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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geospatial analysis of invasive plant species and their threats to ecological functionality at the VCU Rice Rivers Center

Kellogg, Erik W. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Invasive plants are a significant threat to native ecosystems and to biodiversity. They are often strong competitors and have multiple techniques to outcompete native plants. Thus, controlling or removing invasive plants facilitates the restoration of native ecosystems. We used GPS technology coupled with field surveying techniques adapted from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to locate and identify invasive plants present within VCU’s Rice Rivers Center. We digitally overlaid a 50-meter x 50-meter grid system over the property. In each grid cell we recorded visual estimations of invasive plant coverage sorted into modified Daubenmire cover classes and used ArcGIS for mapping and analysis. Altogether, we found 25 unique invasive plant species. 93% of the grid cells contained at least one invasive species, and one grid cell contained seven unique species. The influence of anthropogenic disturbance on invasive species distribution, analyzed by using a 50-meter wide buffer zone around each disturbance (e.g., roads, buildings, etc.), showed that the presence and coverage of invasive species was greater within disturbed areas compared to intact forest. Microstegium vimineum, Lonicera japonica, and Ligustrum sinense were most common and widely distributed within terrestrial habitats, while Murdannia keisak was most widely distributed in the restored wetland. Our results for M. vimineum were compared to a similar 2004 study: this species has since spread from 40% to 76% of the grid cells. The spatial maps we have created will be a foundation for an integrated invasive species management program at the Rice Rivers Center and will assist with management, control and restoration efforts within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Using remote sensing to monitor herbicide injury and biomass of waterhyacinth

Robles, Wilfredo 08 August 2009 (has links)
Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the ecological interactions and processes within a water body. However, the presence of the invasive exotic aquatic plant species, waterhyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms], negatively affects those interactions as well as interfering with water use for recreation and navigation. An implemented management plan for waterhyacinth control relies on the use of herbicides. Efficacy is commonly assessed using visual injury and control ratings as well as estimating biomass. The problem is that those approaches are labor intensive only assessing single points throughout the entire water body. Therefore, technology like remote sensing, which is the focus of this research, is recommended as an additional tool to assess implemented management plans. Studies were conducted in a mesocosm research facility to evaluate the relationship between simulated spectral bands 3, 4, 5, and 7 Landsat 5 TM and waterhyacinth treated with the herbicides imazapyr and glyphosate. Results indicate that injury is better detected and predicted with band 4 and that relationship is negative when either herbicide was used. However, prediction is better when plants have developed sufficient injury to influence the spectral response of band 4. In the second study, the biomass of waterhyacinth was estimated using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using simulated data from Landsat 5 TM. This study was conducted over natural populations of waterhyacinth in Lakes Columbus and Aberdeen, MS over two growing seasons. Results indicate that the use of NDVI alone is a weak predictor of biomass; however, its combination with morphometric parameters like leaf area index enhanced predictive capabilities.In order to assess field herbicide treatments for waterhyacinth control and its consequent impact on native aquatic vegetation, lake-wide surveys were performed in Lake Columbus, MS using a point-intercept method. The herbicide assessed was 2,4-D which was applied aerially and by boats. Point-intercept surveys in a 400 by 400 grid of points aided with global positioning system (GPS) were performed before and after herbicide treatments. Obtained results indicate that the frequency of occurrence of waterhyacinth significantly decreased after herbicide treatments which consequently led to the reestablishment of native aquatic vegetation on the system.

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Management Effectiveness and Plant Community Response

Coates-Connor, Erin 02 July 2019 (has links)
The control and eradication of the invasive biennial herb garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and the restoration of invaded forest habitats present important linked challenges to land managers in North America. Removing garlic mustard by hand and by glyphosate herbicide application have both been used as eradication strategies with mixed results. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, but they are rarely compared for effectiveness and community impact across multiple years of management. Some previous studies have shown improvements in species diversity and plant community composition following management, while others have found no differences. To better understand both garlic mustard population and native plant community responses to these two methods across a broad geographic range, we tested these two management methods for four years in seven northern hardwood forests in Massachusetts and New York State. We found that pulling juvenile and adult garlic mustard plants for four years significantly reduced adult abundance, while spraying had no effect compared to invaded control plots. In the plant community, we found no negative impacts of garlic mustard on species diversity nor increased diversity in managed plots following three consecutive years of management. Our results suggest that increased diversity should not be the primary goal of garlic mustard management at these sites and plant community monitoring at the site-specific scale should be explored. This study highlights how complicated decisions can be for managers when deciding which invasions to prioritize and how to measure plant community recovery.


2016 February 1900 (has links)
Weed seed contaminants in agricultural products from China in recent years have the potential for introducing new invasive plant species. Seeds of 169 weedy species from 39 families were collected from Chinese farmlands. Fifty-eight of these that are currently absent in Canada were evaluated. Two weed risk assessment (WRA) models (modified WRA+ secondary screen tool and weed elsewhere+ modified WRA+ secondary screen tool) rejected all invasive plant species and showed similar accuracy in non-invasvie plant species prediction based on 140 existing alien plant species in Canada, yet the second WRA model took significantly less time to conduct the evaluation. Fifty-five potential invasive species with various negative impacts in Chinese farmlands were rejected to enter Canada by the “weed elsewhere+ modified WRA+ secondary screen tool” model, including eight species that cause significant damage to Chinese farmlands. However, Anemone rivularis and Silene jenisseensis, which have no negative impacts in China, were also rejected. Seed germination characteristics among 18 Chinese weedy species were found with base temperatures for germination (Tb) varying from -2.5°C to 10.9°C, thermal time requirements to reach 50% germination (θ_50) ranging from 23.7 to 209.2℃*Day, and different optimal temperatures for germination, which may facilitate these species to cause different degrees of negative impacts in Canadian prairie provinces. An alien species would have a higher competitive advantage in resource uptake and space occupation than its congeneric with advantageous seed germination characteristics; otherwise it will be less competitive than its congeneric. In addition, plant functional traits that promote invasiveness would make an alien species more invasive. In conclusion, the “weed elsewhere+ modified WRA+ secondary screen tool” model is a fast and highly accurate way to screen out potential invasive species from Chinese environments, and is applicable to other environments with modification. Seed germination characteristics can be used to predict seasonal dynamics of weed seedling populations. The comparison of seed germination characteristics and other plant functional traits between alien plant and its congeneric weed from native areas provides a new way to evaluate the invasive potential of alien plant species.

The comparative demography of invasive plants

Jelbert, K. January 2018 (has links)
Biodiversity, ecosystems, industry and human health are threatened by invasive plant species. The costs of mitigating damages run into billions of pounds per annum. Fundamental to the control of invasive plant species is an ability to predict which species will become invasive. Yet identification of predictive differences between invasive and non-invasive species has proven difficult to pinpoint. In this thesis I identify several weaknesses within published literature, and using field experiments and meta-analyses we address these to find consistent predictors of invasiveness amongst plants. Specifically, I recognize that predictors of invasiveness can be identified by studying plant species in the native range because species may undergo phenotypic and demographic changes following naturalization (Chapters 2 – 5). I also recognize the importance of comparing globally invasive and non-invasive species, and the importance of accounting for phylogenetic relationships so as not to inflate or conceal differences (Chapters 2 – 4). Finally, I investigate whether particular analyses are more appropriate for investigating life history and demographic differences (Chapter 5). This thesis comprises an introductory chapter (Chapter 1), four data chapters (Chapters 2 - 5) and a general discussion (Chapter 6). Chapters 2 and 3 compare life history traits of plant species known to be invasive elsewhere, with their exported but non-invasive sympatric relatives in the native range. Chapter 4 utilizes Population Projection Matrices held within the COMPADRE Plant Matrix Database, to compare demographic projections of stable and transient dynamics of invasive and non-invasive plants; and Chapter 5 compares ten metrics, derived from Population Projection Matrices, of seven invasive species between the native and invaded range to determine if there are demographic or life history differences that facilitate invasion, and to identify those analyses that are most likely to reveal such differences. I find reproductive capacity to be a predictor of invasiveness, and that analyses of transient dynamics are more likely than analyses of projected stable dynamics to reveal demographic or life history differences between invasive and non-invasive species or populations of plants. I discuss these findings in the context of invasive risk assessment protocols and highlight future research opportunities.

Disturbance impacts on non-native plant colonization in black spruce forests of interior Alaska

2013 September 1900 (has links)
While boreal forest habitats have historically been relatively free from invasive plants, there have been recent increases in the diversity and range of invasive plants in Alaska. It is critical that we understand how disturbances influence invasibility in northern boreal forests, to avoid the economic damage other regions have experienced from invasive plants. Black spruce (Picea mariana) is the dominant forest type in interior Alaska, and wildfire is the dominant disturbance in these forests. Furthermore, disturbances in the form of management for fire suppression are common in forests close to urban areas. I surveyed recently burned, managed, and undisturbed black spruce forests for invasive plants to determine if fire and management facilitate invasive plant colonization. I also conducted an experimental seeding trial with three invasive plants common to Alaska (bird vetch (Vicia cracca), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and white sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis) in burned and mature black spruce forest to determine if fire facilitates invasive plant germination. To determine the effect of substrate type on invasive plant germination, I planted seeds on a variety of substrates in the burned forest. Results indicate that fire and fire suppression treatments promote invasive plant colonization, as invasive plants were observed in burned and managed areas, but not in mature stands. Analysis of environmental data taken at survey sites indicate that fire mediates invasibility through its effects on substrate quality. In burned stands, invasive plants are most likely to colonize areas of shallow post-fire organic depth. Results from the seeding trials were consistent with results from invasive plant surveys, with reduced germination in mature compared to burned forest, and no germination on the residual organic layer in the burned forest. The highest germination occurred on mineral soil in burned forest, indicating that severe fires that combust the organic layer are likely to increase invasibility. The results of this study suggest that invasive species control efforts should be prioritized to disturbed forests, particularly areas where the disturbance has exposed mineral soil.

Occupation, Dispersal, and Economic Impact of Major Invasive Plant Species in Southern U.S. Forests

Wang, Hsiao-Hsuan 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Invasive alien plants have impacted southern U.S. forests. This study focuses on quantifying current distribution, rate of dispersals, and economic losses caused by four major invaders — Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera (L.) Small), Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense Lour.), European Privet (Ligustrum vulgare L.), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.). Using data from USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and USGS Land Use and Land Cover (LULC), I first used logistic regressions to build occupation models for these four species. Second, I used VB.NET© (Microsoft, 2003) and Environment System Research Institute (ESRI) Arc View® 9.2 Geographical Information System (GIS) to model spatially explicit dispersal dynamics of these species. Finally, I evaluated economic losses associated with these invasions. The results of occupation models showed that landscape features, climatic conditions, forest and site conditions, forest management activities and disturbances, and forest ownership have statistically significant impacts on current distributions of all four species. The results of dispersal models showed that invasions of Chinese tallow, Chinese and European privets, and Japanese honeysuckle will be likely to appear on approximately 6.65 million acres of forest land in East Texas and Louisiana, 3.81 million acres in Mississippi and Alabama, and 12.55 million acres in Mississippi and Alabama, respectively, during the next 20 years. The estimated timber losses resulting from the invasion with no control for the next 20 years at 5% discount rate is 518 million dollars for Chinese tallow, 2.72 billion dollars for Chinese and European privets, and 11.05 billion dollars for Japanese honeysuckle. From an economic point of view, it would be most cost effective to execute high intensity control for these invasive species. Based on these findings, strategies for monitoring and mitigating these invasive species are proposed.

Use of uprooted invasive buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) parent plants as thatch to reduce progeny seedling emergence

Jernigan, Marcus Brendon January 2013 (has links)
Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) is a perennial bunchgrass native to Africa that has invaded ecologically intact areas of the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona. It threatens many native plant species by means of competitive exclusion as well as increased fire frequency and intensity. Since the 1990s, efforts have been underway in southern Arizona to control buffelgrass using manual removal. A problem with this method is that the resulting bare, disturbed soil provides a favorable environment for buffelgrass seed germination. This study examined whether thatch composed of uprooted buffelgrass parent plants spread over disturbed areas reduces the density of progeny seedlings. A secondary goal was to determine whether light attenuation and/or autoallelopathy were major factors involved in the effect of thatch on buffelgrass seedling density. The effect of light attenuation on seedling density was tested in containers in the field and in the greenhouse. The propensity of thatch to produce autoallelopathic chemicals was tested in the greenhouse. Field plots with thatch had 1.9 buffelgrass seedlings/m² which was significantly fewer (p= 0.03) than the 2.9 seedlings/ m² in plots without thatch. These results suggest that the placement of thatch over areas disturbed during manual treatment of dense stands of buffelgrass will increase the efficiency of follow-up control of buffelgrass progeny seedlings in these areas. Results of the field container study suggest that light attenuation does not play a significant role (p= 0.39) in the reduction of seedling density by thatch, whereas those of the greenhouse shade treatment study indicated that light attenuation is a significant factor (p= 0.004). However, because percent germination was very low in the field container study, those results may be of little value compared to the greenhouse shade treatment study results which indicate that light attenuation is a mechanism by which thatch reduces buffelgrass seedling emergence. Chemicals leached from decomposed buffelgrass thatch did not have a significant effect (p= 0.09) on buffelgrass seedling density. Only the combination of thatch and leached chemicals significantly reduced (p= 0.014) seedling density. Thatch may also increase the activity of other factors that could reduce seedling density such as pathogens, and predators of seeds and seedlings.


Liang, Yu 01 January 2010 (has links)
Invasion of exotic species is a significant problem in natural ecosystems, reaching epidemic proportions and resulting in significant economic losses. However, insufficient knowledge of explicit spatial distribution of invasive species hinders our ability to prevent and/or mitigate future invasion. In this study, we demonstrate the use of existing voluntary data to survey invasive plant species in Kentucky. We also reconstructed the historical distribution of 16 exotic invasive plants typical to Kentucky using herbarium records. We found that Kentucky is facing a large threat from exotic invasive plants as they are reported throughout most counties. The distribution maps for four of the top 10 most reported invasive species revealed that Kentucky is presently or was previously a front of invasion. The majority of the 16 targeted invasive species were scattered throughout Kentucky with no concentrations within particular regions. Cumulative curves of occupied counties over time fit a “J” shape expansion curve, which indicates the potential for further future invasion. This study demonstrates the usefulness of voluntary data and herbarium data to reconstruct the historical and current distribution of invasive species. Further studies on other invasive species can take advantage of information associated with herbarium specimens to achieve more fruitful results.

Molecular Characterization of Endophytic Fungal Colonizers of Plant Roots: A Comparison between the Aggressive Invasives Vincetoxicum rossicum, Alliaria petiolata, and Local Native Plant Species

Bongard, Cynthia Lee 02 August 2013 (has links)
Soil fungi play an important role in regulating plant communities as well as above and below ground ecosystem-level processes; conversely, plant communities may also affect the structure and functionality of these root-associating fungi. Alteration of these fungal communities due to non-native plant invasion has the potential to disrupt biogeochemical cycling, soil structure, and plant growth. Both beneficial symbionts such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as well as the total fungal community are potentially altered by aggressive invasive plant species in such a way as to disrupt existing native endophytic fungal communities in the soil post invasion. This disruption could provide a pathway for invasion and suggests the importance of investigating plant-fungal associations in invaded ranges. I used molecular techniques to characterize the fungal communities colonizing Vincetoxicum rossicum or Dog-strangling vine (DSV) and Alliaria petiolata or garlic mustard, both European natives that are currently well established in Eastern North America, as well as native plants that are commonly found persisting in the presence of dense colonies of DSV, as well as those same natives growing separately from DSV. Fungi colonizing different plant groups were analyzed using primers that target the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal operon in order to amplify total fungal species (TF), as well as primers designed to exclusively amplify AMF using small subunit rRNA sequences. Significant differences were observed in the diversity of both the TF and the AMF communities colonizing native plants in the invaded sites relative to the uninvaded sites. Sequencing work indicated that DSV forms associations with a broad array of fungal partners relative to proximal native plants, suggesting the likelihood of it being a fungal generalist. As well, DSV was found to associate with described opportunistic AMF such as Glomus intraradices, G. caledonium, G. fasciculatum and G. mosseae, while natives growing within DSV patches were not. Finally, garlic mustard was found to have the dominant effect where DSV and garlic mustard were co-occurring. These findings support the ongoing investigations into plant invasion processes, and therefore contribute to the development of effective strategies for invasive species management as well as site restoration techniques.

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