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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moderne Behandlungstrategien in der chirurgischen Therapie der pyogenen Spondylodiszitis der Lendenwirbelsäule

Tschöke, Sven Kevin 26 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die pyogene Spondylodiszitis als bakterielle Osteomyelitis der Wirbelsäule ist eine seltene Entität der bakteriell-entzündlichen Pathologien des Stütz- und Bewegungsapparates. Trotz adäquater Behandlungsstrategien, wird auch heute noch eine Mortalitätsrate von 5% bis 20% beschrieben. Vor allem die in dem vorwiegend älteren Patientenkollektiv deutlich erhöhte Prävalenz an metabolischen oder kardiopulmonalen Komorbiditäten fordert moderne Therapiekonzepte, die eine risikoarme, jedoch effektive Eradifizierung des bakteriell-entzündlichen Fokus mit schneller Wiederherstellung der prämorbiden Mobilität ermöglichen. Ausgehend von zwei grundlagenwissenschaftlichen Studien, wurden in der vorliegenden Habilitationsschrift zunächst die komplexen Zusammenhänge von lokaler Gewebsveränderungen und systemischer Entzündung erörtert. Hierbei zeigten die Analysen humaner degenerativer und traumatischer Bandscheibenzellen, dass die Apoptose, insbesondere die Herabregulation anti-apoptotischer Schlüsselkomponenten wie das Bcl-2, als mögliche Schnittstelle im katabolen Stoffwechsel der extrazellulären Bandscheibenmatrix diskutiert werden kann. In der generalisierten bakteriellen Entzündung (Sepsis), ließ sich durch die gentherapeutisch gewebsständige Überexpression von antiapoptotischen und antiinflammatorischen Interleukin-10 (IL-10), auch im IL-10-defzienten Organismus, eine deutliche Reduktion der systemischen proinflammatorischen Immunantwort mit verbesserter Überlebensrate septischer Tiere erzielen. Jedoch birgt der substantielle Gewebeschaden bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis nicht selten die Gefahr der konsekutiven Instabilität mit neurologischen Komplikationen und stellt damit eine besondere chirurgische Herausforderung dar. Daher wurden in drei weiteren klinischen Studien unsere, in den letzten 10 Jahren etablierten, lösungsorientierten Strategien erläutert. Zur Überbrückung größerer knöcherner Defekte gelang mit der Implantation expandierbarer Titancages eine sichere knöcherne Durchbauung mit vollständiger Ausheilung des Infektes. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von mehr als 3 Jahren war bei keinem der Patienten ein Infektrezidiv zu verzeichnen. In komplexen Fällen von monosegmentaler Spondylodiszitis der LWS mit multisegmentaler epiduraler Abszedierung, führte die epidurale Katheterspülung über den dorsalen Zugang für die Spondylodese zu einer folgenlosen Ausheilung. Damit konnte ein zusätzliches, iatrogenes Trauma mit multisegmentalen Lamintomien über die Distanz des epiduralen Abszesses vermieden werden. In einer weiteren Studie mit einem Beobachtungszeitraum von bis zu 5 Jahren, erzielte die Implantation von Poly-Ether-Ether-Keton (PEEK) Cages zur dorsalen intersomatischen Fusion bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis eine sehr gute, stabile knöcherne Durchbauung des infizierten Segmentes, ebenfalls ohne Infektrezidiv. Diese Abweichung vom herkömmlichen Standard mit Titanimplantaten erwies sich somit als sichere Alternative mit den für PEEK charakteristischen, verbesserten Eigenschaften. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Operationsverfahren, verspricht die Integration dieser Ergebnisse in die Weiterentwicklung minimal-invasiver Techniken, insbesondere im multimorbiden Patientenklientel, mindestens gleichwertig gute Ergebnisse bei deutlich reduziertem Operationstrauma.

ARNeuro : mobile augmented reality for craniotomy planning

Alves, Marcel Oliveira 30 July 2018 (has links)
Cirurgias minimamente invasivas tornaram-se importantes porque propiciam vários benefícios para o paciente, tais como redução do risco de infecção, menos dor, menor tempo de internação e recuperação mais rápida. Na neurocirurgia, a orientação por imagens é fundamental para a realização de uma cirurgia minimamente invasiva. Por esse motivo, os sistemas de neuronavegação tornaram-se cruciais para os neurocirurgiões. Enquanto as técnicas tradicionais para localização de craniotomia podem apresentar erros de mais de 10mm, os neuronavegadores proporcionam maior precisão, com erros menores do que 5mm. Apesar de seu papel crucial nos procedimentos neurocirúrgicos, muitos cirurgiões afirmam que a usabilidade dos neuronavegadores tem que ser melhorada. Outros mencionam que os neuronavegadores são caros e inacessíveis em hospitais com poucos recursos. Nesse contexto, alguns pesquisadores sugeriram que soluções de realidade aumentada poderiam ser uma alternativa aos neuronavegadores. Os sistemas de realidade aumentada estão surgindo na neurocirurgia, alguns deles tentando fornecer melhor usabilidade do que os sistemas atuais de neuronavegação, e outros tentando fornecer uma solução mais barata e que possa ser facilmente adotada. Neste trabalho, analisamos os avanços dos sistemas de realidade aumentadade de neuronavegação nos últimos anos. Percebeu-se que muitas soluções de realidade aumentada superam algumas das deficiências do neuronavegador tradicional, mas também trazem novos problemas. Essas abordagens de realidade aumentada podem ser caras e de difícil adoção, ou exigem muitas etapas pré-operatórias por parte do neurocirurgião, tornando-as indesejáveis para uso em casos reais. Para resolver esses problemas, apresentamos um aplicativo para dispositivos móveis, chamado ARNeuro, que auxilia na localização da craniotomia. O ARNeuro é mais acessível e mais fácil de usar do que a maioria das abordagens de realidade aumentada. Além disso, o ARNeuro é um aplicativo independente, o que significa que não é necessário nenhum hardware ou software adicional, além do que já está disponível nos hospitais. Nossa solução utiliza Odometria Inercial Visual, através de um framework de realidade aumentada, para indicar o centro da região da incisão, sobreposta na cabeça do paciente, mostrada na tela do dispositivo. Nossos experimentos iniciais indicam que o ARNeuro é uma ferramenta promissora. A versão atual do aplicativo tem um erro médio geral menor do que 3,1mm. Apesar disso, o sistema ainda tem muitas limitações e sua acurácia pode ser melhorada. / Minimally invasive surgeries have become important because they bring many benefits to the patient, such as reduced risk of infection, less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recoveries. In neurosurgery, imageguidance is fundamental to perform a minimally invasive surgery. For this reason, neuronavigation systems became crucial for neurosurgeons. While traditional techniques for craniotomy localization may have a target registration error of more than 10mm, neuronavigators provide higher accuracy, with errors of less than 5mm. In spite of their crucial role in neurosurgical procedures, many surgeons claim that neuronavigators usability has to be improved. Others mention that neuronavigators are expensive and not accessible in hospitals with few resources. In this context, some researchers suggested that augmented reality solutions could be an alternative to neuronavigators. Augmented reality systems are emerging in neurosurgery, some of them trying to provide better usability than current neuronavigation systems, and others trying to provide an affordable solution that could be easily adopted. In this work, we analyze the advances of augmented reality neuronavigation systems in the last years. It was noticed that many augmented reality solutions do overcome some of the traditional neuronavigator shortcomings, but they also bring new problems. These augmented reality approaches may be expensive and hard to adopt, or require many preoperative steps from the neurosurgeon, making them undesirable for using in real cases. To address these issues, we present a mobile application, called ARNeuro, that assists in craniotomy localization. ARNeuro is more affordable and easier to use than most augmented reality approaches. Also, ARNeuro is a standalone application, which means that no additional hardware or software is required, besides what is already available at the hospitals. ARNeuro makes use of Visual Inertial Odometry, provided by an augmented reality framework, to draw the center of the incision region, superimposed on the patient’s head, shown on the device screen. Our initial experiments indicate that ARNeuro is a promising tool. The current version of the application has an overall mean target registration error of less than 3.1mm. In spite of that, the system still have many limitations, and its accuracy can be improved. / São Cristóvão, SE

Mažiau invazinė įgimtų širdies ydų chirurgija. Širdies pertvarų defektų korekcijos įvertinimas / Less invasive surgery of congenital heart defects. Evaluation of atrial and ventricular septal defects surgical treatment

Tarutis, Virgilijus 07 July 2009 (has links)
Darbe išnagrinėti mažiau invazinės įgimtų prieširdžių pertvaros defektų (PPD) ir skilvelių pertvaros defektų (SPD) ydų chirurgijos galimybės ir ypatumai. Standartinį šių ydų operavimo būdą per išilginę vidurinę sternotomiją galima pakeisti mažiau invaziniu su geresniu kosmetiniu rezultatu. Darbe parodoma, kad mažiau invazinių PPD ir SPD korekcijų rizika iš esmės nesiskiria nuo standartinės metodikos per vidurinę išilginę sternotomiją. Mažiau invazinių širdies pertvarų defektų uždarymo operacijų metodika įgalina jas saugiai atlikti su įprastiniais širdies chirurgijos instrumentais be papildomų išlaidų. Mažiau invazinių įgimtų širdies ydų operacijų indikacijos yra siauresnės. / The study defines the possibilities and peculiarities of the less invasive congenital atrial septal defect (ASD) and ventricular septal defect (VSD) surgery. A standard median sternotomy approach in some cases is possible to replace with more cosmetic friendly and less invasive access. The study demonstrates that the risk of less invasive ASD and VSD closure doesn’t differ from the standard median sternotomy surgery risk. Less invasive operations methodic used in our centre enables it with conventional instrumentary set. Indications for less invasive congenital heart defects surgery are narrower.

Cirurgia Endoscópica Transluminal por Orifícios Naturais (NOTES) Híbrida Transvaginal em Éguas / Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (notes) hybrid transvaginal in mares

Merini, Luciana Paula January 2012 (has links)
A técnica cirúrgica endoscópica transluminal por orifícios naturais (NOTES) envolve o acesso à cavidade abdominal através de uma perfuração intencional de uma víscera (p.ex. estômago, reto, vagina, bexiga urinária) com um endoscópio flexível para acessar a cavidade abdominal e realizar uma exploração intra-abdominal. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a viabilidade de se realizar a técnica cirúrgica endoscópica transvaginal híbrida em éguas para a exploração da cavidade abdominal posicionados em estação e distribuídos em dois grupos conforme o acesso laparosópico pelo flanco direito ou esquerdo e pela incisão do saco fundo vaginal à esquerda da cérvix na posição horária de 9 horas ou à direita da cérvix na posição horária de 3 horas. O abdômen foi explorado sob visualização endoscópica utilizando um endoscópio flexível de 2 metros por 14 mm de diâmetro. A incisão vaginal foi realizada sob visualização indireta pelo laparoscópio acessado via flanco. Foram utilizados 6 éguas hígidas e 1 égua com histórico de lesão abdominal por arma de fogo. Os animais foram submetidos a jejum alimentar de 24 a 36 horas, distribuídos em dois grupos. No grupo 1 foram incluídos animais que foram acessado o flanco esquerdo para a introdução do laparoscópico e realizado a incisão do saco vaginal à esquerda da cérvix, enquanto no grupo 2, o acesso do flanco para a introdução abdominal do laparoscópio foi pelo lado direito e a incisão vaginal à direita da cérvix. Os animais foram sedados com a combinação de cloridrato de xilazina e butorfanol e para dessensibilização cutânea e muscular realizada no flanco esquerdo e direito e a execução da epidural baixa foi utilizada lidocaína. A técnica cirurgia realizada foi a cirurgia endoscópica transluminal híbrida pelo acesso vaginal utilizando uma cânula vaginal que permitiu a introdução do endoscópio flexível e facilitando a passagem para o lado contralateral da incisão vaginal do endoscópio flexível para realizar a visualização da cavidade abdominal. Foi possível visualizar em todos os animais o diafragma, o estômago, o lobo hepático esquerdo, direito e processo caudato, o baço, projeções do rim esquerdo e direito, o cólon menor, o ovário esquerdo e direito, o ligamento largo do útero, o corno uterino e as tubas uterinas esquerda e direita, o duodeno, a base do ceco, o cólon dorsal direito e as alças do intestino delgado. Não foi identificadoo forame epiplóico, o pâncreas, o reto e a bexiga em nenhum dos animais do estudo. O procedimento endoscópico transvaginal híbrido para a exploração da cavidade abdominal em éguas hígidas não evidenciou dificuldade em sua execução nem complicações pós-cirúrgicas, sendo viável nos dois diferentes grupos propostos, como também auxiliou no diagnóstico de lesões intra-abdominais em uma égua causadas por arma The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) technique involves the access to the abdominal cavity through an intentional perforation of a viscus (i.e. stomach, rectus, vagina, urinary bladder) with an endoscope in order to access the abdominal cavity and perform an intra-abdominal exploration. Until now, abdominal surgery in horses using minimally invasive techniques has been performed through laparoscopy. The objective of this study was to confirm the availability to perform the hybrid transvaginal endoscopic surgery technique in mares in order to explore the abdominal cavity in the standing position. The mares were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the left or right flank. / The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) technique involves the access to the abdominal cavity through an intentional perforation of a viscus (i.e. stomach, rectus, vagina, urinary bladder) with an endoscope in order to access the abdominal cavity and perform an intra-abdominal exploration. Until now, abdominal surgery in horses using minimally invasive techniques has been performed through laparoscopy. The objective of this study was to confirm the availability to perform the hybrid transvaginal endoscopic surgery technique in mares in order to explore the abdominal cavity in the standing position. The mares were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the left or right flank. An incision was performed on the posterior vaginal fornix on the left side of the cervix in a 9 o’clock position or on the right side of the cervix on a 3 o’clock position. The abdomen was explored under endoscopic visualization using a 2 meters long flexible endoscope by 14 mm in diameter. The vaginal incision accessed via flank was performed under indirect visualization using a laparoscope. Six healthy mares and one mare with the history of abdominal lesion by gun fire were used. The horses were subjected to fasting from 24 to 36 hours and they were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the flank and vaginal incision. In group 1, horses were accessed on the left flank to the introduction of the laparoscope and it was performed an incision on the vaginal fornix in the left side of the cervix. In group 2, the access of the flank to the abdominal introduction of the laparoscope was through the left side and the vaginal incision in the left side of the cervix. The horses were sedated using a combination of xylazine chloride and butorphanol. Lidocaine was used for skin and muscular anesthesia on the left and right flank and for the execution of low epidural. The surgery technique used was the hybrid NOTES through the vaginal access using a vaginal cannula which allowed the introduction of the flexible endoscope making it rigid and the passage of the endoscope to the contralateral side of the vaginal incision to visualize the abdominal cavity. In all the animals of the experiment, it was possible to see the diaphragm, stomach, left, right and caudate liver lobe, spleen, left and right kidney projection, small colon, left and right ovaries, broad ligament of the uterus, uterine horn and right and left uterine tubes, duodenum, base of the cecum, left dorsal colon, and bowel loops of the small intestine. There were not identified foramen epiploicum, pancreas, rectus, and bladder in none of the animals in the experiment. The hybrid transvaginal endoscopic procedure for the exploration of the abdominal cavity in healthy mares did not demonstrate difficulties in its execution not even post-surgery complications. The procedure was considered viable in both different proposed groups.

Cirurgia Endoscópica Transluminal por Orifícios Naturais (NOTES) Híbrida Transvaginal em Éguas / Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (notes) hybrid transvaginal in mares

Merini, Luciana Paula January 2012 (has links)
A técnica cirúrgica endoscópica transluminal por orifícios naturais (NOTES) envolve o acesso à cavidade abdominal através de uma perfuração intencional de uma víscera (p.ex. estômago, reto, vagina, bexiga urinária) com um endoscópio flexível para acessar a cavidade abdominal e realizar uma exploração intra-abdominal. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a viabilidade de se realizar a técnica cirúrgica endoscópica transvaginal híbrida em éguas para a exploração da cavidade abdominal posicionados em estação e distribuídos em dois grupos conforme o acesso laparosópico pelo flanco direito ou esquerdo e pela incisão do saco fundo vaginal à esquerda da cérvix na posição horária de 9 horas ou à direita da cérvix na posição horária de 3 horas. O abdômen foi explorado sob visualização endoscópica utilizando um endoscópio flexível de 2 metros por 14 mm de diâmetro. A incisão vaginal foi realizada sob visualização indireta pelo laparoscópio acessado via flanco. Foram utilizados 6 éguas hígidas e 1 égua com histórico de lesão abdominal por arma de fogo. Os animais foram submetidos a jejum alimentar de 24 a 36 horas, distribuídos em dois grupos. No grupo 1 foram incluídos animais que foram acessado o flanco esquerdo para a introdução do laparoscópico e realizado a incisão do saco vaginal à esquerda da cérvix, enquanto no grupo 2, o acesso do flanco para a introdução abdominal do laparoscópio foi pelo lado direito e a incisão vaginal à direita da cérvix. Os animais foram sedados com a combinação de cloridrato de xilazina e butorfanol e para dessensibilização cutânea e muscular realizada no flanco esquerdo e direito e a execução da epidural baixa foi utilizada lidocaína. A técnica cirurgia realizada foi a cirurgia endoscópica transluminal híbrida pelo acesso vaginal utilizando uma cânula vaginal que permitiu a introdução do endoscópio flexível e facilitando a passagem para o lado contralateral da incisão vaginal do endoscópio flexível para realizar a visualização da cavidade abdominal. Foi possível visualizar em todos os animais o diafragma, o estômago, o lobo hepático esquerdo, direito e processo caudato, o baço, projeções do rim esquerdo e direito, o cólon menor, o ovário esquerdo e direito, o ligamento largo do útero, o corno uterino e as tubas uterinas esquerda e direita, o duodeno, a base do ceco, o cólon dorsal direito e as alças do intestino delgado. Não foi identificadoo forame epiplóico, o pâncreas, o reto e a bexiga em nenhum dos animais do estudo. O procedimento endoscópico transvaginal híbrido para a exploração da cavidade abdominal em éguas hígidas não evidenciou dificuldade em sua execução nem complicações pós-cirúrgicas, sendo viável nos dois diferentes grupos propostos, como também auxiliou no diagnóstico de lesões intra-abdominais em uma égua causadas por arma The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) technique involves the access to the abdominal cavity through an intentional perforation of a viscus (i.e. stomach, rectus, vagina, urinary bladder) with an endoscope in order to access the abdominal cavity and perform an intra-abdominal exploration. Until now, abdominal surgery in horses using minimally invasive techniques has been performed through laparoscopy. The objective of this study was to confirm the availability to perform the hybrid transvaginal endoscopic surgery technique in mares in order to explore the abdominal cavity in the standing position. The mares were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the left or right flank. / The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) technique involves the access to the abdominal cavity through an intentional perforation of a viscus (i.e. stomach, rectus, vagina, urinary bladder) with an endoscope in order to access the abdominal cavity and perform an intra-abdominal exploration. Until now, abdominal surgery in horses using minimally invasive techniques has been performed through laparoscopy. The objective of this study was to confirm the availability to perform the hybrid transvaginal endoscopic surgery technique in mares in order to explore the abdominal cavity in the standing position. The mares were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the left or right flank. An incision was performed on the posterior vaginal fornix on the left side of the cervix in a 9 o’clock position or on the right side of the cervix on a 3 o’clock position. The abdomen was explored under endoscopic visualization using a 2 meters long flexible endoscope by 14 mm in diameter. The vaginal incision accessed via flank was performed under indirect visualization using a laparoscope. Six healthy mares and one mare with the history of abdominal lesion by gun fire were used. The horses were subjected to fasting from 24 to 36 hours and they were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the flank and vaginal incision. In group 1, horses were accessed on the left flank to the introduction of the laparoscope and it was performed an incision on the vaginal fornix in the left side of the cervix. In group 2, the access of the flank to the abdominal introduction of the laparoscope was through the left side and the vaginal incision in the left side of the cervix. The horses were sedated using a combination of xylazine chloride and butorphanol. Lidocaine was used for skin and muscular anesthesia on the left and right flank and for the execution of low epidural. The surgery technique used was the hybrid NOTES through the vaginal access using a vaginal cannula which allowed the introduction of the flexible endoscope making it rigid and the passage of the endoscope to the contralateral side of the vaginal incision to visualize the abdominal cavity. In all the animals of the experiment, it was possible to see the diaphragm, stomach, left, right and caudate liver lobe, spleen, left and right kidney projection, small colon, left and right ovaries, broad ligament of the uterus, uterine horn and right and left uterine tubes, duodenum, base of the cecum, left dorsal colon, and bowel loops of the small intestine. There were not identified foramen epiploicum, pancreas, rectus, and bladder in none of the animals in the experiment. The hybrid transvaginal endoscopic procedure for the exploration of the abdominal cavity in healthy mares did not demonstrate difficulties in its execution not even post-surgery complications. The procedure was considered viable in both different proposed groups.

Cirurgia Endoscópica Transluminal por Orifícios Naturais (NOTES) Híbrida Transvaginal em Éguas / Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (notes) hybrid transvaginal in mares

Merini, Luciana Paula January 2012 (has links)
A técnica cirúrgica endoscópica transluminal por orifícios naturais (NOTES) envolve o acesso à cavidade abdominal através de uma perfuração intencional de uma víscera (p.ex. estômago, reto, vagina, bexiga urinária) com um endoscópio flexível para acessar a cavidade abdominal e realizar uma exploração intra-abdominal. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a viabilidade de se realizar a técnica cirúrgica endoscópica transvaginal híbrida em éguas para a exploração da cavidade abdominal posicionados em estação e distribuídos em dois grupos conforme o acesso laparosópico pelo flanco direito ou esquerdo e pela incisão do saco fundo vaginal à esquerda da cérvix na posição horária de 9 horas ou à direita da cérvix na posição horária de 3 horas. O abdômen foi explorado sob visualização endoscópica utilizando um endoscópio flexível de 2 metros por 14 mm de diâmetro. A incisão vaginal foi realizada sob visualização indireta pelo laparoscópio acessado via flanco. Foram utilizados 6 éguas hígidas e 1 égua com histórico de lesão abdominal por arma de fogo. Os animais foram submetidos a jejum alimentar de 24 a 36 horas, distribuídos em dois grupos. No grupo 1 foram incluídos animais que foram acessado o flanco esquerdo para a introdução do laparoscópico e realizado a incisão do saco vaginal à esquerda da cérvix, enquanto no grupo 2, o acesso do flanco para a introdução abdominal do laparoscópio foi pelo lado direito e a incisão vaginal à direita da cérvix. Os animais foram sedados com a combinação de cloridrato de xilazina e butorfanol e para dessensibilização cutânea e muscular realizada no flanco esquerdo e direito e a execução da epidural baixa foi utilizada lidocaína. A técnica cirurgia realizada foi a cirurgia endoscópica transluminal híbrida pelo acesso vaginal utilizando uma cânula vaginal que permitiu a introdução do endoscópio flexível e facilitando a passagem para o lado contralateral da incisão vaginal do endoscópio flexível para realizar a visualização da cavidade abdominal. Foi possível visualizar em todos os animais o diafragma, o estômago, o lobo hepático esquerdo, direito e processo caudato, o baço, projeções do rim esquerdo e direito, o cólon menor, o ovário esquerdo e direito, o ligamento largo do útero, o corno uterino e as tubas uterinas esquerda e direita, o duodeno, a base do ceco, o cólon dorsal direito e as alças do intestino delgado. Não foi identificadoo forame epiplóico, o pâncreas, o reto e a bexiga em nenhum dos animais do estudo. O procedimento endoscópico transvaginal híbrido para a exploração da cavidade abdominal em éguas hígidas não evidenciou dificuldade em sua execução nem complicações pós-cirúrgicas, sendo viável nos dois diferentes grupos propostos, como também auxiliou no diagnóstico de lesões intra-abdominais em uma égua causadas por arma The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) technique involves the access to the abdominal cavity through an intentional perforation of a viscus (i.e. stomach, rectus, vagina, urinary bladder) with an endoscope in order to access the abdominal cavity and perform an intra-abdominal exploration. Until now, abdominal surgery in horses using minimally invasive techniques has been performed through laparoscopy. The objective of this study was to confirm the availability to perform the hybrid transvaginal endoscopic surgery technique in mares in order to explore the abdominal cavity in the standing position. The mares were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the left or right flank. / The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) technique involves the access to the abdominal cavity through an intentional perforation of a viscus (i.e. stomach, rectus, vagina, urinary bladder) with an endoscope in order to access the abdominal cavity and perform an intra-abdominal exploration. Until now, abdominal surgery in horses using minimally invasive techniques has been performed through laparoscopy. The objective of this study was to confirm the availability to perform the hybrid transvaginal endoscopic surgery technique in mares in order to explore the abdominal cavity in the standing position. The mares were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the left or right flank. An incision was performed on the posterior vaginal fornix on the left side of the cervix in a 9 o’clock position or on the right side of the cervix on a 3 o’clock position. The abdomen was explored under endoscopic visualization using a 2 meters long flexible endoscope by 14 mm in diameter. The vaginal incision accessed via flank was performed under indirect visualization using a laparoscope. Six healthy mares and one mare with the history of abdominal lesion by gun fire were used. The horses were subjected to fasting from 24 to 36 hours and they were divided in two groups according to the laparoscopic access through the flank and vaginal incision. In group 1, horses were accessed on the left flank to the introduction of the laparoscope and it was performed an incision on the vaginal fornix in the left side of the cervix. In group 2, the access of the flank to the abdominal introduction of the laparoscope was through the left side and the vaginal incision in the left side of the cervix. The horses were sedated using a combination of xylazine chloride and butorphanol. Lidocaine was used for skin and muscular anesthesia on the left and right flank and for the execution of low epidural. The surgery technique used was the hybrid NOTES through the vaginal access using a vaginal cannula which allowed the introduction of the flexible endoscope making it rigid and the passage of the endoscope to the contralateral side of the vaginal incision to visualize the abdominal cavity. In all the animals of the experiment, it was possible to see the diaphragm, stomach, left, right and caudate liver lobe, spleen, left and right kidney projection, small colon, left and right ovaries, broad ligament of the uterus, uterine horn and right and left uterine tubes, duodenum, base of the cecum, left dorsal colon, and bowel loops of the small intestine. There were not identified foramen epiploicum, pancreas, rectus, and bladder in none of the animals in the experiment. The hybrid transvaginal endoscopic procedure for the exploration of the abdominal cavity in healthy mares did not demonstrate difficulties in its execution not even post-surgery complications. The procedure was considered viable in both different proposed groups.

Miniaturisation des technologies d'imagerie de fluorescence pour assister la chirurgie mini-invasive / The miniaturization of fluorescence image guided technologies to assist minimally invasive surgery

Dorval, Paul 25 February 2015 (has links)
L’imagerie de fluorescence est une technique d’imagerie médicale permettant de visualiser l’émission d’un traceur, ou fluorophore, à l’aide d’une excitation de type Laser ou LED. Les domaines d’application de la technologie sont la chirurgie oncologique, la chirurgie reconstructive ou encore la chirurgie cardiaque. Bien que les besoins en chirurgie ouverte soient importants, l’évolution des pratiques tend à démocratiser la chirurgie dite minimalement invasive. La chirurgie endoscopique va dans ce sens, le but étant de limiter les traumatismes opératoires rencontrés en chirurgie ouverte. Parmi les avantages de cette techniques on note une diminution des saignements et de la douleur, ou encore une réduction de la durée d’hospitalisation.Lors d’une intervention de type chirurgie ouverte, le praticien peur se contenter de la seuls information de fluorescence fournie par le système d’imagerie. Cependant, tout l’enjeu de l’imagerie de fluorescence pour la chirurgie mini-invasive est de venir greffer ne information relative au fluorophore sur une image couleur de très bonne qualité, essentielle au chirurgien. Pour une première évaluation, un système deux caméras a été réalisé. Un capteur est dédié à l’acquisition de l’image couleur et un autre à l’information de fluorescence. Cependant, notamment pour conserver pour conserver un système compact et proposer la meilleure ergonomie possible au chirurgien, l’endoscope final ne devra comporter qu’un seul imageur. Le principe de base est d’utiliser des impulsions de lumière d’excitation et de lumière blanche afin de séquentiellement acquérir les données de fluorescence et les images couleur. Il convient ensuite de traiter les informations recueillies pour reconstruire l’image désirée en temps réel. / Fluorescence image-guided surgery is a medical imaging modality which allows the surgeon to visualize a fluorescent probe previously injected to the patient. The probe could be specific or not and the technology is useful in a wide range of application from oncologic procedures to reconstructive surgeries or cardiac procedures. Despite the important needs of this technology in open-procedures, the surgery in general is more and more minimally invasive. The goal of mini-invasive surgery is to limit patient's per and post operation trauma. The advantages of the technique are a decrease of bleeding and pain and a decreasing hospitalization time.During an open surgery, the B&W fluorescence information given by the fluorescence image-guided surgery system is enough for the surgeon. For mini-invasive procedures, the in-game is to overlay the fluorescence information to high quality color image, compulsory for the surgeon to perform his procedure. As a first evaluation, a 2-sensors system has been rapidly developed. One sensor is dedicated to the acquisition of the color image and the other to the fluorescence information. In order to make the system more compact and improve the quality of the color image furnished to the surgeon, the final system should be composed of only one sensor. To create the color image and collect the fluorescence information with one sensor, the technique involved pulsed white light and excitation light in a sequential acquisition mode. The two information are combined and a real-time color plus fluorescence video is displayed to the surgeon.

Learning Curves in Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery

Malik, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: As the number of minimally invasive technologies increases in the field of thoracic surgery, so have the number of learning curve analyses performed for these innovations. Variation in learning curve methodology makes between-study comparisons and evidence syntheses difficult. Furthermore, poorly described and reported learning curve analyses make the results difficult to apply to different clinical settings. The objective of this systematic review is to characterize the variability in the methods used to construct and describe learning curves, with the goal of identifying shortcomings and potential areas for improvement in this line of research. Methods: A search of Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, EBSCO CINAHL, and Web of Science was performed. Studies of learning curves of anatomical lung resection operations in adult patients published in the English language were eligible for inclusion. Two reviewers independently assessed studies for eligibility, and extracted relevant data. Results: The search yielded 56 articles eligible for inclusion in the present review. A variety of methods were used to construct the learning curve, with chronological grouping of cases being the most commonly used technique in 22 (39.29%) studies, followed by the cumulative sum method, employed in 21 (37.50%) studies. A total of 15 unique metrics were used for learning curve analyses; operative time was the most common metric, used in 39 (69.64%) studies. A large proportion of studies failed to provide details on learning curve parameters such as competency thresholds, surgeon’s prior experience, case complexity, and learning curve definition. Considerable heterogeneity was found in the methods and reporting standards of learning curve evaluations in minimally invasive thoracic surgery. Conflicts of Interest: None. Funding Source: Boris Family Centre for Robotic Surgery. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Use of Vibrotactile Feedback and Stochastic Resonance for Improving Laparoscopic Surgery Performance

Hoskins, Robert Douglas 20 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

High Energy Gamma Detection for Minimally Invasive Surgery

Chapman, Gregg James January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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