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Vývoj nového samonosného zateplovacího systému s ohledem na dynamické namáhání / Development of a new self-supporting insulation system with respect to dynamic stressMachala, David January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with suggestion of self-supporting insulating system that can be used for objects which insulating is more or less complicated. In this thesis are theoretically processed information about insulation systems while focus is on their structure, composition and principle of operation. Further, there is theoretically designed self-supporting insulating system which is practically built after theoretically composed testing for finding its basic properties. The most appropriate process of realization is formulated at the end after evaluation of the individual tests.
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Vývoj pokročilých tepelně izolačních omítek s možností uplatnění jako sanační omítky dle WTA / Development of advanced thermal insulating plasters with utilization as sanitation plasters according to WTA standardVaněk, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the issue thermal insulation plasters which can be applied in the remediation of buildings. The practical part deals with optimizing the composition of thermal insulation plaster-based lightweight aggregate of the foam glass and with possible substitution of cement for other binders with latent hydraulic properties. The resultant plaster should meet the best ratio of mechanical and thermal insulating properties.
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Příprava a organizace výstavby souboru bytových domů ve Štětí / Project planning and management of construction residential houses in the file ŠtětíSládek, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the preparation and organization of construction of residential buildings in Štětí. In the technological regulations deal with all the layers of flooring from the ceiling construction in residential buildings. The objects are hard floors. For floor coverings will be used PVC roofing, ceramic tiles and concrete coating. It will be used for machining of concrete. Next, I will discuss technological instruction, timing, valuation of all technological stages, construction site equipment, health and safety at work. Also here describe the proper allocation of construction processes into sub-processes to technological stage of completion of work most effectively achieve the objective.
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Vojenské muzeum v Králíkách - stavebně technologický projekt / Military museum Kraliky - planning of implementation and management of constructionKucsera, Adam January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at the Military Museum in Kraliky. This construction made on the basis of the initial design of the designer. For this reason, it was necessary to deal with during the processing work some technical problems, transport of materials to the construction site or purely site layout itself. The whole area of the museum consists of several buildings. The largest and main building of the exposition hall with steel supporting structures, then there is the Administration building, which in turn is a brick workshop that has as Exp hall steel structure. There is also a replica of the First Republic Military cottage, which has a wooden frame and demonstration area, where there will be live demonstrations of military equipment.
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Částečné výboje v elektronických zařízeních pracujících na vyšších kmitočtech / Partial Discharge in High Frequency Electronic EquipmentHavlíček, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The presented thesis is focused on knowledge extension in the area of partial discharge measurements and evaluation at frequencies higher than 1 kHz. The thesis includes the design and set up of the measuring workplace equipped for measuring partial discharges, including the methodology of the measuring and calibration procedures necessary for the achievement of reproducible results. Another part of the thesis deals with the technology of acoustical and electromagnetic sensors convenient for the diagnostics and localization of partial discharges in devices, that work at voltages above 500 V. Electrical circuits that enable data evaluation by using the signal from a sensor working on amplitude analysis principle were developed. For PD detection a PC controlled measuring device working on amplitude analysis principle had to be designed and realized. The possibilities of the workplace have been demonstrated in the process of development of the insulating systems for pulse transformers. Thesis results can significantly contribute to a higher quality of newly designed electronic devices and systems working at voltages above 500 V.
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Příspěvek k realizaci nákladově a energeticky úsporných rodinných domů / Contribution to the construction of cost and energy efficient family housesČech, Josef Unknown Date (has links)
Dissertation focuses on the verification of construction family houses made of concrete shell block with internal thermal insulation system. The construction technology is transferred to the Czech Republic from France. The work focuses on building envelope. The suitability of implementation is assessed on the basis of verification selected thermal technical requirements placed on building envelope. Requirements are specified by legislation in force in the ČR. The verification was performed by using software simulations and measurements on realized buildings. Critical areas of construction technology were identified on the basis software simulations and measurements on site. It was suggested solution, in which critical areas comply the thermal technical requirements. The building envelope was checked also using the thermography imaging on site. Continuous measurement of interior temperature was used to evaluate thermal comfort in the room. In the completed buildings was tested airtightness of the building envelope, which revealed other critical areas of the building envelope. Critical areas are necessary to solve with sufficient care. The economic cost of implementing each variants of exterior walls made of concrete shell block with internal thermal insulation were compared with the economic costs of implementing external walls made of burnt clay hollow blocks and made of burnt clay hollow blocks with external thermal insulation system ETICS. Subsequently, the economic return was calculated for individual variants of external walls made of concrete shell blocks with internal thermal insulation. From the environmental viewpoint was made comparison of production greenhouse gas CO2 and SO2 (cause acid rains) during the life cycle of the individual variations of exterior walls made of concrete shell blocks with system of internal thermal insulation, exterior walls made of burnt clay hollow blocks and burnt clay hollow blocks with external thermal insulation syst
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Modelování a simulace projektů zlepšujících tepelně-technické vlastnosti budov / Modelling and Simulation of Projects Improving the Thermal Properties of BuildingsVýskala, Miloslav Unknown Date (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the modelling of projects improving the thermal technical characteristics of buildings. The solution of this problem seems to be finding at least one cost-effective option. The basic method of evaluation of cost-effectiveness is represented by the compilation of all corresponding cash flows and their rendering in time through discounting. The aim of the docáral thesis is the processing and modeling of individual investment options related with improve the thermal-technical properties of buildings and finding a cost-optimal variants, ideally. One of the expected outputs is to develop a comprehensive methodology (modeling and simulation task) useful for defining all potential investment projects improving variant thermal-technical properties of the object.
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Analýza koaxiálních a jednovodičových nehomogenních struktur v časové oblasti / The Analysis of Coaxial and One-wire Non-homogeneous Structures in Time DomainŠtverka, Dalibor January 2009 (has links)
The work considers pulse wire-guided electromagnetic (EM) waves. The main contribution of the work is the original design of the isolation bushing for maximizing of the received wave (echo) thanks to the results of the numerical simulations, the acquirement of the new acknowledges of the reflections of the guided EM wave from the various boundaries, the construction of PML layers for FDTD simulations in rotational coordinates, the advances made in temporary excitation sources for FDTD and the formulation of the program code for FDTD in rotational coordinates in Matlab environment. The rightness of the numerical simulations was verified in practical experiments. The practical exploitation of the results is supposed in instrumentation and control technology - the level measurement in reservoirs.
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Horský hotel / Mountain hotelVandrovec, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
Master’s thesis theme is mountain hotel project. The hotel has one lower basement and four aboveground floor. It has trditional look and the roof is double-pitched. Floor projection looks like letter "L". Main part has measurements 25,3 x 14,1 m and it has four floor. Extension is on northwest side of main part. It has measuremnts 11,85 x 9,5 m and three floor. Facede of basement and first floor is from stone facing mansory. Facade od second floor of main patr of buildings id timbered looks like curb. Third and fourth floor are attic, gable is vertical timbered. Facade of second floor of extension is plaster on ETICS. The gable od extension is vertical timbered. Roof covering is alpen shingle from larch wood. Foundations of house are shallow. The construction system is walled. The lower basement is built from masonry BS Klatovy BD30 and other wall are from masonry Porotherm . Floor structures are from monolithic reinforced concrete, thickness 220 mm. House stairs are prefabricated double-flight. Partition wall are mostly built from mansory Porotherm 11,5 P+D. Lintols above windows and doors in facadeare made by reverse of floor slab and inside of disposition are made by ceramics lintols Porotherm. Floor structures are floating with impact insulation in whole house. In living rooms wear layers are from oak parquet block and in common rooms, toilets, bathrooms and technical rooms is ceramics paving. Wall’s surfaces are made from patent plaster and in lower basement are made from two-coat work with white coat. Toilets and bathrooms are tilled with ceramic tiles. All distributions of building equipment are covered with gypsum plasterboard ceiling. All windows and doors in facade are made by wooden profile Solid comfort SC78 and glazed by triple glazing unit (Uw,max=0,9 W/m2.K), exception is main entrance door, It is made by aluminum profile and it is automatically opened.
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Studium možnosti optimalizace vlastností alternativních tepelně izolačních materiálů na bázi přírodních vláken / Study of possibilities of optimalization of properties of alternative thermal insulating materials on natural baseBřicháček, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The presented work investigates the mechanisms of propagation of heat and moisture in the structure of heat-insulating materials based on natural fibers. The main aim of this work is the experimental verification of theoretical patterns, which are involved in the transport of heat and moisture in fibrous materials, especially the influence of fibers thickness and density of the fibrous materials. To widen outputs of the work were selected different kinds of natural fiber materials of vegetable and animal origin. The results of the work should help to optimize the production processes of natural insulation materials considering their optimal thermal properties. From the data collected are deduced general conclusions to better understanding the behavior of these materials.
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