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The implications of option pricing theory on United Kingdom development policyCerny, Keith January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Post-acquisition management and learning in East-Central EuropeVillinger, Roland January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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The Inward-Outward Connection of Internationalisation : A Case Study of a Turkish FirmRudqwist, Sara, Benalcázar, Susan January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we wanted to investigate whether there is a connection between the inward and outward internationalisation of a firm. To do this we have conducted a case study on the Turkish telecom company Turkcell. To examine if Turkcell’s inward internationalisation has affected its outward internationalisation we have studied the relationship between Turkcell and Swedish Ericsson. To collect the primary data for our study we performed interviews in Istanbul Turkey with the procurement manager at Turkcell and the strategic manager at Ericsson. Since there is limited research on the inward-outward connection we have chosen to see this connection from Håkansson and Snehota’s relationship perspective. Further, to analyse the results of Turkcell’s outward internationalisation we compared the findings to the Uppsala Internationalisation Process Model to see if it Turkcell’s establishments abroad was affected by the inward internationalisation by Ericsson.</p><p>We found that Turkcell and Ericsson have a very close relationship which has given Turkcell many resources such as know-how, opportunities and knowledge. Whether these resources have helped Turkcell in their establishments abroad or not is difficult to determine. However we found that Turkcell had ventured abroad relatively fast which indicates that they have gained the relevant knowledge from external sources. As our results show that Ericsson has transferred many resources to Turkcell it is reasonable to conclude that Turkcell’s success abroad is at least partly due to their relationship with Ericsson.</p>
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The Inward-Outward Connection of Internationalisation : A Case Study of a Turkish FirmRudqwist, Sara, Benalcázar, Susan January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis we wanted to investigate whether there is a connection between the inward and outward internationalisation of a firm. To do this we have conducted a case study on the Turkish telecom company Turkcell. To examine if Turkcell’s inward internationalisation has affected its outward internationalisation we have studied the relationship between Turkcell and Swedish Ericsson. To collect the primary data for our study we performed interviews in Istanbul Turkey with the procurement manager at Turkcell and the strategic manager at Ericsson. Since there is limited research on the inward-outward connection we have chosen to see this connection from Håkansson and Snehota’s relationship perspective. Further, to analyse the results of Turkcell’s outward internationalisation we compared the findings to the Uppsala Internationalisation Process Model to see if it Turkcell’s establishments abroad was affected by the inward internationalisation by Ericsson. We found that Turkcell and Ericsson have a very close relationship which has given Turkcell many resources such as know-how, opportunities and knowledge. Whether these resources have helped Turkcell in their establishments abroad or not is difficult to determine. However we found that Turkcell had ventured abroad relatively fast which indicates that they have gained the relevant knowledge from external sources. As our results show that Ericsson has transferred many resources to Turkcell it is reasonable to conclude that Turkcell’s success abroad is at least partly due to their relationship with Ericsson.
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Attracting Foreign Direct Investment : A Case Study on the Swedish Region of GävleborgBrückmann, Karin, Krake, Susann January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The research project discusses foreign direct investment as well as the attractiveness of the region of Gävleborg within this context. The researchers attempt to investigate why foreign direct investment is not yet common within the aforementioned region. Moreover, the aims of the master thesis are evaluating the region of Gävleborg and current strategies of enticing foreign investments, as well as detecting roadblocks that hinder the establishment. Lastly, generating an outline of how to improve foreign investment attraction ought to be investigated. Results & Conclusion: Gävleborg has a good infrastructure and accessibility, and is characterised by lower labour and living costs compared to other Swedish regions. Nonetheless, the number of inward investment is quite low. Main reasons for that are the lower level of education, high labour costs for low skilled jobs, missing financial incentives and a non-continuous work to attract inward investment. Therefore, the region may work on its attractiveness by increasing its awareness through attending trade fairs, and by collaborating with established companies and their partners.
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Evaluating the impacts on traffic congestion and business investment following the introduction of a Workplace Parking Levy and associated transport improvementsDale, Simon January 2017 (has links)
For over a decade UK legislation has existed which grants powers to English Local Authorities to implement a Workplace Parking Levy (WPL). Despite positive experiences in Australia of utilising area wide parking space levies to pay for public transport improvements, only one UK local authority to date (2017), Nottingham City Council, has chosen to implement a WPL. The Nottingham WPL scheme is intended to act as a transport demand management measure as well as a core funding mechanism for transport improvements including two new tram lines. Acceptance by the public and the business community is a key barrier to implementing a WPL. The two major criticisms of the Nottingham scheme prior to its implementation were that a WPL would discourage business investment and thus damage the economy while its intended impact on traffic congestion would be minimal. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation of the Nottingham WPL scheme s performance is essential in order to facilitate transferability of this approach to other UK and European Cities. This thesis contributes to the wider WPL evaluation project by evaluating to what extent the Nottingham WPL has met three key objectives identified for the scheme which address the impact on congestion, transport mode share and inward investment. This research utilises a theoretical evaluation approach, a Theory of Change approach strengthened by elements of Realistic Evaluation . This approach provides an appropriate framework for evaluating progress towards the three key objectives by identifying a plausible model for change and expected impacts for the Nottingham WPL and the transport improvements which it part funds. This model or Theory of Change , is then tested to understand if the scheme is achieving the desired impacts by analysing appropriate indicators to measure and attribute change to causal factors. Methods used to facilitate this research include, benchmarking indicators against similar UK Cities, questionnaire surveys to assess the reasons for mode switch, time series modelling of the impact on congestion and a consideration of the reasoning behind investment and de-investment decisions made by businesses in Nottingham. It is concluded that while the WPL and its associated transport improvements are resulting in congestion constraint and mode shift away from commuting by car, these impacts are being reduced by the presence of exogenous change notably, economic and population growth, short term disruption to the road network resulting from roadworks associated with the construction of transport improvements and suppressed demand for commuting by car. Additionally, this research shows that there is a body of evidence which demonstrates that the WPL has not negatively impacted on levels of inward investment and that there is some evidence to date that suggests the improved transport system facilitated by the WPL is attractive to potential business investors.
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Inward rectifier potassium current (IK1) and Kir2 composition of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) heartHassinen, M., Haverinen, J., Hardy, Matthew E., Sheils, H.A., Vornanen, M. 2015 May 1921 (has links)
Yes / Electrophysiological properties and molecular
background of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) cardiac inward rectifier
current (IK1) were examined. Ventricular myocytes of
zebrafish have a robust (−6.7±1.2 pA pF−1 at −120 mV)
strongly rectifying and Ba2+-sensitive (IC50=3.8 μM) IK1.
Transcripts of six Kir2 channels (drKir2.1a, drKir2.1b,
drKir2.2a, drKir2.2b, drKir2.3, and drKir2.4) were expressed
in the zebrafish heart. drKir2.4 and drKir2.2a were the dominant
isoforms in both the ventricle (92.9±1.5 and 6.3±1.5 %)
and the atrium (28.9±2.9 and 64.7±3.0 %). The remaining
four channels comprised together less than 1 and 7 % of the
total transcripts in ventricle and atrium, respectively. The four
main gene products (drKir2.1a, drKir2.2a, drKir2.2b,
drKir2.4) were cloned, sequenced, and expressed in HEK
cells for electrophysiological characterization. drKir2.1a was
the most weakly rectifying (passed more outward current) and
drKir2.2b the most strongly rectifying (passed less outward
current) channel, whilst drKir2.2a and drKir2.4 were intermediate
between the two. In regard to sensitivity to Ba2+ block,
drKir2.4 was the most sensitive (IC50=1.8 μM) and drKir2.1a
the least sensitive channel (IC50=132 μM). These findings
indicate that the Kir2 isoform composition of the zebrafish
heart markedly differs from that of mammalian hearts.
Furthermore orthologous Kir2 channels (Kir2.1 and Kir2.4)
of zebrafish and mammals show striking differences in Ba2+-
sensitivity. Structural and functional differences needs to be
taken into account when zebrafish is used as a model for
human cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac diseases, and in
screening cardioactive substances.
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吸引外人直接投資決定因素---以世界四十五國為例馬昌璇, Ma, Chang-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
如何吸引外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment,以下簡稱FDI)一直是世界各國持續且既定的重點施政目標,因外資對解決資本缺乏及外匯短缺問題、技術及產品引進、創造貿易與就業機會、提振國內業者的投資意願與信心、促進經濟發展、加速金融與賦稅改革等方面均有顯著貢獻。
有鑑於此,本研究首次採用UNCTAD發展的外人直接投資績效指數(Inward FDI Performance Index,以下簡稱INDi),取代傳統以FDI做為衡量一國吸引外資能力的替代變數,另參考文獻歸納出吸引外資因素,輔以最小平方迴歸 (Original Least Square,OLS)、迴歸變異測量、殘差項序列自我相關及殘差項變異數不齊一存在的檢定與修正等步驟,對世界四十五國(另依開發程度區分為已開發國家及開發中國家)1999年至2001年之五大類(總體經濟環境、廠商成本、政府政策、勞動條件、基礎建設)共計11項變數進行實證分析,而獲致以下結論:
(一)各模型具顯著解釋能力的變數各不同,故在選擇吸引FDI參考指標 時,應依研究對象類型的不同,選取適當變數分析以減少偏誤。
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Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar - effekter på den regionala utvecklingen / Establishment of the Fanerdun Group in Kalmar - impacts on regional developmentSchölin, Mona-Liz January 2007 (has links)
<p>Schölin, Mona-Liz (2007): Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar – effekter på den regionala utvecklingen [Establishment of the Fanerdun Group in Kalmar – impacts on regional development]</p><p>D-uppsats 10 poäng, fördjupningskurs i kulturgeografi</p><p>Handledare: Bo Malmberg</p><p>Språk: Svenska</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera vad tidigare utländska etableringar har fått för effekter, hur de har påverkat den regionala utvecklingen, och utifrån detta göra en jämförande analys över vad Fanerdun Gruop AB´s etablering i Kalmar kan komma att få för effekter. Frågor som tas upp för behandling är: Vad har utländska direktinvesteringar, eng. foreign direct investment (FDI) och inward investment för effekter på etableringsorterna? Hur kommer Fanerdun Group AB att bidra till den regionala utvecklingen i Kalmar? Det sistnämnda är viktigt att undersöka då utländska investeringar likt Fanerduns i Kalmar ofta får effekter på den regionala utvecklingen. I fallet Kalmar har planeringsprocessen från det att Fanerdun visade intresse för att investera till att de faktiskt började bygga gått ovanligt snabbt. Uppsatsen består av en del där litteratur om utländska direktinvesteringar och dess effekter på etableringsorterna behandlas och en del som utifrån litteraturen gör en jämförelse med Fanerdunprojektet i Kalmar. Fallstudien bygger på material i form artiklar från Barometern, Dagens industri, information från Kalmar kommuns hemsida, intervjuer från Aktuellt samt på egen hand genomförda intervjuer med näringslivschefen i Kalmar kommun/projektledaren för Fanerdunetableringen och VD-assistenten på Fanerdun Group AB. Bland annat infrastrukturen tros kunna förbättras då Fanerdun ger en viss tyngd åt regionen.</p><p>Nyckelord: Utländska direktinvesteringar, inward investment, utländska etableringar, regional utveckling, Kalmar, Fanerdun.</p>
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Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar - effekter på den regionala utvecklingen / Establishment of the Fanerdun Group in Kalmar - impacts on regional developmentSchölin, Mona-Liz January 2007 (has links)
Schölin, Mona-Liz (2007): Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar – effekter på den regionala utvecklingen [Establishment of the Fanerdun Group in Kalmar – impacts on regional development] D-uppsats 10 poäng, fördjupningskurs i kulturgeografi Handledare: Bo Malmberg Språk: Svenska Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera vad tidigare utländska etableringar har fått för effekter, hur de har påverkat den regionala utvecklingen, och utifrån detta göra en jämförande analys över vad Fanerdun Gruop AB´s etablering i Kalmar kan komma att få för effekter. Frågor som tas upp för behandling är: Vad har utländska direktinvesteringar, eng. foreign direct investment (FDI) och inward investment för effekter på etableringsorterna? Hur kommer Fanerdun Group AB att bidra till den regionala utvecklingen i Kalmar? Det sistnämnda är viktigt att undersöka då utländska investeringar likt Fanerduns i Kalmar ofta får effekter på den regionala utvecklingen. I fallet Kalmar har planeringsprocessen från det att Fanerdun visade intresse för att investera till att de faktiskt började bygga gått ovanligt snabbt. Uppsatsen består av en del där litteratur om utländska direktinvesteringar och dess effekter på etableringsorterna behandlas och en del som utifrån litteraturen gör en jämförelse med Fanerdunprojektet i Kalmar. Fallstudien bygger på material i form artiklar från Barometern, Dagens industri, information från Kalmar kommuns hemsida, intervjuer från Aktuellt samt på egen hand genomförda intervjuer med näringslivschefen i Kalmar kommun/projektledaren för Fanerdunetableringen och VD-assistenten på Fanerdun Group AB. Bland annat infrastrukturen tros kunna förbättras då Fanerdun ger en viss tyngd åt regionen. Nyckelord: Utländska direktinvesteringar, inward investment, utländska etableringar, regional utveckling, Kalmar, Fanerdun.
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