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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel da coenzima Q-10 na injúria renal aguda induzida por contraste em ratos diabéticos / The role of coenzyme Q-10 in acute kidney injury induced by contrast in diabetic rats

Sheila Marques Fernandes 08 December 2016 (has links)
A hiperglicemia crônica favorece a ocorrência da nefropatia induzida por contraste iodado (NIC). Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e NIC compartilham mecanismos de lesão oxidativa e indução de enzimas de proteção e adaptação celular como a coenzima Q-10 (COQ-10). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel da COQ-10 na função e hemodinâmica renal, perfil oxidativo e histologia renal em ratos diabéticos submetidos ao modelo de NIC. Métodos: Ratos Wistar, machos, 250 a 290 g, foram randomizados nos grupos: Citrato: animais que receberam tampão citrato 0,01M, (veículo da estreptozotocina), 0,4 ml intravenoso (i.v), 1 vez; Tween 80: animais que receberam Tween 80, 1%, (veículo da COQ-10), 0,5 ml, intraperitoneal (i.p.), 1 vez; DM: animais que receberam estreptozotocina (65 mg/kg), i.v., 1 vez, no 1º dia do protocolo; DM+CI: animais DM que no 26º dia de protocolo receberam contraste iodado (CI, 6 ml/kg), i.p., 1 vez; DM+CI+COQ-10: animais DM com pré-condicionamento com COQ-10 (10 mg/kg), 1 vez por 6 dias a partir do 22º dia de protocolo, e o tratamento com CI. O protocolo de todos os grupos teve duração de 4 semanas. Foram avaliados parâmetros fisiológicos (ingestão de ração e água, peso, glicemia, razão peso do rim e peso do animal), a função renal (clearance de inulina), a hemodinâmica renal (fluxo sanguíneo renal e resistência vascular renal), o perfil oxidativo (peróxidos, óxido nítrico e substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico na urina, tióis no tecido renal) e análise histológica renal. Resultados: Animais DM apresentaram hiperglicemia, polidipsia, poliúria, polifagia, perda de peso e aumento da relação peso rim/animal, com redução da função renal, além de redução do fluxo sanguíneo renal, elevação da resistência vascular renal, com aumento na excreção de metabólitos oxidativos e consumo de reserva antioxidante endógena. O grupo DM+CI demonstrou redução adicional na função, alterações na hemodinâmica renal e aumento nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo. A administração de COQ-10 atenuou a redução da função renal, preveniu alterações hemodinâmicas renais e reduziu o estresse oxidativo no grupo DM+CI. As alterações histológicas no DM e DM+CI foram discretas e o tratamento com COQ-10 previniu a progressão de danos histológicos mais extensos nos animais que receberam CI. Conclusão: O tratamento com COQ-10 demonstrou efeito antioxidante na NIC em ratos diabéticos com melhora significativa da função e hemodinâmica renal. / Chronic hyperglycemia favors the occurrence of nephropathy induced by iodinated contrast (CIN). Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and CIN share oxidative damage mechanisms and induction of protective and cellular adaptation enzymes as coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10). The aim of this study was to investigate the role of COQ-10 in renal function and hemodynamics, oxidative profile and renal histology in diabetic rats submitted to the NIC model. Methods: Wistar rats, male, weighing 250-290 g, were randomized into two groups: Citrate: animals that received citrate buffer 0.01M (streptozotocin), 0.4 ml, intravenous (i.v.), once; Tween 80: animals that received Tween 80, 1% (CoQ-10 vehicle), 0.5 ml, intraperitoneal (i.p.), once; DM: animals given streptozotocin (65 mg/kg) i.v., once on the first day of the protocol; CI+DM: DM animals, on the 26º day protocol, tretated with iodinated contrast (CI, 6 ml/kg) i.p., once; DM+CI+COQ-10: DM animals preconditioned with COQ-10 (10 mg/kg), once a day, for 6 days from the 22º day and treated with CI. The protocol for all groups lasted 4 weeks. Physiological parameters evaluated were (food and water intake, corporal weight, blood glucose and right kidney weight), renal function (inulin clearance), renal hemodynamics (renal blood flow and renal vascular resistance), the oxidative profile (peroxides, nitric oxide and reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid in urine, thiols in renal tissue) and renal histological analysis. Results: DM animals showed hyperglycemia, polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, weight loss and increased weight kidney / animal relationship with reduced renal function, as well as a reduction on renal blood flow, increased renal vascular resistance and changes in oxidative profile with increased the excretion of metabolites and oxidative consumption of endogenous antioxidant reserve. DM+CI promoted further reduction in renal function, exacerbated hemodynamic changes and increase in oxidative stress parameters. COQ-10 administration preserved renal function, prevented hemodynamic changes and reduced oxidative stress in the DM + CI + COQ-10. Histological changes in DM and DM + CI were discrete and treatment with CoQ-10 prevented the progression of the histologic damage in the animals receiving CI. Conclusion: COQ-10 presented an antioxidant effect on the NIC in diabetic rats, by improving function and renal hemodynamics and reducing oxidative stress.

Resveratrol atenua a nefrotoxicidade do contraste na doença renal crônica / Resveratrol reduces the iodinated contrast nephrotoxicity in the chronic kidney disease

Daniel Malisani Martins 12 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A nefropatia induzida por contraste iodado (NIC) é um efeito adverso comum em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC). Caracteriza-se por uma síndrome de doença renal crônica agudizada. Resultado da vasoconstrição renal, hipóxia, ativação da cascata inflamatória, lesão celular oxidativa, a NIC deteriora a função renal, aumenta os dias de hospitalização, os custos hospitalares e a mortalidade do paciente portador de DRC. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito renoprotetor do resveratrol, um polifenol com propriedades vasodilatadoras e anti-inflamatórias em ratos com doença renal crônica que receberam contraste iodado. Métodos: Ratos Wistar, machos, adultos randomizados em quatro grupos: SHAM: controle do modelo de doença renal crônica; Nx: ratos com nefrectomia 5/6 (modelo experimental de DRC); Nx+C: ratos Nx que receberam 6 ml/Kg de contraste iodado; Nx+C+R: animais Nx que foram pré-medicados com resveratrol 25 mg/Kg e 6 ml/Kg de contraste iodado. Foram avaliadas a função (clearance de inulina) e hemodinâmica renal (fluxo sanguíneo renal e resistência vascular renal), estresse oxidativo (peróxidos, óxido nítrico e substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico urinário e tióis no tecido renal) e análise histológica. Resultados: O uso de contraste resultou em deterioração da função renal, redução do fluxo sanguíneo renal, aumento da resistência vascular renal, lesão oxidativa e lesão túbulo intersticial dos ratos com DRC. O uso do resveratrol resultou na manutenção da taxa de filtração glomerular, do fluxo sanguíneo e resistência vascular renal, reduziu a lesão oxidativa e a lesão túbulo intersticial após a exposição ao contraste. Conclusões: O resveratrol apresentou efeito renoprotetor, hemodinâmico e antioxidante, na NIC em ratos com doença renal crônica. / Introduction: Contrast-Induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is a common adverse effect in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Result of renal vasoconstriction, hypoxia, activation of inflammatory cascade, oxidative cell damage, CI-AKI promote impaired renal function, increased length of hospitalization, hospital costs and mortality. Objective: This study evaluated the renoprotection of resveratrol, a polyphenol with vasodilating and anti-inflammatory properties in rats with chronic kidney disease receiving iodinated contrast media. Methods: Wistar, adult, male rats randomized into four groups; Sham: control of chronic renal injury model; Nx: rats with 5/6 nefrectomy (experimental model of CKD); Nx+IC: Nx rats that received 6 ml/kg of iodinated contrast; Nx+IC+R: Nx rats that received 6 ml/kg of iodinated contrast and resveratrol 25 mg/Kg. Renal function (inulin clearance), renal hemodynamics (renal blood flow and renal vascular resistance), oxidative profile (peroxides, urinary nitric oxide, reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid in urine, thiols in renal tissue) and histological analysis were evaluated. Results: Iodinated contrast led to impaired renal function, reduced renal blood flow, intensified renal vascular resistance, and promoted oxidative and tubular injury in CKD rats. Resveratrol maintained glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow and vascular resistance, reduced oxidative and tubular injury after contrast exposition. Conclusion: Resveratrol showed a renoprotective effect, with antioxidant and hemodynamics impact, on CI-AKI in rats with CKD.

Étude omique de la régulation de la thyroïde par l’iode et du rôle de SLC5A8 dans la thyroïde / Multiomics study of thyroid regulation by iodide and the role of SLC5A8 in the thyroid

Hichri, Maha 23 November 2018 (has links)
L’iode est un composant essentiel aux hormones thyroïdiennes. Les cellules thyroïdiennes captent l’iode circulant et le concentrent vers le colloïde. Il est alors incorporé à la thyroglobuline, protéine précurseur des hormones, par un mécanisme d’organification. La capacité de captation de l’iode par la thyroïde est finement régulée notamment par la « Thyroid Stimulating Hormone » (TSH) mais aussi l’iode circulant. En effet, en cas d’une élévation de l’iode circulant, la thyroïde déclenche un mécanisme d’autorégulation appelée l’effet Wolff-Chaikoff. Ce phénomène se traduit par une limitation transitoire de production des hormones thyroïdiennes qui s’accompagne notamment d’une diminution de l’expression du NIS (Natrium Iodide Symporter), la protéine responsable du transport actif de l’iode dans la thyroïde. Dans cette étude, des approches omiques globales ont été mises à profit pour étudier cette régulation dans le contexte de l’administration d’un produit iodé et de souris invalidées pour un gène codant pour un transporteur de monocarboxylate exprimé dans la thyroïde. Dans la première partie, l’effet des agents de contraste iodés (ICA), couramment utilisés en imagerie médicale, a été étudié. L’administration de ces agents entraine une réduction de la captation de l’iode souvent expliquée par un effet Wolff-Chaikoff associé à un potentiel relargage d’iode. Par une approche de protéomique quantitative global, le protéome de thyroïde de souris, après administration d’ICA, a été comparé au protéome en conditions d’excès d’iode. Après un traitement des données et une analyse bioinformatique, nos résultats mettent en évidence l’existence de peu de mécanismes en commun induits par l’iode et les ICA mais cependant de plus importantes variations d’expression de protéines sont déclenchées uniquement par les ICA. Cette étude est en accord avec une durée plus importante de l’inhibition de la fonction après une administration d’ICA comparée à celle de l’iode stable. Dans la deuxième partie, le rôle de SLC5A8 dans la fonction thyroïdienne et les mécanismes sous-jacents à l’effet Wolff-Chaikoff ont été étudiés chez des souris invalidées pour le gène Slc5a8 (Solute carrier family 5 number 8) et des souris non mutées. SLC5A8 est une protéine membranaire identifiée au laboratoire et exprimée dans la membrane apicale du thyrocyte. Cette protéine catalyse un transport de monocarboxylate dans différents organes mais son rôle dans la thyroïde demeure non élucidé. L’invalidation n’entraine pas d’effet majeur sur la fonction thyroïdienne. En mettant à profit une approche multiomique comparative, combinant la transcriptomique, la protéomique et la métabolomique, les effets de cette invalidation et/ou de la régulation par l’iode de la thyroïde ont été explorés. Le traitement des data révèle de nombreuses voies activées dans les différentes conditions avec des mécanismes de compensation de l’effet de l’invalidation par l’administration d’iode. Les résultats indiquent que la perte de fonction de SLC5A8 affecte l’organification et/ou maturation de la thyroglobuline, le contrôle du stress oxydatif et de l’iode libre dans la thyroïde. / Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormones. Thyroid cells capture the circulating iodine and concentrate it in the colloid. Then, it is incorporated into the thyroglobulin, the hormone precursor protein, by an organification mechanism. The iodine uptake capacity by the thyroid is finely regulated, not only by the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) but also by circulating iodine. Indeed, in case of high circulating iodine, the thyroid actives a self-regulating mechanism called the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. This phenomenon results in a transient limitation of thyroid hormone production which is accompanied by a decrease in the expression of NIS (Natrium Iodide Symporter), the protein that is responsible for the active transport of iodine in the thyroid. In this study, global omics approaches were used to study this regulation in the context of the administration of an iodized product and mice invalidated for a gene coding a monocarboxylate transporter expressed in the thyroid. In the first part, the effect of iodinated contrast media (ICM), commonly used in medical imaging, has been studied. The administration of these agents leads to a reduction in the uptake of iodine often explained by a Wolff-Chaikoff effect associated with an iodine release potential. Through an overall quantitative proteomic approach, the mouse thyroid proteome, after administration of ICM, was compared to the proteome under conditions of excess iodine. In the second part, the role of SLC5A8 in thyroid function and the mechanisms underlying the Wolff-Chaikoff effect were studied in mice invalidated for the Slc5a8 gene (Solute carrier family 5 number 8) and wild type mice. SLC5A8 is a membrane protein identified in the laboratory and expressed in the thyrocyte apical membrane. This protein catalyzes the monocarboxylates transport in different organs but its role in the thyroid remains unsolved. Invalidation does not have a major effect on thyroid function. By using a comparative multiomic approach which combines transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, the effects of this invalidation and / or regulation by iodine in the thyroid have been explored. Data processing reveals many pathways activated under different conditions with mechanisms to compensate for the effect of invalidation by the administration of iodine. The results indicate that the loss of SLC5A8 function affects the organization and / or maturation of thyroglobulin, the control of oxidative stress and of free iodine in the thyroid.

Transition Metal Mediated Transformations of Carboranes

Eriksson, Ludvig January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes the use of copper and palladium to mediate transformations of carboranes, especially <i>p</i>-carborane.</p><p>1-(1-<i>p</i>-carboranyl)-<i>N</i>-methyl-<i>N</i>-(2-butyl)-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide, a carborane containing analogue of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) ligand PK11195, has been synthesised. A key step in the reaction is the copper (I) mediated coupling of p-carborane with ethyl 1-bromo-isoquinoline-3-carboxylate. </p><p><i>p</i>-Carborane has been arylated on the 2-<i>B</i>-atom in high yields, using the Suzuki–Miyaura reaction. Thus the reaction between 2-I-<i>p</i>-carborane and various arylboronic acids [1-naphthyl-, phenyl-, 4-MeO-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-, 3-CH<sub>3</sub>CONH-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-, 4-NC-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-, 3-NO<sub>2</sub>-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-], gave the corresponding 2-aryl-<i>p</i>-carboranes in DME solution when reacted in the presence of cesium fluoride and the catalytic Pd<sub>2</sub>(dba)<sub>3</sub>–dppb system. Under the same conditions, the boron-boron bond forming reaction of two <i>p</i>-carboranylboronic esters (2-[(pinacolato)boron]-<i>p</i>-carborane and 2-[(neopentyl glycolato)boron]-p-carborane) was also shown feasible.</p><p><i>p</i>-Carborane has been vinylated on the 2-<i>B</i>-atom in high yields by use of the Heck reaction. The coupling between 2-I-<i>p</i>-carborane and various styrenes [4-H-, 4-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-, 4-Cl , 4-Br-, 4-NO<sub>2</sub>-, 4-CH3O- and 4 CH<sub>3</sub> ] resulted in the formation of the corresponding<i>trans</i>-β-(2-<i>B</i>-<i>p</i>-carboranyl) styrene in DMF solution when reacted in the presence of silver phosphate and the palladacycle Herrmann´s catalyst. The reaction was shown to proceed at higher rate with electron rich than with electron deficient olefins.</p><p>The feasibility of palladium-catalysed isotopic exchange of an iodinated closo-carborane with a radioisotope of iodine has been studied. 2-I-<i>p</i>-carborane was selected as a model compound. It was shown, that such isotopic exchange is possible and provides a high yield (83 ± 4.2 %) during 40 min long reaction. The reaction conditions were optimised, and it was demonstrated that presence of the tetra n-butylammonium hydrogensulphate is important in order to stabilise catalyst and provide reproducibility of labelling. In this work we have modified the methodology and extended the application to a wider range of iodinated carboranes. By the use of Herrmann’s catalyst in toluene at 100 °C this [<sup>125</sup>I]-iodide labelling could be improved and extended. 2-I-<i>p</i>- 9-I-<i>m</i>-, 9-I-<i>o</i>-, 3-I-<i>o</i>-carborane, 1-phenyl-3-I-<i>o</i>-carborane and 1,2-diphenyl-3-I-<i>o</i>-carborane could be [<sup>125</sup>I]-iodide labelled in high to excellent yields within 5 minutes.This reported palladium catalyzed radio-iodination of the uncharged closo-carboranes might find use in pharmacokinetic studies of carborane derivatives.</p>

Transition Metal Mediated Transformations of Carboranes

Eriksson, Ludvig January 2003 (has links)
This thesis describes the use of copper and palladium to mediate transformations of carboranes, especially p-carborane. 1-(1-p-carboranyl)-N-methyl-N-(2-butyl)-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide, a carborane containing analogue of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) ligand PK11195, has been synthesised. A key step in the reaction is the copper (I) mediated coupling of p-carborane with ethyl 1-bromo-isoquinoline-3-carboxylate. p-Carborane has been arylated on the 2-B-atom in high yields, using the Suzuki–Miyaura reaction. Thus the reaction between 2-I-p-carborane and various arylboronic acids [1-naphthyl-, phenyl-, 4-MeO-C6H4-, 3-CH3CONH-C6H4-, 4-NC-C6H4-, 3-NO2-C6H4-], gave the corresponding 2-aryl-p-carboranes in DME solution when reacted in the presence of cesium fluoride and the catalytic Pd2(dba)3–dppb system. Under the same conditions, the boron-boron bond forming reaction of two p-carboranylboronic esters (2-[(pinacolato)boron]-p-carborane and 2-[(neopentyl glycolato)boron]-p-carborane) was also shown feasible. p-Carborane has been vinylated on the 2-B-atom in high yields by use of the Heck reaction. The coupling between 2-I-p-carborane and various styrenes [4-H-, 4-C6H4-, 4-Cl , 4-Br-, 4-NO2-, 4-CH3O- and 4 CH3 ] resulted in the formation of the correspondingtrans-β-(2-B-p-carboranyl) styrene in DMF solution when reacted in the presence of silver phosphate and the palladacycle Herrmann´s catalyst. The reaction was shown to proceed at higher rate with electron rich than with electron deficient olefins. The feasibility of palladium-catalysed isotopic exchange of an iodinated closo-carborane with a radioisotope of iodine has been studied. 2-I-p-carborane was selected as a model compound. It was shown, that such isotopic exchange is possible and provides a high yield (83 ± 4.2 %) during 40 min long reaction. The reaction conditions were optimised, and it was demonstrated that presence of the tetra n-butylammonium hydrogensulphate is important in order to stabilise catalyst and provide reproducibility of labelling. In this work we have modified the methodology and extended the application to a wider range of iodinated carboranes. By the use of Herrmann’s catalyst in toluene at 100 °C this [125I]-iodide labelling could be improved and extended. 2-I-p- 9-I-m-, 9-I-o-, 3-I-o-carborane, 1-phenyl-3-I-o-carborane and 1,2-diphenyl-3-I-o-carborane could be [125I]-iodide labelled in high to excellent yields within 5 minutes.This reported palladium catalyzed radio-iodination of the uncharged closo-carboranes might find use in pharmacokinetic studies of carborane derivatives.

Nano-émulsions radio-opaques iodées pour applications précliniques en imagerie par rayons X / Iodinated nana-emulsions for preclinical X-ray imaging applications

Li, Xiang 07 November 2012 (has links)
La micro-tomodensitométrie à rayons X (dite micro-CT, CT = Computed Tomography), est une technique d’imagerie de haute résolution qui consiste d’une part à mesurer l’absorption des rayons X par les tissus, et d’autre part de reconstruire les images et les structures anatomiques en 3 dimensions par traitement informatique. L’agent de contraste est une substance capable d’améliorer la visibilité des structures d’un organe ou d’un liquide organique in vivo. Ce travail de thèse a eu pour objectif le développement d’agents de contraste iodés sous formes de nano-émulsions pour des applications précliniques en imagerie biomédicale. Nous nous sommes proposés d’étudier d’une part des nano-émulsions iodées afin d’avoir une longue rémanence vasculaire in vivo, une meilleure biocompatibilité et d’autre part de mettre au point une synthèse et une formulation plus simples que celles des agents de contraste nanoparticulaires commercialisés. Trois différentes huiles iodées ont été synthétisées et utilisées comme partie contrastante dans les nano-émulsions. Enfin, les nano-émulsions de l’α-tocophérol iodé nous ont permis d’atteindre l’objectif de cette thèse. Ces nano-émulsions iodées ont montré une très bonne biocompatibilité et combinent à la fois les propriétés d’un agent de contraste à longue rémanence vasculaire et un agent de contraste spécifique du foie. / The X-ray microtomography (called mico-CT, CT = Computed Tomography) is a high-resolution X-ray tomography, uses X-rays to create cross-sections of a 3D-object that later can be used to recreate a virtual model without destroying the original model. The contrast agent is a substance used to enhance the contrast of structures or fluids within the body in medical imaging. The purposes of the thesis were the development of iodine-containing nano-emulsion based contrast for preclinical applications in biomedical imaging. We proposed to study blood pool contrast agents based on iodine-containing nano-emulsions and to develop simpler procedure for the preparation of these iodine-containing nano-emulsions. Three different iodinated oils were synthesized and used as the contrasting part in the nano-emulsions. Finally, nano-emulsions of iodinated α-tocopherol have been enabled us to achieve the purpose of the thesis. These iodinated nano-emulsions demonstrated very good biocompatibility and showed prolonged and significant contrast enhancement in both bloodstream and liver tissues.

Iopamidol as a Precursor to DBP Formation in Drinking Water as a Function of Natural Matter and Bromide

Ackerson, Nana Osei Bonsu January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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