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Klíčové problémy začínajících učitelů / Key problems of commencing teachersMatulová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problems of beginning teachers. Its aim is to find out what the fundamental difficulties of teachers working in education for the first five years are. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part first deals with professional development and teacher's competencies. It also describes professional preparation and assistance that is provided to beginning teachers. In the main chapter of the theoretical part, the problems that beginning teachers most often experience are specified. The description of the difficulties is based on an analysis of the literature and the results of the existing surveys. At the end of the theoretical part, the key surveys carried out in the given area are presented. The practical part is based on the results of a questionnaire survey. The respondents in the research group are beginning teachers of ISCED 1, 2 and 3 level. Based on the data obtained, the key issues are analyzed and the results of teachers of different ISCED levels are compared. Attention is also paid to professional training, assistance to beginning teachers and teachers' attitudes towards their profession. The practical part concludes with the comparison of the obtained data with the results of Professor Šimoník's research.
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Lågutbildad och ensam : En tvärkulturell studie som undersöker hur utbildningsnivå inverkar på ensamhetskänslorGrans Norgren, Selma January 2020 (has links)
Detta är en tvärkulturell, kvantitativ studie som undersöker sambandet mellan utbildning och ensamhet. Tidigare forskning i ämnet har varierande resultat samtidigt som fokus ofta legat på konsekvenser av ensamhet istället för vad som orsakar ensamhet. Trots det utgår denna studie från att den alienerande skolmiljön, som bidrar till ensamhetskänslor, samt humankapitalteorin, som ger en förståelse vad som kan uppmuntra till fortsatta studier, innebär att en lägre utbildningsnivå associerar med ensamhetskänslor. Datamaterialet som används för att testa hypotesen kommer från European Social Survey runda 7 vilket innebär att 21 länder inkluderas med mellan 1 400–3 000 respondenter per nation. Denna studie använder samma binära definition av ensamhetsvariabeln som Brülde och Fors (2015). Med hjälp av linjära sannolikhetsmodeller testas sedan hypotesen, analyserna inkluderar över 35 000 respondenter. Resultatet innebär att det finns empiriskt stöd för hypotesen och därmed antas en individs utbildningsnivå inverkar på hens ensamhetskänslor. Det kan tyckas märkligt att personer som spenderar mer tid i den alienerande skolmiljön är mindre ensamma än de med lägre utbildningsnivå. Teorierna ger dock flera möjliga förklaringar till detta, dels att individer som är känsliga för den alienerande miljön väljer att inte fortsätta studier på högre nivå, vilket ger dem sämre förutsättningar på arbetsmarknaden samtidigt som förvärvsarbetet också kan leda till alienering och därmed riskeras ensamhetskänslorna intensifieras. Medan för andra individer ger det ökande humankapitalet, som utbildningen innebär, incitament för att bortse från den alienerande miljön och därmed motverkas alienationens negativa konsekvenser. Därutöver går det att argumentera för att den högre utbildningen fostrar en slags social individualism som studenterna har nytta av senare i livet.
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Pojetí hodnocení ve vzdělávacím oboru Přírodopis na 2. stupni základní školy: akční výzkum / School Assessment in Science Education in ISCED 2: Action ResearchČejková, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
The enclosed master thesis focuses on assessment in the Natural History educational area at lower-secondary school (ISCED 2). The main aim of the thesis is to get acquainted with the concepts and methods of school assessment, subsequently to select appropriate methods and approaches to assessment for the education of Natural History and to verify them in practice with the use of action research. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. First, the topics related to the subject matter are presented in the theoretical part. The pedagogical communication is an indivisible part of the assessment process. The assessment is also dependent on the approach to education and applied objectives. Bloom's revised taxonomy is mostly used in the area of cognitive objectives, however Marzano and Kendall's (2007) New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is also applied nowadays. The assessment includes a wide variety of possibilities and approaches, from which grading and oral assessment are the most common. The terms summative and formative assessment are explained in the thesis. The assessment also covers various methods of education, activating teaching methods and seeking an evidence of students' current understanding. Then the educational area of the Natural History is introduced. The action...
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Environmentální gramotnost žáků 2. stupně základní školy v České republice, Slovensku, Polsku a Německu / Environmental Literacy of Second Grade's Pupils at Primary School in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and GermanySvobodová, Silvie January 2021 (has links)
Environmental Literacy of ISCED 2 Pupils in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Germany Mgr. Ing. Silvie Svobodová ABSTRACT The concept of environmental literacy is based primarily on the principles of environmental education. It is a measure of environmental knowledge, attitudes, sensitivity and environmentally responsible behavior. It represents a relatively broad multidimensional construct, which can be summarized into three main dimensions (cognitive, affective and conative). This dissertation is focused on the environmental literacy of ISCED 2 pupils in the Czech Republic and selected Central European countries. The main contribution of the work lies in the construction and verification of a sophisticated authorial analytical tool for comprehensive testing of environmental literacy and its application in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Austria and Germany. The tool is based on a range of tools established and published abroad, the applicability of which in the Czech environment has been verified, namely the Middle School Environmental Literacy Survey and 2 Major Environmental Values. The research analyzed the relationship between the dimensions of environmental literacy and the identified significant determinants that can fundamentally predict the level of environmental literacy, in the...
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Environmentální gramotnost studentů Učitelství pro 1. stupeň základní školy a možnosti jejího zjišťování / Environmental literacy of pre-service teachers of primary school and possibilities of its assessmentKROUFEK, Roman January 2016 (has links)
In recent decades, the environmental literacy and its output dimension, responsible environmental behavior represents an important construct, which is studied by a number of researchers from many countries. In this dissertation, firstly we introduce environmental literacy from a theoretical point of view, then the development of approaches to this construct as well as a review of research in past decades. In our own research, we initially sought for a suitable research instrument to be used to identify and measure selected aspects of environmental literacy among pre-service primary teachers. The research tool was found in a combination of Nature relatedness scale and Environmental Behavior scale, supplemented by data collection using concept mapping with the central concept of the greenhouse effect. The variables that affect various aspects of environmental literacy were found on a sample of more than five hundred of the respondents using this tool and its modifications. Higher values were found within the respondents who were engaged in regular environmentally-themed activities, respondents from villages up to 100 inhabitants and the older respondents. The nature relatedness has moderately positive effect on the responsible environmental behavior, cognitive component of environmental literacy does not have such influence. The international comparison showed lower results from the respondents from Slovakia in comparison with students from the Czech Republic and Turkey. Nature relatedness scale proved to be useful for measuring a particular element of the affective component of environmental literacy across countries, by contrast, Environmental behavior scale reached low psychometric results on all foreign respondents.
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Spravedlivé hodnocení na 1. stupni ZŠ: případová studie / Equity in assessment from pupils'point of view: Case studySlabá, Monika January 2021 (has links)
The thesis relates to the grading system during the first five years of primary school. It concerns the various types of assessing students, especially grading, assessment for teaching and self-evaluation. It aims to find a fair way of assessing the school grading system. It also concerns the relationship between the teacher, the students and the parents. The practical part of the thesis relates to the outcome of the research of the case study. The main method were group interviews with the pupils, a semi-structured dialogue with the class teacher and a questionnaire filled in by the pupils' parents. The aim was to find out how the students, teachers and parents perceive the fairness of the grading system. The research shows that the pupils and the parents alike find the assessment for teaching and marks the fairest. The teachers found that they needed specific criteria in order to assess the students whether with a grade or by a written assessment.
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Didaktický software pro výuku chemie na úrovni ISCED 2 / Didactic software for chemistry education at the ISCED 2 levelSadykov, Timur January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The current chemistry education solves problems related primarily to the setting of the curriculum contents, which would be professionally correct, appropriately extensive, and at the same time connected with current aspects of life in modern society, and to problems of teaching strategies that would stimulate the students into an interest in science and commitment to it. The main goal of this dissertation is to create an educational website with an interactive chemistry course for lower secondary schools (ISCED 2) and verify its effectiveness in school practice. The first part of the dissertation describes methods of interactive chemistry teaching supporting the increase of the students' cognitive activity and the effectiveness of the learning process using ICT. The second part characterizes the chemistry course thus created and lists various ways to apply interactive teaching in it. Our interactive course contains a total of 14 thematic units, each with 2-6 subthemes. All themes are processed with respect to the practical application of the subject matter using the listed interactive education methods. This course was tested in 2018-2020 during chemistry lessons in Kazakhstan and Czech Republic, and the students' opinions toward interactive teaching in this study were tested using a simple...
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Zavádění formativního hodnocení na 2. stupni základní školy v přírodovědných předmětech / Embedding formative assessment in ISCED 2 in ScienceNavrátilová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with possible ways to implement formative assessment into education at the second stage of primary school at science subjects, particularly at natural history and chemistry. The assumption for successful implementation of formative assessment is healthy climate in the class and the support of mutual help between pupils meaning their awareness of synergic effects of work of the whole class such as collectiveness, full of mutual respect and awareness of the desire to achieve a common and successful goal. Related to this is the strengthening of cooperative learning, group work and also the way pupils' self-assessment to strengthen their growth thinking, create and strengthen their ability to think about their learning, thus metacognition. Formative assessment enriches not only the students but also the teacher himself. Based on the information obtained, he thinks better about his teaching. However, this presupposes the professionalism of the teacher, his openness to the feedback of the pupils. If the teacher accepts this as a chance to improve, then he is a person in the right place who has more prerequisites for serving students and their education. Demonstrations of formative assessment procedures in the practical part give a chance to a larger number of students to feel the joy of...
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Porovnání vybraných oborů vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a příroda českého kurikula RVP ZV s integrovaným předmětem Přírodní vědy v evropských kurikulech / Comparison of selected disciplines of educational area Man and Nature of the Czech curriculum with the integrated subject Natural Sciences in European curriculaBlaško, Michal January 2021 (has links)
Education policy is one of the important goals of any country, as it affects the lives and employment of its people. Compulsory education in the Czech Republic is defined by the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education (FEP BE), with science education set out in educational area called Man and Nature. Although this is divided into individual educational fields, its framework concept allows the content of the fields to be integrated according to school programme. However, science has been taught separately in most basic schools for several decades, and any integration efforts are burdened by a lack of examples of good practice. The aim of this paper is therefore to perform comparative analysis of the educational area Man and Nature of the Czech FEP BE and integrated science curricula of selected European countries at the level of lower secondary education (ISCED 2). The analysis identifies topics that are included in foreign curricula but not in Czech curriculum and can thus be an inspiration (in the sense of policy learning), what integrative topics to include in the science education at basic schools. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the integration of natural sciences, both from a historical and curriculum development perspective. Theoretical models describing different...
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Vzdělávací systém České republiky a Španělského království / Education system in the Czech republic and in Kingdom of SpainVondrouš, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to compare the educational systems of two European states with different state institutions, history and current political-historical situation. The work will be of comparative character and will be based mainly on the work with the studied literature. The work will use both Czech and Spanish literature. The main benchmarking tool will be the International Standard Classification of Education at ISCED 2011. In the practical part, this classification will be applied to both education systems, and at the end of each level of education there will be comparisons. The result will be a simultaneous evaluation and comparison of the education system of the Kingdom of Spain and the Czech Republic. KEYWORDS: ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education by UNESCO), education system, early childhood education, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary education, short cycle of tertiary education, bachelor or other equivalent, master or other equivalent).
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