整合流程,是發展財富管理業務的關鍵。 4、提升業務人員教育訓練及專業培養:專業知識、教育訓練、管理規範及資訊系統輔助,使人員服務品質提升,更可以有效傳遞並確保客戶權益。 5、強化保險商品創新與財富管理市場定位:以人壽保險產業深入服務優勢,搭配商品服務及通路創新,以獨特性及附加價值,奠定財富管理定位。 同時亦探討現行保險監理機關監管財富管理必須重視的議題,如何明確定義人壽保險業者經營財務富管理業務檢查要點,修正財富管理業務需有獨立權責部門規定及開放投資型商品設計及管理費議題。本文同時評估現行人身保險業者經營財富管理業務之效益評估,並作為監理機關監管財富管理業務時參考。 / The “Wealth Management” service was created by private bank. It is designed to serve the customers with high net worth. In order to improve the financial environment to be well managed and to be wealthy developed, the Financial Supervisory Commission Committee announced the terms of “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Banks” in February 2005, “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Securities” in July 2005. The “The Rules for Life Insurance Companies Hosting Wealth Management Business” had been permitted to be announced in January 2006. It defined the business scope for life insurance companies to promote the wealth management business. The purpose of the wealthy management service sold by life insurance companies is targeted to serve the life insurance customers with high net worth. Through the life insurance sales, the life insurance companies can offer the capital allocation, financial planning based on customers’ request. For the criteria of “High Net worth” customers, it can be defined by each life insurance company. Due to the average age of population is becoming higher, wealth is becoming to be concentrated, economic environment situation is changing intensively, the financial holding companies integrated the resources, the rules of financial supervision is becoming completed, such kinds of change offer the opportunity for life insurance companies to extend their business scope to the territory of the consultant service for financial planning and wealth management. Such kind of change creates some administration and management issues. So the purpose of this study is to survey the current situations of wealth management business of life insurance to try to find the suggestions for the below topics. 1.Empower the risk management for wealth management business: How to empower the risk identification capability to propose the effective rules and policies for risk management. 2.Improve the internal audit mechanism to be more effective: How to establish or improve the internal audit mechanism without affect the business and company operation. 3.Learn more about the customers and solid executing the risk notification to customers: How to establish an effective SOP for realizing the customers’ exact requirement, approaching the customers and getting the customers’ trust. 4.Enhance the sales education training to enhance the service quality and empower the business competition ability: By integrating the IT resources and business management to establish an organized/effective sales education training package for improving the sales knowledge and business domain know how. 5.The enhancement for life insurance product creativity and clear marketing positioning ability/core competence for wealth management business: Taking the advantage of the existing sales network, combining the creative product, service and channel profile to establish the specialty and core competence. Meanwhile, this study tries to highlight some key issues like “the important topics shall be focused by the insurance supervision institute”, “the definition of the check points for the wealth management business of life insurance companies”, “how to revised the relative rules to request the wealth management business must be performed by the independent department”, “release the permission for the designation of Investment-oriented merchandise and management fee”. This study also makes the performance evaluation for the wealth management business of life insurance companies. It would be the valuable reference data for the relative supervision institute of government.

超媒體專家決策支援系統在人身風險管理領域之應用研究 / Developing a Hypermedia Expert Decision Support System for Personal Risk Management

林秀芬, Lin, Shou Fan Unknown Date (has links)
人身風險管理為個人或家庭控制身體及財務損失機會,轉移風險獲得安全保障的管理方法與流程,其中人身保險為最常使用之風險移轉及理財工具.人身保險供需雙方所面臨的問題及作業程序包括消費者的保險需求預估、保險商品選擇..等。以及保險經營者的保險行銷、核保處理、保險精算、契約保全管理、理賠處理、資金運用等,其問題解決與程序處理之效率與效益,取決於人身保險相關資料、模式及知識之有效整合與運算。   本研究的目的即在探討人身風險管理中供給面之保險經營者及需求面之投保消費者之間的整合作業程序與互動關係,並提出一個專家決策支援系統架構來引導人身風險管理資訊系統之建構與應用,以支援供需兩個構面的資訊與決策需求。一個利用軟體整合方法所建立的人身保險選擇原型系統,將用來作為本研究的可行性驗證。資訊之組織、呈現及交談式操作介面,則採用超媒體方法,以提昇系統的執行及使用績效。 / Persnoal risk managment is a systematic approach for designing and managingpersonal or family security plans to control the risks of health and financiallosses. Enrolling in some personal insurance program is the most popular me-thod adopted by people for risk and financial management.The decision problemsand operational processes related to both sides of providers and consumers inthe personal insurance industry include requirment analysis and productselection for the customers and marketing, underwriting, actuarial, constractadministration, claims processing, and financial investment for the insurancecompanies.To carry out these procedures and solve the target problems effici-ently and effectively require the proper integration and process of associateddata, model, and knowledge.   The goal of this paper is to propose an integrated process for personalrisk management while takes into account both functions and interactions ofinsurance provid ers and customers, as well as to present a conceptual expertdecision support system architecture for guiding the system design andimplementation to satisfy various informationand decision needs from bothparties. Also provided in this paper is a software integration approachfor constructing a prototyped system focusing on personal insurance policyselection. Hypermedia concept and technology is used for informationsystem performances.

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