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Rekonstrukce paleoenviromentálních změn v pozdním pleistocénu pomocí multiproxy záznamu ze sprašové série Bůhzdař / Multiproxy evidence of Late Pleistocene environmental changes in the loess/paleosol sequence of BůhzdařFlašarová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Loess-paleosol sequences preserve information that can be used to reconstruct paleoenvironement, specifically the climatic conditions and the vegetation present at the time of their formation. A dense network of reliably analyzed sequences from different geographic locations is crucial for representation of ecological and climatic trends during the Pleistocene (Frechen, 2011). The aim of this thesis is to fill the gap in the geographical distribution of well described loess-paleosol sequences in Central Europe. Therefore, it focuses on a loess- paleosol sequence in Bůhzdař, situated 9 km NW of Prague, Czech Republic. This profile was last studied in 1952 by naturalist Vojen Ložek. This thesis uses a number of analyses in order to get a multi-proxy record of local paleoenvironmental changes archived in a sequence of alternating loess sediments and paleosols in Bůhzdař. Geochemical approaches are combined with grain size distribution to define climatic conditions at the time of formation of the strata. Key words: loess/paleosol sequences, Bůhzdař, Czech Republic, particle size distribution, total organic carbon, XRF, XRD, stable isotopes 13 C and 18 O
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Jak se hydrologicky podílí mlha na atmosférické depozici? Využití stabilních izotopů. / What is the water contribution of fog to atmospheric deposition? Use of stable isotopes.Hanusková, Darina January 2018 (has links)
The objective of the Master thesis is to estimate the fog contribution on atmospheric deposition with the usage of stable isotopes. The crucial part of the thesis was to perform (first of its kind in the Czech Republic) the relative isotope composition 18 O a 2 H of fog. In the same time, the composition of rain and throughfall was performed. The collection of each type of precipitation took place in five sampling points of Academy of Science within three mountain regions including Krkonoše, Šumava and Jizerské Hory during October and November 2017. The sampling took 14 days in total and it was performed by using TC/EA ThermoBremen and mass spectrometer Delta ThermoBremen at South Bohemian University in České Budějovice. The results confirmed that fog is isotopically heavier in comparison to regular rain. As for the relative isotope composition 18 O and 2 H of each areas, no significant difference was observed. Results of the fog participation on atmospheric deposition in Krkonoše and Šumava can be seen after drafting a simple linear mixing model. The fog contribution on atmospheric deposition in Šumava for 18 O is 4,7 % and for 2 H is 6,4 18 O. For one area in Krkonoše, the average participation for 18 O is 3,6 %. Key words: stable isotopes, oxygen, hydrogen, fog
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Metodologie přípravy vzorků pro měření izotopických poměrů stříbra v archeologických vzorcích / Silver separation technique for isotopic measurement in archaeological samplesVenhauerová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Silver isotopes nowadays present a very fast evolving system. One of the field in which this isotopic system is used is archaeology where the silver isotopes are used as a tracer of monetary and power changes between geographical regions. Through statistical analysis of measured data and their comparison with so far published values can be estimated probability of common source area of metal used for coinage. On Celtic coin samples (180-70 BC) provided by the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague (A. Danielisová) the isotopic composition of silver was measured. Silver was separated from the matrix elements by a method which uses ascorbic acid to precipitate silver. However, the weights of samples commonly used for this method are generally distinctly higher than the amounts of the obtained fragments of Celtic coins. Regarding the differences in the method and low weights of fragments, tests with variable concentrations of ascorbic acid and amounts of silver were performed. The amounts of silver used for this method are commonly ~30x-70x higher. The results showed that this method effectively separates silver from matrix elements and is sufficient for higher concentrations of silver; with lower ones the yields are reduced. The separated silver was measured using MC-ICP-MS. The adjusted...
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Izotopová alterace karbonátové složky křídových sedimentů z xenolitů a z okolí vybraných těles neovulkanitů Jičínského vulkanického pole / Isotope alteration of carbonate component of Cretaceous sediments from xenolites and vicinity of selected neovolcanic bodies of the Jičín volcanic fieldKonečný, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the study of stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon of Cretaceous rocks from the Jičín volcanic field. The aim of the thesis is to identify isotope alterations in Cretaceous sediments transported by basic magmas in the form of xenoliths and to determine the origin of oxygen and carbon of hydrothermal vein carbonates that penetrate the bodies of neovolcanites. The study is divided into two parts. The theoretical part summarizes in general the stratigraphy of the Czech Cretaceous Basin and Cenozoic volcanism of the Bohemian Massif, geochemistry of stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon and geology of studied localities in the Jičín volcanic field. The practical part presents a detailed isotope study of Hřídelec, Kulatý vrch, Zebín, Veliš and Kunětická hora localities. Cretaceous rocks from xenoliths in these neovolcanites show extreme variability in the isotopic composition of both carbon (from 0,15 to -11,1 ‰ V-PDB) and oxygen (from -5,4 to -22,9 ‰ V-PDB). They significantly exceed the variability of the isotopic composition of diagenetically altered Cretaceous rocks from the same area. The wide range of oxygen isotope composition is the result mainly of fluid temperature variability (approx. 300 - 20 řC), which isotopically altered Cretaceous sediments. Carbon isotope...
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Rašeniliště jako biogeochemický archiv: Změny v klimatickém a environmentálním záznamu / Freshwater wetlands as a biogeochemical archive: Temporal changes in climate and environmental recordsZemanová, Leona January 2012 (has links)
Worldwide, peatlands cover an area of 4.106 km2 . Plant primary production dominated over organic matter decomposition and enabled organic matter to accumulate during the last 11 000 years. Peatlands represent a reservoir of atmospheric carbon and they are a useful scientific tool for reconstructions of historical atmospheric pollution. The first part of the thesis focuses on peatlands as a dynamic carbon reservoir under predicted climate change that would influence carbon cycling and emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Three methodological approaches were used - a mesocosm laboratory incubation, a transplant experiment and in situ gas flux measurements. The laboratory incubation studied the response of peat samples from temperate (Velké Dářko, Czech Republic) and boreal (Stor Åmyran, Sweden) zone to a temperature increase, water table decrease and their combination. Today, the warmer site exhibits ~14 times higher CH4 production potential than the colder site (28 mg m-2 hr-1 at VD, and 2 mg m-2 hr-1 at SA). Both sites respond differently to temperature increases. Changes in methane production were up to 9 fold due to different temperatures. A gradual decrease of water table level from 2 to 14 cm below the peat surface had a much stronger effect, VD exhibited a decrease in methane...
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Regulation of stomatal development by environmental conditions and physiological processes in the leafVRÁBLOVÁ, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Stomatal development and its regulation by environmental conditions (light, CO2 concentration) and physiological processes in the leaf of higher plants were investigated. The study was based on the assumptions that stomatal development should be regulated by signals coming from both external environment and leaf interior, and that the signal should be transduced from cotyledons to leaves. Transgenerational effect in stomatal development was also studied. Molecular and physiological approaches were applied to reveal the relationship between leaf environment, stomatal development, stomatal function and leaf physiology.
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Distribuce vybraných prvků v půdách městských parků Prahy a Brna / Distribution of selected elements in soils of urban parks in Prague and BrnoŠimeček, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Prague and Brno belong to one of the most contaminated cities of Czech Republic. The main objective of this study was to compare PGE contents and concentrations of risk elements (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, As, Sb, Hg) in the soils of both cities's municipal parks. Soil samples were taken from depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm. Besides soil samples, the sand samples from children sandpits were taken from depth 0-30 cm. In 52 samples of soil and sand Pd, Pt and Rh contents were determinated by ICP- MS after Ni-S fire assay procedure. Soil samples were additionally analysed on Pb isotopic composition. Higher PGE contents were determined in Prague; the highest contents were measured at location of Ortenovo náměstí (50,5 μg·kg-1 Pt, 33,9 μg·kg-1 Pd a 11,3 μg·kg-1 Rh). Elevated PGE concentrations were found in the upper layers of most soils in both cities. Elevated contents of risk elements were determined at locations with high traffic density. Most of samples showed that contents of risk elements decrease with depth. The highest concentrations reached Zn (394 mg·kg-1 ), Pb (290 mg·kg-1 ) and Cu (181 mg·kg-1 ). In Prague, the isotopic ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb vary from 1,136 to 1,181; in Brno from 1,161 to 1,192. Measured isotopic ratios suggest contamination both from gasoline and ore combustion. Key words:...
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Výživa a sociální rozdíly v raném středověku Francie: analýza stabilních izotopů lehkých prvků dospělých jedinců merovejského pohřebiště Le-Norroy-le-Veneur (Francie, 5.až 8. století n.l.) / Diet and social stratification in Early Medieval France: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of adult population from Merovingian burial site of Le-Norroy-le-Veneur (France, 5th-8th century)Vytlačil, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work was to characterize the diet of a Merovingian population sample and examine if apparent differences in grave good assemblages of Merovingian burials and transfromation of this funerary rite during 6th and 7th centuries were reflected in diet. Dietary composition was assessed using a carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of 74 bone collagen samples from adults buried at an early medieval cemetery of le-Norroy-le-Veneur, France. Results showed diet based primarily on C3 plants, supplemented with animal protein in a range similar to other contemporary sites. No significant contribution of C4 plants (e.g. millet) or marine-derived protein has been detected and neither has δ15 N dependency on status, sex or datation been found. However, persons with rich grave good assemblages had significantly higher δ13 C than low-ranking individuals. Also, during the time of use of the cemetery there has been a population-wide decrease of 0,33 ‰ in mean value of δ13 C, independent of social status or sex. Results indicate that dietary differentiation steaming from social stratification was only in its early phase of formation, slowly following a progressive rise in power of the Merovingian nobility, and the general subsistence was affected by another independent change in society, most...
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Separace a prvkové složení želvušek a vířníků v kryokonitu na Svalbardu / Separation and Elemental Composition of Tardigrades and Rotifers from Cryoconite in SvalbardJaroměřská, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
For years considered pristine, glacial ecosystems are attracting more attention of biologists from various branches in last decades. Moreover, they are currently considered to be ecosystems forming the coldest biome on the Earth. The life on glaciers ranges from viruses and bacteria to highest consumers such as few groups of microinvertebrates. The most common are tardigrades (phylum Tardigrada) and rotifers (phylum Rotifera) which inhabit cryoconite holes on the glacial surface. Several studies highlight the importance of the role of these consumers. However, due to the dominance of prokaryotes on the glacial surface, these microinvertebrates are usually out of the major scope of most studies aiming at biological processes. The present study shows pioneering results on the isotopic composition of tardigrades and rotifers, which are the top consumers in cryoconite ecosystems, and is a foundation for the exploration of trophic pathways and interactions within cryoconite holes using elemental and stable isotopic analyses. It also presents information about the species composition of tardigrades and rotifers on different glaciers and in different parts of the ablation zone. We identified 5 species of tardigrades (Hypsibius sp., Hypsibius cf. dujardini, Pilatobius sp., Isohypsibius sp. and Cryoconicus...
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Archeozoologická analýza unětické kultury: aplikace alternativních technik / Archeozoology of the Unetice culture in the light of divergent approachesTrojánková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
This work summarizes results of a comprehensive analyses of the archaeozoological material on the settlement in Vlíněves dating to the Unetice culture (the early Bronze Age, Central Bohemia). The total of 5325 bones and teeth has been analysed within this analysis, 903 of them was determined and used for further analyses. The taxonomic structure of the material with a clear prevalence of domestic mammals was assessed, the proportion of other groups was low (7 species of wild animals). The application of stable isotopes and dental microwear analyses of faunal assemblage, first used in Bohemia in the context of the Bronze Age period, has specified the nature of a dietary base livestock as grassland habitats, and has ruled out a significant ratio of C4 plants and an application of forest pasture. The combined use of domestic animals with an increase emphasis on so-called secondary products (milk and wool) prove a bimodality in kill-off patterns of sheep and goats, height at withers of sheep, which corresponds to the breeds of sheep extended during the bronze age period and to the high mortality profile of cattle. The proposed results of our work are important in this context because they suggest these facts for the early Bronze Age already. In accordance with circumstances at other sits of Unetice...
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