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Since computers are relied upon to run critical infrastructures – from nuclear power plants to electronic battlefield simulations – the concept of a “trusted” or tamperproof system has become even more important. Some applications have become so critical that it is imperative that they run as intended, without interference. The consequences of these systems not running as intended could be catastrophic. This research offers a solution for a key element for protecting these critical servers – validating process invocation sequences. The purpose of this research is to increase operating system security by detecting, validating, and enforcing process invocation sequences within a critical system. If the processes on a critical system are not those that are intended to run or support the critical system, or if a system is able to run processes in an unauthorized sequence, then the system is compromised and cannot be trusted. This research uses a computational theory approach to create a framework for a solution for the process invocation sequence problem. Using the Program Pathing Trust Model, a solution capable of identifying both valid and invalid process invocation sequences is developed.
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Good governance as a sine qua non for sustainable development in the new partinership for Africa's development (NEPAD): A conceptual perspective.Maserumule, MH 01 September 2005 (has links)
Empirical and textual analyses of development issues seem to suggest that
the fundamental flaw in the early initiatives1 of Africa’s leadership to address
the socio-economic problems of the continent was embedded in neo-liberal
inspired economic reductionist approach to development. This approach is premised
on the ‘econo-mythical invocation that if the economics are right everything
else would fall into place’ (Cernea 1994:07). An economic reductionist approach
to Africa’s development is inadequate. Cultural, sociological, psychological, political
and administrative factors are also important dimensions of development that
merit substantial consideration in the quest for the solution of the socio-economic
problems besetting the African continent. For development to be sustainable a
multi-disciplinary approach is required. In this article the political administrative
dimension of development with specific reference to good governance in the New
Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) is, from a conceptual perspective,
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La sainteté chez Charles Péguy / The sanctity in Charles Péguy’s workVélikanov, Marie 27 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse tente de répondre à deux questions principales : qui est le saint pour Péguy, et qu’est-ce que le saint, chez Péguy, fait au monde. Dans la première partie la réflexion est axée sur les saints (reconnus comme tels par l’Église), par, ainsi que les « saints » (selon un procédé de mise en relief littéraire, propre à Péguy) qui apparaissent dans les œuvres de Péguy. Nous tâchons d’y répondre à la question : qui est saint chez Péguy, qu’est-ce qui, selon cet auteur, fait d’un homme un saint, un Juste ? Péguy parle de figures d’exemplarité et réfléchit sur ses formes possibles : l’héroïsme, la sainteté, le génie. Il a sa propre liste de vertus (ce qui fait d’un homme un saint) qui sont parfois différentes des vertus traditionnellement attribuées aux saints catholiques. L’impact de son cheminement vers la foi sur sa philosophie de l’histoire mène Péguy vers un questionnement sur la sainteté même. C’est pourquoi la deuxième partie de cette thèse cherche la réponse à la question : que fait le saint au monde, dans le monde, pour le monde, comment le saint chez Péguy change le monde ? Il s’agit en somme de cerner le rôle de la sainteté dans le monde, y compris en tant que concept éthique revisité. Nous nous penchons aussi sur le ou les rôles que Péguy attribue au saint dans la société : solitaire parce que différent des autres humains, solidaire parce qu’agissant dans ce monde dans lequel il poursuit l’œuvre de l’Incarnation / The thesis aims at answering two main questions: Who is a saint from the point of view of Péguy. What does a saint do in the world.In the first part, the author approaches a set of questions: who is a saint? what makes a person saint or just for Péguy? To answer this, the author analyses the examples of saints in the works of Péguy, considering not only the saints recognised by church, but equally saints, specific to Péguy.Péguy portray saints as models for imitation, and he examines a diversity of forms these models could take: a saint, a hero, a genius. These «saint» created by Péguy possess a number of «virtues», sometimes radically different to those traditionally attributed to saints which makes them saint from the point of view of Péguy. Since the saint for Péguy is presented in direct connection with the world he lives in, the second part of the thesis answers the questions: what does a saint does in the world, for the the world, with the world. How a saint’s activity changes the world? In this part of the thesis, we approach the definition of the role of the sanctity in the world as imagined by Péguy. Péguy attributes two roles to a saint in the society: solitude and solidarity. A saint is lonely, because he is different from other human beings, but at the same time, a saint is united with the world in acting in the world in order to convey the incarnation, the embodiment of God in this world.For Péguy sanctity reveals itself as the new ethics instrumental in the construction of a new, harmonious city, which Péguy tries to build throughout his writings. This new ethics is supposed to revolutionise the current world, changing both morale and social paradigms
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The Early Tardy scheduling problem using Java Remote Method InvocationPhadke, Gopalkrishna January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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La responsabilité internationale de l'Etat pour fait colonial / The international responsibility of of State for colonial factAlhmri, Abdalbast 08 July 2013 (has links)
La colonisation peut-elle être considérée comme un acte illicite du point de vue du droit international ? La réponse à cette question est différente selon la temporalité retenue. La colonisation a été par le passé justifiée par des considérations humaines et même humanistes. Puis, le fait colonial, qui avait été longtemps exalté, est devenu illicite,à partir de multiples résolutions dont celle de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies 1514(1960). Parlez des problèmes d’attribution..... La réparation des dommages résultant de la colonisation relève de la compétence des tribunaux internationaux. Cette réparation peut prendre la forme de l'indemnisation, de la restitution, de la satisfaction et de la mise en œuvre de la responsabilité. / Colonization may not be considered an illicit act from the standpoint of international law? The answer to this question is different depending on the temporal restraint. Colonization has been in the past, justified by human considerations and even humanists. Subsequently colonized territories, facing the evolution of international law on the one hand and various recommendations from other people, have acquired a certain autonomy, which has been recognized by international law. Thus, the settlement which had long been exalted became illegal, and many resolutions have been taken in this direction. We can cite for example the resolution of the UN General Assembly 1514 (1960). As compensation for damage resulting from the settlement under the juridiction of international tribunals. Such compensation may take the form of compensation, restitution and satisfaction and the implementation of the responsibility?
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High level abstractions and visualization of sensor network applicationsPulluri, Sandeep January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Gurdip Singh / TinyOS is a component based operating system written in nesC programming language. TinyOS provides interfaces and components for common low level abstractions such as packet communication, routing and sensing for node level sensor network application programming. This project aims to provide high level abstractions to users by providing the notion of a virtual node, which represents a set of physical nodes, allowing users to specify global scenarios, and a mechanism to decompose a high level global scenario into local node level scenarios for each of the individual sensor nodes. A global scenario with virtual components, provided by the user, is first converted into a global scenario by eliminating the virtual components from the model by using a mapping information provided the user and replacing these virtual components by their respective physical components. Appropriate algorithm components and the automatically generated adapter components for these algorithm components are then plugged-in to implement inter-node interactions. This global scenario is then converted to the node level local scenarios by introducing the automatically generated proxy components for the remote components and connecting these proxy components using the RMI layer. The Cadena model is modified to include the attribute location for the components to identify the remote components. The make files are then generated for these local scenarios and are ready to be deployed on the physical motes.
The framework provides a GUI tool which is used to visualize the data of the sensor network in both simulation and deployment. The framework provides the user with commands that can be issued to the network from the Cadena component model as a set of interfaces to the components and a python script is used to capture this information in an xml file. The Cadena model is modified to include the attribute observable to the interfaces to identify them as the GUI commands. The GUI loads this XML file and the topology file for the actual deployment, can issue commands to the network and displays the results to the user. The GUI tool also enhances the Tossim simulator to model the external effects over the sensor network and to place the motes based on the topology information using the Tython environment.
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Remote Method Invocation for Android Platform / Remote Method Invocation for Android PlatformMagic, Ľuboš January 2012 (has links)
The thesis inquires the potential of a remote method invocation in the context of the Android mobile devices. The primary goal of the thesis is to investigate execution of security-critical parts of application code on smart cards (a prominent example of a smart card is the SIM card). Further, the thesis discusses issues of implementation of the remote method invocation in general, covering also its other frequent forms (such as execution on a remote server). A part of the thesis is a real world case study, which demonstrates the results of the thesis.
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Reasoning Utility Package User's Manual, Version OneMcAllester, David Allen 01 April 1982 (has links)
RUP (Reasoning Utility Package) is a collection of procedures for performing various computations relevant to automated reasoning. RUP contains a truth maintenance system (TMS) which can be used to perform simple propositional deduction (unit clause resolution) to record justifications, to track down underlying assumptions and to perform incremental modifications when premises are changed. This TMS can be used with an automatic premise controller which automatically retracts "assumptions" before "solid facts" when contradictions arise and searches for the most solid proof of an assertion. RUP also contains a procedure for efficiently computing all the relevant consequences of any set of equalities between ground terms. A related utility computes "substitution simplifications" of terms under an arbitrary set of unquantified equalities and a user defined simplicity order. RUP also contains demon writing macros which allow one to write PLANNER like demons that trigger on various types of events in the data base. Finally there is a utility for reasoning about partial orders and arbitrary transitive relations. In writing all of these utilities an attempt has been made to provide a maximally flexible environment for automated reasoning.
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Practical transparent persistenceIbrahim, Ali Hussein, 1980- 23 March 2011 (has links)
Many enterprise applications persist data beyond their lifetimes, usually in a database management system. Orthogonal persistence provides a clean programming model for communicating with databases. A program using orthogonal persistence operates over persistent and non-persistent data uniformly. However, a straightforward implementation of orthogonal persistence results in a large number of small queries each of which incurs a large overhead when accessing a remote database. In addition, the program cannot take advantage of a database's query optimizations for large and complex queries. Instead, most programs compose smaller queries into a single large query explicitly and send the query to the database through a command-level interface. These explicit queries compromise the modularity of programs because they do not compose well and they contain information about the program's future data access patterns. Consequently, programs with explicit queries are harder to maintain and reason about. In this thesis, we first define transparent persistence, a relaxation of orthogonal persistence. We show how transparent persistence in current tools can be made more practical by developing AutoFetch. The key idea in AutoFetch is to dynamically observe a program's data access patterns and use that information to reduce the number of queries. While AutoFetch is constrained by existing Java technology and tools, Remote Batch Invocation (RBI) adds the batch statement to the Java language. The batch statement is a general purpose mechanism for optimizing distributed communication using batching. RBI-DB specializes the ideas in RBI for databases. Both of these ideas help bridge the performance gap between orthogonally persistent systems and traditional database interfaces. / text
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Universal Mobile Service Execution Framework for Device-To-Device CollaborationsLe, Minh 01 May 2018 (has links)
There are high demands of effective and high-performance of collaborations between mobile devices in the places where traditional Internet connections are unavailable, unreliable, or significantly overburdened, such as on a battlefield, disaster zones, isolated rural areas, or crowded public venues. To enable collaboration among the devices in opportunistic networks, code offloading and Remote Method Invocation are the two major mechanisms to ensure code portions of applications are successfully transmitted to and executed on the remote platforms. Although these domains are highly enjoyed in research for a decade, the limitations of multi-device connectivity, system error handling or cross platform compatibility prohibit these technologies from being broadly applied in the mobile industry.
To address the above problems, we designed and developed UMSEF - an Universal Mobile Service Execution Framework, which is an innovative and radical approach for mobile computing in opportunistic networks. Our solution is built as a component-based mobile middleware architecture that is flexible and adaptive with multiple network topologies, tolerant for network errors and compatible for multiple platforms. We provided an effective algorithm to estimate the resource availability of a device for higher performance and energy consumption and a novel platform for mobile remote method invocation based on declarative annotations over multi-group device networks. The experiments in reality exposes our approach not only achieve the better performance and energy consumption, but can be extended to large-scaled ubiquitous or IoT systems.
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