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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diffusion Kinetics of Lutetium and Hafnium in Garnet and Clinopyroxene: Experimental Determination and Consequences for ¹⁷⁶LU-¹⁷⁶HF Geochronometry

Bloch, Elias Morgan January 2013 (has links)
The ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf and ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd decay systems have been extensively used as geochronological tools to determine ages from garnet (Grt) - whole rock (WR) parent-daughter isotopic ratios; however, the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf age of garnet is almost always found to be significantly older than the ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd age determined from the same aliquots. This dissertation presents new experimental diffusion data for Lu and Hf in garnet, and numerical simulations using these data, which explain these age discrepancies and also show that Grt-WR ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf isochrons do not generally yield ages which correspond to an unambiguous temporal event in the evolutionary history of the host rocks. This is a result of (a) partial or complete retention of very slow-diffusing radiogenic ¹⁷⁶HF produced during prograde heating, and (b) the lower closure temperature of Lu relative to Hf; these complexities do not affect the interpretation of Grt-WR isochrons based on the ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd system. In addition, the diffusion kinetic properties of Hf in clinopyroxene were experimentally determined in order to address the age controversy of the shergottite suite of Martian meteorites (~200 Ma ages determined by ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf, ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd, and various other decay systems as opposed to a ~4 Ga whole rock Pb-Pb age). This was achieved by calculating the timescales needed to re-equilibrate Hf isotopes in clinopyroxene (the primary host of rare earth elements amongst the minerals used to compose the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf isochrons) with the surrounding matrix at the peak- and post-shock P-T conditions likely to have been experienced by the shergottites. It is concluded that, contrary to the earlier suggestions, impact heating is highly unlikely to have significantly reset the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf ages of these Martian samples. These calculations are bolstered by the nature of measured Cr and Fe-Mg concentration profiles across olivine-melt boundaries, and Ti profiles across clinopyroxene-maskelynite interfaces in the shergottite RBT-04262. The lack of any evidence of diffusion in the measured concentration profiles, coupled with the qualitative incompatibility of the measured crystal-melt fractionation at these interfaces with the nature of fractionation expected from equilibrium partitioning, provides strong evidence that no substantial chemical exchange took place between the solid and melt phases during peak-shock P-T conditions.

Geocronologia da região de Gondola-Nhamatanda (Centro de Moçambique)

Manjate, Vicente Albino 17 January 2012 (has links)
A região de Gondola-Nhamatanda localiza-se na parte limítrofe entre as províncias de Manica e Sofala, centro de Moçambique. Ela está geologicamente inserida no complexo de Bárue (Grupo de Chimoio) e na cobertura fanerozoica. O Complexo de Bárue é composto pelos Grupos supracrustais de Macossa e Chimoio intrudidos por rochas plutônicas de várias composições. Enquanto que a cobertura fanerozoica consiste de sedimentos terrestres e rochas vulcânicas associadas pertencentes ao Supergrupo do Karoo e à sequências do rifte Este Africano. A área de trabalho foi estudada em termos de petrografia; geoquímica de elementos maiores, traço e de terras raras; geocronologia e geologia isotópica pelos métdos U -Pb em zircão, Rb-Sr e Sm-Nd em rocha total e Rb-Sr em minerais para o granito de Inchope, quartzo-sienito do monte Chissui e fonolito do monte Xiluvo. Este estudo permitíu determinar os litotipos que intrudiram o grupo supracrustal de Chimoio , suas idades de cristalização e de diferenciação dos magmas que formaram seus protólitos e ainda o enquadramento tectônico. As rochas estudadas são basicamente calci -alcalinas com variações de meta à peraluminoso para os granitoides e quartzo-sienito e peralcalino para o fonolito do monte Xiluvo. Os granitoides do grupo de Chimoio foram cristalizados no Mesoproterozoico (idades U-Pb e Rb-Sr) a partir de protólitos Paleoproterozoicos (\'T IND.DM\' = 1,7 - 2,3 Ga); por sua vez, as rochas vulcânicas (fonolitos) do monte Xiluvo cristalizaram rápidamente no Câmbrico (idade Rb-Sr) dum protólito do Neoproterozoico-Câmbrico (\'T IND.DM\' = 0,54 - 0,56 Ga). Os dados isotópicos obtidos no presente estudo sugerem que as rochas do cinturão de Moçambique foram geradas por fusão parcial que provavelmente envolveu mistura ( valores negativos de ?Nd ) da crosta arqueana / paleoproterozoica e magma mesoproterozoico a 1100 Ma e sofreram retrabalhamento marcado pela aglutinação do Gondwana (orogenia Pan-Africana) e tafrogênese marcada pela fraturação do Gondwana (Rifte Este Africano ). / The region of Gondola-Nhamatanda is located at the border between the provinces of Manica and Sofala, central part of Moçambique. It is geologically inserted in the Bárue complex and the Phanerozoic cover. The Bárue complex is composed of the Macossa and Chimoio supracrustal groups intruded by plutonic rocks of various compositions, whereas the Phanerozoic cover consists of terrestrial sediments and volcanic rocks belonging to the Karoo Super-group and East African Rift Sequences. The work area was studied in terms of petrography; geochemistry of major elements, trace and rare earth elements; geochronology and isotope geology by the methods U -Pb in zircon, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd in whole rock and Rb-Sr in minerals for the Inchope granite, Chissui mountain Quartzo-sienito and Xiluvo mountain phonolite. This study allowed to determine the lithotypes that intruded the Chimoio supracrustal group, its crystallization ages and the differentiation ages of the magmas that formed the protoliths and the tectonic framework. The studied rocks are basically calc-alkaline varying from meta to peraluminous for the granitoids and quartz-sienite and peralkaline for the mount Xiluvo phonolite. The Chimoio Group granitoids had been crystallized in the Mesoproterozoic (U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages) from Paleoproterozoic protoliths (\'T IND.DM\' = 1.7 - 2.4Ga); on the other hand, the volcanic rocks (phonolites) of the Xiluvo mount had crystallized fast in the Cambrian (Rb-Sr age) from a Neoproterozoic-Cambrian protolith (\'T IND.DM\' = 0.54 - 0.56Ga). The isotopic data, in the present study , suggest that the rocks of the Mozambique belt had been generated by partial melting that probably involved the mixture of the archean/paleoproterozoic crust and the Mesoproterozoic magma at 1100Ma and had suffered reworking marked by the Gondwana amalgamation (Pan-African orogeny) and extensional processes marked by the Gondwana break up (East African Rift).

Geocronologia da região de Gondola-Nhamatanda (Centro de Moçambique)

Vicente Albino Manjate 17 January 2012 (has links)
A região de Gondola-Nhamatanda localiza-se na parte limítrofe entre as províncias de Manica e Sofala, centro de Moçambique. Ela está geologicamente inserida no complexo de Bárue (Grupo de Chimoio) e na cobertura fanerozoica. O Complexo de Bárue é composto pelos Grupos supracrustais de Macossa e Chimoio intrudidos por rochas plutônicas de várias composições. Enquanto que a cobertura fanerozoica consiste de sedimentos terrestres e rochas vulcânicas associadas pertencentes ao Supergrupo do Karoo e à sequências do rifte Este Africano. A área de trabalho foi estudada em termos de petrografia; geoquímica de elementos maiores, traço e de terras raras; geocronologia e geologia isotópica pelos métdos U -Pb em zircão, Rb-Sr e Sm-Nd em rocha total e Rb-Sr em minerais para o granito de Inchope, quartzo-sienito do monte Chissui e fonolito do monte Xiluvo. Este estudo permitíu determinar os litotipos que intrudiram o grupo supracrustal de Chimoio , suas idades de cristalização e de diferenciação dos magmas que formaram seus protólitos e ainda o enquadramento tectônico. As rochas estudadas são basicamente calci -alcalinas com variações de meta à peraluminoso para os granitoides e quartzo-sienito e peralcalino para o fonolito do monte Xiluvo. Os granitoides do grupo de Chimoio foram cristalizados no Mesoproterozoico (idades U-Pb e Rb-Sr) a partir de protólitos Paleoproterozoicos (\'T IND.DM\' = 1,7 - 2,3 Ga); por sua vez, as rochas vulcânicas (fonolitos) do monte Xiluvo cristalizaram rápidamente no Câmbrico (idade Rb-Sr) dum protólito do Neoproterozoico-Câmbrico (\'T IND.DM\' = 0,54 - 0,56 Ga). Os dados isotópicos obtidos no presente estudo sugerem que as rochas do cinturão de Moçambique foram geradas por fusão parcial que provavelmente envolveu mistura ( valores negativos de ?Nd ) da crosta arqueana / paleoproterozoica e magma mesoproterozoico a 1100 Ma e sofreram retrabalhamento marcado pela aglutinação do Gondwana (orogenia Pan-Africana) e tafrogênese marcada pela fraturação do Gondwana (Rifte Este Africano ). / The region of Gondola-Nhamatanda is located at the border between the provinces of Manica and Sofala, central part of Moçambique. It is geologically inserted in the Bárue complex and the Phanerozoic cover. The Bárue complex is composed of the Macossa and Chimoio supracrustal groups intruded by plutonic rocks of various compositions, whereas the Phanerozoic cover consists of terrestrial sediments and volcanic rocks belonging to the Karoo Super-group and East African Rift Sequences. The work area was studied in terms of petrography; geochemistry of major elements, trace and rare earth elements; geochronology and isotope geology by the methods U -Pb in zircon, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd in whole rock and Rb-Sr in minerals for the Inchope granite, Chissui mountain Quartzo-sienito and Xiluvo mountain phonolite. This study allowed to determine the lithotypes that intruded the Chimoio supracrustal group, its crystallization ages and the differentiation ages of the magmas that formed the protoliths and the tectonic framework. The studied rocks are basically calc-alkaline varying from meta to peraluminous for the granitoids and quartz-sienite and peralkaline for the mount Xiluvo phonolite. The Chimoio Group granitoids had been crystallized in the Mesoproterozoic (U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages) from Paleoproterozoic protoliths (\'T IND.DM\' = 1.7 - 2.4Ga); on the other hand, the volcanic rocks (phonolites) of the Xiluvo mount had crystallized fast in the Cambrian (Rb-Sr age) from a Neoproterozoic-Cambrian protolith (\'T IND.DM\' = 0.54 - 0.56Ga). The isotopic data, in the present study , suggest that the rocks of the Mozambique belt had been generated by partial melting that probably involved the mixture of the archean/paleoproterozoic crust and the Mesoproterozoic magma at 1100Ma and had suffered reworking marked by the Gondwana amalgamation (Pan-African orogeny) and extensional processes marked by the Gondwana break up (East African Rift).

Dating the Cenozoic incision history of the Tennessee and Shenandoah Rivers with cosmogenic nuclides and 40Ar/39Ar in manganese oxides

William E Odom III (9673769) 15 December 2020 (has links)
The post-orogenic history of the Appalachian Mountains, particularly the persistence of rough topography and the degree of river incision throughout the region, has been a longstanding focus of geomorphology studies. Numerous models have been developed to explain the evolution of this landscape, variously invoking episodic or continuous processes of uplift and erosion to drive the generation or reduction of topographic relief. Recently, late Cenozoic uplift has found favor as a mechanism for rejuvenating the topography of the southern and central Appalachians. This hypothesis has drawn on longitudinal river profiles, seismic tomography, and offshore sediment records as evidence of Neogene uplift.<div><br></div><div>Radiometric dating of surficial deposits provides a means to directly test models of episodic and continuous landscape evolution, as well as the Neogene uplift hypothesis. The research described in this thesis dates surficial sediments (river terraces, alluvial fans, and a filled sinkhole) and supergene manganese oxides using 26Al/10Be burial dating and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, respectively. Our cosmogenic 26Al/10Be dating provides detailed histories of aggradation and incision along the Shenandoah and Tennessee Rivers since the early Pliocene. 40Ar/39Ar dating of manganese oxides permits estimates of surface preservation and denudation in the Shenandoah Valley and nearby watersheds throughout the Cenozoic.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The results of our work in the Shenandoah Valley, Tennessee River basin, and intervening areas indicate that the Appalachians experienced no significant pulse of uplift during the Cenozoic. Long-term preservation of supergene manganese oxides dates as far back as the Eocene, demonstrating minimal denudation and discontinuous formation that lend evidence to episodic landscape evolution models. Cosmogenic26Al/10Be burial ages along the Shenandoah and Tennessee Rivers reveal Pliocene aggradation, with enhanced deposition in the Shenandoah Valley during the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period. Both rivers likely experienced incision during the Pleistocene, likely due to climatic fluctuations. These results demonstrate that while the Appalachian landscape has remained largely unchanged for tens of millions of years, rapid Pleistocene changes in base level recently triggered significant incision of major drainages.<br></div>

Seismic and Well Log Attribute Analysis of the Jurassic Entrada/Curtis Interval Within the North Hill Creek 3D Seismic Survey, Uinta Basin, Utah, A Case History

ONeal, Ryan J. 18 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
3D seismic attribute analysis of the Jurassic Entrada/Curtis interval within the North Hill Creek (NHC) survey has been useful in delineating reservoir quality eolian-influenced dune complexes. Amplitude, average reflection strength and spectral decomposition appear to be most useful in locating reservoir quality dune complexes, outlining their geometry and possibly displaying lateral changes in thickness. Cross sectional views displaying toplap features likely indicate an unconformity between Entrada clinoforms below and Curtis planar beds above. This relationship may aid the explorationist in discovering this important seismic interval. Seismic and well log attribute values were cross plotted and have revealed associations between these data. Cross plots are accompanied by regression lines and R2 values which support our interpretations. Although reservoir quality dune complexes may be delineated, the Entrada/Curtis play appears to be mainly structural. The best producing wells in the survey are associated with structural or stratigraphic relief and the thickest Entrada/Curtis intervals. Structural and stratigraphic traps are not always associated with laterally extensive dune complexes. Time structure maps as well as isochron maps have proven useful in delineating the thickest and/or gas prone portions of the Entrada/Curtis interval as well as areas with structural and stratigraphic relief. We have observed that the zones of best production are associated with low gamma ray (40-60 API) values. These low values are associated with zones of high amplitude. Thus, max peak amplitude as a seismic attribute may delineate areas of higher sand content (i.e. dune complexes) whereas zones of low amplitude may represent areas of lower sand content (i.e. muddier interdune or tidal flat facies). Lack of significant average porosity does not seem to be related to a lack of production. In fact, the best producing wells have been drilled in Entrada/Curtis intervals where average porosity is near 4 %. There are however zones within the upper portion of the Entrada/Curtis that are 40 ft. (12.2 m) thick and have porosities between 14% and 20%. By combining derived attribute maps with observed cross plot relationships, it appears that the best producing intervals within the Entrada/Curtis are those associated with high amplitudes, API values from 40-60 and structural relief.

A Corpus Study on Rhythmic Modes in Turkish Makam Music and Their Interaction with Meter

Holzapfel, Andre 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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